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Programming/Changing Transfer Boxes

This section describes how to set up a Transfer Box.

This function turns the machine into a fax relay station. Documents sent with a SUB Code that matches the SUB Code programmed as a Transfer Box are received, and then relayed to a programmed receiver.

Since documents can be sent to multiple destinations in a single transfer request, you can economize on call charges when sending to distant destinations.

Illustration of Transfer Boxes

Inform the Requesting Party of the SUB Code assigned to the Transfer Box. When they want to have a document transferred by your machine, ask them to send the document using SUB Code Transmission and specify this SUB Code. If a password has also been programmed, inform them of this too, and ask them to enter it as the SID code.

You can store the following items:

  1. Press [Facsimile Features].

  2. Press [General Settings].

  3. Press [Box Setting].

  4. Check that [Program / Change] is selected.

  5. Select the box to program.

    When programming a new box, press [Not Programmed].

    Operation panel screen illustration

    To change a box already programmed, press it, and then proceed to step 8.

  6. Press [Transfer Box].

  7. Enter a Box name, and then press [OK].

  8. Enter a SUB Code.

    Operation panel screen illustration

    To change the SUB Code, press [Clear] or the [Clear/Stop] key, and then try again. To change Box name, press [Box Name], and then repeat from step 7.

  9. To Program End Receivers, select a Receiving Station.

    You can store five Receiving Station.

  10. Specify End Receivers with Destination keys, and then press [OK].

    Operation panel screen illustration

    Press the key on the left of the display to switch the destination between fax number, e-mail address, Internet Fax destination, and folder destination.

    IP-Fax destination appears in the fax destination list.

    A reception station can also be registered as a group destination. In such a case, a maximum of 498 parties including End Receivers 1-5 can be specified in a group.

  11. To program a password, press [Password].

    If you do not want to program a password, proceed to step 14.

  12. Enter a password, and then press [OK].

    If you make a mistake, press [Clear] or the [Clear/Stop] key before pressing [OK], and then try again.

  13. Re-enter the password, and then press [OK].

    If you make a mistake, press [Clear] or the [Clear/Stop] key before pressing [OK], and then try again.

    To change the password after pressing [OK], press [Password] and repeat step 12 and 13, or press [Cancel] and repeat from step 11.

  14. Press [Security].

    If not specifying the security function, proceed to step 17.

    Security is set to use S/MIME authentication. For details about the security settings, consult your administrator.

  15. Select the security functions.

    Operation panel screen illustration

    To specify encryption for documents for transfer to receiving station, press [Encryption]. To use the encryption function, the address must be stored in the Address Book and have the encryption option enabled. For details about Encryption, consult your administrator.

    To attach a signature to documents for documents for transfer to receiving station, press [Signature]. For details about Signature, consult your administrator.

  16. Press [OK].

  17. Press [OK].

  18. Press [Exit].

  19. Press the [User Tools/Counter] key.

