Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco ONS Products Cisco Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco ONS Products



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CHAPTER 15-1 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 15 Turn Up a Network This chapter explains how to turn up and test a Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) network. For DWDM topology reference information and span loss tables, see Chapter 13, “Network Reference.” There are two main DWDM network types: metro core, where the channel power is equalized and dispersion compensation is applied, and metro access, where the channels are not equalized and dispersion compensation is not applied. The DWDM network topologies supported are hubbed rings, multihubbed rings, meshed rings, linear configurations, and single-span links. The DWDM node types supported are hub, terminal, optical add/drop multiplexing (OADM), reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexing (ROADM), anti-amplified spontaneous emissions (anti-ASE), and line amplifier. For DWDM and hybrid node turn-up procedures, see Chapter 14, “Turn Up a Node.” Note The procedures and tasks described in this chapter for the Cisco ONS 15454 platform is applicable to the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms, unless noted otherwise. Note Unless otherwise specified, “ONS 15454” refers to both ANSI and ETSI shelf assemblies. Note In this chapter, “RAMAN-CTP” refers to the 15454-M-RAMAN-CTP card and “RAMAN-COP” refers to the 15454-M-RAMAN-COP card. Before You Begin This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs). 1. NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up, page 15-2—Complete this procedure before beginning network turn-up. 2. NTP-G52 Verify Node-to-Node Connections, page 15-3—Complete this procedure next. 3. NTP-G201 Configure the Raman Pump on an MSTP Link, page 15-4—Complete this procedure to set the Raman total power and Raman ratio. 4. NTP-G53 Set Up Timing, page 15-27—Complete this procedure next. 5. NTP-G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network, page 15-33—Complete this procedure next. 6. NTP-G56 Verify the OSNR, page 15-37—Complete as needed.15-2 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin 7. NTP-G142 Perform a Protection Switch Test, page 15-38—Complete as needed. 8. NTP-G164 Configure Link Management Protocol, page 15-40—Complete as needed. 9. NTP-G233 Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node, page 15-47—Complete as needed. 10. NTP-G303 Configure Virtual links on the Cisco 7600 and Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node, page 15-66—Complete as needed. 11. NTP-G57 Create a Logical Network Map, page 15-69—Complete as needed. 12. NTP-G325 View the Power Levels of Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Nodes, page 15-69—Complete as needed. 13. NTP-G326 Provision SRLG on the Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Network, page 15-70—Complete as needed. NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up Step 1 Log in to an ONS 15454 node on the network that you will test. See the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task for instructions. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not turned on. See the DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering task as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear (EQPT in the Cond column) indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Step 3 Verify that the software version shown in the node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) status area matches the version required by your network. (The status area is located to the left of the shelf graphic.) If the software is not the correct version, perform one of the following procedures: • Perform a software upgrade using a Cisco ONS 15454 software CD or Cisco ONS 15454 SDH software CD. Refer to the release-specific software upgrade document. • Replace TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards with cards containing the correct release. Step 4 Click the Provisioning > General tabs. Verify that all general node information settings are correct according to documentation provided by the network administrator. If not, see the NTP-G80 Change Node Management Information procedure. Purpose This procedure verifies that each ONS 15454 is ready for DWDM network turn-up before adding nodes to a network. This procedure applies to all ROADM, OADM, and line-amplifier nodes. Tools/Equipment Network plan provided by your network administrator Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 14, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-3 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 5 Click the Provisioning > Network tabs. Ensure that the IP settings and other Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) network access information is correct according to documentation provided by the network administrator. If not, see the NTP-G81 Change CTC Network Access procedure. Step 6 Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs. Verify that all required protection groups have been created according to documentation provided by the network administrator. If not, see the “NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group” procedure on page 11-162 or the NTP-G83 Modify or Delete Card Protection Settings procedure. Step 7 Click the Provisioning > Security tabs. Verify that all users have been created and that their security levels are correct according to documentation provided by the network administrator. If not, see the NTP-G88 Modify Users and Change Security procedure. Step 8 If Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is provisioned on the node, click the Provisioning > SNMP tabs. Verify that all SNMP settings are correct according to documentation provided by the network administrator. If not, see the NTP-G89 Change SNMP Settings procedure. Step 9 Repeat this procedure at each node in the network. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G52 Verify Node-to-Node Connections Note In this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 6, and Side B refers to Slots 12 through 17. Step 1 Check to see if the fibers coming from the adjacent nodes are connected to the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-AMP-17-C (operating in the booster amplifier mode), or OSC-CSM card LINE RX and TX ports. If yes, continue with Step 2. If adjacent node fibers are not connected to the LINE RX and TX ports, do not continue. Install the cabling to the adjacent nodes using the “NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs” procedure on page 14-78. Step 2 Verify the following network fiber connections: • The node’s Side A ports (LINE TX and RX) are connected to the Side B ports (LINE RX and TX) of the adjacent node. • The node’s Side B ports (LINE RX and TX) are connected to the Side A ports (LINE TX and RX) of the adjacent node. Step 3 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task at the network node that you want to verify. Purpose This procedure verifies optical service channel (OSC) terminations between nodes and checks span attenuation. This procedure applies to all ROADM, OADM, and line-amplifier locations. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up, page 15-2 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-4 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 4 Click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > OSC tabs. Verify that OSC terminations appear under the OSC Terminations area for the Side B and Side A OSC-CSM or OSCM cards and that the port state is In-Service and Normal (IS-NR [ANSI]/Unlocked-enabled [ETSI]). If so, continue with Step 5. If OSC terminations are not created, complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 14-126. Step 5 Complete the NTP-G76 Verify Optical Span Loss Using CTC procedure for all OSC-CSM cards. If the measured span loss is within the minimum and maximum expected span loss values, continue with Step 6. If not, clean the fiber connected to the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-AMP-17-C (operating in the booster amplifier mode), or OSC-CSM cards on both ends of the span, then repeat the NTP-G76 Verify Optical Span Loss Using CTC procedure. If the span loss is within the minimum and maximum expected span loss values, continue with Step 6. If not, contact your next level of support. Step 6 Repeat Steps 2 through 5 at each network node. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G201 Configure the Raman Pump on an MSTP Link Step 1 The Raman pump can be configured in the following ways: • DLP-G468 Configure the Raman Pump Using the Installation Wizard, page 15-5—This procedure is the preferred and recommended installation process. • DLP-G690 Configure the Raman Pump Using Manual Day-0 Installation, page 15-19—Use this procedure to configure and tune RAMAN-CTP and RAMAN-COP cards, using manual day-0 installation. • DLP-G474 Configure the Raman Pump by Importing the CTP XML File, page 15-25—Use this procedure when the span is longer than 42 dB (expand on span). This procedure is not recommended for spans of 42 dB or less. • DLP-G489 Configure the Raman Pump by Setting the ANS Parameters Manually, page 15-25—Use this procedure if the Raman installation wizard fails and expert intervention is required. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure configures the Raman pump on an Multiservice Transport Platform (MSTP) link. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-5 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G468 Configure the Raman Pump Using the Installation Wizard Note The installation wizard performs optical measurements and data exchange between the nodes. Make sure that the data communications network (DCN) is stable. Note Running the installation wizard without setting the automatic node setup (ANS) parameters causes the wizard to fail. Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 14-127. Note Running the installation wizard can impact traffic. Make sure that nobody is working on the nodes before continuing with this procedure. Caution To perform optical measurements, the installation wizard automatically turns on hardware resources installed on the nodes. Alarms can occur during the installation process. Following the recommendations is critical to the success of installation. Note Make sure that a Muxponder, a WSS, or a tunable transponder is present before you run the Raman installation wizard. Note When the span is longer than 42 dB, do not use the Raman installation wizard. Purpose This procedure configures the Raman Pump on an MSTP link using the installation wizard. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures • DLP-G46 Log into CTC • NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards, page 14-64 • NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up, page 15-2 • NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup, page 14-127. • Create an optical service channel (OSC) termination link by completing the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 14-126 or create an optical transport section (OTS) provisionable patchcord terminations on line ports by completing “NTP-G184 Create a Provisionable Patchcord” procedure on page 16-72, as required. Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite and remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-6 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Note A bulk attenuator is not required between the transponder and the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE card if the Raman installation wizard is started from a Raman only node (line amplifier node equipped with OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE card without post-amplifier). Step 1 From the CTC View menu, choose Go to Network View. Step 2 Figure 15-1 shows a sample network view of nodes (terminal or ROADM) connected in the network. Figure 15-1 Network View of Nodes (Terminal or ROADM) The Raman pump on the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE card can be configured on a single span or multiple spans. Step 3 To start the Raman installation wizard, complete one of the following steps: • To configure Raman amplification on a single span, go to Network view, right-click on a span and choose Raman Installation Day0 from the shortcut menu. (Figure 15-2). Go to Step 5. • To configure Raman amplification on multispans, go to Network view, right-click on a specific node, and choose Raman Installation Day0 Multi-span from the shortcut menu (Figure 15-3).15-7 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-2 Installing the Raman Pump on a Single Span Figure 15-3 Installing the Raman Pump on Multiple Spans15-8 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin The Routing page is displayed (Figure 15-4). Figure 15-4 Selecting Spans for Raman Amplification The Included Span list box lists all spans that are selected in the network. Step 4 Select a span from the network to add a span. If you are setting up multispans, make sure that the span selection is made in a sequence; otherwise, an error message is displayed. For example, in Figure 15-4, begin with the span between the nodes WXC_BSTE_Chica-155 and OLA2_CrownP-154, and then the span between OLA2_CrownP-154 and OLAasym_Batavia-157, and so on. Step 5 When you have selected the span or spans, click Next. The Setting Parameters page is displayed (see Figure 15-5). 15-9 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-5 Setting Raman Calibration Parameter Note The Hints area displays the status of internal operations. Note If multiple spans are selected, the applicable nodes are displayed on the left side of the page. Step 6 Select one or more check boxes as applicable: • Autorun wizard—The Installation wizard tunes the selected span automatically, requiring no user intervention. However, if the wizard displays errors, the wizard requests for user acknowledgements. • Even Band—This option is used for optical networks that support only even band channels. If the network supports odd and even channels, the Raman Installation wizard tunes the transponder to the first tunable odd band channel. • Auto Skip Tune Path—The Raman Installation wizard skips spans that have been previously tuned by the wizard. • Bidirectional Path—This configures the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE cards in both directions (source to destination and destination to source) • MUX/DMUX Present—This option is used if the optical network has transponders connected to the A/D stage (MUX or WSS). Several scenarios are discussed in the following section. Select as applicable: • Check box Bidirectional Path is unchecked and check box MUX/DMUX Present is checked. See Figure 15-6 and Step 7a. • Check box Bidirectional Path is unchecked and check box MUX/DMUX Present is unchecked. See Figure 15-7 and Step 7b.15-10 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin • Check box Bidirectional Path is checked and check box MUX/DMUX Present is checked. See Figure 15-8 and Step 7c. • Check box Bidirectional Path is checked and check box MUX/DMUX Present is unchecked. See Figure 15-9 and Step 7d. Note Before you check the MUX/DMUX Present check box, ensure that the following prerequisites are completed: • At least one source node is a terminal node or a ROADM node. • Two transponders/muxponders supporting wavelength of 1530.33 nm and 1560.61 nm, used as probe signals, are available on the source node for odd channels or wavelengths of 1530.72 nm and 1561.01 nm for even channels. • Trunk ports are connected to the correct ADD ports. Note The Raman Wizard does not verify if the selected TXP connections are properly connected. The calibration process is terminated if a LOS-P alarm is detected on the MUX input port when the trunk port is turned on. Note If you do not use the MUX/DMUX Present check box, ensure that the following prerequisites are completed: • Connect a UT2-based trunk port (from a transponder/muxponder card) to the COM-RX port of the booster amplifier connected to the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE card on the source node. A full-spectrum, tunable interface allows the system to tune the signal on two required wavelengths without any human intervention. • A 10-dB bulk attenuator must be connected between the TXP trunk port and the COM-RX port of the booster amplifier. Caution Make sure that the bulk attenuator is removed as soon as installation finishes and the correct fiber is reconnected to the COM-RX port of the booster amplifier. Step 7 Perform any one of the following steps, based on your selection in Step 6. a. Select the two transponders on the source node from the Slot drop-down list. The installation wizard tunes the transponders to the required wavelengths. (Figure 15-6).15-11 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-6 Bidirectional Path Is Unchecked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Checked b. Select one transponder on the source node from the Slot drop-down list. The installation wizard verifies if the transponder can tune on the first tunable wavelength. Make sure that the card used is a tunable C-band transponder and set the transponder to the “first tunable wavelength”. Otherwise, the wizard fails and the installation must be repeated using a correctly configured tunable transponder (Figure 15-7). Note The wizard uses a pre-installed UT-2 based transponder.15-12 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-7 Bidirectional Path Is Unchecked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Unchecked c. Select the two transponders on the source and destination nodes from the Slot drop-down list. The installation wizard verifies if the transponders are tuned to the expected wavelengths or on the first tunable wavelength. Otherwise, the wizard fails and the installation must be repeated (Figure 15-8).15-13 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-8 Bidirectional Path Is Checked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Checked d. Select a transponder on the source and destination nodes from the Slot drop-down list. The installation wizard verifies if the transponder can be tuned on the first tunable wavelength. Make sure that the transponder is a tunable C-band transponder. Otherwise, the wizard fails and the installation must be repeated (Figure 15-9).15-14 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-9 Bidirectional Path Is Checked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Unchecked Step 8 Click Next. The Calibrate Raman Page is displayed (Figure 15-10).15-15 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-10 Calibrating Raman Amplification The installation wizard changes the trunk port to the In-Service (IS) state and turns on all the amplifiers. All the OTS and optical channel (OCH) ports in the span are changed to IS state. Step 9 As soon as the Raman calibrations are complete, the Next button is enabled. Click Next.15-16 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-11 Calibrating Raman Amplification Step 10 The power received on the destination node when wavelength on the source is turned on is shown. If you installed Raman amplification on multiple spans, click Next to view results of other spans. Step 11 If the installation wizard fails, click the Repeat button. The Raman installation wizard recalibrates the values on the destination node. Note If you have repeated the calibration several times and the wizard fails, press Cancel to abort the installation process. Log in to the Cisco Technical Support Website at for more information or call Cisco Technical Support at (800) 553-2447. Step 12 Click Next. The Accept Results page is displayed (Figure 15-12).15-17 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-12 Raman Amplification Results The calculated Raman power and Raman gain are displayed. (Figure 15-12.) Step 13 The wizard compares the calculated Raman gain value with the expected results. Your action depends on the Raman gain values: • Expected gain (Gt) – 0.5 dB <= (gain) <= (expected gain) + 0.5 dB—If the Raman gain is within this range, it means that the setup procedure was successful. Go to Step 14. • (Expected gain) - 3.0 dB <= (gain) <= (expected gain) – 0.5 dB—If the Raman gain is within this range, it means that the values are slightly outside the range. The wizard recommends that you verify the span length and cabling, and repeat the installation wizard procedure. If the Raman gain values are still not within the expected value range even after repeating the installation process, you can choose to forcibly apply these values by clicking Force Calibration. Note After you have forced the new calibration, the new value of the Raman gain is applied to the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE card as the set point; However, the new value does not update the value of the ANS set point for Raman gain. After the installation is complete, reanalyze the network in Cisco Transport Planner using this new value for the Raman gain set point and verify that it results in a good network design. After the CTP analysis is successful, import the updated CTP XML file again into CTC by completing the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco Transport Planner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 14-47. Launch, run, and apply the ANS parameters by completing “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 14-127. This resolves the discrepancy between the values of the ANS parameters and the card parameters. 15-18 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin However, we recommend that you log in to the Cisco Technical Support Website at for more information if the Raman gain values are still not within the expected value range or call Cisco Technical Support at (800) 553-2447. • (gain) < (expected gain) – 3.0 dB or if (gain) < (expected gain) + 0.5 dB—If the Raman gain is within this range and the values calculated are far from the targeted results, the installation fails and the wizard recommends repeating the installation. If the results do not improve, it means that the installation process has failed. The Force Calibration option is not available. Click Cancel to abort the installation and log in to the Cisco Technical Support Website at for more information or call Cisco Technical Support at (800) 553-2447. Note The reason that the calculated values are not within the range may be due to installation issues (for example, the actual fiber type is different than the one used by Cisco Transport Planner to design the link) or procedural issues. Step 14 Click Exports Data to export the Raman setup tuning data in text format (Figure 15-13). Step 15 Click Finish. Note When an error occurs during calibration of multiple spans, the calibration process stops and the Force Calibration button becomes visible. Note If an error occurs during calibration of multiple spans when using the AutoRun wizard, the calibration stops and the Force Calibration button becomes visible. Click Force Calibration to force the results.15-19 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Figure 15-13 Exporting Raman Tuning Data Step 16 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G690 Configure the Raman Pump Using Manual Day-0 Installation Purpose This task tunes the RAMAN-CTP and RAMAN-COP cards manually during day-0 installation. Tools/Equipment • An optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) must be available at both the local and remote nodes. • A 15 dB bulk attenuator Prerequisite Procedures • DLP-G46 Log into CTC • Create an optical service channel (OSC) termination link by completing the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 14-126 or create optical transport section (OTS) provisionable patchcord terminations on line ports by completing “NTP-G184 Create a Provisionable Patchcord” procedure on page 16-72, as required. The ONS-SC-OSC-18.0= SFP is supported. Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher15-20 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Note Perform the tuning procedure on one fiber at a time. Tune the RAMAN-COP module on the remote node followed by RAMAN-CTP of the local node. Note The RAMAN-COP card needs RAMAN-CTP card to operate. Note If a 40-SMR1-C or 40-SMR2-C card is connected to the COM port of the RAMAN-CTP card, the ADD-RX port of the 40-SMR1-C or 40-SMR2-C card must be set to the OOS,MT (ANSI) or locked, maintenance (ETSI) state to enable the probe signals. Change the administrative state of the ADD-RX port to IS,AINS (ANSI) or unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) after the tuning procedure is complete. See the “DLP-G532 Change Optical Line Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards” task on page 20-95. Note If an OPT-EDFA-17, OPT-EDFA-24, OPT-AMP-C, or OPT-BST-E amplifier is used as a line amplifier during the tuning procedure, the COM-RX port of the amplifier must be set to the OOS,MT (ANSI) or locked, maintenance (ETSI) state. Change the administrative state of the COM-RX port to IS,AINS (ANSI) or unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) after the tuning procedure is complete. Step 1 To tune the RAMAN-COP card on the remote node, complete Steps 3 through 14. Step 2 To tune the RAMAN-CTP card on the local node, complete Steps 14 through 22. Step 3 On the local node, perform the following steps: a. In the node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the RAMAN-CTP card. b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. c. Choose On from the OSRI drop-down list for the RAMAN-TX port. d. Click Apply and then click Yes. This forces both the Raman pumps of the RAMAN-CTP card to shut down. Note The DFB signal is not affected by the Raman noise because the Raman pumps of the RAMAN-CTP card are shut down. The Optical Signal to Noise Ratio (OSNR) value remains above the failure threshold during the RAMAN-COP card tuning procedure, when the Raman ratio is forced to 100%. e. Connect the OSA to the COM-TX port of the RAMAN-CTP card using physical patch cords. f. Set the OSA Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) to 0.2 nm and the OSA Video Bandwidth (RBV) to 100 Hz. Step 4 On the remote node, perform the following steps: a. Connect a tunable C-band transponder or muxponder to the COM-RX port of the line amplifier that is connected to the COM-RX port of the RAMAN-CTP card. b. Connect a 15 dB bulk attenuator between the TXP trunk port and the COM-RX port of the line amplifier so that the input power of the line amplifier does not exceed -7 dBm.15-21 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin c. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP or MXP card. d. Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs. e. Select the wavelength as 1530.33 nm for odd band or 1530.73 nm for even band from the wavelength field. f. Click Apply to save the changes. g. Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs. h. Choose the IS option from the Admin State drop-down field and click Apply. i. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs, and set the ALS mode to Disable. This enables the line amplifier or the 40-SMR1-C or 40-SMR2-C card to detect a valid input power on the COM-RX or ADD-RX port respectively. The line amplifier starts up in control power mode and reaches the per channel power set point. A valid signal flows from the node into the fiber. Step 5 On the remote node, perform the following steps: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the RAMAN-COP card. b. Click Maintenance > Manual Setup tabs. c. Select the High Power First Lambda option. d. Click the Pump On button. The High Power First Lambda field becomes editable. Note The Raman pumps at 1428 nm on the RAMAN-COP card are automatically set to a high power level of 450 mW. Step 6 On the local node, record the peak optical power level at 1530.33 nm manually. The OSA detects a single channel at 1530.33 nm. Step 7 On the remote node, perform the following a. Enter the peak optical power value recorded in Step 6 in the High Power First Lambda field. b. Select the Low Power First Lambda option. c. Click the Pump On button. The Low Power First Lambda field becomes editable. Note The Raman pumps at 1428 nm on the RAMAN-COP card are automatically set to a low power level of 200 mW. Step 8 On the local node, record the peak optical power level at 1530.33 nm manually. The OSA detects a single channel at 1530.33 nm. The peak optical power level has reduced significantly. Step 9 On the remote node, enter the peak optical power value recorded in Step 8 in the Low Power First Lambda field. Step 10 Switch off the transponder or muxponder card on the remote node and select the last lambda values using the following steps: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP or MXP card. b. Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs. c. Choose the OOS,DSBLD option from the Admin State drop-down field and click Apply.15-22 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin d. Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs. e. Select 1560.61 nm for odd band or 1561.1 nm for even band wavelength from the wavelength field and then click Apply. f. Click Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs. g. Choose the IS option from the Admin State drop-down field and click Apply. Step 11 Repeat Steps 5 through 10 to edit the High Power Last Lambda and Low Power Last Lambda settings. Step 12 On the remote node, click Tune to calculate the power, ratio, and actual gain on the RAMAN-COP card. The results are displayed in the result panel in the Manual Setup > Maintenance tab. • Power—Displays the optimum total pump power value provisioned on the RAMAN-COP card to reach the target Raman installation gain. • Ratio—Displays the optimum pumps ratio value provisioned on the card to reach the target Raman gain. Note The newly calculated set points for the power and ratio can be viewed in the Maintenance > Installation Report tab in the RAMAN-COP card view after the successful execution of Raman tuning procedure. The newly provisioned values overwrite the values for the power and ratio ANS parameters and the Origin field displays the value, “AUTOMATIC” in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tab. • Actual Gain—Displays the current Raman gain calculated using the power and ratio values. If the calculated gain is less than the Raman installation gain setpoint, a warning message is displayed, prompting the user to accept the reduced calculated gain. Step 13 Click the Force button to force the new gain setpoint. Step 14 On the local node, perform the following: a. In the node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the RAMAN-CTP card. b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. c. Choose Off from the OSRI drop-down list for the RAMAN-TX port. d. Click Apply and then click Yes. Step 15 On the local node, perform the following steps: a. Connect the OSA to the COM-TX port of the RAMAN-CTP card using physical patchcords. b. Set the OSA Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) to 0.2 nm and the OSA Video Bandwidth (RBV) to 100 Hz. Step 16 On the remote node, perform the following steps: a. Connect a tunable C-band transponder or muxponder to the COM-RX port of the line amplifier that is connected to the COM-RX port of the RAMAN-CTP card. b. Connect a 15 dB bulk attenuator between the TXP trunk port and the COM-RX port of the line amplifier so that the input power of the line amplifier does not exceed -7 dBm. c. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP or MXP card. d. Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs. e. Select the wavelength as 1530.33 nm for odd bands or 1530.73 nm for even bands from the wavelength field.15-23 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin f. Click Apply to save the changes. g. Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs. h. Choose the IS option from the Admin State drop-down field and click Apply. i. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs and set the ALS mode to Disable. This enables the line amplifier to detect a valid input power on the COM-RX port. The line amplifier starts up in control power mode and reaches the per channel power setpoint. A valid signal flows from the node into the fiber. Step 17 On the local node, perform the following steps: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the RAMAN-CTP card. b. Click the Maintenance > Manual Start tabs. c. Select the High Power First Lambda option. Raman pump P1 is activated. d. Click the Pump On button. The High Power First Lambda field becomes editable. Note The Raman pumps at 1428 nm on the RAMAN-CTP card are automatically set to a high power level of 450 mW. e. Record the peak optical power level at 1530.33 nm manually. The OSA detects a single channel at 1530.33 nm. f. Enter the peak optical power value recorded in Step 17e in the High Power First Lambda field. g. Select the Low Power First Lambda option. h. Click the Pump On button. The Low Power First Lambda field becomes editable. Note The Raman pumps at 1428 nm on the RAMAN-CTP card are automatically set to a high power level of 200 mW. i. Record the peak optical power level at 1530.33 nm manually. The OSA detects a single channel at 1530.33 nm. The peak optical power level has reduced significantly. j. Enter the peak optical power value recorded in Step 17i in the Low Power First Lambda field. Step 18 Switch off the transponder or muxponder card on the remote node and select the last lambda values using the following steps: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP or MXP card. b. Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs. c. Choose the OOS,DSBLD option from the Admin State drop-down field and click Apply. d. Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs. e. Select the wavelength as 1560.61 nm for odd bands and 1561.1 nm for even bands from the wavelength field and click Apply. f. Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs. g. Choose the IS option from the Admin State drop-down field and click Apply. Step 19 Repeat Steps 17 and 18 to edit the High Power Last Lambda and Low Power Last Lambda settings. The Raman pump P2 is activated and the Raman ratio is 0%.15-24 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 20 On the local node, click the Tune button to calculate the power, ratio, and actual gain on the RAMAN-CTP card. The results are displayed in the result panel in the Manual Setup > Maintenance tab. • Power—Displays the calculated optimum total pump power value provisioned on the RAMAN-CTP card to reach the target Raman installation gain. • Ratio—Displays the optimum pumps ratio value provisioned on the RAMAN-CTP card to reach the target Raman gain. Note The newly calculated setpoints for the power and ratio can be viewed in the Maintenance > Installation Report tab in the RAMAN-CTP card view after the successful execution of Raman tuning procedure. The newly provisioned values overwrite the values for the power and ratio ANS parameters and the Origin field displays the value, “AUTOMATIC” in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tab. • Actual Gain—Displays the current Raman gain calculated using the power and ratio values. The calculated gain (G) is compared with the expected Raman gain setpoint (GSTP). Your actions depends on the value of the calculated gain: – G STP – 0.5 dB <= G <= GSTP + 0.5 dB—If the calculated gain is within this range, it means that the tuning procedure was successful. – G STP – 2 dB < G < GSTP—A warning message is displayed, prompting you to accept the reduced calculated gain. Go to Step 21. – G < GSTP – 2 dB—A failure message is displayed. Go to Step 22. Step 21 Click the Force button to force the new gain setpoint. Note After you have forced the new calibration, the new value of the Raman gain is applied to the RAMAN-CTP card as the set point. The newly provisioned gain setpoint can be viewed in the Maintenance > Installation Report tab in the RAMAN-CTP card view. However, the newly provisioned gain setpoint does not automatically change the values of the Value and Origin fields of the ANS gain setpoint in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tab. After the installation is complete, reanalyze the network in Cisco Transport Planner using the new value for the Raman gain set point and verify that it results in a good network design. After the CTP analysis is successful, import the updated CTP XML file again into CTC by completing the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco Transport Planner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 14-47. Launch, run, and apply the ANS parameters by completing “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 14-127. This resolves the discrepancy between the values of the ANS parameters and the card parameters. Step 22 Repeat the Steps 14 through 21 again after cleaning the fibers and checking the node connections. Note The status field in the Maintenance > Installation Report tab displays the value, “Raman tuned by WIZARD” after the tuning procedure is complete. Step 23 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to complete the tuning procedure in the opposite fiber. Step 24 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).15-25 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G474 Configure the Raman Pump by Importing the CTP XML File Step 1 Install the ANS parameters calculated using Cisco Transport Planner, by completing the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco Transport Planner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 14-47. Step 2 Launch, run, and apply ANS parameters by completing “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 14-127. Step 3 Verify if the Raman pump was configured successfully. Perform the following steps: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE amplifier to display the card view. b. Click the Maintenance > Installation tabs. c. Verify the value of the Raman Ratio and Raman Total Power parameters are consistent with the ANS set points. d. Verify if the status of the Raman configuration displays the value as “Tuned by ANS”. If not, go to Step 1 to repeat the procedure again. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G489 Configure the Raman Pump by Setting the ANS Parameters Manually Note This procedure can be performed only on a per span basis and not on multiple spans. To configure multiple spans, repeat this procedure on each span that you want to configure. Step 1 Provision the ANS parameters manually, by completing the “DLP-G541 Add an ANS Parameter” task on page 14-60. The ANS parameters are: • (Slot i.OPT-RAMP-CE).Port RAMAN-TX.Amplifier Gain Purpose This procedure configures the Raman pump by importing the Cisco Transport Planner XML file. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This procedure configures the Raman pump by setting the ANS parameters manually. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed As needed, when the wizard fails and expert intervention is required. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-26 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin • (Slot i.OPT-RAMP-CE).Port RAMAN-TX.Raman Ratio • (Slot i.OPT-RAMP-CE).Port RAMAN-TX.Raman Total Power ANS parameters are displayed in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tab. For more information, see Chapter 12, “Node Reference.” Step 2 Launch, run, and apply ANS parameters by completing “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 14-127. Step 3 Verify if the Raman pump was configured successfully. Perform the following steps: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE amplifier to display the card view. b. Click the Maintenance > Installation tabs. c. Verify the values of the Raman Ratio and Total Pump Power parameters are consistent with the ANS set points. d. Verify the status of the Raman configuration displays the value, “Tuned by ANS”. If not, go to Step 1 to repeat the procedure again. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-490 Restore Raman Link After a Fiber Cut Occurs Note This procedure does not calculate the Raman pump ratio. The Raman pump ratio is not expected to change after the fiber cut is repaired. Caution This procedure affects traffic. Ensure that nobody is working on the nodes before you begin. Step 1 Complete the “NTP-G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network” procedure on page 15-33. Ensure that the network traffic is restored. Step 2 Verify if the restore procedure was successful. Perform the following steps: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE amplifier to display the card view. b. Click the Maintenance > Installation tabs. c. Verify the value of the Fiber Cut Recovery column. The possible values are: • Executed— The restore procedure was completed successfully. Purpose This procedure tunes Raman set points after a fiber cut has been repaired. The Raman total power value is calculated again, and the original Raman gain is restored. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed As needed. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-27 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin • Pending—The restore procedure is incomplete. • Failed —The system failed to execute the procedure. d. If the status is Pending or Failed in Step 2c., perform the following steps: • Click the Maintenance > APC & Restore tabs. • Click Restore from Fiber Cut. This recalculates the Raman gain on the span and verifies if this value is consistent with the ANS set point for Raman gain. Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G53 Set Up Timing Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task at the node where you will set up timing. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G95 Set Up External or Line Timing” task on page 15-27 if an external building integrated timing supply (BITS) source is available. This is the most common ONS 15454 timing setup method. Step 3 If an external BITS source is not available, complete the “DLP-G96 Set Up Internal Timing” task on page 15-30. This task can provide only Stratum 3 timing. Step 4 Repeat this procedure at each node in the network. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G95 Set Up External or Line Timing Step 1 In node view (single-node mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Timing > General tabs. Purpose This procedure provisions Cisco ONS 15454 timing. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up, page 15-2 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This task defines the ONS 15454 timing source (external or line). Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-28 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 2 In the General Timing area, complete the following information: • Timing Mode—Choose External if the ONS 15454 derives its timing from a BITS source wired to the backplane pins (ANSI) or a MIC-C/T/P front-mount electrical connection (FMEC) (ETSI); choose Line if timing is derived from an OSC-CSM or OSCM card that is optically connected to the timing node. A third option, Mixed, allows you to set both external and line timing references. Because Mixed timing might cause timing loops, we do not recommend its use. Use this mode with care. Note In ONS 15454 M6 the BITS is connected to ECU or ECU2 BITS Connectors. Refer to “DLP-G296 Install Timing Wires on ONS 15454 M6 - ANSI” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. In ONS 15454 M2 the BITS is connected to BITS connectors on the Power Unit. • SSM Message Set—Choose the Generation 2 synchronization status messaging (SSM) option. See Timing Reference for more information about SSM, including definitions of the SONET timing levels. Note Generation 1 is used only by SONET or SDH ONS 15454 nodes that are connected to equipment that does not support Generation 2. • Quality of RES—Sets the timing quality for the user-defined, reserved (RES) S1 byte if your timing sources supports RES. Most timing sources do not use RES. If it does not support RES, choose RES=DUS (do not use for timing reference). Qualities are displayed in descending quality order as ranges. For example, in Generation 1 SSM, ST3 Timing > General tabs. Step 2 In the General Timing area, enter the following: • Timing Mode—Set to External. • SSM Message Set—Set to Generation 1. • Quality of RES—Does not apply to internal timing. • Revertive—Does not apply to internal timing. • Reversion Time—Does not apply to internal timing. Step 3 In the Reference Lists area, enter the following information: • NE Reference – Ref 1—Set to Internal Clock. – Ref 2—Set to Internal Clock. – Ref 3—Set to Internal Clock. • BITS-1 Out/BITS-2 Out—Set to None. Step 4 Click Apply. Step 5 Click the BITS Facilities tab. Step 6 In the BITS Facilities area, change the BITS In state and BITS Out state to OOS for BITS 1 and BITS 2. Disregard the other BITS Facilities settings; they are not relevant to internal timing. Step 7 Click Apply. Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G350 Use the Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix Report Step 1 Display a printed copy of the Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix report for your network. The report can be exported in Microsoft Excel (.xls) or HTML format. Purpose This task describes how to use the Cisco Transport Planner traffic matrix report to provision and verify a DWDM network. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G139 Verify Cisco Transport Planner Reports and Files, page 14-3 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher15-32 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 2 View the following information: • Service Demand—Lists the general service demand from site to site. • Service Circuit—Lists the service circuit. • OCH-CC Src—Lists the optical channel client connection (OCHCC) source site and the shelf direction, either Side B or Side A. • OCH-CC Src Position—Lists the OCHCC source rack, shelf, and slot. • OCH-CC Src Unit—Lists the OCHCC source TXP, MXP, or ITU-T line card. • OCH-CC Src Port—Lists the OCHCC source port. • A/D Src Position—Lists the optical channel add/drop card source rack, shelf, and slot. • A/D Src Unit—Lists the optical channel add/drop card source TXP, MXP, or ITU-T line card. • A/D Src Port—Lists the optical channel add/drop card source port. • OCH-CC Dst—Lists the OCHCC destination site and shelf direction, either Side B or Side A. • OCH-CC Dst Position—Lists the OCHCC destination rack, shelf, and slot. • OCH-CC Dst Unit—Lists the OCHCC destination TXP, MXP, or ITU-T line card. • OCH-CC Dst Port—Lists the OCHCC destination port. • A/D Dst Position—Lists the optical channel add/drop card destination rack, shelf, and slot • A/D Dst Unit—Lists the optical channel add/drop card destination TXP, MXP, or ITU-T line card. • A/D Dst Port—Lists the optical channel add/drop card destination port. – Dest Unit is the product ID of the optical path source card. – Dest Port is the port label reported on the front panel of the optical path destination card. • Cl Service Type—Identifies the service type of the optical channel. • Protection—Identifies the type of protection used for the optical channel: – Optical paths for unprotected-Side B and unprotected-Side A optical channels are routed along one direction only in the network. – Optical paths for Y-cable, fiber-switched, and client 1+1 optical channels are routed along two independent directions in the network. • Op Bypass Site Name—Identifies where the optical channel is dropped and reinserted when it is not terminated on a TXP or MXP card (optical bypass). Note If the word None appears in the Op Bypass Site Name column, no optical bypass is defined for the optical channel. • Wavelength—Identifies the wavelength used for the optical channel. Table 16-6 on page 16-20 lists the thirty-two available wavelengths. • DWDM Interface Type—Identifies the DWDM interface type that is used for the optical channel: – Transponder indicates that a transponder (TXP), muxponder (MXP), or DWDM pluggable port module is used for the optical channel. – Line Card indicates that an ITU line card is used for the optical channel. • DWDM Card Type—Identifies the type of TXP or line card that is used for the optical channel. For information about card types supported by Cisco Transport Planner, see Cisco Transport Planner DWDM Operations Guide.15-33 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network Note In this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 6, and Side B refers to Slots 12 through 17. Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task to log in to an ONS 15454 node on the network. Step 2 Click the Alarms tab: a. Verify that the alarm filter is not turned on. See the DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering task, as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment (EQPT) alarms appear. If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Step 3 Using the Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix (see Table 14-1 on page 14-4) for your site, identify the first channel (ITU wavelength) to be provisioned. Use the TXP, MXP, or line card that corresponds to the selected wavelength. Step 4 For the ITU wavelength identified in Step 3, create an optical channel client connection (OCHCC) circuit or optical channel network connection (OCHNC) circuit, or optical channel trail circuit using one of the following tasks: • DLP-G346 Provision Optical Channel Client Connections, page 16-17. • DLP-G105 Provision Optical Channel Network Connections, page 16-41. • DLP-G395 Create an Optical Channel Trail, page 16-34. .After creating the OCHCC or OCHNC circuit, return to this procedure and continue with Step 5. Purpose This procedure describes how to turn-up an optical service in MSTP networks. It also provides a guidance to perform an entry-level optical performances verification of an optical circuit (OCH-NC/OCH-CC/OCHTrail) created on the MSTP networks. Tools/Equipment Test set or protocol analyzer Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, AR_MXP, AR_XP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards. Provisioning procedures of these cards are provided in Chapter 11, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-34 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Note Every time a channel is created in the DWDM network, the amplifiers automatically calculate the optical output power needed to maintain a constant power level on each channel when working in Gain Control. If the amplifier is working in power control, APC tool is used for amplifiers power level calculation and setting. Automatic power control (APC) runs when you create new circuits. APC also runs periodically (every 60 minutes) to check and monitor power levels in all the significant sections of the network. If the span length changes, APC modifies amplifier gains and modifies express variable optical attenuation (VOA). For more information about APC, see the Chapter 13, “Network Reference.” Step 5 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Circuits tab. Verify that the OCHCC or OCHNC created in Step 4 has a DISCOVERED status and an IS state. If so, continue with Step 6. If not, complete “NTP-G183 Diagnose and Fix OCHNC and OCH Trail Circuits” task on page 16-63. Step 6 Click the circuit and click Edit. Step 7 In the Edit Circuit dialog box, click the State tab. Step 8 In the Cross-Connections table, verify that the circuit path is correct and record all the nodes that appear in the Node column. The first node is the circuit source, and the last node is the circuit destination. If the circuit path is incorrect, delete the circuit and go back to Step 4 to create a new circuit. Step 9 Perform the entry-level performance verification of the optical power levels matching with expected setpoints for the OCH-circuit identified in Step 8. Optical verification is done for cards in the OCH-circuit. The verification must be done node by node, following the logical signal flow from source to destination node. Verify the power levels on the following: a. Fixed or reconfigurable add/drop cards. b. Amplifiers, including the raman cards. Note You need to verify the power setpoint for OPT-PSM cards in the path protection configuration. Step 10 Display the circuit source node in node view (single-shelf mode), or shelf view (multishelf mode). Following the signal flow from the TXP, MXP, or line card Trunk ports, if an fixed or reconfigurable add/drop card is installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 11. Note Use of Node Functional View to identify at a glance, the logical signal flow in complex nodes. a. In node view (single-node mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector area, select the first fixed or reconfigurable add/drop card to be checked. Identify the power parameter and record the corresponding port and active value from the parameter list. c. Check the power setpoint on the ports displayed in the Port field in CTC. The add/drop cards must meet this output power setpoint per channel. d. Display the selected fixed or reconfigurable add/drop module in card view: e. Click the Provisioning tabs. f. Locate the port selected in step b in the CTC menu.15-35 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Note The CTC displays the name according to the card installed. g. Identify the row associated to the Port. Check the value reported in Power or Power To column in CTC. – If the card value matches the VOA Power Ref. cell or the recorded Power value, with +/- 1 dB of tolerance, continue with Step 11. Note VOA Power Ref at card level must be equal to the Power Active Value recorded in step b. If not, go back to Node view and click the ANS button. Then repeat this procedure. – If the value is out of tolerance range from the VOA Power Ref, contact your next level of support. Step 11 Display the circuit source node in node view (single-shelf mode), or shelf view (multishelf mode). Following the signal flow, if an amplifier card is installed, complete the following steps. Note Use of Node Functional View to identify the logical signal flow in complex nodes at a glance. If not, continue with Step 12. a. In node view (single-node mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector area, click the amplifier card to be checked. Identify the power parameter and record the corresponding port and active value from the parameter list. c. Check the power setpoint on the ports displayed in the Port field in CTC. The add/drop cards must meet this output power setpoint per channel. d. Display the selected amplifier in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs. Identify the row associated to the Port selected in step b. Check the signal output power value. – If the value is equal to or greater (due to ASE accumulation) than the value shown in the Channel Power Ref cell, continue with Step 12. Note Channel Power Reference at card level must be equal to the Power Active Value noted in step b. If not, go back to Node view and click the ANS button. Then repeat this procedure. – If the value is lower than the value shown in the Channel Power Reference cell, contact your next level of support. Step 12 Go to the Edit Circuit dialog box and move to the next intermediate node in node view (single-shelf mode), or shelf view (multishelf mode). Following the signal flow, repeat Step 10 and Step 11 in order to check fixed or reconfigurable add/drop cards and amplifiers cards. When all the intermediate nodes have been checked, move to Step 13 to verify the destination node. Step 13 Display the Destination node in node view (single-shelf mode), or shelf view (multishelf mode). Following the signal flow, if an amplifier card is installed, complete the power levels check according with Step 11.15-36 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Complete the power level verification on the fixed or reconfigurable add/drop card that is dropping the signal using the following steps: a. In node view (single-node mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector area, click the last fixed or reconfigurable drop card to be checked. Identify the drop power parameter among the optical parameters and record the correspondent Port and Active Value. c. Check the power setpoint on the ports displayed in the Port field in CTC. The cards must meet this Drop Power setpoint per channel. d. Display the selected fixed or reconfigurable add/drop module in card view. e. Click the Provisioning tabs. f. Locate the port selected in step b in the CTC menu. Note The CTC displays the name according to the card installed. g. Identify the row associated to the Port. Check the value reported in Power or Power To column in CTC. – If the card value matches the VOA Power Ref. cell (when present) or the recorded Power Drop value, with +/- 2 dB of tolerance, continue with Step 14. Note VOA Power Ref at card level must be equal to the Power Drop Active Value recorded in step b. If not, go back to Node view and click the ANS button. Then repeat this procedure. – If the value is out of tolerance range from the VOA Power Ref, contact your next level of support. Step 14 Check the received power range on TXP, MXP, or line cards: a. Navigate to the node where the first TXP, MXP, or line card is installed. b. Display the TXP, MXP, or line card in card view. c. Complete the DLP-G136 Clear Selected PM Counts. d. Click the Performance > Optics PM tabs. e. Record the values shown in the RX Optical Pwr field. f. Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs. g. Verify that the value in Step e falls between the values shown for the RX Power High and RX Power Low. If so, continue with Step 15. If not, complete one of the following. – Power lower than range—Clean the trunk fiber at the patch panel and on the TXP or MXP card. Repeat Steps e through g. If the power is still too low, contact your next level of support. – Power higher than range—Add attenuation to the fiber and repeat Steps e through g. If the power still does not fall within the range, contact your next level of support. Step 15 Perform a short-term bit error rate (BER) test: a. Complete the DLP-G136 Clear Selected PM Counts for the TXP, MXP, or line card. b. Display the TXP, MXP, or line card in card view. c. Click the Performance > Payload PM tabs, or, if OTN is provisioned, the Performance > OTN PM tabs. 15-37 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin d. Perform a short-term BER test using a test signal from a test set or protocol analyzer. e. Monitor the payload performance monitoring (PM) for at least 10 minutes for errors. Note To see an accurate PM count, the BER test results must be consistent with the transmitted bit rate for at least 10 minutes. Note For information about using a test set or protocol analyzer, see the test set or protocol analyzer user guide. Step 16 Create a new OCHNC or OCHCC circuit for the next ITU wavelength listed in the Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix and perform one of the following tasks: • If the new circuit optical path is not including nodes different from those the first circuits belongs to, perform only steps from Step 13 to Step 15. • If the new circuit optical path includes new nodes, do the proper optical checks: – Step 10 and Step 11 if the new node is the Source node – Step 12 if the new nodes are intermediate nodes – Step 13 if the new node is the destination node Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G56 Verify the OSNR Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task at an ONS 15454 on the network. Step 2 Using an optical spectrum analyzer, check the received OSNR for each transmitted channel on both ends of the span. Identify the last OSC-CSM, OPT-PRE, or OPT-BST MON port that the channel passes through before it is dropped. Note The OPT-PRE reference also applies to the OPT-AMP-17-C card operating in OPT-PRE mode and the OPT-BST reference also applies to the OPT-AMP-17-C card operating in OPT-LINE mode. Step 3 If OPT-PRE cards are installed with an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card, use the OPT-PRE MON port. Purpose This procedure verifies the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). The OSNR is the ratio between the signal power level and the noise power level. Tools/Equipment Optical spectrum analyzer Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher15-38 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Note For OSNR values for each card class, see Chapter 4, “Optical Amplifier Cards.” Step 4 If the OSNR is too low, check the following, depending on your node configuration: Note The purpose of this step is not to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), but to match the per-channel power level within the RX port power range. • Check the fiber connections between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-PRE amplifier. If needed, clean the connectors. See the NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors procedure. • On the near-end OPT-BST amplifier, check the equalization of the added channels at the monitor output. • On the OPT-PRE amplifier, check the output power on both COM TX and DC TX ports. • On the far-end OPT-PRE amplifier, check the amplifier gain tilt at the monitor output. If the OSNR is still too low, contact your next level of support. Step 5 Repeat Steps 2 and 4 for all traffic in the network. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G142 Perform a Protection Switch Test Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task at an ONS 15454 on the network. Purpose This procedure tests the optical path, client TXP, MXP, GE_XP and GE_XPE (when provisioned in 10GE or 20GE MXP mode), 10GE_XP and 10GE_XPE (when provisioned in 10GE TXP mode), and OTU2_XP (when provisioned in TXP mode) cards and the Y-cable protection groups in your network for proper operation. The test signals can be generated by either the actual client device or a test set (whichever is available). We recommend that you repeat this test at each node in the network where protection group traffic is dropped. Tools/Equipment A list of protection groups. This information is provided in the Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix. A test set or actual client device that provides the required payload for the circuits that are provisioned. Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite; personnel are required to be on site at each end of the circuit under test. Security Level Provisioning or higher15-39 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 2 Identify the Y-cable circuit to be tested by viewing the Traffic Matrix for your site. Locate the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP cards in the ONS 15454 node that will be used for the protection group. Step 3 Verify that the Y-cable protection group is provisioned: a. In node view (single-node mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Protection tabs. b. In the Protect and Working areas, confirm that the correct TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP cards are in the Y-cable protection group by viewing the slot number and card type. c. If the required protection group is not provisioned, stop and perform the “NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group” procedure on page 11-162. Otherwise, continue with Step 4. Step 4 Repeat Step 3 for each Y-cable protection group at the node. When all protection groups are verified, continue with the next step. Step 5 Physically connect the transmitter of the client or test set to either Port 10 or Port 12 of the Y-cable module protecting the test circuit. (See Table 14-7 on page 14-109 and Table 14-8 on page 14-109.) Step 6 If you connected the transmitter to Port 10, connect the client or test set receiver to Port 5 on the Y-cable module. If not, connect the client or test set receiver to Port 11 on the Y-cable module. Step 7 At the far-end site for the test circuit, physically loop the Y-cable module as follows: a. If this is the first client on the Y-cable module, loop Port 10 to Port 5 on the far-end Y-cable module. b. If this is the second client on the Y-cable module, loop Ports 11 and 12 on the far-end Y-cable module. Step 8 At the near-end site for the test circuit, place the client device or test set into service and begin transmitting the required payload. Step 9 In CTC, display the near-end site in node view (single-node mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 10 Click the Maintenance > Protection tabs. Step 11 In the Protection Groups area, highlight the protection group to be tested. Step 12 In the Selected Group area, identify the active slot and the standby slot. Step 13 Verify that the LED s on the physical cards in the shelf match the following: a. For the active TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP card, record the slot number: _____. Verify that the port LEDs appear as follows: – DWDM port is green. – Client port is green. b. For the standby TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP card, record the slot number: _____. Verify that the port LEDs appear as follows: – DWDM port is green. – Client port is not illuminated or amber, depending on the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP card. Step 14 In the Selected Group area, highlight the active TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP slot. Step 15 From the Switch Commands area below the Selected Group area, click Manual, then click YES.15-40 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 16 From the Selected Group area, record the following information and verify that the active and standby TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP slot numbers are the opposite of Step 13. a. For the active TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP card, record the slot number: _____. Verify that the port LEDs appear as follows: – DWDM port is green. – Client port is green. b. For the standby TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP card, record the slot number: _____. Verify that the port LEDs appear as follows: – DWDM port is green. – Client port is not illuminated or amber, depending on the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP card. Step 17 Verify that the LEDs on the physical cards in the shelf match the following: a. For the active TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP slot LEDs: – DWDM port is green. – Client port is green. b. For the standby TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP slot LEDs: – DWDM port is green. – Client port is not illuminated. Step 18 Confirm that the client or test set at the local site is operating normally without alarms. If the test set is reporting active alarms, contact your next level of support. Note It is normal to see a traffic hit on the test set during a protection switch. Step 19 From the Switch Commands area below the Selected Group area, click Clear, then click YES to return the protection group to the original state. Step 20 Repeat Steps 5 through 19 for each protection group at your site. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G164 Configure Link Management Protocol Purpose This procedure configures Link Management Protocol (LMP). LMP manages the channels and links that are required between nodes for routing, signaling, and link management. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up, page 15-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-41 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Note This procedure is normally required only when the Cisco ONS 15454 must run traffic to and from a Calient PXC, a Cisco CRS-1 router, or a Cisco ASR 9000 router. Note Cisco ONS Software Release 9.4 supports Cisco CRS-1 routers using Cisco IOS XR Software Release 3.9.0 and Cisco ASR 9000 routers using Cisco IOS XR Software Release 4.1.0. If you have an earlier version of the Cisco IOS XR software, you cannot configure LMP on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router, and the router will be visible as an unknown node in the CTC network view. Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task to log in to the ONS 15454 on the network. Step 2 To enable LMP, complete the “DLP-G372 Enable LMP” task on page 15-41. Step 3 To set up one or more control channels, complete the “DLP-G373 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Control Channels” task on page 15-42. Step 4 To set up one or more traffic engineering (TE) links, complete the “DLP-G374 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP TE Links” task on page 15-45. Step 5 To set up one or more data links, complete the “DLP-G378 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Data Links” task on page 15-46. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G372 Enable LMP Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > LMP > General tabs. Step 2 In the Configuration area, click the Enable LMP check box to enable the LMP function. Step 3 In the Local Node Id text entry box, enter the local node ID in the form of an IP address. Note Do not set the LMP Local Node ID to another IP address in use on the network. This introduces a duplicate IP address in the network for traffic going to the IP address that is used as the LMP Local Node ID. We recommended to you set the LMP Local Node ID to the node's IP address, because this does not introduce a duplicate IP address in the network. Step 4 If you are going to use LMP to manage a control channel between a Calient PXC node and a Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node or between a Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node, ensure that the LMP-WDM check box is unchecked. Purpose This task enables the LMP function on the ONS 15454 node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-42 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 5 If you are going to use LMP to manage a control channel between the ONS 15454 nodes, check the LMP-WDM check box and use the Role field to choose one of the following roles: • PEER, to use LMP to manage links between two nodes where the other node is configured as OLS. • OLS, to use LMP to manage links between two nodes where the other node is configured as PEER. The role selection is available only when LMP-WDM is enabled on the local node. Both the local and remote nodes must be configured with LMP-WDM enabled. Step 6 Click Apply. Step 7 In the Status area, verify that the Operational State is Up. This indicates that LMP is enabled and the link is active. Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G373 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Control Channels Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > LMP > Control Channels tabs. Step 2 To create a control channel, click Create. The Create LMP Control Channel dialog box appears. Note The values of the Admin State, Requested Hello Interval, Min Hello Interval, Max Hello Interval, Requested Hello Dead Interval, Min Hello Dead Interval, and Max Hello Dead Interval fields correspond to the values specified for these fields in the NODE > lmp section of the node view Provisioning > Defaults tabs. If you change the NODE > lmp values, those values are reflected as defaults in the Create LMP Control Channel dialog box. You can change the default values using the dialog box. However, the NODE > lmp values are always used as the initial defaults. Step 3 In the Create LMP Control Channel dialog box, complete the following: • Admin State—Select unlocked (if you are using an ETSI shelf) or IS (if you are using an ANSI shelf) to establish the control channel; otherwise, select locked, disabled (ETSI) or OOS-DSBLD (ANSI) to set the control channel to out of service. • Local Port—Select Routed if the control channel is to be sent over the control plane or management network; otherwise, if the control channel is to be sent over the same fiber as the traffic (either in the payload or in the overhead), select one of the available traffic ports. • Local Port Id—(Display only) Displays the local port identifier assigned by the node. Purpose This task creates, edits, or deletes one or more LMP control channels between pairs of Cisco ONS 15454 nodes, between a Calient PXC and a Cisco ONS 15454, or between a Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and a Cisco ONS 15454 node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G372 Enable LMP, page 15-41 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-43 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin • Remote Node Type—Select 15454 or non-CRS1 if you are creating a control channel between two Cisco ONS 15454 nodes or between a Calient PXC and a Cisco ONS 15454 node; select CRS-1 if you are creating a control channel between a Cisco CRS-1 router and a Cisco ONS 15454 node; otherwise, select ASR9K if you are creating a control channel between a Cisco ASR 9000 router and a Cisco ONS 15454 node. • Remote Node Address—In dotted-decimal format, enter the number that identifies the IP address of the remote node (either a Calient PXC peer node, a Cisco CRS-1 router, Cisco ASR 9000 router, or a Cisco ONS 15454 node) where the control channel will be established. • Remote Node ID—Initially, CTC autopopulates this value to the remote node IP address that you just assigned. However, you can change the identifier to any nonzero 32-bit integer in dotted decimal format (for example, • Requested Hello Interval—Enter the Requested Hello Interval in milliseconds (ms). Before sending Hello messages, the Hello Interval and Hello Dead Interval parameters must be established by the local and remote nodes. These parameters are exchanged in the Config message. The Hello Interval indicates how frequently LMP Hello messages will be sent; the interval must be in the 300 ms to 5000 ms range. The Min Hello Interval must be less than or equal to the Requested Hello Interval, and the Requested Hello Interval must be less than or equal to the Max Hello Interval. • Min Hello Interval—Enter the minimum Hello Interval in milliseconds. When the two nodes negotiate for the Hello Interval, the value that you enter here will be the minimum Hello Interval acceptable for the local node. The Min Hello Interval must be in the 300 ms to 5000 ms range. The Min Hello Interval must be less than or equal to the Requested Hello Interval and the Requested Hello Interval must be less than or equal to the Max Hello Interval. • Max Hello Interval—Enter the maximum Hello Interval in milliseconds. When the two nodes negotiate for the Hello Interval, the value that you enter here will be the maximum Hello Interval acceptable for the local node. The Max Hello Interval must be in the 300 ms to 5000 ms range. The Min Hello Interval must be less than or equal to the Requested Hello Interval and the Requested Hello Interval must be less than or equal to the Max Hello Interval. • Requested Hello Dead Interval—Enter the Requested Hello Dead Interval in milliseconds. The Requested Hello Dead Interval indicates how long a device should wait to receive a Hello message before declaring a control channel dead. The Requested Hello Dead interval must be in the 2000 ms to 20000 ms range. The Min Hello Dead Interval must be less than or equal to the Requested Hello Dead Interval and the Requested Hello Dead Interval must be less than or equal to the Max Hello Dead Interval. Note The Requested Hello Dead Interval must be at least three times greater than the Requested Hello Interval. • Min Hello Dead Interval—Enter the minimum Hello Dead Interval in milliseconds. The minimum Hello Dead Interval must be in the 2000 ms to 20000 ms range. The minimum Hello Dead Interval must be less than or equal to the Requested Hello Dead Interval and the Requested Hello Dead Interval must be less than or equal to the Max Hello Dead Interval. When the two nodes negotiate for the Hello Dead Interval, the value that you enter here will be the minimum Hello Dead Interval acceptable for the local node. Note The value of the Min Hello Dead Interval must be greater than the Min Hello Interval.15-44 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin • Max Hello Dead Interval—Enter the maximum Hello Dead Interval in milliseconds. This interval must be in the 2000 ms to 20000 ms range. The Min Hello Dead Interval must be less than or equal to the Requested Hello Dead Interval and the Requested Hello Dead Interval must be less than or equal to the Max Hello Dead Interval. When the two nodes negotiate for the Hello Dead Interval, the value that you enter here will be the maximum Hello Dead Interval acceptable for the local node. Note The Max Hello Dead Interval must be greater than the Max Hello Interval. Step 4 Click OK to accept the parameters that you have entered, or click Cancel to return to the Control Channels tab without creating a control channel. Step 5 If you have chosen the Remote Node Type as CRS-1 or ASR9K in Step 3 and if you have chosen that automatic LMP configuration in the “DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters” task on page 15-50, a confirmation dialog box is displayed to indicate that this operation will also change the configuration of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Click Yes. Step 6 If you created a control channel, verify that the parameters for the new Control Channel appear properly in the Control Channels tab. Note The Actual Hello Interval and Actual Hello Dead Interval parameters reflect the values of these parameters as a result of the negotiated agreement of the local and remote nodes. They may be different than the requested values. Step 7 After the LMP control channel has been created, observe the status of the channel in the Operational State column of the Control Channels tab, and take the appropriate action as shown in the following list: • Up—The control channel contacted the far-end node and successfully negotiated a control channel. • Down—LMP is enabled and the link is inactive. Ensure that the Admin State of the control channel is unlocked (ETSI) or IS (ANSI) and not disabled (ETSI) or OOS-DSBLD (ANSI). If the state still does not transition to Up, the far-end control channel might have disjointed Hello negotiation times that prevent a control channel from transitioning to the Up state. For example, the local ONS 15454 Min Hello Interval and Max Hello Interval might be 900 to 1000, while the remote Min Hello Interval and Max Hello Interval is 1100 to 1200. • Config Send—The connection could not be made to the remote node. Check to make sure that the remote node address and remote node ID addresses are correct. • Config Received—The local node sent a configuration request to the remote node and received a response of either ConfigNack or ConfigAck. • Unknown Step 8 To delete a control channel, click the channel row to highlight it and click Delete. A confirmation dialog box appears that allows you to click OK or Cancel. Step 9 To edit a control channel, click the channel row to highlight it and click Edit. A dialog box appears that allows you to change the control channel parameters. You can then click OK or Cancel. If you are editing a control channel that involves a Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes. Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).15-45 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G374 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP TE Links Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > LMP > TE Links tabs. Step 2 To create a TE link, click Create. The Create LMP TE Link dialog box appears. Step 3 In the Create LMP TE Link dialog box, complete the following: • Admin State—Select unlocked (for ETSI shelves) or IS (for ANSI shelves) to put the TE link in service; otherwise, select locked, disabled (ETSI) or OOS-DSBLD (ANSI) to set the TE link to out of service. • Remote Node Id—Select a remote node (either a Calient PXC peer node, a Cisco CRS-1 router, a Cisco ASR 9000 router, or a Cisco ONS 15454 node) for the other end of the TE link. • Remote TE Link Id—Enter an unsigned 32-bit value (such as 0x00000001) to identify the remote node identifier for the other end of the TE link. This option is not available if you have chosen the automatic LMP configuration in “DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters” task on page 15-50. • MUX Capability—Select the MUX capability. This option is not available if you are creating a TE link that involves a Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Step 4 Click OK to accept the parameters that you have entered and create the TE link, or click Cancel to return to the Control Channels tab without creating a TE link. Step 5 If you created a TE link, verify that the parameters for the new TE link now appear properly in the TE Links tab. Step 6 After the TE link has been created, observe the status of the TE link in the Operational State column of the TE Links pane, and take the appropriate action as shown in the following list: • Up—The TE link is active. • Down—Ensure that the Admin State of the TE link is unlocked (ETSI) or IS (ANSI) and not disabled (ETSI) or OOS-DSBLD (ANSI). The TE link does not transition to the Up state until a data link has been provisioned. • Init—Verify that the Remote Node ID and Remote TE Link ID values are correct for the remote node. Verify that the remote node is using the Cisco ONS 15454 or the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router IP address for its remote node IP and that the remote node is using the local TE link index for its remote TE link index. Step 7 To delete a TE link, click the link row to highlight it and click Delete. A confirmation dialog box appears that allows you to click OK or Cancel. Step 8 To edit a TE link, click the link row to highlight it and click Edit. A dialog box appears that allows you to change the TE link parameters. You can then click OK or Cancel. Purpose This task creates, edits, or deletes TE links and their association to neighboring LMP nodes. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G372 Enable LMP, page 15-41 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-46 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G378 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Data Links Note A port cannot be deleted if it is being used by a data link. A card cannot be deleted if any of its ports are being used by data links. Changing the state of the port impacts the state of a data link using the port. Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > LMP > Data Links tabs. Step 2 To create a data link, click Create. The Create LMP Data Link dialog box appears. Step 3 In the Create LMP Data Link dialog box, complete the following: • Local Port—Select one of the available local ports for the data link. • Local Port Id—(Display only) Displays the local port identifier. • Data Link Type—Select Port or Component. A data link is considered to be either a port or a component link on each node where it terminates, depending on the multiplexing capability of the endpoint on that link; component links are multiplex capable, whereas ports are not multiplex capable. • Local TE Link Id—Select an identifier for one of the local TE links that has already been created. • Remote CRS Port Id—Select one of the available remote Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 ports for the data link. This option is not available if you are creating a data link between two Cisco ONS 15454 nodes. • Remote Port Id—Enter an unsigned 32-bit value (such as 0x00000001) to identify the remote node identifier for the other end of the data link. This option is not available if you have chosen the automatic LMP configuration in the “DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters” task on page 15-50. Step 4 Click OK to accept the parameters you have entered and create the data link, or click Cancel to return to the Data Links tab without creating a data link. Step 5 If you are creating a data link that involves a Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and if you have chosen the automatic LMP configuration in the “DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters” task on page 15-50, a confirmation dialog box is displayed to indicate that this operation will also change the configuration of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Click Yes. Purpose This task creates, edits, or deletes one or more data links, which define the node’s transport parameters. CTC supports up to 256 LMP data links. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network, page 15-33 DLP-G372 Enable LMP, page 15-41 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-47 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 6 If you created a data link, verify that the parameters for the new data link now appear properly in the Data Links tab. Step 7 After the data link has been created, observe its status in the Operational State column of the Data Links tab, and take the appropriate action as shown in the following list: • Up–Alloc or Up–Free—If the data link state does not transition to Up–Alloc or Up–Free, verify that the port is in service. Verification must be done using the CTC card view > Provisioning tab for the cards. (The difference between Up–Alloc and Up–Free is that an Up–Alloc data link is allocated for data traffic. An Up–Free data link is not allocated for traffic. The far end is either not ready to receive traffic through this port, or the path is being used as a backup in case some other allocated data link goes down). • Down—The data link will be in the Down state if the port is not unlocked or not in-service. Verify that the remote port ID for the far-end data link is correct. On the far end, verify that the data link is using the local port ID as its remote port ID. Step 8 To delete a data link, click the data link row to highlight it and click Delete. A confirmation dialog box appears that allows you to click OK or Cancel. Step 9 To edit a data link, click the data link row to highlight it and click Edit. A dialog box appears that allows you to change the data link parameters. You can then click OK or Cancel. If you are editing a data link that involves a Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes. Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G233 Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node Note This procedure is normally required only when the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node must run traffic to and from a Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task to log in to a DWDM node on the network. Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters” task on page 15-50 to configure the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router parameters. Purpose This procedure configures LMP on the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node and on the corresponding Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 physical layer interface module (PLIM) port. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up, page 15-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-48 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 3 Complete the “DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration” task on page 15-51 to establish a Telnet session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Step 4 Complete the “DLP-G510 Create a Task Group, User Group, and User Account on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router” task on page 15-52 to create task groups, user groups, and user accounts on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Step 5 If you have chosen the automatic LMP configuration in Step 2, complete the “NTP-G234 Automatically Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node” procedure on page 15-48. If you have chosen the manual LMP configuration in Step 2, complete the “NTP-G207 Manually Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node” procedure on page 15-49. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G234 Automatically Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node Step 1 Complete the DLP-G372 Enable LMP, page 15-41 to enable the LMP function on the DWDM node. Step 2 Complete the DLP-G373 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Control Channels, page 15-42 to create the LMP control channel between the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and the DWDM node. Step 3 Complete the DLP-G374 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP TE Links, page 15-45 to create TE links between the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and the DWDM node. Step 4 Complete the DLP-G378 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Data Links, page 15-46 to create a data link, which define the node’s transport parameters. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure automatically configures LMP on the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node and on the corresponding Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 PLIM port. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G233 Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node, page 15-47 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-49 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin NTP-G207 Manually Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node Note For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands used in the DLPs, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference publication at Step 1 Complete the DLP-G372 Enable LMP, page 15-41 to enable the LMP function on the DWDM node. Step 2 Complete the DLP-G373 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Control Channels, page 15-42 to create the LMP control channel between the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and the DWDM node. Step 3 Complete the DLP-G374 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP TE Links, page 15-45 to create TE links between the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and the DWDM node. Step 4 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > LMP > TE Links tab and write down the value of the Local TE Link field so that it can be used later. Step 5 Complete the DLP-G378 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Data Links, page 15-46 to create a data link, which define the node’s transport parameters. Step 6 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > LMP > Data Links tab and write down the value of the Local Port Id field so that it can be used later. Step 7 Complete the DLP-G482 Configure a Static Route, page 15-55 to configure a static route. Step 8 Complete the DLP-G483 Configure Local and Remote TE Links, page 15-56 to configure the local and remote TE links. Step 9 Complete the DLP-G484 Enable the LMP Message Exchange, page 15-58 to enable LMP message exchange with the LMP neighbor. Step 10 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > LMP > Data Links tab and from the Local Port field, write down the card and the port involved in the LMP link. Double-click the card involved in the LMP link. In card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs and write down the value of the Actual Wavelength field for the port involved in the LMP link. Step 11 Complete the DLP-G511 Configure the Wavelength on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router, page 15-59 to configure the wavelength on the PLIM port of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Purpose This procedure manually configures LMP on the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node and on the corresponding Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 PLIM port. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G233 Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node, page 15-47 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-50 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 12 If you need RADIUS AAA services, complete the DLP-G494 Configure the RADIUS Server, page 15-61 to configure a RADIUS server. Step 13 Complete the DLP-G485 Enable Index Persistency on an SNMP Interface, page 15-62 to enable index persistency on an SNMP interface. Step 14 Complete the DLP-G486 Configure the LMP Router ID, page 15-63 to configure LMP router ID. Step 15 Complete the DLP-G487 Configure the 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) or POS Interface, page 15-64 to configure an interface and specify the IPv4 address for the interface. Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform DLP-G482, DLP-G483, DLP-G484, DLP-G494, DLP-G485, and DLP-G486. The task privileges required to perform these DLPs are similar to the privileges required for automatic LMP configuration. Step 16 Complete the DLP-G488 Display Summary of Link Management Information, page 15-65 to display the interface resource or a summary of link management information. Step 17 Complete the DLP-G374 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP TE Links, page 15-45 to edit the TE link created in Step 3. Change the Remote TE Link ID value to the value (Local TE Link ID) noted in Step 1 of the DLP-G488 Display Summary of Link Management Information, page 15-65. Step 18 Complete the DLP-G378 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Data Links, page 15-46 to edit the data link created in Step 5. Change the Remote Port Id value to the value (Local Data Link ID) noted in Step 1 of the DLP-G488 Display Summary of Link Management Information, page 15-65. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters Step 1 From the Edit menu, choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. Step 2 In the Preferences dialog box, click the Router tab. Purpose This task configures the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 series, or Cisco 7600 series router. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures • NTP-G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network, page 15-33. • (Cisco CRS-1 and Cisco ASR 9000 series routers only) DLP-G372 Enable LMP, page 15-41. • DLP-G46 Log into CTC. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-51 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 3 (Cisco CRS-1 and Cisco ASR 9000 series routers only) Leave the Skip automatic LMP configuration on routers check box unchecked if you want CTC to automatically configure an interface on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 series router for the data link. Check this check box if you want to manually configure an interface on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 series router. Step 4 In the Router login area, enter the following: • Username—Specify the name of the user on the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000, or Cisco 7600 router. • Password—Specify the user password. • Confirm Password—Specify the password again to confirm it. Note If you leave the Username and Password fields blank, the CTC login information (username and password) will be used for the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 series, or Cisco 7600 series router. Step 5 Click OK. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration Purpose This task establishes a Telnet session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router and verifies the node configuration, SSH, and/or XML module configuration. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose Step 1 telnet {ip-address | host-name} Example: router# telnet Establishes a Telnet session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. When the session is established, you can log in with the root-system username and password. After you log in, the router displays the CLI prompt for the Cisco IOS XR software. Step 2 show install active summary Example: router# show install active summary Displays a summary of the active packages in a system or secure domain router. Ensure that the output of the show install active summary command includes the following lines: hfr-mpls-3.9.x hfr-k9sec-3.9.x hfr-mgbl-3.9.x15-52 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G510 Create a Task Group, User Group, and User Account on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router Note Only users who have permission to create new task groups and configure required task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Step 3 show running-config Example: router# show running-config Displays the contents of the currently running configuration and verifies that Extensible Markup Language (XML) agent service and Secure Shell (SSH) client are installed on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Ensure that the output of the show running-config command includes the following lines: ssh server v2 ssh server session-limit sessions ssh server rate-limit maxsessions_per_minute vty-pool default first-vty last-vty line-template default xml agent tty If the output does not contain the above lines, check the SSH and/or XML module configuration. Refer to Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference and Cisco IOS XR System Management Command Reference for details about SSH and XML configuration. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task creates task groups, user groups, and user accounts on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 series router. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose15-53 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 taskgroup taskgroup-name Example: router# taskgroup ipodwdmop Creates a new task group and enters task group configuration submode. If you have chosen the automatic LMP configuration in the DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters, page 15-50, perform Step 3. If you have chosen the manual LMP configuration in the DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters, page 15-50, perform Step 4. Step 3 task {read | write | execute | debug} taskid-name Example: router(config-tg)# task read cef Specifies a task ID to be associated with the task group named in Step 2. Task IDs grant permission to perform certain tasks. Ensure that you specify the following task IDs to set up required privileges for the automatic LMP configuration: task read cef task read dwdm task read ouni task read snmp task read static task read sysmgr task read logging task read mpls-te task read network task read interface task read basic-services task write dwdm task write ipv4 task write ouni task write snmp task write static task write mpls-te task write network task write interface Step 4 task {read | write | execute | debug} taskid-name Example: router(config-tg)# task read cef Specifies a task ID to be associated with the task group named in Step 2. Task IDs grant permission to perform certain tasks. Ensure that you specify the following task IDs to set up required privileges for the manual LMP configuration: task read cef task read dwdm task read ouni task read snmp task read static task read sysmgr task read logging task read mpls-te task read network task read interface task read basic-services task write interface15-54 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 5 end Example: router(config-tg)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 6 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 7 usergroup usergroup-name Example: router# usergroup ipodwdmop Creates a new user group and enters user group configuration submode. Step 8 taskgroup taskgroup-name Example: router(config-ug)# taskgroup ipodwdmop Associates the user group named in Step 7 with the task group named in this step. The user group takes on the configuration attributes (task ID list and permissions) already defined for the entered task group. Step 9 end Example: router(config-ug)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 10 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 11 username user-name Example: router# username user123 Creates a name for a new user (or identifies a current user) and enters username configuration submode. The user-name argument can be only one word. Spaces and quotation marks are not allowed. Note The user that you specify for this command must be the user you have specified in the DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters, page 15-50. Step 12 password {0 | 7} password Example: router(config-un)# password 0 passwd Specifies a password for the user named in Step 11. Entering 0 following the password command specifies that an unencrypted (clear-text) password follows. Entering 7 following the password command specifies that an encrypted password follows. Step 13 group group-name Example: router(config-un)# group ipodwdmop Assigns the user named in Step 11 to a user group that has already been defined through the usergroup command in Step 7. • The user takes on all attributes of the user group, as defined by that user group's association to various task groups. • Each user must be assigned to at least one user group. A user may belong to multiple user groups. Command or Action Purpose15-55 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G482 Configure a Static Route Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note In the examples shown in this task, the IP address of the DWDM node is and the IP address of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router is To remove the static route configuration, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference at Step 14 end Example: router(config-ug)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 15 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task explains how to configure a static route. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 router static Example: router(config)# router static Enters static router configuration mode. Step 3 address-family ipv4 unicast Example: router(config-static)# address-family ipv4 unicast Enters address family configuration mode while configuring static routes.15-56 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G483 Configure Local and Remote TE Links Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note In the examples shown in this task, the IP address of the DWDM node is and the IP address of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router is To remove the local and remote TE link configuration, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference at Step 4 destination-prefix prefix-mask {ip-address | interface-type interface-instance} Example: router(config-static-afi)# MgmtEth 0/RP0/CPU0/0 Establishes static routes in address family configuration mode. Specify the following options for this command: • destination-prefix—IP route prefix for the destination (that is, DWDM node involved in the LMP link). • prefix-mask—Prefix mask for the destination. The network mask can be specified as either a four-part, dotted-decimal address or can be indicated as a slash (/) and number. • ip-address—(Optional) IP address of the next hop that can be used to reach that network. The IP address is required, not optional, if the interface type and number are not specified. You can specify an IP address and an interface type and interface number. • interface-type—(Optional) Interface type. • interface-instance—(Optional) Either a physical interface instance or a virtual interface instance. Note The interface that you specify for this command must be the management interface that connects the CRS-1 or ASR 9000 router to the DWDM node. Step 5 end Example: router(config-static-afi)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task explains how to configure the local and remote TE links. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose15-57 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 mpls traffic-eng interface interface-type interface-instance Example: router(config)# mpls traffic-eng interface TenGigE 0/1/0/1 Enables Multiprotocol Label Switching-Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE) on an interface and enters MPLS-TE interface submode. Note The interface that you specify for this command must be the optical interface related to the PLIM port involved in the LMP link. Step 3 lmp data-link adjacency Example: router(config-mpls-te-if)# lmp data-link adjacency Enters the LMP neighbor adjacency configuration mode. Step 4 neighbor neighbor-name Example: router(config-mpls-ouni-if-adj)# neighbor Associates an interface with a given LMP neighbor. Step 5 remote te-link-id unnum identifier Example: router(config-mpls-te-if-adj)# remote te-link-id unnum 1 Configures the LMP neighbor remote TE link ID. Note Specify the value (converted to decimal format) noted in Step 4 of NTP-G207 Manually Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node, page 15-49 for the te-link-id unnum identifier keywords and argument. Step 6 remote interface-id unnum identifier Example: router(config-mpls-te-if-adj)# remote interface-id unnum 57410 Configures the LMP neighbor remote interface identifier. Note Specify the value (converted to decimal format) noted in Step 6 of NTP-G207 Manually Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node, page 15-49 for the interface-id unnum identifier keywords and argument. Step 7 remote switching-capability fsc Example: router(config-mpls-te-if-adj)# remote switching-capability fsc Configures the LMP neighbor remote TE interface switching capability. Step 8 end Example: router(config-mpls-te-if-adj)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). —15-58 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G484 Enable the LMP Message Exchange Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note In the examples shown in this task, the IP address of the DWDM node is and the IP address of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router is To remove the LMP message exchange configuration, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference at Purpose This task explains how to enable the LMP message exchange with the LMP neighbor. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 mpls traffic-eng signalling advertise explicit-null Example: router(config)# mpls traffic-eng signalling advertise explicit-null Specifies that tunnels terminating on a router use explicit-null labels. Step 3 mpls traffic-eng lmp neighbor neighbor-name Example: router(config)# mpls traffic-eng lmp neighbor Configures or updates a new or existing LMP neighbor. Step 4 ipcc routed Example: router(config-mpls-te-nbr- ipcc routed Configures a routed Internet Protocol Control Channel (IPCC) for the LMP neighbor.15-59 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G511 Configure the Wavelength on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note To remove the wavelength setting, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference at Step 5 remote node-id ip-address Example: router(config-mpls-te-nbr- remote node-id Configures the remote node ID for the LMP neighbor (DWDM node). Step 6 end Example: router(config-mpls-te-nbr- end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task explains how to configure the wavelength on the PLIM port of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose15-60 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Command or Action Purpose Step 1 show controllers dwdm interface-instance wavelength-map Example: router# show controllers dwdm 0/1/0/0 wavelength-map Displays the wavelength information of an interface. Note The interface that you specify for this command must be the optical interface related to the PLIM port involved in the LMP link. The output of the show command will include the following lines: Wavelength band: C-band MSA ITU channel range supported: 3~84 03 196.00 1529.553 ---------------------------------------- 04 195.95 1529.944 ---------------------------------------- 05 195.90 1530.334 ---------------------------------------- 06 195.85 1530.725 ---------------------------------------- From the output of the show command, write down the channel number of the wavelength that matches that of the wavelength noted in Step 10 of NTP-G207 Manually Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node, page 15-49. Step 2 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 3 controller dwdm interface-instance Example: router(config)# controller dwdm 0/1/0/0 Configures the DWDM controller. Note The interface that you specify for this command must be the optical interface related to the PLIM port involved in the LMP link. Step 4 wavelength channel-number Example: router(config)# wavelength 04 Configures a specific wavelength to the DWDM controller. Note The channel number that you specify for this command must be the value noted down in Step 1. Step 5 end Example: router(config-mpls-te-nbr- end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). —15-61 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G494 Configure the RADIUS Server Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note In the examples shown in this task, the IP address of the RADIUS server is To remove the RADIUS server configuration, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference document. Purpose This task explains how to configure the RADIUS server. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 For details on configuring a node for RADIUS authentication, see the DLP-G281 Configure the Node for RADIUS Authentication task. See the User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server for more information about configuring the RADIUS server. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 radius-server host ip-address [auth-port port-number] [acct-port port-number] [key string] Example: router(config)# radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 12485043475F Specifies the RADIUS server host. Step 3 aaa group server radius group-name Example: router(config)# aaa group server radius radgroup1 Groups different RADIUS server hosts into distinct lists and enters server group configuration mode. Step 4 server ip-address [auth-port port-number] [acct-port port-number] Example: router(config-sg-radius)# server auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 Associates a particular RADIUS server with a defined server group.15-62 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G485 Enable Index Persistency on an SNMP Interface Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note To remove the index persistency configuration, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference document. Step 5 end Example: router(config-sg-radius)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 6 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 7 aaa authentication login {{console | default} {group group_name | local | none}} Example: router(config)# aaa authentication login default group radgroup1 local Configures the authentication method used for login to the Virtual Firewall (VFW) application CLI. Step 8 end Example: router(config-if)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task explains how to enable index persistency on a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) interface. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose15-63 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G486 Configure the LMP Router ID Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note In the examples shown in this task, the IP address of the DWDM node is and the IP address of the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router is To remove the LMP router ID configuration, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference document. Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 snmp-server interface interface-type interface-instance Example: router(config)# snmp-server interface TenGigE 0/1/0/1 Enables an interface to send SNMP trap notifications and enters SNMP interface configuration mode. Note The interface that you specify for this command must be the optical interface related to the PLIM port involved in the LMP link. Step 3 index persistence Example: router(config-snmp-if)# index persistence Enables index persistency on an SNMP interface. This command must be performed to ensure that the LMP IDs are persistent even after a system reload. Step 4 end Example: router(config-snmp-if)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task explains how to configure the LMP router ID. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-64 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G487 Configure the 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) or POS Interface Note Only users with proper task privileges, or a system administrator, can perform this task. Note To remove the POS interface configuration, use the no form of the Cisco IOS XR command. For more information about the Cisco IOS XR commands, see the Cisco IOS XR Command Reference document. Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 mpls traffic-eng lmp router-id ip-address Example: router(config)# mpls traffic-eng lmp router-id Configures the LMP router ID. Step 3 end Example: router(config)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task explains how to configure the 10 GE or POS interface. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-65 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin DLP-G488 Display Summary of Link Management Information Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 2 interface interface-type interface-instance Example: router(config)# interface TenGigE 0/1/0/1 Enters interface configuration mode. Note The interface that you specify for this command must be the optical interface related to the PLIM port involved in the LMP link. Step 3 ipv4 point-to-point Example: router(config-if)# ipv4 point-to-point Configures a 10 GE interface to act as a point-to-point interface. Note For a POS interface, skip this step and continue with Step 4. Step 4 ipv4 unnumbered interface-type interface-instance Example: router(config-if)# ipv4 unnumbered MgmtEth 0/RP0/CPU0/0 Specifies the MPLS-TE tunnel IPv4 address for the interface. Note The interface that you specify for this command must be the management interface that connects the CRS-1 or ASR 9000 router to the DWDM node. Step 5 end Example: router(config-if)# end Saves configuration changes. When you enter the end command, the system prompts you to commit the changes. Enter yes to save the configuration changes to the running configuration file and return to the EXEC mode. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This task displays the interface resource or a summary of link management information. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router and Verify Configuration, page 15-51 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-66 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin NTP-G303 Configure Virtual links on the Cisco 7600 and Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node Note This procedure is normally required only when the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node must run traffic to and from a Cisco 7600 router. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G711 Configure SSH Server on Cisco 7600 Series Nodes” task on page 15-67. Step 2 To enable IPoDWDM using the Cisco 7600 series router, add the attribute “ctc.isC7600Supported=1” in the /users//.ctcrc file. This should be done prior to launching CTC. By default, IPoDWDM using the Cisco 7600 series router is disabled. Step 3 If you need RADIUS AAA services, configure a RADIUS server. For more information, see “Configuring RADIUS”. Step 4 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task to log in to a DWDM node on the network. Step 5 Configure the Cisco 7600 series router parameters in CTC. See “DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1, Cisco ASR 9000 Series, or Cisco 7600 Series Router Parameters” task on page 15-50”. Step 6 Add a Cisco 7600 series node to the DWDM network in CTC. See DLP-G49 Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group. Step 7 Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 to bring up the second Cisco 7600 series node in the network. Step 8 Create Provisionable Patchcords between the Cisco 7600 series and DWDM nodes. See “NTP-G184 Create a Provisionable Patchcord” task on page 16-72.” Step 9 Create an Optical Channel (OCH) trail between the two Cisco 7600 series nodes. See “DLP-G395 Create an Optical Channel Trail” task on page 16-34”. After creating the OCH trails, traffic can be transmitted between the Cisco 7600 nodes. Command or Action Purpose Step 1 show mpls traffic-eng lmp interface [interface-type interface-instance] Example: router(config-if)# show mpls traffic-eng lmp interface TenGigE 0/1/0/1 Displays the interface resource or a summary of link management information. From the output of the show command, write down the value of the Local TE Link ID and the Local Data Link ID parameters. Step 2 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). — Purpose This procedure configures virtual links on the Cisco 7600 and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up, page 15-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-67 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G711 Configure SSH Server on Cisco 7600 Series Nodes Note The user ID and password configured on the ONS 15454 and Cisco 7600 nodes must be the same. Purpose This procedure configures the Secure Shell (SSH) server and performs node authentication for Cisco 7600 series nodes. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Command or Action Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Example: router# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. • Enter your password if prompted. Step 2 shell processing full Example: router(config)# shell processing full Enables shell processing. Step 3 hostname host-name Example: router(config)# hostname test124 Configures the host name on the Cisco 7600 series router. Step 4 aaa new-model Example: router(config)# aaa new-model Enables authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). Step 5 username username password password Example: router(config)# username cisco password cisco123 Enables the local username and password on the Cisco 7600 series router to be used in the absence of other AAA statements. 15-68 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 6 username username privilege privilege-level Example: router(config)# username cisco privilege 1 Assigns user name and privilege levels to the CTC user. Step 7 ip domain-name domain-name Example: router(config)# ip domain-name Configures the DNS domain of the Cisco 7600 series router. Step 8 crypto key generate rsa Example: router(config)# crypto key generate rsa Generates the SSH key that is used with the SSH server. Step 9 ip ssh version 2 Example: router(config)# ip ssh version 2 Specifies that version 2 of SSH is configured on the Cisco 7600 series router. Step 10 ip ssh time-out seconds Example: router(config)# ip ssh time-out 60 Indicates the time interval that the Cisco 7600 series router waits for the SSH client to respond. This setting applies to the SSH negotiation phase. When the EXEC session starts, the standard timeouts configured for the vty apply. The value can range from 1 to 120 seconds. Step 11 ip ssh authentication-retries integer Example: router(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 2 Indicates the number of attempts after which the interface is reset. The number of retries can range from 0 to 5. Step 12 line vty 0 4 Example: router(config)#line vty 0 4 Indicates that five terminal sessions are possible. Step 13 transport input ssh Example: router(config-line)# transport input ssh Disables telnet mode and enables the SSH mode to login to the Cisco 7600 series router. Command or Action Purpose15-69 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin NTP-G57 Create a Logical Network Map Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task at a node on the network where you want to create the network map. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View. Step 3 Change the position of the nodes in the network view according to your site plan: a. Click a node to select it, then drag and drop the node icon to a new location. b. Repeat Step a for each node that you need to position. Step 4 On the network view map, right-click and choose Save Node Position from the shortcut menu. Step 5 Click Yes in the Save Node Position dialog box. CTC opens a progress bar and saves the new node positions. Note Retrieve, Provisioning, and Maintenance users can move nodes on the network map, but only Superusers can save new network map configurations. To restore the view to a previously saved version of the network map, right-click the network view map and choose Reset Node Position. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G325 View the Power Levels of Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Nodes Purpose This procedure allows a Superuser to create a consistent network view for all nodes on the network, meaning that all users see the same network view on their login nodes. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures This procedure assumes that network turn-up is complete. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only Purpose This procedure displays the power levels of the ports of the ONS 15454 MSTP nodes that traverse through an OCH or OCHNC trail using the Photonic Path Trace (PPT). The results are displayed in a histogram. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-70 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task to log in to an ONS 15454 MSTP node on the network. Step 2 In the network view, node view (single-node mode), multishelf view (multishelf mode), or card view click the Circuits tab. Note An OCHNC or OCH trail circuit must exist on the optical path on which PPT is launched. Step 3 Select the OCH trail and click Edit. The Edit Circuit window appears. Step 4 In the Edit Circuit window, click the Photonic Path Trace tab. Step 5 Click Start to start the PPT. The PPT creates a histogram that displays the power levels of the nodes versus the threshold levels. Note The circuit must be in the DISCOVERED state to start the PPT. Step 6 Click Export to export the data in the form of HTML. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G326 Provision SRLG on the Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Network Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task to log in to an ONS 15454 MSTP node on the network. Step 2 To assign, modify, delete, or reset the SRLG attributes for the nodes or links, perform the following steps: a. Click the Manage SRLGs option in the Tools > Manage IPoDWDM menu. The SRLG Management wizard appears. b. Choose one of the following options from the Select Type drop-down list: – Manage Node SRLG—To add or update the node SRLGs. – Manage Link SRLG—To add or update the link SRLGs. c. Click Next. Purpose This procedure provisions Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLGs) for MSTP nodes and spans of the currently managed network using the SRLG management wizard. The SRLG information can be synchronized on Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 routers and viewed as reports. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-71 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin d. In the Manage SRLG page, complete the following fields: – If you chose the Manage Node SRLG option in Step b., select the node from the Node drop-down list. If you the chose Manage Link SRLG option in Step b., select the span from the Link drop-down list. – In the Unique SRLG field, an SRLG number is displayed. You can edit the value. If the SRLG value already exists, a message is displayed. To reset the SRLG value, click Set Default. A confirmation box is displayed. Click Yes. Note The unique SRLG range is from 0 to 4294967294. – To add an additional SRLG, type a numeric value in the Additional SRLG field and click Add. If the SRLG value already exists, a message is displayed. Note A maximum of 20 SRLGs can be added to the SRLG list. – To delete an additional SRLG, choose the value from the SRLG list and click Delete. To reset the value, click Set Default. A confirmation box is displayed. Click Yes. e. Click Finish to exit the wizard. Step 3 To view the SRLG values of the nodes and links, perform the following steps: • To view the SRLG values for the OTS, OSC, or PPC links, go to the Network view and right-click the link, or place the mouse pointer over the link to see the SRLG value as a tooltip. • To view the node SRLG values, click the Provisioning > General tab in the node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view). Step 4 To synchronize the SRLG information on the Cisco CRS-1 or Cisco ASR 9000 router, go to Network view, right-click the router and choose Synchronise IPoDWDM from the shortcut menu. Step 5 Complete the “DLP-G540 View SRLG Reports” section on page 15-71 to view SRLG reports. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G540 View SRLG Reports Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task to log in to an ONS 15454 MSTP node on the network. Purpose This task explains how to view SRLG reports. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G326 Provision SRLG on the Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Network, page 15-70 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher15-72 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide, Release 9.4 78-20254-02 Chapter 15 Turn Up a Network Before You Begin Step 2 To view the SRLG reports, perform the following steps: • To view the consolidated SRLG report, click the Consolidated SRLG Report option in the Tools > Manage IPoDWDM > SRLG Report menu. The report displays the following information: – Resource Name—Displays the node name or link name. – Resource Type—Displays the resource type (node or link). – Unique SRLG—Displays the unique SRLG value. – Additional SRLG—Displays additional SRLG values. • To view the detailed SRLG report, click the Detailed SRLG Report option in the Tools > Manage IPoDWDM > SRLG Report menu. The report displays the following information: – Resource Name—Displays the node name or link name. – Resource Type—Displays the resource type (node or link). – SRLG Id—Displays the SRLG value. – SRLG Type—Displays the SRLG type (unique or additional). Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 15454 M2, and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 Product and Software Release 9.2 July 2012 Text Part Number: 78-19286-02THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. The following information is for FCC compliance of Class A devices: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense. The following information is for FCC compliance of Class B devices: The equipment described in this manual generates and may radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed in accordance with Cisco’s installation instructions, it may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in part 15 of the FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. Modifying the equipment without Cisco’s written authorization may result in the equipment no longer complying with FCC requirements for Class A or Class B digital devices. In that event, your right to use the equipment may be limited by FCC regulations, and you may be required to correct any interference to radio or television communications at your own expense. You can determine whether your equipment is causing interference by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the Cisco equipment or one of its peripheral devices. If the equipment causes interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures: • Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops. • Move the equipment to one side or the other of the television or radio. • Move the equipment farther away from the television or radio. • Plug the equipment into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the equipment and the television or radio are on circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.) Modifications to this product not authorized by Cisco Systems, Inc. could void the FCC approval and negate your authority to operate the product. The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB’s public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1981, Regents of the University of California. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental. Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 Copyright © 2004–2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.iii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 CONTENTS Preface lxix Revision History lxx Document Objectives lxxiii Audience lxxiii Document Organization lxxiii Related Documentation lxxv Document Conventions lxxv Obtaining Optical Networking Information lxxxi Where to Find Safety and Warning Information lxxxi Cisco Optical Networking Product Documentation CD-ROM lxxxi Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines i-lxxxii CHAPTER 1 Install the CiscoONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 Shelf 1-1 CHAPTER 2 Install the Control Cards 2-1 NTP- G15 Install the Common Control Cards 2-1 DLP- G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card 2-2 DLP- G34 Install the AIC-I Card 2-6 DLP- G309 Install the MS-ISC-100T Card 2-7 NTP- G313 Install and Configure the TNC or TSC Card 2-8 DLP- G604 Install the TNC or TSC Card 2-9 DLP- G605 Provision PPM and Port for the TNC Card 2-12 DLP- G606 Configure UDC and VoIP for the TNC Card 2-12 CHAPTER 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI 3-1 Before You Begin 3-1 NTP- G17 Set Up Computer for CTC 3-2 DLP- G37 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Windows PCs 3-3 DLP- G38 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Solaris Workstations 3-6 DLP- G52 Change the JRE Version 3-9 NTP- G18 Set Up CTC Computer for Local Craft Connection to the ONS 15454 3-9 DLP- G39 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 on the Same Subnet Using Static IP Addresses 3-12Contents iv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G40 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 3-15 DLP- G41 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 Using Automatic Host Detection 3-19 DLP- G42 Set Up a Solaris Workstation for a Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 3-23 NTP- G19 Set Up a CTC Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection to the ONS 15454 3-25 DLP- G43 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows) 3-26 DLP- G44 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Mozilla (Solaris) 3-27 NTP- G21 Log into the GUI 3-28 DLP- G331 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap Size (Windows) 3-29 DLP- G46 Log into CTC 3-30 DLP- G47 Install Public-Key Security Certificate 3-32 DLP- G48 Create Login Node Groups 3-33 DLP- G49 Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group 3-34 DLP- G50 Delete a Node from the Current Session or Login Group 3-35 DLP- G51 Delete a Node from a Specific Login Node Group 3-36 DLP- G53 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for Automatic Popup 3-36 DLP- G448 Designate ONS 15454 SOCKS GNEs 3-37 NTP- G190 Use the CTC Launcher Application to Manage Multiple ONS Nodes 3-38 DLP- G440 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Software CD 3-39 DLP- G441 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Node 3-39 DLP- G442 Connect to ONS Nodes Using the CTC Launcher 3-40 DLP- G443 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using the CTC Launcher 3-41 DLP- G444 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC 3-42 DLP- G445 View TL1 Tunnel Information 3-43 DLP- G446 Edit a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC 3-44 DLP- G447 Delete a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC 3-45 DLP- G449 Install or Reinstall the CTC JAR Files 3-46 DLP- G450 Configuring Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Support CTC 3-46 CHAPTER 4 Turn Up a Node 4-1 Before You Begin 4-1 NTP- G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files 4-3 NTP- G22 Verify Common Card Installation 4-7 NTP- G250 Verify Digital Image Signing (DIS) Information 4-8 NTP- G144 Provision a Multishelf Node 4-10 NTP- G23 Create Users and Assign Security 4-12 DLP- G54 Create a New User on a Single Node 4-13 DLP- G55 Create a New User on Multiple Nodes 4-14Contents v Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information 4-15 NTP- G25 Set Battery Power Monitor Thresholds 4-17 NTP- G26 Set Up CTC Network Access 4-18 DLP- G56 Provision IP Settings 4-19 DLP- G439 Provision the Designated SOCKS Servers 4-23 DLP- G57 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD 4-24 DLP- G264 Enable Node Security Mode 4-26 DLP- G58 Create a Static Route 4-28 DLP- G59 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol 4-29 DLP- G60 Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol 4-32 NTP- G194 Set Up EMS Secure Access to the ONS 15454 4-33 NTP- G27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access 4-33 NTP- G28 Create FTP Host 4-34 DLP- G61 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15454 4-35 DLP- G62 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer 4-36 NTP- G132 Provision OSI 4-37 DLP- G283 Provision OSI Routing Mode 4-38 DLP- G284 Provision the TARP Operating Parameters 4-39 DLP- G285 Add a Static TID-to-NSAP Entry to the TARP Data Cache 4-41 DLP- G287 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry 4-42 DLP- G288 Provision OSI Routers 4-43 DLP- G289 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses 4-44 DLP- G290 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN Interface 4-44 DLP- G291 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel 4-45 NTP- G29 Set Up SNMP 4-47 NTP- G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File 4-49 DLP- G351 Delete a Card in CTC 4-53 DLP- G353 Preprovision a Slot 4-55 NTP- G320 Configure the Node as a Non-DWDM Network 4-59 DLP- G693 Configure the Amplifier 4-59 DLP- G694 Configure the PSM 4-60 NTP- G328 Add and Delete ANS Parameters 4-61 DLP- G541 Add an ANS Parameter 4-62 DLP- G542 Delete an ANS Parameter 4-63 NTP- G30 Install the DWDM Cards 4-64 DLP- G348 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout Report 4-66 NTP- G31 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Units 4-67Contents vi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards 4-69 DLP- G63 Install an SFP or XFP 4-71 DLP- G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot 4-73 DLP- G64 Remove an SFP or XFP 4-74 NTP- G123 Install the Filler Cards 4-75 NTP- G239 Add and Delete Passive Units 4-76 DLP- G543 Add Passive Units Manually 4-76 DLP- G544 Delete a Passive Unit 4-77 NTP- G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs 4-78 DLP- G349 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report 4-80 NTP- G140 Install Fiber-Optic Cables Between Terminal, Hub, or ROADM Nodes 4-82 DLP- G315 Install Fiber-Optic Cables From the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray 4-85 DLP- G316 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray 4-89 DLP- G356 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray 4-90 DLP- G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-93 DLP- G428 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE Cards in an Expanded ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-95 DLP- G357 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray or 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-97 DLP- G530 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, or 80-WXC-C Cards in a ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 15216-MD-40 or 15216-MD-48 Patch Panel Tray 4-99 NTP- G185 Install Fiber-Optic Cables between Mesh Nodes 4-101 DLP- G430 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards in a Mesh Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-102 DLP- G431 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WXC-C, or 40-SMR2-C Cards in a Mesh Node to a Mesh Patch Panel Tray 4-104 NTP- G191 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on Passthrough ROADM Nodes 4-105 NTP- G141 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for Y-Cable Protection Modules 4-108 DLP- G375 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the FlexLayer Shelf 4-109 DLP- G376 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the Y-Cable Module Tray 4-110 NTP- G152 Create and Verify Internal Patchcords 4-113 NTP- G242 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually 4-114 DLP- G354 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Trunk to Trunk (L2) Option 4-115 DLP- G547 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Trunk to OCH-Filter Option 4-116 DLP- G548 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Filter to OCH-Filter Option 4-118 DLP- G549 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OTS to OTS Option 4-120Contents vii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G531 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Optical Path Option 4-122 DLP- G355 Delete an Internal Patchcord 4-123 NTP- G209 Create, Edit, and Delete Optical Sides 4-123 DLP- G491 Create an Optical Side 4-124 DLP- G492 Edit an Optical Side 4-125 DLP- G480 Delete an Optical Side 4-125 NTP- G38 Provision OSC Terminations 4-126 NTP- G37 Run Automatic Node Setup 4-127 NTP- G39 Verify OSCM Transmit Power 4-129 DLP- G314 Verify OSCM Transmit Power 4-130 NTP- G163 Upgrade Nodes in Single-Shelf Mode to Multishelf Mode 4-131 NTP- G210 Provision Node for SNMPv3 4-133 NTP- G211 Provision Node to Send SNMPv3 Traps 4-134 NTP- G212 Manually Provision a GNE/ENE to Manage an ENE using SNMPv3 4-135 NTP- G213 Automatically Provision a GNE to Manage an ENE using SNMPv3 4-136 NTP- G214 Manually Provision a GNE/ENE to Send SNMPv3 Traps from an ENE using SNMPv3 4-136 NTP- G215 Automatically Provision a GNE/ENE to Send SNMPv3 Traps from an ENE Using SNMPv3 4-137 DLP- G496 Create an SNMPv3 User 4-138 DLP- G497 Create MIB Views 4-139 DLP- G498 Create Group Access 4-139 DLP- G499 Configure SNMPv3 Trap Destination 4-140 DLP- G500 Delete SNMPv3 Trap Destination 4-141 DLP- G501 Create Notification Filters 4-142 DLP- G502 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table 4-142 DLP- G503 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table 4-143 DLP- G504 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table 4-144 DLP- G505 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table 4-145 CHAPTER 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests 5-1 Before You Begin 5-1 NTP- G41 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O Cards Acceptance Test 5-3 DLP- G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing 5-5 DLP- G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power 5-6 DLP- G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power 5-7 DLP- G78 Verify the 32MUX-O or 40-MUX-C Card Power 5-8 DLP- G269 Verify the 32DMX-O or 40-DMX-C Card Power 5-8Contents viii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G168 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-9 NTP- G42 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test 5-12 DLP- G270 Verify the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C Power 5-16 NTP- G167 Perform the Terminal Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-17 NTP- G153 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test 5-22 DLP- G358 Provision TXP_MR_10E_L Card for Acceptance Testing 5-26 DLP- G359 Verify the OPT-BST-L or OPT-AMP-L (OPT-Line Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power 5-27 DLP- G360 Verify the OPT-AMP-L (OPT-PRE Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power 5-27 DLP- G361 Verify the 32DMX-L Power 5-28 NTP- G43 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test 5-29 DLP- G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels 5-33 DLP- G311 Verify the Side B ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards 5-41 DLP- G312 Verify the Side A ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards 5-46 NTP- G154 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test 5-51 DLP- G362 Verify ROADM Node L-Band Pass-Through Channels 5-56 DLP- G363 Verify the Side B ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels 5-64 DLP- G364 Verify the Side A ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels 5-69 NTP- G180 Perform the ROADM Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-74 DLP- G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards 5-79 DLP- G311 Verify the Side B ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards 5-87 DLP- G312 Verify the Side A ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards 5-92 NTP- G276 Perform the 80-Channel n-degree ROADM Node Acceptance Tests 5-97 NTP- G44 Perform the Anti-ASE Hub Node Acceptance Test 5-101 NTP- G45 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM Cards Acceptance Test 5-104 NTP- G155 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM Cards Acceptance Test 5-108 NTP- G46 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-111 NTP- G156 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-115 NTP- G47 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-120 NTP- G157 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-124 NTP- G48 Perform the OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSCM Cards 5-128 DLP- G85 Verify Express Channel Connections on an OADM Node with OSCM Cards 5-130 DLP- G87 Verify the AD-xB-xx.x Output Express Power 5-131 DLP- G88 Verify the AD-xC-xx.x Output Express Power 5-131 DLP- G271 Verify the AD-xC-xx.x Output Common Power 5-132 DLP- G272 Verify the AD-xB-xx.x Output Common Power 5-132Contents ix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G89 Verify OADM Node Pass-Through Channel Connections 5-133 DLP- G92 Verify 4MD-xx.x Pass-Through Connection Power 5-134 DLP- G90 Verify an AD-xB-xx.x Pass-Through Connection Power 5-135 DLP- G91 Verify an AD-xC-xx.x Pass-Through Connection 5-136 DLP- G84 Verify the OSC-CSM Incoming Power 5-137 DLP- G93 Verify Add and Drop Connections on an OADM Node with OSCM Cards 5-138 NTP- G49 Perform the Active OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-140 DLP- G86 Verify Express Channel Connections on an OADM Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-142 DLP- G83 Verify the OSC-CSM Power on OADM Nodes 5-143 DLP- G94 Verify Add and Drop Connections on an OADM Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-144 NTP- G50 Perform the Passive OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-146 NTP- G186 Perform the Four-Degree and Eight-Degree Mesh Patch Panel Acceptance Test 5-148 DLP- G432 Set the Transponder Wavelength 5-158 DLP- G433 Record Transponder Optical Power 5-159 NTP- G187 Perform the Multiring Site Acceptance Test 5-160 DLP- 434 Record the OPT-AMP-17-C Power Value 5-165 DLP- 435 Set the 40-WXC-C OCHNC Parameters 5-166 DLP- 436 Record the 40-WXC-C Power Value 5-167 NTP- G188 Perform the Native Mesh Node Acceptance Test 5-168 NTP- G189 Perform the Node Upgrade Acceptance Test 5-173 NTP- G243 Perform the Two-Degree ROADM Node with 40-SMR-1-C and OPT-AMP-17-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-181 NTP- G244 Perform the Four Degree ROADM Node with 40-SMR-2-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-185 CHAPTER 6 Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards 6-1 Before You Begin 6-1 NTP- G128 Manage Pluggable Port Modules 6-3 DLP- G235 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Mode 6-4 DLP- G332 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Port Mode 6-6 DLP- G379 Change the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Mode 6-8 DLP- G411 Provision an ADM-10G PPM and Port 6-9 DLP- G452 Change the OTU2_XP Card Mode 6-10 DLP- G277 Provision a Multirate PPM 6-11 DLP- G274 Verify Topologies for ETR_CLO and ISC Services 6-12 DLP- G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate 6-14 DLP- G280 Delete a PPM 6-19 NTP- G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group 6-21Contents x Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G199 Create a Splitter Protection Group for the OTU2_XP Card 6-24 NTP- G198 Create 1+1 Protection for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-26 DLP- G461 Create a 1+1 Protection Group for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-27 NTP- G98 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-28 DLP- G229 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Settings 6-29 DLP- G230 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Settings 6-30 DLP- G231 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings 6-33 DLP- G367 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-34 DLP- G232 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder SONET or SDH Line Threshold Settings 6-35 DLP- G320 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads 6-38 DLP- G305 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-39 DLP- G306 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-41 DLP- G234 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings 6-45 NTP- G96 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds 6-48 DLP- G365 Provision the TXP_MR_10G Data Rate 6-49 DLP- G712 Provision the TXP_MR_10E or TXP_MR_10EX_C Data Rate 6-50 DLP- G216 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Settings 6-50 DLP- G217 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Settings 6-52 DLP- G218 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings 6-56 DLP- G368 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-58 DLP- G219 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Thresholds for SONET or SDH Payloads Including 10G Ethernet WAN Phy 6-59 DLP- G319 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 10G Ethernet LAN Phy Payloads 6-62 DLP- G301 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-66 DLP- G302 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-67 DLP- G221 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings 6-69 NTP- G170 Provision the ADM-10G Card Peer Group, Ethernet Settings, Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds 6-74 DLP- G403 Create the ADM-10G Peer Group 6-75 DLP- G469 Provision the ADM-10G Card Ethernet Settings 6-76 DLP- G397 Change the ADM-10G Line Settings 6-77 DLP- G398 Change the ADM-10G Line Section Trace Settings 6-83 DLP- G399 Change the ADM-10G Line Thresholds for SONET and SDH Payloads 6-84 DLP- G412 Change the ADM-10G Line RMON Thresholds for the 1G Ethernet Payload 6-88 DLP- G400 Provision the ADM-10G Interlink or Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-91 DLP- G401 Provision the ADM-10G Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-92Contents xi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G402 Change the ADM-10G OTN Settings 6-93 NTP- G97 Modify the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-98 DLP- G222 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Settings 6-99 DLP- G223 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line Settings 6-101 DLP- G224 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-103 DLP- G225 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Settings 6-105 DLP- G369 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-107 DLP- G226 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder SONET/SDH Line Thresholds Settings 6-108 DLP- G303 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-111 DLP- G304 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-112 DLP- G228 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line OTN Settings 6-114 NTP- G99 Modify the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-119 DLP- G236 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings 6-120 DLP- G237 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings 6-122 DLP- G238 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-48)/SDH (STM-16) Settings 6-124 DLP- G239 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-126 DLP- G370 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-128 DLP- G240 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds 6-129 DLP- G321 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Line Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads 6-131 DLP- G307 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-133 DLP- G308 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-134 NTP- G148 Modify the 10G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-137 DLP- G333 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings 6-138 DLP- G334 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings 6-140 DLP- G340 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-142 DLP- G335 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) Settings 6-143 DLP- G336 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-145 DLP- G341 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds 6-146 DLP- G337 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Line RMON Thresholds for Ethernet, 1G FC/FICON, or ISC/ISC3 Payloads 6-148 DLP- G338 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-151 DLP- G339 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-152 DLP- G366 Change the 10G Data Muxponder OTN Settings 6-156 NTP- G293 Modify the 40G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-159 DLP- G662 Change the 40G Multirate Muxponder Card Settings 6-160 DLP- G666 Change the 40G Muxponder Line Settings 6-161 DLP- G667 Change the 40G Muxponder Line SONET (OC-192) or SDH (STM-64), or Ethernet Line Settings 6-163 DLP- G668 Change the 40G Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-167Contents xii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G669 Change the 40G Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds 6-168 DLP- G670 Change the 40G Muxponder Line RMON Thresholds for Ethernet, 8G FC, or 10G FC Payloads 6-170 DLP- G671 Provision the 40G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-174 DLP- G672 Provision the 40G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-176 DLP- G673 Change the 40G Muxponder OTN Settings 6-179 NTP- G281 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Channel Group Settings 6-182 DLP- G611 Create a Channel Group Using CTC 6-183 DLP- G612 Modify the Parameters of the Channel Group Using CTC 6-184 DLP- G613 Add or Remove Ports to or from an Existing Channel Group Using CTC 6-188 Before You Begin 6-189 DLP- G614 Delete a Channel Group Using CTC 6-189 DLP- G615 Retrieve Information on Channel Group, REP, CFM, and EFM Using CTC 6-190 DLP- G616 View Channel Group PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-191 DLP- G617 View Channel Group Utilization PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-192 DLP- G618 View Channel Group History PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-192 NTP- G283 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card CFM Settings 6-193 DLP- G621 Enable or Disable CFM on the Card Using CTC 6-194 DLP- G622 Enable or Disable CFM for Each Port Using CTC 6-195 DLP- G623 Create a Maintenance Domain Profile Using CTC 6-196 Before You Begin 6-196 DLP- G624 Delete a Maintenance Domain Profile Using CTC 6-197 DLP- G625 Create a Maintenance Association Profile Using CTC 6-198 DLP- G626 Modify a Maintenance Association Profile Using CTC 6-199 DLP- G627 Delete a Maintenance Association Profile Using CTC 6-199 DLP- G628 Map a Maintenance Association Profile to a Maintenance Domain Profile Using CTC 6-200 DLP- G629 Create a MEP Using CTC 6-201 DLP- G630 Delete a MEP Using CTC 6-202 DLP- G631 Create a MIP Using CTC 6-202 DLP- G632 Delete a MIP Using CTC 6-203 DLP- G633 Ping MEP Using CTC 6-204 DLP- G634 Traceroute MEP Using CTC 6-205 NTP- G285 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card EFM Settings 6-206 DLP- G639 Enable or Disable EFM for Each Port Using CTC 6-206 Before You Begin 6-207 DLP- G640 Configure EFM Parameters Using CTC 6-207Contents xiii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G641 Configure EFM Link Monitoring Parameters Using CTC 6-209 DLP- G642 Enable Remote Loopback for Each Port Using CTC 6-210 NTP- G287 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card REP Settings 6-211 DLP- G713 Provision Administrative VLAN for Ports in a REP Segment Using CTC 6-212 DLP- G645 Create a Segment Using CTC 6-213 Before You Begin 6-213 DLP- G646 Edit a Segment Using CTC 6-215 DLP- G647 Activate VLAN Load Balancing Using CTC 6-215 DLP- G648 Deactivate VLAN Load Balancing Using CTC 6-216 NTP- G165 Modify the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE Cards Ethernet Parameters, Line Settings, and PM Thresholds 6-217 DLP- G380 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Ethernet Settings 6-218 DLP- G684 Provision the GE_XPE Card PDH Ethernet Settings 6-226 DLP- G685 Provision the GE_XPE Card Electrical Lines Settings 6-228 DLP- G381 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Layer 2 Protection Settings 6-230 DLP- G507 Enable a Different GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card as the Master Card 6-231 DLP- G382 Add and Remove SVLANS to/from GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE NNI Ports 6-233 DLP- G383 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Quality of Service Settings 6-234 DLP- G470 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Class of Service (CoS) Settings 6-235 DLP- G384 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE QinQ Settings 6-235 DLP- G221 Enable MAC Address Learning on SVLANs for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-237 DLP- G460 Enable MAC Address Learning on SVLANs for GE_XPE or 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-238 DLP- G385 Provision the MAC Filter Settings for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-239 NTP- G237 Retrieve and Clear MAC Addresses on SVLANs for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-240 DLP- G546 View Card MAC Addresses on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-241 NTP- G311 Provision the Storm Control Settings for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-241 NTP- G205 Enable Link Integrity on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-243 DLP- G509 Enable Link Integrity on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-243 NTP- G289 Provision CVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-244 NTP- G208 Provision SVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-245Contents xiv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G515 Provision SVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Using CTC 6-246 DLP- G471 Create a SVLAN or CVLAN Profile 6-246 NTP- G204 Enable IGMP Snooping on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-247 DLP- G511 Enable IGMP Snooping, IGMP Fast Leave and IGMP Report Suppression on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-248 NTP- G206 Enable MVR on a GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-249 DLP- G513 Enable MVR on a GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Using CTC 6-250 DLP- G386 Provision the Gigabit Ethernet Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-251 DLP- G387 Provision the Gigabit Ethernet Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-252 DLP- G388 Change the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card RMON Thresholds 6-254 DLP- G389 Change the Gigabit Ethernet Optical Transport Network Settings 6-257 NTP- G314 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card on a FAPS Ring 6-260 DLP- G687 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card Facing Master Card on a FAPS Ring 6-261 DLP- G688 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card Between the Slave Cards on a FAPS Ring 6-262 NTP- G197 Provision the OTU2_XP Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds 6-263 DLP- G453 Change the OTU2_XP Card Settings 6-264 DLP- G454 Change the OTU2_XP Line Settings 6-265 DLP- G455 Change the OTU2_XP Line Section Trace Settings 6-269 DLP- G456 Change the OTU2_XP Line Thresholds for SONET or SDH Payloads 6-270 DLP- G457 Provision the OTU2_XP Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-272 DLP- G462 Change the OTU2_XP Line RMON Thresholds for the 10G Ethernet and 10G FC Payloads 6-274 DLP- G458 Change the OTU2_XP OTN Settings 6-277 DLP- G523 Change the OTU2_XP Path Trace Settings 6-283 DLP- G524 Provision the OTU2_XP Path Settings for 10G Ethernet LAN Phy to WAN Phy Configuration 6-284 NTP- G162 Change the ALS Maintenance Settings 6-285 NTP- G192 Force FPGA Update 6-286 NTP- G196 Force FPGA Update When the Card is Part of a Protection Group 6-288 NTP- G232 Enabling Error Decorrelator 6-289 CHAPTER 7 Turn Up a Network 7-1 Before You Begin 7-1 NTP- G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up 7-2 NTP- G52 Verify Node-to-Node Connections 7-3 NTP- G201 Configure the Raman Pump on an MSTP Link 7-4 DLP- G468 Configure the Raman Pump Using the Installation Wizard 7-4 DLP- G474 Configure the Raman Pump by Importing the CTP XML File 7-19Contents xv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G489 Configure the Raman Pump by Setting the ANS Parameters Manually 7-20 DLP- 490 Restore Raman Link After a Fiber Cut Occurs 7-21 NTP- G53 Set Up Timing 7-22 DLP- G95 Set Up External or Line Timing 7-22 DLP- G96 Set Up Internal Timing 7-25 DLP- G350 Use the Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix Report 7-26 NTP- G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network 7-27 NTP- G56 Verify the OSNR 7-32 NTP- G142 Perform a Protection Switch Test 7-33 NTP- G164 Configure Link Management Protocol 7-35 DLP- G372 Enable LMP 7-36 DLP- G373 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Control Channels 7-36 DLP- G374 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP TE Links 7-39 DLP- G378 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Data Links 7-40 NTP- G233 Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node 7-42 NTP- G234 Automatically Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node 7-42 NTP- G207 Manually Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node 7-43 DLP- G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1 Router Parameters 7-44 DLP- G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 Router and Verify Configuration 7-45 DLP- G510 Create a Task Group, User Group, and User Account on the Cisco CRS-1 Router 7-46 DLP- G482 Configure a Static Route 7-49 DLP- G483 Configure Local and Remote TE Links 7-50 DLP- G484 Enable the LMP Message Exchange 7-52 DLP- G511 Configure the Wavelength on the Cisco CRS-1 Router 7-53 DLP- G494 Configure the RADIUS Server 7-55 DLP- G485 Enable Index Persistency on an SNMP Interface 7-56 DLP- G486 Configure the LMP Router ID 7-57 DLP- G487 Configure the 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) or POS Interface 7-58 DLP- G488 Display Summary of Link Management Information 7-59 NTP- G57 Create a Logical Network Map 7-60 NTP- G325 View the Power Levels of Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Nodes 7-61 NTP- G326 Provision SRLG on the Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Network 7-62 DLP- G540 View SRLG Reports 7-63 CHAPTER 8 Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords 8-1 Before You Begin 8-1Contents xvi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G151 Create, Delete, and Manage Optical Channel Client Connections 8-2 DLP- G104 Assign a Name to a Port 8-3 DLP- G345 Verify OCHCC Client Ports 8-4 DLP- G346 Provision Optical Channel Client Connections 8-4 DLP- G689 Provision Optical Channel Client Connections on OTU2_XP Cards 8-10 DLP- G347 Delete Optical Channel Client Connections 8-11 DLP- G424 Edit an OCHCC Circuit Name 8-12 DLP- G394 Change an OCHCC Administrative State 8-13 DLP- G437 Set OCH Circuit Attributes 8-14 DLP- G438 Set OCH Routing Preferences 8-15 NTP- G178 Create, Delete, and Manage Optical Channel Trails 8-16 DLP- G395 Create an Optical Channel Trail 8-17 DLP- G418 Delete an Optical Channel Trail 8-19 DLP- G425 Edit an OCH Trail Circuit Name 8-20 DLP- G419 Change an OCH Trail Administrative State 8-21 NTP- G59 Create, Delete, and Manage Optical Channel Network Connections 8-21 DLP- G105 Provision Optical Channel Network Connections 8-23 DLP- G493 Provision Protected Optical Channel Network Connections 8-25 DLP- G106 Delete Optical Channel Network Connections 8-26 DLP- G426 Edit an OCHNC Circuit Name 8-27 DLP- G420 Change an OCHNC Administrative State 8-28 NTP- G200 Create, Delete, and Manage STS or VC Circuits for the ADM-10G Card 8-29 DLP- G463 Create an Automatically Routed STS or VC Circuit 8-29 DLP- G464 Create a Manually Routed STS or VC Circuit 8-33 DLP- G465 Provision Path Protection Selectors 8-36 DLP- G466 Delete an STS or VC Circuit 8-37 DLP- G467 Edit an STS or VC Circuit Name 8-38 NTP- G150 Upgrade Optical Channel Network Connections to Optical Channel Client Connections 8-39 DLP- G344 Verify Provisionable and Internal Patchcords 8-41 NTP- G183 Diagnose and Fix OCHNC and OCH Trail Circuits 8-43 NTP- G58 Locate and View Optical Channel Circuits 8-45 DLP- G100 Search for Optical Channel Circuits 8-45 DLP- G101 View Optical Channel Circuit Information 8-46 DLP- G102 Filter the Display of Optical Channel Circuits 8-49 DLP- G103 View Optical Channel Circuits on a Span 8-51 NTP- G184 Create a Provisionable Patchcord 8-52 NTP- G181 Manage GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card SVLAN Databases 8-58 DLP- G421 Create and Store an SVLAN Database 8-58 DLP- G422 Load or Merge an SVLAN Database 8-60Contents xvii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G60 Create and Delete Overhead Circuits 8-61 DLP- G76 Provision DCC/GCC Terminations 8-61 DLP- G97 Provision a Proxy Tunnel 8-63 DLP- G98 Provision a Firewall Tunnel 8-64 DLP- G108 Change the Service State for a Port 8-65 DLP- G109 Provision Orderwire 8-66 DLP- G110 Create a User Data Channel Circuit 8-67 DLP- G112 Delete Overhead Circuits 8-68 NTP- G62 Create a J0 Section Trace 8-69 NTP- G203 Create End-to-End SVLAN Circuits 8-70 DLP- G472 Edit the End-to-End SVLAN Circuit 8-72 NTP- G229 Provision DCN Extension for a Network Using GCC/DCC 8-72 DLP- G472 Merge two OCHNC DCN Circuits 8-73 NTP- G245 Create an Automatically Routed VCAT Circuit 8-74 NTP- G246 Create a Manually Routed VCAT Circuit 8-77 NTP- G247 Enable or disable Path Performance Monitoring on Intermediate Nodes 8-80 DLP- G551 Provision ADM-10G Ethernet Ports 8-80 DLP- G553 Create a Server Trail 8-81 DLP- G554 Repair Server Trails 8-83 DLP- G555 Provision a VCAT Circuit Source and Destination 8-84 DLP- G556 Provision an Open VCAT Circuit Source and Destination 8-85 DLP- G557 Provision a VCAT Circuit Route 8-86 CHAPTER 9 Monitor Performance 9-1 Before You Begin 9-1 NTP- G73 Change the PM Display 9-2 DLP- G131 Refresh PM Counts at 15-Minute Intervals 9-3 DLP- G132 Refresh PM Counts at One-Day Intervals 9-4 DLP- G133 View Near-End PM Counts 9-5 DLP- G134 View Far-End PM Counts 9-5 DLP- G135 Reset Current PM Counts 9-6 DLP- G136 Clear Selected PM Counts 9-7 DLP- G410 Clear All PM Thresholds 9-8 DLP- G137 Set the Auto-Refresh Interval for Displayed PM Counts 9-9 DLP- G138 Refresh PM Counts for a Different Port 9-10 NTP- G279 Monitor TNC Card Performance 9-10 DLP- G607 View Optics PM Parameters for the TNC Card 9-11 DLP- G608 View Payload PM Parameters for the TNC Card 9-11 DLP- G686 Set the TNC Card RMON Thresholds for the FE/ONE_GE Ethernet Payloads 9-12Contents xviii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G74 Monitor DWDM Card Performance 9-15 DLP- G139 View PM Parameters for OSCM and OSC-CSM cards 9-16 DLP- G140 View Power Statistics for Optical Amplifier, 40-SMR1-C, and 40-SMR2-C Cards 9-16 DLP- G141 View Optical Power Statistics for 32MUX-O, 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-WSS-C, 40-WSS-CE, 40-WXC-C, 80-WXC-C, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, and 40-DMX-CE Cards 9-20 DLP- G479 View Optical Power Statistics for the PSM Card 9-21 DLP- G276 View Optical Power Statistics for 4MD-xx.x Cards 9-21 DLP- G142 View Power Statistics for AD-1C-xx.x, AD-2C-xx.x, and AD-4C-xx.x Cards 9-22 DLP- G143 View Power Statistics for AD-1B-xx.x and AD-4B-xx.x Cards 9-23 DLP- G525 View Optical Power Statistics for TDC-CC and TDC-FC cards 9-24 DLP- G475 View the PM Parameters for All Facilities 9-25 NTP- G75 Monitor Transponder and Muxponder Performance 9-26 DLP- G390 View Ethernet Statistic PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards 9-27 DLP- G391 View Ethernet Utilization PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards 9-28 DLP- G392 View Ethernet History PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards 9-28 DLP- G393 Refresh Ethernet PM Counts at a Different Time Interval for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards 9-29 DLP- G146 View Optics PM Parameters 9-30 DLP- G147 View Payload PM Parameters 9-30 DLP- G148 View OTN PM Parameters 9-32 DLP- G149 View Payload Statistics PM Parameters 9-33 DLP- G150 View Payload Utilization PM Parameters 9-33 DLP- G151 View Payload History PM Parameters 9-34 DLP- G152 View Payload SONET/SDH PM Parameters 9-35 NTP- G193 Enable or Disable AutoPM 9-35 CHAPTER 10 Manage Alarms 10-1 Before You Begin 10-1 NTP- G63 Document Existing Provisioning 10-2 DLP- G113 Print CTC Data 10-3 DLP- G114 Export CTC Data 10-4 NTP- G64 View Alarms, History, Events, and Conditions 10-6 DLP- G115 View Alarms 10-7 DLP- G116 View Alarm or Event History 10-8 DLP- G117 Change the Maximum Number of Session Entries for Alarm History 10-10 DLP- G118 Display Alarms and Conditions Using Time Zone 10-11Contents xix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G119 Synchronize Alarms 10-12 DLP- G120 View Conditions 10-12 NTP- G65 Delete Cleared Alarms from Display 10-14 NTP- G66 View Alarm-Affected Circuits 10-15 NTP- G67 View Alarm Counts on the LCD for a Node, Shelf, Slot, or Port 10-15 NTP- G68 Create, Download, and Assign Alarm Severity Profiles 10-17 DLP- G121 Create a New or Cloned Alarm Severity Profile 10-18 DLP- G122 Download an Alarm Severity Profile 10-20 DLP- G123 Apply Alarm Profiles to Ports 10-21 DLP- G124 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes 10-22 DLP- G125 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles 10-23 NTP- G69 Enable, Modify, or Disable Alarm Severity Filtering 10-24 DLP- G126 Enable Alarm Filtering 10-25 DLP- G127 Modify Alarm, Condition, and History Filtering Parameters 10-25 DLP- G128 Disable Alarm Filtering 10-26 NTP- G70 Suppress Alarms or Discontinue Alarm Suppression 10-27 DLP- G129 Suppress Alarm Reporting 10-28 DLP- G130 Discontinue Alarm Suppression 10-29 NTP- G72 Provision External Alarms and Controls on the Alarm Interface Controller-International Card 10-30 NTP- G277 Provision Alarms and Controls on the TNC or TSC Card 10-32 CHAPTER 11 Manage the Node 11-1 Before You Begin 11-1 NTP- G76 Verify Optical Span Loss Using CTC 11-2 NTP- G77 Manage Automatic Power Control 11-4 DLP- G157 Disable Automatic Power Control 11-4 DLP- G158 Enable Automatic Power Control 11-5 DLP- G430 Run Automatic Power Control 11-6 DLP- G159 View Node-Level Automatic Power Control Information 11-7 DLP- G431 View Network-Level Automatic Power Control Information 11-8 NTP- G78 View Side Power Monitoring 11-9 NTP- G80 Change Node Management Information 11-11 DLP- G160 Change the Node Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information 11-12 DLP- G161 Change the Login Legal Disclaimer 11-13 NTP- G134 Modify OSI Provisioning 11-14 DLP- G284 Modify the TARP Operating Parameters 11-15 DLP- G286 Remove a Static TID to NSAP Entry from the TARP Data Cache 11-17Contents xx Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G287 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry 11-17 DLP- G292 Remove a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry 11-18 DLP- G293 Change the OSI Routing Mode 11-19 DLP- G294 Edit the OSI Router Configuration 11-20 DLP- G295 Edit the OSI Subnetwork Point of Attachment 11-21 DLP- G296 Edit an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel 11-22 DLP- G297 Delete an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel 11-23 NTP- G81 Change CTC Network Access 11-23 DLP- G162 Change IP Settings 11-24 DLP- G265 Lock Node Security 11-25 DLP- G266 Modify Backplane Port IP Settings in Security Mode 11-26 DLP- G267 Disable Secure Mode 11-28 DLP- G163 Modify a Static Route 11-29 DLP- G164 Delete a Static Route 11-30 DLP- G165 Disable OSPF 11-30 DLP- G167 Delete a Firewall Tunnel 11-31 NTP- G82 Customize the CTC Network View 11-31 DLP- G168 Change the Network View Background Color 11-32 DLP- G169 Change the Default Network View Background Map 11-32 DLP- G170 Apply a Custom Network View Background Map 11-33 DLP- G171 Create Domain Icons 11-34 DLP- G172 Manage Domain Icons 11-34 DLP- G173 Enable Dialog Box Do-Not-Display Option 11-36 DLP- G174 Switch Between TDM and DWDM Network Views 11-36 DLP- G330 Consolidate Links in Network View 11-37 NTP- G83 Modify or Delete Card Protection Settings 11-40 DLP- G175 Modify a Y-Cable Protection Group 11-40 DLP- G176 Modify a Splitter Protection Group 11-41 DLP- G177 Delete a Y-Cable Protection Group 11-42 DLP- G459 Delete a Splitter Protection Group 11-43 NTP- G84 Initiate and Clear Y-Cable and Splitter External Switching Commands 11-43 DLP- G178 Apply a Manual Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch 11-44 DLP- G179 Apply a Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch 11-45 DLP- G180 Clear a Manual or Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch 11-45 DLP- G181 Apply a Lock-On 11-46 DLP- G182 Apply a Lockout 11-47 DLP- G183 Clear a Lock-On or Lockout 11-47 NTP- G85 Modify or Delete OSC Terminations, DCC/GCC Terminations, and Provisionable Patchcords 11-48Contents xxi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G184 Change a DCC/GCC Termination 11-49 DLP- G185 Delete a DCC/GCC Termination 11-49 DLP- G186 Delete an OSC Termination 11-50 DLP- G187 Delete a Provisionable Patchcord 11-51 NTP- G86 Convert a Pass-Through Connection to Add/Drop Connections 11-52 NTP- G87 Change Node Timing Parameters 11-53 NTP- G88 Modify Users and Change Security 11-55 DLP- G188 Change Security Policy for a Single Node 11-56 DLP- G189 Change Security Policy for Multiple Nodes 11-57 DLP- G317 Change Node Access and PM Clearing Privilege 11-58 DLP- G328 Grant Superuser Privileges to a Provisioning User 11-59 DLP- G191 Change User Password and Security Level on a Single Node 11-60 DLP- G192 Change User Password and Security Level for Multiple Nodes 11-61 DLP- G193 Delete a User From a Single Node 11-62 DLP- G194 Delete a User From Multiple Nodes 11-63 DLP- G195 Log Out a User on a Single Node 11-63 DLP- G196 Log Out a User on Multiple Nodes 11-64 DLP- G281 Configure the Node for RADIUS Authentication 11-65 DLP- G282 View and Terminate Active Logins 11-66 NTP- G89 Change SNMP Settings 11-67 DLP- G197 Modify SNMP Trap Destinations 11-68 DLP- G198 Delete SNMP Trap Destinations 11-69 NTP- G231 View Optical Power Values and Alarms Using the Network Functional View 11-69 DLP- G529 Export Network Functional View Reports 11-70 CHAPTER 12 Change DWDM Card Settings 12-1 Before You Begin 12-1 NTP- G90 Modify OSCM and OSC-CSM Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-2 DLP- G199 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM OC-3/STM-1 Line Settings 12-3 DLP- G200 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM OC-3/STM-1 Line SONET/SDH Thresholds 12-5 DLP- G201 Change Optical Line Parameters for OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards 12-7 DLP- G202 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM Optical Line Threshold Settings 12-8 DLP- G203 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM ALS Maintenance Settings 12-12 NTP- G91 Modify OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-13 DLP- G204 Change Optical Line Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-14 DLP- G205 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-15 DLP- G206 Change Optical Amplifier Line Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-19 DLP- G207 Change Optical Amplifier Threshold Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-21 DLP- G322 Change the OPT-BST ALS Maintenance Settings 12-25Contents xxii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G160 Modify OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-27 DLP- G323 Change Optical Line Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-28 DLP- G324 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-30 DLP- G325 Change Optical Amplifier Line Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-33 DLP- G326 Change Optical Amplifier Threshold Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-35 DLP- G538 Change Optical Raman Line Settings for OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-39 DLP- G539 Change Optical Raman Line Threshold Settings for OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-40 DLP- G327 Change the ALS Maintenance Settings of OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Cards 12-42 NTP- G202 Modify PSM Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-44 DLP- G514 Change the PSM Card Mode 12-44 DLP- G476 Change Optical Line Settings for the PSM Card 12-45 DLP- G477 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for the PSM Card 12-46 DLP- G478 Change the PSM ALS Maintenance Settings 12-49 NTP- G175 Modify 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, and 4MD-xx.x Line Card Settings and PM Thresholds 12-51 DLP- G414 Change Optical Line Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-52 DLP- G415 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-54 DLP- G416 Change Optical Channel Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-57 DLP- G417 Change Optical Channel Threshold Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-59 NTP- G93 Modify the 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-62 DLP- G212 Change 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Channel Parameters 12-63 DLP- G213 Change the 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Channel Thresholds 12-66 DLP- G214 Change 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Line Parameters 12-70 DLP- G215 Change the 32WSS, 32-WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Line Thresholds 12-71 NTP- G240 Modify TDC-CC and TDC-FC Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-73 DLP- G545 Modify the Chromatic Dispersion Value for the TDC-CC and TDC-FC Cards 12-74Contents xxiii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G528 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for TDC-CC or TDC-FC Card 12-75 NTP- G174 Modify the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-76 DLP- G603 Change the 80-WXC-C Card Mode 12-77 DLP- G406 Change 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Card Optical Channel Parameters 12-78 DLP- G407 Change the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Channel Thresholds 12-81 DLP- G408 Change 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Line Parameters 12-84 DLP- G409 Change the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Line Thresholds 12-86 DLP- G413 Change 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Card WXC Line Parameters 12-88 DLP- G429 Multiplex a Single Wavelength on 40-WXC-C Card 12-90 NTP- G241 Modify the 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-91 DLP- G532 Change Optical Line Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-92 DLP- G533 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-94 DLP- G534 Change Optical Amplifier Line Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-98 DLP- G535 Change Optical Amplifier Threshold Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-100 DLP- G536 Change 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Card Optical Channel Parameters 12-105 DLP- G537 Change the 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Optical Channel Thresholds 12-107 NTP- G149 Modify the MMU Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-111 DLP- G342 Change MMU Optical Line Parameters 12-111 DLP- G343 Change the MMU Optical Line Thresholds 12-113 NTP- G101 Modify Alarm Interface Controller–International Settings 12-114 DLP- G245 Change External Alarms Using the AIC-I Card 12-115 DLP- G246 Change External Controls Using the AIC-I Card 12-116 DLP- G247 Change AIC-I Card Orderwire Settings 12-117 NTP- G102 Change Card Service State 12-117 NTP- G280 Modify Threshold Settings for the TNC Card 12-118 DLP- G609 Modify Optical Threshold Settings for the TNC Card 12-119 DLP- G610 Modify Line Threshold Settings for the TNC Card 12-120 CHAPTER 13 Upgrade, Add, and Remove Cards and Nodes 13-1 Before You Begin 13-1 NTP- G107 Remove Permanently or Remove and Replace DWDM Cards 13-2 DLP- G254 Place Amplifier Ports Out of Service 13-4 DLP- G318 Place Amplifier Ports In Service 13-5 NTP- G127 Add an AD-xC-xx.x Card to an OADM Node 13-6 NTP- G129 Add a DWDM Node 13-9 NTP- G130 Remove a DWDM Node 13-11 NTP- G146 Add a Rack, Passive Unit, or Shelf to a Multishelf Node 13-13Contents xxiv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G147 Delete a Passive Unit, Shelf, or Rack from a Multishelf Node 13-16 NTP- G173 Convert an OADM Node to a ROADM Node 13-18 NTP- G176 Convert an Line Amplifier Node to an OADM Node 13-21 NTP- G182 Convert a Line Amplifier Node to a ROADM Node 13-23 NTP- G195 Convert a Protected ROADM Node from two Separate Nodes to a Single Multishelf Node 13-25 NTP- G177 Upgrade ANS Parameters on a DWDM Node 13-32 NTP- G242 Modify the CD setting of TDC-CC and TDC-FC Cards 13-33 DLP- G526 Modify the CD Value of the TDC-CC and TDC-FC When Connected to OPT-AMP-C, OPT-PRE, 40-SMR-1 and 40-SMR-2 Cards 13-34 DLP- G527 Modify the CD Value of the TDC-CC and TDC-FC cards When Connected to OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 13-34 NTP- G278 Upgrade the TSC Card to the TNC Card 13-35 CHAPTER 14 Maintain the Node 14-1 Before You Begin 14-1 NTP- G103 Back Up the Database 14-2 NTP- G104 Restore the Database 14-3 NTP- G105 Restore the Node to Factory Configuration 14-5 DLP- G248 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (Windows) 14-6 DLP- G249 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (UNIX) 14-8 NTP- G133 View and Manage OSI Information 14-10 DLP- G298 View IS-IS Routing Information Base 14-10 DLP- G299 View ES-IS Routing Information Base 14-11 DLP- G300 Manage the TARP Data Cache 14-12 NTP- G106 Reset Cards Using CTC 14-13 DLP- G250 Reset the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC Card 14-13 DLP- G251 Reset DWDM Cards Using CTC 14-14 NTP- G108 Viewing the Audit Trail Records 14-15 NTP- G109 Off-Load the Audit Trail Record 14-16 NTP- G110 Off-Load the Diagnostics File 14-17 NTP- G112 Change the Node Timing Reference 14-18 DLP- G259 Manual or Force Switch the Node Timing Reference 14-18 DLP- G260 Clear a Manual or Force Switch on a Node Timing Reference 14-19 NTP- G113 View the ONS 15454 Timing Report 14-20 NTP- G114 Inspect, Clean, and Replace the Air Filter 14-23 NTP- G274 Replace the Air Filter of the ONS 15454M2 Shelf Assembly 14-26Contents xxv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP- G262 Replace the Air Filter of the ONS 15454M6 Shelf Assembly 14-28 NTP- G263 Replace the Air Filter of the AC Power Module in the ONS 15454M6 Shelf Assembly 14-30 NTP- G115 Clean Fiber Connectors 14-31 DLP- G261 Clean Multi Fiber-Optic Cable Connectors 14-32 DLP- G262 Clean Fiber Connectors with CLETOP 14-33 DLP- G263 Clean the Fiber Adapters 14-33 NTP- G40 Replace the Front Door 14-34 NTP- G116 Replace the Fan-Tray Assembly 14-36 NTP- G272 Replace the Fan-Tray Assembly of the ONS 15454M2 Shelf Assembly 14-41 NTP- G260 Replace the Fan-Tray Assembly of the ONS 15454M6 Shelf Assembly 14-43 NTP- G117 Replace the ANSI Shelf Alarm Interface Panel 14-45 NTP- G118 Replace the ANSI Shelf Plastic Lower Backplane Cover 14-48 NTP- G135 Edit Network Element Defaults 14-50 NTP- G136 Import Network Element Defaults 14-51 NTP- G137 Export Network Element Defaults 14-52 NTP- G166 View the Facilities 14-53 NTP- G119 Power Down the Node 14-53 APPENDIX A CTC Information and Shortcuts A-1 A.1 Multishelf and Single-Shelf Modes A-1 A.2 Display CTC Views A-2 A.3 Node Icons on the Network View Map A-3 A.4 Manage the CTC Window A-6 A.4.1 CTC Menu and Toolbar Options A-6 A.4.2 CTC Mouse Options A-11 A.4.3 Multishelf View Shortcuts A-13 A.4.4 Node View (Single-Shelf Mode) and Shelf View (Multishelf Mode) Shortcuts A-13 A.4.5 Network View Tasks A-14 A.4.6 Table Display Options A-15 A.5 Equipment Inventory A-16 A.6 Facilities View A-17 CHAPTER B Configuring GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-1 Before You Begin B-1 NTP- G222 Access PCLI Text Interface B-2 NTP- G223 Create a Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-4Contents xxvi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G517 Create an Ingress Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE cards Using PCLI B-4 DLP- G518 Create a Egress Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-5 DLP- G519 Create a Service Instance Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-7 DLP- G520 Apply an Ingress Policy to a Port on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-8 DLP- G521 Apply an Egress Policy to a Port on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-9 DLP- G522 Apply a Service Instance Policy to a Port on GE_XPE or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-9 NTP- G226 Enable MAC Address Learning on SVLANs for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-11 NTP- G216 Enable Link Integrity on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-12 NTP- G225 Provision SVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Using PCLI B-13 NTP- G220 Enable IGMP Snooping on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-14 NTP- G217 Enable IGMP Fast-Leave Processing on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-15 NTP- G218 Configure a Multicast Router Port on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-16 NTP- G219 Enable IGMP Report Suppression on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-17 NTP- G224 Enable MVR on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-18 NTP- G227 Create SVLAN for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-19 NTP- G228 Create a Service Instance Using PCLI B-20 NTP- G282 Configure the Channel Group on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-23 DLP- G619 Create a Channel Group on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-24 DLP- G620 Add Ports to a Channel Group on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-25 NTP- G286 Configure EFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-26 DLP- G643 Enable EFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-26 DLP- G644 Configure the EFM Mode on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-27 NTP- G284 Configure CFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-28 DLP- G635 Enable CFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-29 DLP- G636 Create a Maintenance Domain on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-29Contents xxvii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP- G637 Create a Maintenance Intermediate Point on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-30 DLP- G638 Create a Maintenance End Point on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-31 NTP- G288 Configure REP on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-32 DLP- G649 Create a Segment on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-33 DLP- G650 Configure STCN on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-34 DLP- G651 Configure Preemption Delay on the Primary Edge Port Using PCLI B-35 DLP- G652 Configure VLAN Load Balancing on the Primary Edge Port Using PCLI B-36 I NDEXContents xxviii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02FIGURES xxix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Figure 2-1 Installing TNC Card on ONS 15454 M6 Shelf 2-11 Figure 3-1 Login Node Group 3-34 Figure 4-1 Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout - ONS 15454 4-5 Figure 4-2 Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout - ONS 5454M2 4-6 Figure 4-3 Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout - ONS 15454M6 4-6 Figure 4-4 Selecting the IP Address Option—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly 4-25 Figure 4-5 Changing the IP Address—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly 4-25 Figure 4-6 Selecting the Save Configuration Option—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly 4-26 Figure 4-7 Saving and Rebooting the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly 4-26 Figure 4-8 Nodes Behind a Firewall 4-34 Figure 4-9 CTC Computer and ONS 15454 Nodes Residing Behind Firewalls 4-34 Figure 4-10 Creating an SNMP Trap 4-47 Figure 4-11 Managing Cables on the Front Panel 4-79 Figure 4-12 Fiber-Storage Tray 4-80 Figure 4-13 Using the Patch Panel Latches to Slide the Patch Panel Away from the Tray 4-86 Figure 4-14 MPO Cable 4-87 Figure 4-15 Rear View of the Patch Panel 4-88 Figure 4-16 Top View of the Patch Panel Bar 4-88 Figure 4-17 Front View of the Patch Panel 4-89 Figure 4-18 Deep Patch Panel Tray 4-91 Figure 4-19 Deep Patch Panel Port Wavelengths 4-92 Figure 4-20 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray, Side View 4-93 Figure 4-21 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray, Top View 4-94 Figure 4-22 40-Channel (15454-PP-80) Patch Panel Port Wavelengths 4-96 Figure 4-23 Managing Cables on the Front Panel 4-106 Figure 4-24 Fiber-Storage Tray 4-107 Figure 4-25 Y-Cable Protection Port Label 4-111 Figure 4-26 Y-Cable Protection Module Tray 4-112 Figure 6-1 Single-Span Topology 6-13 Figure 6-2 Point-to-Point Topology 6-13Figures xxx Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Figure 6-3 Hubs with No Line Amplifiers 6-14 Figure 6-4 Hubs with Line Amplifiers 6-14 Figure 7-1 Network View of Nodes (Terminal or ROADM) 7-6 Figure 7-2 Installing the Raman Pump on a Single Span 7-7 Figure 7-3 Installing the Raman Pump on Multiple Spans 7-7 Figure 7-4 Selecting Spans for Raman Amplification 7-8 Figure 7-5 Setting Raman Calibration Parameter 7-9 Figure 7-6 Bidirectional Path Is Unchecked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Checked 7-11 Figure 7-7 Bidirectional Path Is Unchecked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Unchecked 7-12 Figure 7-8 Bidirectional Path Is Checked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Checked 7-13 Figure 7-9 Bidirectional Path Is Checked and MUX/DMUX Present Is Unchecked 7-14 Figure 7-10 Calibrating Raman Amplification 7-15 Figure 7-11 Calibrating Raman Amplification 7-16 Figure 7-12 Raman Amplification Results 7-17 Figure 7-13 Force Raman Calibration 7-19 Figure 8-1 Upgrade OCHNC Initialization—Completed 8-40 Figure 8-2 Upgrade OCHNC Initialization—Failed 8-41 Figure 8-3 Viewing the Provisionable Patchcords Table 8-42 Figure 10-1 CTC Preferences Dialog Box 10-11 Figure 10-2 Shelf LCD Panel—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly 10-16 Figure 11-1 Optical Side A Power levels of a Four-degree ROADM Node 11-11 Figure 11-2 Unconsolidated Links in the Network View 11-38 Figure 11-3 Consolidated Links in the Network View 11-38 Figure 11-4 Network View with Local Link Consolidation 11-39 Figure 13-1 ROADM Node 1 Shelf View 13-26 Figure 13-2 ROADM Node 1 Functional View 13-26 Figure 13-3 ROADM Node 2 Shelf View 13-28 Figure 13-4 ROADM Node 2 Functional View 13-28 Figure 13-5 Final Multishelf View of the Node 13-30 Figure 14-1 ANSI Shelf Fan-Tray Air Filter in an External Filter Bracket (Front Door Removed) 14-24 Figure 14-2 ETSI Shelf Fan-Tray Air Filter in an External Filter Bracket (Front Door Removed) 14-25 Figure 14-3 Replacing the Air Filter 14-27 Figure 14-4 Replacing the Air Filter 14-27 Figure 14-5 Replacing the Air Filter 14-28 Figure 14-6 Extracting the Air Filter 14-29Figures xxxi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Figure 14-7 Replacing the Air Filter 14-29 Figure 14-8 Replacing the Air Filter—AC Power Module 14-31 Figure 14-9 Installing the Door Ground Strap Retrofit Kit 14-34 Figure 14-10 Shelf Assembly with Door Ground Strap Retrofit Kit Installed (ANSI) 14-35 Figure 14-11 Removing or Replacing the Fan-Tray Assembly (Front Door Removed) (ANSI) 14-39 Figure 14-12 Removing or Replacing the Fan-Tray Assembly (Front Door Removed) (ETSI) 14-40 Figure 14-13 Fan-Tray Assembly installed in the ONS 15454M2 Shelf Assembly 14-41 Figure 14-14 Fan -Tray Extracted Partially with Power Connector Disconnected 14-42 Figure 14-15 Fan-Tray Extracted 14-42 Figure 14-16 Extract the Fan-Tray Assembly 14-44 Figure 14-17 Fan-Tray Assembly Extracted Partially with Power Connector Disconnected 14-44 Figure 14-18 Fan-Tray Extracted 14-45 Figure 14-19 Attaching Plastic Lower Backplane Cover 14-49Figures xxxii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02TABLES xxxiii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 3-1 CTC Computer Setup for Local Craft Connections to the ONS 15454 3-10 Table 3-2 TL1 Tunnels Window 3-43 Table 4-1 Cisco TransportPlanner Node Setup Information and Files 4-4 Table 4-2 NE Update Wizard Options 4-52 Table 4-3 CTC Add Card Shortcut Menu for DWDM Cards 4-56 Table 4-4 Values for the ANS Parameters (amplifier) 4-60 Table 4-5 Values for the ANS Parameters (PSM) 4-61 Table 4-6 Cable Connections for Y-Cable Protection of One Client Signal 4-109 Table 4-7 Cable Connections for Y-Cable Protection of a Second Client Signal 4-109 Table 5-1 32WSS Ports and Wavelengths Test Checklist 5-30 Table 5-2 32WSS-L Ports and Wavelengths Test Checklist 5-53 Table 5-3 40-WSS-C Ports and Wavelengths Test Checklist 5-76 Table 5-4 From COM-RX Side A Verification 5-149 Table 5-5 From COM-RX Side B Verification 5-150 Table 5-6 From COM-RX Side C Verification 5-150 Table 5-7 From COM-RX Side D Verification 5-151 Table 5-8 From COM-RX Side E Verification 5-151 Table 5-9 From COM-RX Side F Verification Table 5-152 Table 5-10 From COM-RX Side G Verification 5-152 Table 5-11 From COM-RX Side H Verification 5-153 Table 5-12 Same Side Verification 5-154 Table 5-13 Side A Power Verification 5-155 Table 5-14 Side B Power Verification 5-155 Table 5-15 Side C Power Verification 5-156 Table 5-16 Side D Power Verification 5-156 Table 5-17 Side E Power Verification 5-156 Table 5-18 Side F Power Verification 5-157 Table 5-19 Side G Power Verification 5-157 Table 5-20 Side H Power Verification 5-158 Table 6-1 10G Data Muxponder Card Port Modes 6-7Tables xxxiv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 6-2 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Modes 6-8 Table 6-3 PPM Port Types 6-16 Table 6-4 Protection Types 6-22 Table 6-5 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card Settings 6-30 Table 6-6 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card Line Settings 6-31 Table 6-7 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card Section Trace Settings 6-33 Table 6-8 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Card Wavelength Trunk Settings 6-35 Table 6-9 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card Line Thresholds Settings for OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, and OC-48/STM-16 Payloads 6-36 Table 6-10 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Card 1G Ethernet and 1G FC/FICON Thresholds 6-38 Table 6-11 2R and 3R Mode and ITU-T G.709 Compliance by Client Interface 6-40 Table 6-12 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Trunk Port TCA Thresholds 6-40 Table 6-13 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Card Client Interface TCA Thresholds 6-42 Table 6-14 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Card Client Interface Alarm Thresholds 6-43 Table 6-15 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card OTN Line Settings 6-46 Table 6-16 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-46 Table 6-17 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card FEC Threshold Settings 6-47 Table 6-18 TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G Transponder Card Trail Trace Identifier Settings 6-47 Table 6-19 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card Settings 6-51 Table 6-20 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Line Settings 6-53 Table 6-21 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Section Trace Settings 6-57 Table 6-22 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, and TXP_MR_10EX_C Card Wavelength Trunk Settings 6-58 Table 6-23 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card Line Threshold Settings 6-60 Table 6-24 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card GE LAN Phy Variables 6-63 Table 6-25 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port TCA Thresholds 6-66 Table 6-26 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm Thresholds 6-67 Table 6-27 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card Client Interface TCA Thresholds 6-68 Table 6-28 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card Client Interface Alarm Thresholds 6-69Tables xxxv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 6-29 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card OTN Lines Settings 6-70 Table 6-30 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-71 Table 6-31 TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, or TXP_MR_10EX_C Card FEC Threshold Settings 6-72 Table 6-32 10G Multirate Transponder Trail Trace Identifier Settings 6-72 Table 6-33 ADM-10G Card Ethernet Settings 6-76 Table 6-34 ADM-10G Line Port Tab Settings 6-78 Table 6-35 ADM-10G Line SONET or SDH Tab Settings 6-81 Table 6-36 ADM-10G Section Trace Settings 6-83 Table 6-37 ADM-10G Card Line Threshold Settings 6-85 Table 6-38 ADM-10G Gigabit Ethernet Thresholds 6-88 Table 6-39 ADM-10G Interlink and Trunk Port TCA Thresholds 6-91 Table 6-40 ADM-10G Interlink and Trunk Port Alarm Thresholds 6-92 Table 6-41 ADM-10G Card OTN Lines Settings 6-94 Table 6-42 ADM-10G Card ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-95 Table 6-43 ADM-10G Card FEC Threshold Settings 6-96 Table 6-44 ADM-10GTrail Trace Identifier Settings 6-97 Table 6-45 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Settings 6-100 Table 6-46 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Line Settings 6-101 Table 6-47 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Section Trace Settings 6-104 Table 6-48 MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Trunk Settings 6-106 Table 6-49 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, and MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Wavelength Trunk Settings 6-107 Table 6-50 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Line Threshold Settings 6-109 Table 6-51 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Trunk Port TCA Thresholds 6-111 Table 6-52 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Trunk Port Alarm Thresholds 6-112 Table 6-53 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Client Interfaces TCA Thresholds 6-113 Table 6-54 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L Card Client Interfaces Alarm Thresholds 6-114 Table 6-55 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Card Line Tables xxxvi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 OTN Settings 6-115 Table 6-56 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-116 Table 6-57 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C FEC Threshold Settings 6-117 Table 6-58 MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, or MXP_2.5G_10EX_C Trail Trace Identifier Settings 6-118 Table 6-59 MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Client Settings 6-120 Table 6-60 MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Line Distance Extension Settings 6-123 Table 6-61 MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Line SONET or SDH Settings 6-125 Table 6-62 MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Line Section Trace Settings 6-127 Table 6-63 MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Wavelength Trunk Settings 6-128 Table 6-64 MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Line Threshold Settings 6-129 Table 6-65 MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR 2.5G Card 1G Ethernet or 1G, 2G FC/FICON Variables 6-131 Table 6-66 MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Client Interface TCA Thresholds 6-135 Table 6-67 MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR_2.5G Card Client Interface Alarm Thresholds 6-136 Table 6-68 MXP_MR_10DME_C, MXP_MR_10DME_L, or MXP_MR_10DMEX_C Card Line Client Settings 6-138 Table 6-69 MXP_MR_10DME_C, MXP_MR_10DME_L, or MXP_MR_10DMEX_C Card Line Distance Extension Settings 6-140 Table 6-70 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L Card Wavelength Trunk Settings 6-142 Table 6-71 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L Card Line SONET or SDH Settings 6-143 Table 6-72 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L Card Line Section Trace Settings 6-145 Table 6-73 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_LCard Line Threshold Settings 6-146 Table 6-74 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L Ethernet Variables 6-149 Table 6-75 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L FC/FICON Variables 6-149 Table 6-76 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L ISC and ISC3Variables 6-150 Table 6-77 MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L GFP RMON Variables 6-150 Table 6-78 MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L Card Client Interfaces TCA Thresholds 6-153 Table 6-79 MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L Card Client Interface Alarm Thresholds 6-154 Table 6-80 MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L Card OTN Line Settings 6-156 Table 6-81 MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L Card ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-157 Table 6-82 MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L Card FEC Threshold Settings 6-157 Table 6-83 MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L Card Trail Trace Identifier Settings 6-157 Table 6-84 40G-MXP-C Card Settings 6-160 Table 6-85 40G-MXP-C Card Line Client Settings 6-161Tables xxxvii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 6-86 40G-MXP-C Card Line SONET or SDH Settings 6-163 Table 6-87 Ethernet Line Settings of the 40G-MXP-C Card 6-164 Table 6-88 40G-MXP-C Card Line Section Trace Settings 6-167 Table 6-89 40G-MXP-C Card Line Threshold Settings 6-169 Table 6-90 40G-MXP-C Ethernet Variables 6-171 Table 6-91 40G-MXP-C FC Variables 6-173 Table 6-92 40G-MXP-C GFP RMON Variables 6-173 Table 6-93 40G-MXP-C Card Client Interfaces TCA Thresholds 6-176 Table 6-94 40G-MXP-C Card Client Interface Alarm Thresholds 6-178 Table 6-95 40G-MXP-C Card OTN Line Settings 6-179 Table 6-96 40G-MXP-C ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-180 Table 6-97 40G-MXP-C Card FEC Threshold Settings 6-181 Table 6-98 40G-MXP-C Card Trail Trace Identifier Settings 6-181 Table 6-99 Channel Group Settings 6-185 Table 6-100 EFM Parameter Settings 6-208 Table 6-101 EFM Link Monitoring Parameter Settings 6-209 Table 6-102 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Ethernet Settings 6-219 Table 6-103 Ethertype Behavior 6-225 Table 6-104 GE_XPE Card PDH Ethernet Settings 6-226 Table 6-105 Jitter Buffer Values for Various Payload Types 6-227 Table 6-106 GE_XPE Card Electrical Lines Settings 6-228 Table 6-107 Storm Control Settings 6-242 Table 6-108 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Trunk Interface TCA Thresholds 6-251 Table 6-109 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Trunk Interface Alarm Thresholds 6-252 Table 6-110 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Client Interface TCA Thresholds 6-253 Table 6-111 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card Client Interface Alarm Thresholds 6-253 Table 6-112 Gigabit Ethernet \RMON Variables 6-255 Table 6-113 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card OTN Line Settings 6-258 Table 6-114 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-258 Table 6-115 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card FEC Threshold Settings 6-259 Table 6-116 GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPECard Trail Trace Identifier Settings 6-259 Table 6-117 OTU2_XP Card Settings 6-264 Table 6-118 OTU2_XP Line Settings 6-266 Table 6-119 OTU2_XP Section Trace Settings 6-269 Table 6-120 OTU2_XP Card Path Threshold Settings on a 10G Ethernet LAN Phy to WAN Phy Mode 6-271Tables xxxviii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 6-121 OTU2_XP Card Line Threshold Settings 6-271 Table 6-122 OTU2_XP Port TCA Thresholds 6-273 Table 6-123 OTU2_XP Port Alarm Thresholds 6-274 Table 6-124 OTU2_XP Card 10G Ethernet Variables 6-274 Table 6-125 OTU2_XP Card 10G FC Variables 6-276 Table 6-126 OTU2_XP Card OTN Lines Settings 6-278 Table 6-127 OTU2_XP Card ITU-T G.709 Threshold Settings 6-279 Table 6-128 OTU2_XP Card FEC Threshold Settings 6-280 Table 6-129 OTU2_XP Card Trail Trace Identifier Settings 6-280 Table 6-130 OTU2_XP Card Proactive Protection Regen Settings 6-282 Table 6-131 OTU2_XP Path Trace Settings 6-283 Table 6-132 OTU2_XP Path Settings 6-285 Table 6-133 ALS Settings 6-286 Table 8-1 OCHCC Client Rates 8-6 Table 8-2 OCH C-Band Channels 8-7 Table 8-3 OCH L-Band Channels 8-8 Table 8-4 Diagnostic and Fix Errors 8-44 Table 8-5 Circuit Protection Types 8-48 Table 8-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Circuit Status 8-48 Table 8-7 Provisionable Patchcord Ports 8-53 Table 8-8 PPC Origination Fields 8-56 Table 8-9 PPC Termination Fields 8-57 Table 9-1 TNC Card FE and ONE_GE RMON Thresholds 9-13 Table 9-2 Channel OADM Optical Line Ports 9-22 Table 9-3 Channel OADM Optical Channel Ports 9-23 Table 9-4 OADM Optical Line Ports 9-24 Table 9-5 OADM Optical Band Ports 9-24 Table 10-1 Alarm Column Descriptions 10-7 Table 10-2 Color Codes for Node Alarms and Condition Severities 10-8 Table 11-1 HTML Commands for the Legal Disclaimer 11-13 Table 11-2 Managing Domains 11-35 Table 11-3 Link Classes By Network Scope 11-39 Table 12-1 OSCM and OSC-CSM Card OC-3/STM-1 Line Settings 12-3 Table 12-2 OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards OC3 Line SONET Threshold Settings 12-5 Table 12-3 OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards OC3 Line SDH Threshold Settings 12-6Tables xxxix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 12-4 OSCM and OSC-CSM Card Optical Line Parameter Settings 12-7 Table 12-5 OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Optical Line Warning Thresholds Settings 12-9 Table 12-6 OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Optical Line Alarm Thresholds Settings 12-10 Table 12-7 OSC-CSM and OSCM ALS Maintenance Settings 12-12 Table 12-8 OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, and OPT-BST-L Amplifier Optical Line Settings 12-14 Table 12-9 OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, and OPT-BST-L Card Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-16 Table 12-10 OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, and OPT-BST-L Card Optical Line Alarm Thresholds Settings 12-17 Table 12-11 OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, and OPT-BST-L Optical Amplifier Line Settings 12-19 Table 12-12 OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, and OPT-BST-L Card Amplifier Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-21 Table 12-13 OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, and OPT-BST-L Card Amplifier Line Alarm Thresholds Setting 12-22 Table 12-14 OPT-BST ALS Maintenance Settings 12-26 Table 12-15 OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifier Optical Line Settings 12-29 Table 12-16 OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-31 Table 12-17 OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Optical Line Alarm Thresholds Setting 12-32 Table 12-18 OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, and OPT-AMP-C Optical Amplifier Line Settings 12-33 Table 12-19 OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Amplifier Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-35 Table 12-20 OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Amplifier Line Alarm Thresholds Settings 12-36 Table 12-21 OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Optical Raman Line Settings 12-39 Table 12-22 OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Raman Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-41 Table 12-23 OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Raman Line Alarm Thresholds Settings 12-41 Table 12-24 OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, OPT-RAMP-CE ALS Maintenance Settings 12-42 Table 12-25 PSM Card Optical Line Settings 12-45 Table 12-26 PSM Card Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-47 Table 12-27 PSM Card Optical Line Alarm Thresholds Setting 12-48 Table 12-28 PSM ALS Maintenance Settings 12-50 Table 12-29 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Card Optical Line Settings 12-52 Table 12-30 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Card Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-54 Table 12-31 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Optical Line Alarm Threshold Settings 12-56 Table 12-32 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Card Optical Channel Settings 12-57 Table 12-33 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Card Optical Channel Warning Threshold Settings 12-60 Table 12-34 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Card Optical Channel Alarm Threshold Settings 12-61Tables xl Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 12-35 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Optical Channel Parameter Settings 12-64 Table 12-36 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, and 40-WSS-CE Optical Channel Warning Threshold Settings 12-67 Table 12-37 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, and 40-WSS-CE Optical Channel Alarm Threshold Settings 12-68 Table 12-38 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, and 40-WSS-CE Optical Line Parameter Settings 12-70 Table 12-39 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, and 40-WSS-CE Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-72 Table 12-40 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, and 40-WSS-CE Optical Line Alarm Threshold Settings 12-73 Table 12-41 TDC-CC and TDC-FC Cards Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-75 Table 12-42 TDC-CC and TDC-FC Cards Optical Line Alarm Thresholds Setting 12-76 Table 12-43 80-WXC-C Card Modes 12-78 Table 12-44 40-WXC-C and 80-WXC-C Optical Channel Parameter Settings 12-79 Table 12-45 40-WXC-C and 80-WXC-C Optical Channel Warning Threshold Settings 12-81 Table 12-46 40-WXC-C and 80-WXC-C Optical Channel Alarm Threshold Settings 12-82 Table 12-47 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Line Parameter Settings 12-84 Table 12-48 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-86 Table 12-49 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Line Alarm Threshold Settings 12-87 Table 12-50 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C WXC Line Parameter Settings 12-89 Table 12-51 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Optical Line Settings 12-93 Table 12-52 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Card Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-96 Table 12-53 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Card Optical Line Alarm Thresholds Setting 12-97 Table 12-54 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Card Line Settings 12-99 Table 12-55 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Card Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-101 Table 12-56 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Card Line Alarm Thresholds Settings 12-102 Table 12-57 40-SMR1-C or 40-SMR2-C Card Optical Channel Parameter Settings 12-106 Table 12-58 40-SMR1-C or 40-SMR2-C Card Optical Channel Warning Threshold Settings 12-108 Table 12-59 40-SMR1-C or 40-SMR2-C Card Optical Channel Alarm Threshold Settings 12-109 Table 12-60 MMU Optical Line Parameter Settings 12-112 Table 12-61 MMU Optical Line Warning Threshold Settings 12-113 Table 12-62 MMU Optical Line Alarm Threshold Settings 12-114 Table 12-63 TNC Card Optical Warning and Alarms Thresholds Settings 12-119 Table 12-64 TNC Card Line Threshold Settings (Ports tab) 12-120 Table 12-65 TNC Card Line Threshold Settings (OC3 Line tab) 12-123 Table 12-66 TNC Card Line Threshold Settings (SONET) 12-123 Table 12-67 TNC Card Line Threshold Settings (SDH) 12-124 Table 14-1 Audit Trail Column Definitions 14-16 Table 14-2 ONS 15454 Timing Report 14-20Tables xli Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Table 14-3 Incompatibility Alarms for ONS 15454 ANSI 14-37 Table 14-4 Incompatibility Alarms for ONS 15454 ETSI 14-37 Table A-1 Change CTC Views A-3 Table A-2 Description of Node Icons on Network View Map A-4 Table A-3 CTC Menu and Toolbar Options A-6 Table A-4 CTC Window Mouse Shortcuts A-12 Table A-5 Multishelf View Card-Related Shortcuts A-13 Table A-6 Node/Shelf View Card-Related Shortcuts A-14 Table A-7 Network Management Tasks in Network View A-14 Table A-8 Table Display Options A-15Tables xlii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02PROCEDURES xliii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards 2-1 NTP-G313 Install and Configure the TNC or TSC Card 2-8 NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC 3-2 NTP-G18 Set Up CTC Computer for Local Craft Connection to the ONS 15454 3-9 NTP-G19 Set Up a CTC Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection to the ONS 15454 3-25 NTP-G21 Log into the GUI 3-28 NTP-G190 Use the CTC Launcher Application to Manage Multiple ONS Nodes 3-38 NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files 4-3 NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation 4-7 NTP-G250 Verify Digital Image Signing (DIS) Information 4-8 NTP-G144 Provision a Multishelf Node 4-10 NTP-G23 Create Users and Assign Security 4-12 NTP-G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information 4-15 NTP-G25 Set Battery Power Monitor Thresholds 4-17 NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access 4-18 NTP-G194 Set Up EMS Secure Access to the ONS 15454 4-33 NTP-G27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access 4-33 NTP-G28 Create FTP Host 4-34 NTP-G132 Provision OSI 4-37 NTP-G29 Set Up SNMP 4-47 NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File 4-49 NTP-G320 Configure the Node as a Non-DWDM Network 4-59 NTP-G328 Add and Delete ANS Parameters 4-61 NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards 4-64 NTP-G31 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Units 4-67 NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards 4-69 NTP-G123 Install the Filler Cards 4-75 NTP-G239 Add and Delete Passive Units 4-76 NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs 4-78 NTP-G140 Install Fiber-Optic Cables Between Terminal, Hub, or ROADM Nodes 4-82Procedures xliv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP-G185 Install Fiber-Optic Cables between Mesh Nodes 4-101 NTP-G191 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on Passthrough ROADM Nodes 4-105 NTP-G141 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for Y-Cable Protection Modules 4-108 NTP-G152 Create and Verify Internal Patchcords 4-113 NTP-G242 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually 4-114 NTP-G209 Create, Edit, and Delete Optical Sides 4-123 NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations 4-126 NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup 4-127 NTP-G39 Verify OSCM Transmit Power 4-129 NTP-G163 Upgrade Nodes in Single-Shelf Mode to Multishelf Mode 4-131 NTP-G210 Provision Node for SNMPv3 4-133 NTP-G211 Provision Node to Send SNMPv3 Traps 4-134 NTP-G212 Manually Provision a GNE/ENE to Manage an ENE using SNMPv3 4-135 NTP-G213 Automatically Provision a GNE to Manage an ENE using SNMPv3 4-136 NTP-G214 Manually Provision a GNE/ENE to Send SNMPv3 Traps from an ENE using SNMPv3 4-136 NTP-G215 Automatically Provision a GNE/ENE to Send SNMPv3 Traps from an ENE Using SNMPv3 4-137 NTP-G41 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O Cards Acceptance Test 5-3 NTP-G168 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-9 NTP-G42 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test 5-12 NTP-G167 Perform the Terminal Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-17 NTP-G153 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test 5-22 NTP-G43 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test 5-29 NTP-G154 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test 5-51 NTP-G180 Perform the ROADM Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-74 NTP-G276 Perform the 80-Channel n-degree ROADM Node Acceptance Tests 5-97 NTP-G44 Perform the Anti-ASE Hub Node Acceptance Test 5-101 NTP-G45 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM Cards Acceptance Test 5-104 NTP-G155 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM Cards Acceptance Test 5-108 NTP-G46 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-111 NTP-G156 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-115 NTP-G47 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-120 NTP-G157 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test 5-124 NTP-G48 Perform the OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSCM Cards 5-128 NTP-G49 Perform the Active OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-140 NTP-G50 Perform the Passive OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-146Figures xlv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP-G186 Perform the Four-Degree and Eight-Degree Mesh Patch Panel Acceptance Test 5-148 NTP-G187 Perform the Multiring Site Acceptance Test 5-160 NTP-G188 Perform the Native Mesh Node Acceptance Test 5-168 NTP-G189 Perform the Node Upgrade Acceptance Test 5-173 NTP-G243 Perform the Two-Degree ROADM Node with 40-SMR-1-C and OPT-AMP-17-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-181 NTP-G244 Perform the Four Degree ROADM Node with 40-SMR-2-C Cards Acceptance Test 5-185 NTP-G128 Manage Pluggable Port Modules 6-3 NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group 6-21 NTP-G199 Create a Splitter Protection Group for the OTU2_XP Card 6-24 NTP-G198 Create 1+1 Protection for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-26 NTP-G98 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-28 NTP-G96 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds 6-48 NTP-G170 Provision the ADM-10G Card Peer Group, Ethernet Settings, Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds 6-74 NTP-G97 Modify the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-98 NTP-G99 Modify the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-119 NTP-G148 Modify the 10G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-137 NTP-G293 Modify the 40G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds 6-159 NTP-G281 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Channel Group Settings 6-182 NTP-G283 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card CFM Settings 6-193 NTP-G285 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card EFM Settings 6-206 NTP-G287 Manage the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card REP Settings 6-211 NTP-G165 Modify the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE Cards Ethernet Parameters, Line Settings, and PM Thresholds 6-217 NTP-G237 Retrieve and Clear MAC Addresses on SVLANs for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-240 NTP-G311 Provision the Storm Control Settings for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-241 NTP-G205 Enable Link Integrity on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-243 NTP-G289 Provision CVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-244 NTP-G208 Provision SVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-245 NTP-G204 Enable IGMP Snooping on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-247 NTP-G206 Enable MVR on a GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-249 NTP-G314 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card on a FAPS Ring 6-260 NTP-G197 Provision the OTU2_XP Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds 6-263 NTP-G162 Change the ALS Maintenance Settings 6-285 NTP-G192 Force FPGA Update 6-286Procedures xlvi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP-G196 Force FPGA Update When the Card is Part of a Protection Group 6-288 NTP-G232 Enabling Error Decorrelator 6-289 NTP-G51 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up 7-2 NTP-G52 Verify Node-to-Node Connections 7-3 NTP-G201 Configure the Raman Pump on an MSTP Link 7-4 NTP-G53 Set Up Timing 7-22 NTP-G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network 7-27 NTP-G56 Verify the OSNR 7-32 NTP-G142 Perform a Protection Switch Test 7-33 NTP-G164 Configure Link Management Protocol 7-35 NTP-G233 Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node 7-42 NTP-G234 Automatically Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node 7-42 NTP-G207 Manually Configure Link Management Protocol on the Cisco CRS-1 Router and the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Node 7-43 NTP-G57 Create a Logical Network Map 7-60 NTP-G325 View the Power Levels of Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Nodes 7-61 NTP-G326 Provision SRLG on the Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP Network 7-62 NTP-G151 Create, Delete, and Manage Optical Channel Client Connections 8-2 NTP-G178 Create, Delete, and Manage Optical Channel Trails 8-16 NTP-G59 Create, Delete, and Manage Optical Channel Network Connections 8-21 NTP-G200 Create, Delete, and Manage STS or VC Circuits for the ADM-10G Card 8-29 NTP-G150 Upgrade Optical Channel Network Connections to Optical Channel Client Connections 8-39 NTP-G183 Diagnose and Fix OCHNC and OCH Trail Circuits 8-43 NTP-G58 Locate and View Optical Channel Circuits 8-45 NTP-G184 Create a Provisionable Patchcord 8-52 NTP-G181 Manage GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card SVLAN Databases 8-58 NTP-G60 Create and Delete Overhead Circuits 8-61 NTP-G62 Create a J0 Section Trace 8-69 NTP-G203 Create End-to-End SVLAN Circuits 8-70 NTP-G229 Provision DCN Extension for a Network Using GCC/DCC 8-72 NTP-G245 Create an Automatically Routed VCAT Circuit 8-74 NTP-G246 Create a Manually Routed VCAT Circuit 8-77 NTP-G247 Enable or disable Path Performance Monitoring on Intermediate Nodes 8-80 NTP-G73 Change the PM Display 9-2Figures xlvii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP-G279 Monitor TNC Card Performance 9-10 NTP-G74 Monitor DWDM Card Performance 9-15 NTP-G75 Monitor Transponder and Muxponder Performance 9-26 NTP-G193 Enable or Disable AutoPM 9-35 NTP-G63 Document Existing Provisioning 10-2 NTP-G64 View Alarms, History, Events, and Conditions 10-6 NTP-G65 Delete Cleared Alarms from Display 10-14 NTP-G66 View Alarm-Affected Circuits 10-15 NTP-G67 View Alarm Counts on the LCD for a Node, Shelf, Slot, or Port 10-15 NTP-G68 Create, Download, and Assign Alarm Severity Profiles 10-17 NTP-G69 Enable, Modify, or Disable Alarm Severity Filtering 10-24 NTP-G70 Suppress Alarms or Discontinue Alarm Suppression 10-27 NTP-G72 Provision External Alarms and Controls on the Alarm Interface Controller-International Card 10-30 NTP-G277 Provision Alarms and Controls on the TNC or TSC Card 10-32 NTP-G76 Verify Optical Span Loss Using CTC 11-2 NTP-G77 Manage Automatic Power Control 11-4 NTP-G78 View Side Power Monitoring 11-9 NTP-G80 Change Node Management Information 11-11 NTP-G134 Modify OSI Provisioning 11-14 NTP-G81 Change CTC Network Access 11-23 NTP-G82 Customize the CTC Network View 11-31 NTP-G83 Modify or Delete Card Protection Settings 11-40 NTP-G84 Initiate and Clear Y-Cable and Splitter External Switching Commands 11-43 NTP-G85 Modify or Delete OSC Terminations, DCC/GCC Terminations, and Provisionable Patchcords 11-48 NTP-G86 Convert a Pass-Through Connection to Add/Drop Connections 11-52 NTP-G87 Change Node Timing Parameters 11-53 NTP-G88 Modify Users and Change Security 11-55 NTP-G89 Change SNMP Settings 11-67 NTP-G231 View Optical Power Values and Alarms Using the Network Functional View 11-69 NTP-G90 Modify OSCM and OSC-CSM Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-2 NTP-G91 Modify OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-13 NTP-G160 Modify OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-27 NTP-G202 Modify PSM Card Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-44 NTP-G175 Modify 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, and 4MD-xx.x Line Card Settings and PM Thresholds 12-51Procedures xlviii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP-G93 Modify the 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-62 NTP-G240 Modify TDC-CC and TDC-FC Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-73 NTP-G174 Modify the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-76 NTP-G241 Modify the 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-91 NTP-G149 Modify the MMU Line Settings and PM Thresholds 12-111 NTP-G101 Modify Alarm Interface Controller–International Settings 12-114 NTP-G102 Change Card Service State 12-117 NTP-G280 Modify Threshold Settings for the TNC Card 12-118 NTP-G107 Remove Permanently or Remove and Replace DWDM Cards 13-2 NTP-G127 Add an AD-xC-xx.x Card to an OADM Node 13-6 NTP-G129 Add a DWDM Node 13-9 NTP-G130 Remove a DWDM Node 13-11 NTP-G146 Add a Rack, Passive Unit, or Shelf to a Multishelf Node 13-13 NTP-G147 Delete a Passive Unit, Shelf, or Rack from a Multishelf Node 13-16 NTP-G173 Convert an OADM Node to a ROADM Node 13-18 NTP-G176 Convert an Line Amplifier Node to an OADM Node 13-21 NTP-G182 Convert a Line Amplifier Node to a ROADM Node 13-23 NTP-G195 Convert a Protected ROADM Node from two Separate Nodes to a Single Multishelf Node 13-25 NTP-G177 Upgrade ANS Parameters on a DWDM Node 13-32 NTP-G242 Modify the CD setting of TDC-CC and TDC-FC Cards 13-33 NTP-G278 Upgrade the TSC Card to the TNC Card 13-35 NTP-G103 Back Up the Database 14-2 NTP-G104 Restore the Database 14-3 NTP-G105 Restore the Node to Factory Configuration 14-5 NTP-G133 View and Manage OSI Information 14-10 NTP-G106 Reset Cards Using CTC 14-13 NTP-G108 Viewing the Audit Trail Records 14-15 NTP-G109 Off-Load the Audit Trail Record 14-16 NTP-G110 Off-Load the Diagnostics File 14-17 NTP-G112 Change the Node Timing Reference 14-18 NTP-G113 View the ONS 15454 Timing Report 14-20 NTP-G114 Inspect, Clean, and Replace the Air Filter 14-23 NTP-G274 Replace the Air Filter of the ONS 15454M2 Shelf Assembly 14-26 NTP-G262 Replace the Air Filter of the ONS 15454M6 Shelf Assembly 14-28 NTP-G263 Replace the Air Filter of the AC Power Module in the ONS 15454M6 Shelf Assembly 14-30Figures xlix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors 14-31 NTP-G40 Replace the Front Door 14-34 NTP-G116 Replace the Fan-Tray Assembly 14-36 NTP-G272 Replace the Fan-Tray Assembly of the ONS 15454M2 Shelf Assembly 14-41 NTP-G260 Replace the Fan-Tray Assembly of the ONS 15454M6 Shelf Assembly 14-43 NTP-G117 Replace the ANSI Shelf Alarm Interface Panel 14-45 NTP-G118 Replace the ANSI Shelf Plastic Lower Backplane Cover 14-48 NTP-G135 Edit Network Element Defaults 14-50 NTP-G136 Import Network Element Defaults 14-51 NTP-G137 Export Network Element Defaults 14-52 NTP-G166 View the Facilities 14-53 NTP-G119 Power Down the Node 14-53 NTP-G222 Access PCLI Text Interface B-2 NTP-G223 Create a Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-4 NTP-G226 Enable MAC Address Learning on SVLANs for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-11 NTP-G216 Enable Link Integrity on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-12 NTP-G225 Provision SVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Using PCLI B-13 NTP-G220 Enable IGMP Snooping on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-14 NTP-G217 Enable IGMP Fast-Leave Processing on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-15 NTP-G218 Configure a Multicast Router Port on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-16 NTP-G219 Enable IGMP Report Suppression on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-17 NTP-G224 Enable MVR on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-18 NTP-G227 Create SVLAN for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-19 NTP-G228 Create a Service Instance Using PCLI B-20 NTP-G282 Configure the Channel Group on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-23 NTP-G286 Configure EFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-26 NTP-G284 Configure CFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-28 NTP-G288 Configure REP on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-32Procedures l Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02TASKS li Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card 2-2 DLP-G34 Install the AIC-I Card 2-6 DLP-G309 Install the MS-ISC-100T Card 2-7 DLP-G604 Install the TNC or TSC Card 2-9 DLP-G605 Provision PPM and Port for the TNC Card 2-12 DLP-G606 Configure UDC and VoIP for the TNC Card 2-12 DLP-G37 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Windows PCs 3-3 DLP-G38 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Solaris Workstations 3-6 DLP-G52 Change the JRE Version 3-9 DLP-G39 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 on the Same Subnet Using Static IP Addresses 3-12 DLP-G40 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 3-15 DLP-G41 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 Using Automatic Host Detection 3-19 DLP-G42 Set Up a Solaris Workstation for a Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 3-23 DLP-G43 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows) 3-26 DLP-G44 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Mozilla (Solaris) 3-27 DLP-G331 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap Size (Windows) 3-29 DLP-G46 Log into CTC 3-30 DLP-G47 Install Public-Key Security Certificate 3-32 DLP-G48 Create Login Node Groups 3-33 DLP-G49 Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group 3-34 DLP-G50 Delete a Node from the Current Session or Login Group 3-35 DLP-G51 Delete a Node from a Specific Login Node Group 3-36 DLP-G53 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for Automatic Popup 3-36 DLP-G448 Designate ONS 15454 SOCKS GNEs 3-37 DLP-G440 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Software CD 3-39 DLP-G441 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Node 3-39 DLP-G442 Connect to ONS Nodes Using the CTC Launcher 3-40 DLP-G443 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using the CTC Launcher 3-41 DLP-G444 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC 3-42 DLP-G445 View TL1 Tunnel Information 3-43Tasks lii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G446 Edit a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC 3-44 DLP-G447 Delete a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC 3-45 DLP-G449 Install or Reinstall the CTC JAR Files 3-46 DLP-G450 Configuring Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Support CTC 3-46 DLP-G54 Create a New User on a Single Node 4-13 DLP-G55 Create a New User on Multiple Nodes 4-14 DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings 4-19 DLP-G439 Provision the Designated SOCKS Servers 4-23 DLP-G57 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD 4-24 DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode 4-26 DLP-G58 Create a Static Route 4-28 DLP-G59 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol 4-29 DLP-G60 Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol 4-32 DLP-G61 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15454 4-35 DLP-G62 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer 4-36 DLP-G283 Provision OSI Routing Mode 4-38 DLP-G284 Provision the TARP Operating Parameters 4-39 DLP-G285 Add a Static TID-to-NSAP Entry to the TARP Data Cache 4-41 DLP-G287 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry 4-42 DLP-G288 Provision OSI Routers 4-43 DLP-G289 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses 4-44 DLP-G290 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN Interface 4-44 DLP-G291 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel 4-45 DLP-G351 Delete a Card in CTC 4-53 DLP-G353 Preprovision a Slot 4-55 DLP-G693 Configure the Amplifier 4-59 DLP-G694 Configure the PSM 4-60 DLP-G541 Add an ANS Parameter 4-62 DLP-G542 Delete an ANS Parameter 4-63 DLP-G348 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout Report 4-66 DLP-G63 Install an SFP or XFP 4-71 DLP-G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot 4-73 DLP-G64 Remove an SFP or XFP 4-74 DLP-G543 Add Passive Units Manually 4-76 DLP-G544 Delete a Passive Unit 4-77Contents liii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G349 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report 4-80 DLP-G315 Install Fiber-Optic Cables From the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray 4-85 DLP-G316 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray 4-89 DLP-G356 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray 4-90 DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-93 DLP-G428 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE Cards in an Expanded ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-95 DLP-G357 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray or 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-97 DLP-G530 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, or 80-WXC-C Cards in a ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 15216-MD-40 or 15216-MD-48 Patch Panel Tray 4-99 DLP-G430 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards in a Mesh Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray 4-102 DLP-G431 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WXC-C, or 40-SMR2-C Cards in a Mesh Node to a Mesh Patch Panel Tray 4-104 DLP-G375 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the FlexLayer Shelf 4-109 DLP-G376 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the Y-Cable Module Tray 4-110 DLP-G354 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Trunk to Trunk (L2) Option 4-115 DLP-G547 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Trunk to OCH-Filter Option 4-116 DLP-G548 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Filter to OCH-Filter Option 4-118 DLP-G549 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OTS to OTS Option 4-120 DLP-G531 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Optical Path Option 4-122 DLP-G355 Delete an Internal Patchcord 4-123 DLP-G491 Create an Optical Side 4-124 DLP-G492 Edit an Optical Side 4-125 DLP-G480 Delete an Optical Side 4-125 DLP-G314 Verify OSCM Transmit Power 4-130 DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User 4-138 DLP-G497 Create MIB Views 4-139 DLP-G498 Create Group Access 4-139 DLP-G499 Configure SNMPv3 Trap Destination 4-140 DLP-G500 Delete SNMPv3 Trap Destination 4-141 DLP-G501 Create Notification Filters 4-142 DLP-G502 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table 4-142 DLP-G503 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table 4-143Tasks liv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G504 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table 4-144 DLP-G505 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table 4-145 DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing 5-5 DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power 5-6 DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power 5-7 DLP-G78 Verify the 32MUX-O or 40-MUX-C Card Power 5-8 DLP-G269 Verify the 32DMX-O or 40-DMX-C Card Power 5-8 DLP-G270 Verify the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C Power 5-16 DLP-G358 Provision TXP_MR_10E_L Card for Acceptance Testing 5-26 DLP-G359 Verify the OPT-BST-L or OPT-AMP-L (OPT-Line Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power 5-27 DLP-G360 Verify the OPT-AMP-L (OPT-PRE Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power 5-27 DLP-G361 Verify the 32DMX-L Power 5-28 DLP-G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels 5-33 DLP-G311 Verify the Side B ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards 5-41 DLP-G312 Verify the Side A ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards 5-46 DLP-G362 Verify ROADM Node L-Band Pass-Through Channels 5-56 DLP-G363 Verify the Side B ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels 5-64 DLP-G364 Verify the Side A ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels 5-69 DLP-G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards 5-79 DLP-G311 Verify the Side B ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards 5-87 DLP-G312 Verify the Side A ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards 5-92 DLP-G85 Verify Express Channel Connections on an OADM Node with OSCM Cards 5-130 DLP-G87 Verify the AD-xB-xx.x Output Express Power 5-131 DLP-G88 Verify the AD-xC-xx.x Output Express Power 5-131 DLP-G271 Verify the AD-xC-xx.x Output Common Power 5-132 DLP-G272 Verify the AD-xB-xx.x Output Common Power 5-132 DLP-G89 Verify OADM Node Pass-Through Channel Connections 5-133 DLP-G92 Verify 4MD-xx.x Pass-Through Connection Power 5-134 DLP-G90 Verify an AD-xB-xx.x Pass-Through Connection Power 5-135 DLP-G91 Verify an AD-xC-xx.x Pass-Through Connection 5-136 DLP-G84 Verify the OSC-CSM Incoming Power 5-137 DLP-G93 Verify Add and Drop Connections on an OADM Node with OSCM Cards 5-138 DLP-G86 Verify Express Channel Connections on an OADM Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-142 DLP-G83 Verify the OSC-CSM Power on OADM Nodes 5-143 DLP-G94 Verify Add and Drop Connections on an OADM Node with OSC-CSM Cards 5-144Contents lv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G432 Set the Transponder Wavelength 5-158 DLP-G433 Record Transponder Optical Power 5-159 DLP-434 Record the OPT-AMP-17-C Power Value 5-165 DLP-435 Set the 40-WXC-C OCHNC Parameters 5-166 DLP-436 Record the 40-WXC-C Power Value 5-167 DLP-G235 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Mode 6-4 DLP-G332 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Port Mode 6-6 DLP-G379 Change the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Mode 6-8 DLP-G411 Provision an ADM-10G PPM and Port 6-9 DLP-G452 Change the OTU2_XP Card Mode 6-10 DLP-G277 Provision a Multirate PPM 6-11 DLP-G274 Verify Topologies for ETR_CLO and ISC Services 6-12 DLP-G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate 6-14 DLP-G280 Delete a PPM 6-19 DLP-G461 Create a 1+1 Protection Group for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-27 DLP-G229 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Settings 6-29 DLP-G230 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Settings 6-30 DLP-G231 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings 6-33 DLP-G367 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-34 DLP-G232 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder SONET or SDH Line Threshold Settings 6-35 DLP-G320 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads 6-38 DLP-G305 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-39 DLP-G306 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-41 DLP-G234 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings 6-45 DLP-G365 Provision the TXP_MR_10G Data Rate 6-49 DLP-G712 Provision the TXP_MR_10E or TXP_MR_10EX_C Data Rate 6-50 DLP-G216 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Settings 6-50 DLP-G217 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Settings 6-52 DLP-G218 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings 6-56 DLP-G368 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-58 DLP-G219 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Thresholds for SONET or SDH Payloads Including 10G Ethernet WAN Phy 6-59 DLP-G319 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 10G Ethernet LAN Phy Payloads 6-62 DLP-G301 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-66Tasks lvi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G302 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-67 DLP-G221 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings 6-69 DLP-G403 Create the ADM-10G Peer Group 6-75 DLP-G469 Provision the ADM-10G Card Ethernet Settings 6-76 DLP-G397 Change the ADM-10G Line Settings 6-77 DLP-G398 Change the ADM-10G Line Section Trace Settings 6-83 DLP-G399 Change the ADM-10G Line Thresholds for SONET and SDH Payloads 6-84 DLP-G412 Change the ADM-10G Line RMON Thresholds for the 1G Ethernet Payload 6-88 DLP-G400 Provision the ADM-10G Interlink or Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-91 DLP-G401 Provision the ADM-10G Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-92 DLP-G402 Change the ADM-10G OTN Settings 6-93 DLP-G222 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Settings 6-99 DLP-G223 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line Settings 6-101 DLP-G224 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-103 DLP-G225 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Settings 6-105 DLP-G369 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-107 DLP-G226 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder SONET/SDH Line Thresholds Settings 6-108 DLP-G303 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-111 DLP-G304 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-112 DLP-G228 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line OTN Settings 6-114 DLP-G236 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings 6-120 DLP-G237 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings 6-122 DLP-G238 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-48)/SDH (STM-16) Settings 6-124 DLP-G239 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-126 DLP-G370 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-128 DLP-G240 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds 6-129 DLP-G321 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Line Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads 6-131 DLP-G307 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-133 DLP-G308 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-134 DLP-G333 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings 6-138 DLP-G334 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings 6-140 DLP-G340 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings 6-142 DLP-G335 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) Settings 6-143 DLP-G336 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-145 DLP-G341 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds 6-146Contents lvii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G337 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Line RMON Thresholds for Ethernet, 1G FC/FICON, or ISC/ISC3 Payloads 6-148 DLP-G338 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-151 DLP-G339 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-152 DLP-G366 Change the 10G Data Muxponder OTN Settings 6-156 DLP-G662 Change the 40G Multirate Muxponder Card Settings 6-160 DLP-G666 Change the 40G Muxponder Line Settings 6-161 DLP-G667 Change the 40G Muxponder Line SONET (OC-192) or SDH (STM-64), or Ethernet Line Settings 6-163 DLP-G668 Change the 40G Muxponder Section Trace Settings 6-167 DLP-G669 Change the 40G Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds 6-168 DLP-G670 Change the 40G Muxponder Line RMON Thresholds for Ethernet, 8G FC, or 10G FC Payloads 6-170 DLP-G671 Provision the 40G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-174 DLP-G672 Provision the 40G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-176 DLP-G673 Change the 40G Muxponder OTN Settings 6-179 DLP-G611 Create a Channel Group Using CTC 6-183 DLP-G612 Modify the Parameters of the Channel Group Using CTC 6-184 DLP-G613 Add or Remove Ports to or from an Existing Channel Group Using CTC 6-188 DLP-G614 Delete a Channel Group Using CTC 6-189 DLP-G615 Retrieve Information on Channel Group, REP, CFM, and EFM Using CTC 6-190 DLP-G616 View Channel Group PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-191 DLP-G617 View Channel Group Utilization PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-192 DLP-G618 View Channel Group History PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-192 DLP-G621 Enable or Disable CFM on the Card Using CTC 6-194 DLP-G622 Enable or Disable CFM for Each Port Using CTC 6-195 DLP-G623 Create a Maintenance Domain Profile Using CTC 6-196 DLP-G624 Delete a Maintenance Domain Profile Using CTC 6-197 DLP-G625 Create a Maintenance Association Profile Using CTC 6-198 DLP-G626 Modify a Maintenance Association Profile Using CTC 6-199 DLP-G627 Delete a Maintenance Association Profile Using CTC 6-199 DLP-G628 Map a Maintenance Association Profile to a Maintenance Domain Profile Using CTC 6-200 DLP-G629 Create a MEP Using CTC 6-201 DLP-G630 Delete a MEP Using CTC 6-202 DLP-G631 Create a MIP Using CTC 6-202Tasks lviii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G632 Delete a MIP Using CTC 6-203 DLP-G633 Ping MEP Using CTC 6-204 DLP-G634 Traceroute MEP Using CTC 6-205 DLP-G639 Enable or Disable EFM for Each Port Using CTC 6-206 DLP-G640 Configure EFM Parameters Using CTC 6-207 DLP-G641 Configure EFM Link Monitoring Parameters Using CTC 6-209 DLP-G642 Enable Remote Loopback for Each Port Using CTC 6-210 DLP-G713 Provision Administrative VLAN for Ports in a REP Segment Using CTC 6-212 DLP-G645 Create a Segment Using CTC 6-213 DLP-G646 Edit a Segment Using CTC 6-215 DLP-G647 Activate VLAN Load Balancing Using CTC 6-215 DLP-G648 Deactivate VLAN Load Balancing Using CTC 6-216 DLP-G380 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Ethernet Settings 6-218 DLP-G684 Provision the GE_XPE Card PDH Ethernet Settings 6-226 DLP-G685 Provision the GE_XPE Card Electrical Lines Settings 6-228 DLP-G381 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Layer 2 Protection Settings 6-230 DLP-G507 Enable a Different GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card as the Master Card 6-231 DLP-G382 Add and Remove SVLANS to/from GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE NNI Ports 6-233 DLP-G383 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Quality of Service Settings 6-234 DLP-G470 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Class of Service (CoS) Settings 6-235 DLP-G384 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE QinQ Settings 6-235 DLP-G221 Enable MAC Address Learning on SVLANs for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-237 DLP-G460 Enable MAC Address Learning on SVLANs for GE_XPE or 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-238 DLP-G385 Provision the MAC Filter Settings for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card 6-239 DLP-G546 View Card MAC Addresses on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards 6-241 DLP-G509 Enable Link Integrity on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-243 DLP-G515 Provision SVLAN Rate Limiting on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Using CTC 6-246 DLP-G471 Create a SVLAN or CVLAN Profile 6-246 DLP-G511 Enable IGMP Snooping, IGMP Fast Leave and IGMP Report Suppression on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using CTC 6-248 DLP-G513 Enable MVR on a GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card Using CTC 6-250 DLP-G386 Provision the Gigabit Ethernet Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-251 DLP-G387 Provision the Gigabit Ethernet Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-252 DLP-G388 Change the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card RMON Thresholds 6-254Contents lix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G389 Change the Gigabit Ethernet Optical Transport Network Settings 6-257 DLP-G687 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card Facing Master Card on a FAPS Ring 6-261 DLP-G688 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card Between the Slave Cards on a FAPS Ring 6-262 DLP-G453 Change the OTU2_XP Card Settings 6-264 DLP-G454 Change the OTU2_XP Line Settings 6-265 DLP-G455 Change the OTU2_XP Line Section Trace Settings 6-269 DLP-G456 Change the OTU2_XP Line Thresholds for SONET or SDH Payloads 6-270 DLP-G457 Provision the OTU2_XP Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds 6-272 DLP-G462 Change the OTU2_XP Line RMON Thresholds for the 10G Ethernet and 10G FC Payloads 6-274 DLP-G458 Change the OTU2_XP OTN Settings 6-277 DLP-G523 Change the OTU2_XP Path Trace Settings 6-283 DLP-G524 Provision the OTU2_XP Path Settings for 10G Ethernet LAN Phy to WAN Phy Configuration 6-284 DLP-G468 Configure the Raman Pump Using the Installation Wizard 7-4 DLP-G474 Configure the Raman Pump by Importing the CTP XML File 7-19 DLP-G489 Configure the Raman Pump by Setting the ANS Parameters Manually 7-20 DLP-490 Restore Raman Link After a Fiber Cut Occurs 7-21 DLP-G95 Set Up External or Line Timing 7-22 DLP-G96 Set Up Internal Timing 7-25 DLP-G350 Use the Cisco Transport Planner Traffic Matrix Report 7-26 DLP-G372 Enable LMP 7-36 DLP-G373 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Control Channels 7-36 DLP-G374 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP TE Links 7-39 DLP-G378 Create, Edit, and Delete LMP Data Links 7-40 DLP-G508 Configure the Cisco CRS-1 Router Parameters 7-44 DLP-G481 Establish Telnet Session with the Cisco CRS-1 Router and Verify Configuration 7-45 DLP-G510 Create a Task Group, User Group, and User Account on the Cisco CRS-1 Router 7-46 DLP-G482 Configure a Static Route 7-49 DLP-G483 Configure Local and Remote TE Links 7-50 DLP-G484 Enable the LMP Message Exchange 7-52 DLP-G511 Configure the Wavelength on the Cisco CRS-1 Router 7-53 DLP-G494 Configure the RADIUS Server 7-55 DLP-G485 Enable Index Persistency on an SNMP Interface 7-56 DLP-G486 Configure the LMP Router ID 7-57 DLP-G487 Configure the 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) or POS Interface 7-58 DLP-G488 Display Summary of Link Management Information 7-59Tasks lx Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G540 View SRLG Reports 7-63 DLP-G104 Assign a Name to a Port 8-3 DLP-G345 Verify OCHCC Client Ports 8-4 DLP-G346 Provision Optical Channel Client Connections 8-4 DLP-G689 Provision Optical Channel Client Connections on OTU2_XP Cards 8-10 DLP-G347 Delete Optical Channel Client Connections 8-11 DLP-G424 Edit an OCHCC Circuit Name 8-12 DLP-G394 Change an OCHCC Administrative State 8-13 DLP-G437 Set OCH Circuit Attributes 8-14 DLP-G438 Set OCH Routing Preferences 8-15 DLP-G395 Create an Optical Channel Trail 8-17 DLP-G418 Delete an Optical Channel Trail 8-19 DLP-G425 Edit an OCH Trail Circuit Name 8-20 DLP-G419 Change an OCH Trail Administrative State 8-21 DLP-G105 Provision Optical Channel Network Connections 8-23 DLP-G493 Provision Protected Optical Channel Network Connections 8-25 DLP-G106 Delete Optical Channel Network Connections 8-26 DLP-G426 Edit an OCHNC Circuit Name 8-27 DLP-G420 Change an OCHNC Administrative State 8-28 DLP-G463 Create an Automatically Routed STS or VC Circuit 8-29 DLP-G464 Create a Manually Routed STS or VC Circuit 8-33 DLP-G465 Provision Path Protection Selectors 8-36 DLP-G466 Delete an STS or VC Circuit 8-37 DLP-G467 Edit an STS or VC Circuit Name 8-38 DLP-G344 Verify Provisionable and Internal Patchcords 8-41 DLP-G100 Search for Optical Channel Circuits 8-45 DLP-G101 View Optical Channel Circuit Information 8-46 DLP-G102 Filter the Display of Optical Channel Circuits 8-49 DLP-G103 View Optical Channel Circuits on a Span 8-51 DLP-G421 Create and Store an SVLAN Database 8-58 DLP-G422 Load or Merge an SVLAN Database 8-60 DLP-G76 Provision DCC/GCC Terminations 8-61 DLP-G97 Provision a Proxy Tunnel 8-63 DLP-G98 Provision a Firewall Tunnel 8-64 DLP-G108 Change the Service State for a Port 8-65Contents lxi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G109 Provision Orderwire 8-66 DLP-G110 Create a User Data Channel Circuit 8-67 DLP-G112 Delete Overhead Circuits 8-68 DLP-G472 Edit the End-to-End SVLAN Circuit 8-72 DLP-G472 Merge two OCHNC DCN Circuits 8-73 DLP-G551 Provision ADM-10G Ethernet Ports 8-80 DLP-G553 Create a Server Trail 8-81 DLP-G554 Repair Server Trails 8-83 DLP-G555 Provision a VCAT Circuit Source and Destination 8-84 DLP-G556 Provision an Open VCAT Circuit Source and Destination 8-85 DLP-G557 Provision a VCAT Circuit Route 8-86 DLP-G131 Refresh PM Counts at 15-Minute Intervals 9-3 DLP-G132 Refresh PM Counts at One-Day Intervals 9-4 DLP-G133 View Near-End PM Counts 9-5 DLP-G134 View Far-End PM Counts 9-5 DLP-G135 Reset Current PM Counts 9-6 DLP-G136 Clear Selected PM Counts 9-7 DLP-G410 Clear All PM Thresholds 9-8 DLP-G137 Set the Auto-Refresh Interval for Displayed PM Counts 9-9 DLP-G138 Refresh PM Counts for a Different Port 9-10 DLP-G607 View Optics PM Parameters for the TNC Card 9-11 DLP-G608 View Payload PM Parameters for the TNC Card 9-11 DLP-G686 Set the TNC Card RMON Thresholds for the FE/ONE_GE Ethernet Payloads 9-12 DLP-G139 View PM Parameters for OSCM and OSC-CSM cards 9-16 DLP-G140 View Power Statistics for Optical Amplifier, 40-SMR1-C, and 40-SMR2-C Cards 9-16 DLP-G141 View Optical Power Statistics for 32MUX-O, 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-WSS-C, 40-WSS-CE, 40-WXC-C, 80-WXC-C, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, and 40-DMX-CE Cards 9-20 DLP-G479 View Optical Power Statistics for the PSM Card 9-21 DLP-G276 View Optical Power Statistics for 4MD-xx.x Cards 9-21 DLP-G142 View Power Statistics for AD-1C-xx.x, AD-2C-xx.x, and AD-4C-xx.x Cards 9-22 DLP-G143 View Power Statistics for AD-1B-xx.x and AD-4B-xx.x Cards 9-23 DLP-G525 View Optical Power Statistics for TDC-CC and TDC-FC cards 9-24 DLP-G475 View the PM Parameters for All Facilities 9-25 DLP-G390 View Ethernet Statistic PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards 9-27 DLP-G391 View Ethernet Utilization PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Tasks lxii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Cards 9-28 DLP-G392 View Ethernet History PM Parameters for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards 9-28 DLP-G393 Refresh Ethernet PM Counts at a Different Time Interval for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards 9-29 DLP-G146 View Optics PM Parameters 9-30 DLP-G147 View Payload PM Parameters 9-30 DLP-G148 View OTN PM Parameters 9-32 DLP-G149 View Payload Statistics PM Parameters 9-33 DLP-G150 View Payload Utilization PM Parameters 9-33 DLP-G151 View Payload History PM Parameters 9-34 DLP-G152 View Payload SONET/SDH PM Parameters 9-35 DLP-G113 Print CTC Data 10-3 DLP-G114 Export CTC Data 10-4 DLP-G115 View Alarms 10-7 DLP-G116 View Alarm or Event History 10-8 DLP-G117 Change the Maximum Number of Session Entries for Alarm History 10-10 DLP-G118 Display Alarms and Conditions Using Time Zone 10-11 DLP-G119 Synchronize Alarms 10-12 DLP-G120 View Conditions 10-12 DLP-G121 Create a New or Cloned Alarm Severity Profile 10-18 DLP-G122 Download an Alarm Severity Profile 10-20 DLP-G123 Apply Alarm Profiles to Ports 10-21 DLP-G124 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes 10-22 DLP-G125 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles 10-23 DLP-G126 Enable Alarm Filtering 10-25 DLP-G127 Modify Alarm, Condition, and History Filtering Parameters 10-25 DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering 10-26 DLP-G129 Suppress Alarm Reporting 10-28 DLP-G130 Discontinue Alarm Suppression 10-29 DLP-G157 Disable Automatic Power Control 11-4 DLP-G158 Enable Automatic Power Control 11-5 DLP-G430 Run Automatic Power Control 11-6 DLP-G159 View Node-Level Automatic Power Control Information 11-7 DLP-G431 View Network-Level Automatic Power Control Information 11-8 DLP-G160 Change the Node Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information 11-12 DLP-G161 Change the Login Legal Disclaimer 11-13Contents lxiii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G284 Modify the TARP Operating Parameters 11-15 DLP-G286 Remove a Static TID to NSAP Entry from the TARP Data Cache 11-17 DLP-G287 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry 11-17 DLP-G292 Remove a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry 11-18 DLP-G293 Change the OSI Routing Mode 11-19 DLP-G294 Edit the OSI Router Configuration 11-20 DLP-G295 Edit the OSI Subnetwork Point of Attachment 11-21 DLP-G296 Edit an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel 11-22 DLP-G297 Delete an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel 11-23 DLP-G162 Change IP Settings 11-24 DLP-G265 Lock Node Security 11-25 DLP-G266 Modify Backplane Port IP Settings in Security Mode 11-26 DLP-G267 Disable Secure Mode 11-28 DLP-G163 Modify a Static Route 11-29 DLP-G164 Delete a Static Route 11-30 DLP-G165 Disable OSPF 11-30 DLP-G167 Delete a Firewall Tunnel 11-31 DLP-G168 Change the Network View Background Color 11-32 DLP-G169 Change the Default Network View Background Map 11-32 DLP-G170 Apply a Custom Network View Background Map 11-33 DLP-G171 Create Domain Icons 11-34 DLP-G172 Manage Domain Icons 11-34 DLP-G173 Enable Dialog Box Do-Not-Display Option 11-36 DLP-G174 Switch Between TDM and DWDM Network Views 11-36 DLP-G330 Consolidate Links in Network View 11-37 DLP-G175 Modify a Y-Cable Protection Group 11-40 DLP-G176 Modify a Splitter Protection Group 11-41 DLP-G177 Delete a Y-Cable Protection Group 11-42 DLP-G459 Delete a Splitter Protection Group 11-43 DLP-G178 Apply a Manual Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch 11-44 DLP-G179 Apply a Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch 11-45 DLP-G180 Clear a Manual or Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch 11-45 DLP-G181 Apply a Lock-On 11-46 DLP-G182 Apply a Lockout 11-47 DLP-G183 Clear a Lock-On or Lockout 11-47Tasks lxiv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G184 Change a DCC/GCC Termination 11-49 DLP-G185 Delete a DCC/GCC Termination 11-49 DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination 11-50 DLP-G187 Delete a Provisionable Patchcord 11-51 DLP-G188 Change Security Policy for a Single Node 11-56 DLP-G189 Change Security Policy for Multiple Nodes 11-57 DLP-G317 Change Node Access and PM Clearing Privilege 11-58 DLP-G328 Grant Superuser Privileges to a Provisioning User 11-59 DLP-G191 Change User Password and Security Level on a Single Node 11-60 DLP-G192 Change User Password and Security Level for Multiple Nodes 11-61 DLP-G193 Delete a User From a Single Node 11-62 DLP-G194 Delete a User From Multiple Nodes 11-63 DLP-G195 Log Out a User on a Single Node 11-63 DLP-G196 Log Out a User on Multiple Nodes 11-64 DLP-G281 Configure the Node for RADIUS Authentication 11-65 DLP-G282 View and Terminate Active Logins 11-66 DLP-G197 Modify SNMP Trap Destinations 11-68 DLP-G198 Delete SNMP Trap Destinations 11-69 DLP-G529 Export Network Functional View Reports 11-70 DLP-G199 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM OC-3/STM-1 Line Settings 12-3 DLP-G200 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM OC-3/STM-1 Line SONET/SDH Thresholds 12-5 DLP-G201 Change Optical Line Parameters for OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards 12-7 DLP-G202 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM Optical Line Threshold Settings 12-8 DLP-G203 Change the OSCM and OSC-CSM ALS Maintenance Settings 12-12 DLP-G204 Change Optical Line Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-14 DLP-G205 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-15 DLP-G206 Change Optical Amplifier Line Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-19 DLP-G207 Change Optical Amplifier Threshold Settings for OPT-PRE and OPT-BST Amplifiers 12-21 DLP-G322 Change the OPT-BST ALS Maintenance Settings 12-25 DLP-G323 Change Optical Line Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-28 DLP-G324 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-30 DLP-G325 Change Optical Amplifier Line Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-33 DLP-G326 Change Optical Amplifier Threshold Settings for OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-35Contents lxv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G538 Change Optical Raman Line Settings for OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-39 DLP-G539 Change Optical Raman Line Threshold Settings for OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 12-40 DLP-G327 Change the ALS Maintenance Settings of OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE Cards 12-42 DLP-G514 Change the PSM Card Mode 12-44 DLP-G476 Change Optical Line Settings for the PSM Card 12-45 DLP-G477 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for the PSM Card 12-46 DLP-G478 Change the PSM ALS Maintenance Settings 12-49 DLP-G414 Change Optical Line Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-52 DLP-G415 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-54 DLP-G416 Change Optical Channel Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-57 DLP-G417 Change Optical Channel Threshold Settings for 32MUX-O, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, or 4MD-xx.x Cards 12-59 DLP-G212 Change 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Channel Parameters 12-63 DLP-G213 Change the 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Channel Thresholds 12-66 DLP-G214 Change 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Line Parameters 12-70 DLP-G215 Change the 32WSS, 32-WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, or 40-WSS-CE Card Optical Line Thresholds 12-71 DLP-G545 Modify the Chromatic Dispersion Value for the TDC-CC and TDC-FC Cards 12-74 DLP-G528 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for TDC-CC or TDC-FC Card 12-75 DLP-G603 Change the 80-WXC-C Card Mode 12-77 DLP-G406 Change 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Card Optical Channel Parameters 12-78 DLP-G407 Change the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Channel Thresholds 12-81 DLP-G408 Change 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Line Parameters 12-84 DLP-G409 Change the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Optical Line Thresholds 12-86 DLP-G413 Change 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C Card WXC Line Parameters 12-88 DLP-G429 Multiplex a Single Wavelength on 40-WXC-C Card 12-90 DLP-G532 Change Optical Line Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-92 DLP-G533 Change Optical Line Threshold Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-94 DLP-G534 Change Optical Amplifier Line Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-98 DLP-G535 Change Optical Amplifier Threshold Settings for 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Cards 12-100 DLP-G536 Change 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Card Optical Channel Parameters 12-105 DLP-G537 Change the 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C Optical Channel Thresholds 12-107 DLP-G342 Change MMU Optical Line Parameters 12-111Tasks lxvi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G343 Change the MMU Optical Line Thresholds 12-113 DLP-G245 Change External Alarms Using the AIC-I Card 12-115 DLP-G246 Change External Controls Using the AIC-I Card 12-116 DLP-G247 Change AIC-I Card Orderwire Settings 12-117 DLP-G609 Modify Optical Threshold Settings for the TNC Card 12-119 DLP-G610 Modify Line Threshold Settings for the TNC Card 12-120 DLP-G254 Place Amplifier Ports Out of Service 13-4 DLP-G318 Place Amplifier Ports In Service 13-5 DLP-G526 Modify the CD Value of the TDC-CC and TDC-FC When Connected to OPT-AMP-C, OPT-PRE, 40-SMR-1 and 40-SMR-2 Cards 13-34 DLP-G527 Modify the CD Value of the TDC-CC and TDC-FC cards When Connected to OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE Amplifiers 13-34 DLP-G248 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (Windows) 14-6 DLP-G249 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (UNIX) 14-8 DLP-G298 View IS-IS Routing Information Base 14-10 DLP-G299 View ES-IS Routing Information Base 14-11 DLP-G300 Manage the TARP Data Cache 14-12 DLP-G250 Reset the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC Card 14-13 DLP-G251 Reset DWDM Cards Using CTC 14-14 DLP-G259 Manual or Force Switch the Node Timing Reference 14-18 DLP-G260 Clear a Manual or Force Switch on a Node Timing Reference 14-19 DLP-G261 Clean Multi Fiber-Optic Cable Connectors 14-32 DLP-G262 Clean Fiber Connectors with CLETOP 14-33 DLP-G263 Clean the Fiber Adapters 14-33 DLP-G517 Create an Ingress Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE cards Using PCLI B-4 DLP-G518 Create a Egress Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-5 DLP-G519 Create a Service Instance Policy on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-7 DLP-G520 Apply an Ingress Policy to a Port on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-8 DLP-G521 Apply an Egress Policy to a Port on GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-9 DLP-G522 Apply a Service Instance Policy to a Port on GE_XPE or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-9 DLP-G619 Create a Channel Group on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-24 DLP-G620 Add Ports to a Channel Group on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-25 DLP-G643 Enable EFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-26 DLP-G644 Configure the EFM Mode on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-27 DLP-G635 Enable CFM on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-29Contents lxvii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 DLP-G636 Create a Maintenance Domain on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-29 DLP-G637 Create a Maintenance Intermediate Point on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-30 DLP-G638 Create a Maintenance End Point on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-31 DLP-G649 Create a Segment on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-33 DLP-G650 Configure STCN on the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI B-34 DLP-G651 Configure Preemption Delay on the Primary Edge Port Using PCLI B-35 DLP-G652 Configure VLAN Load Balancing on the Primary Edge Port Using PCLI B-36Tasks lxviii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02lxix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration. This section explains the objectives, intended audience, and organization of this publication and describes the conventions that convey instructions and other information. This section provides the following information: • Revision History • Document Objectives • Audience • Document Organization • Related Documentation • Document Conventions • Obtaining Optical Networking Information • Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelineslxx Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Revision History Date Notes June 2010 • Updated “DLP-G450 Configuring Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Support CTC” in the chapter, “Connect the PC and Log into the GUI”. July 2010 • Updated “NTP-G203 Create End-to-End SVLAN Circuits” in the chapter, “Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords”. • Updated “DLP-G421 Create and Store an SVLAN Database” in the chapter, “Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords”. • Updated “DLP G431 View Network-Level Automatic Power Control Information” in the chapter, “Manage the Node”. • Updated “DLP-G346 Provision Optical Channel Client Connections” in the chapter “Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords”. • Updated “NTP-G293 Modify the 40G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds, DLP-G666 Change the 40G Muxponder Line Settings, DLP-G667 Change the 40G Muxponder SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) Settings, DLP-G668 Change the 40G Muxponder Section Trace Settings, DLP-G669 Change the 40G Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds, DLP-G670 Change the 40G Muxponder Line RMON Thresholds for Ethernet, 8G FC, or 10G FC Payloads, DLP-G671 Provision the 40G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds, DLP-G672 Provision the 40G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds, and DLP-G673 Change the 40G Muxponder OTN Settings” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Added “NTP-G314 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card on a FAPS Ring” in the chapter, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Added “DLP-G687 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card Facing Master Card on a FAPS Ring” in the chapter, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Added “DLP-G688 Add a GE_XP or 10GE_XP Card Between the Slave Cards on a FAPS Ring” in the chapter, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Deleted the section “DLP-G313 Verify OSC-CSM Transmit Power” in the chapter “Turn Up a Node”. September 2010 Updated the table “OTU2_XP Card OTN Lines Settings” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. October 2010 • Updated “NTP-G152 Create and Verify Internal Patchcords” in the chapter, “Turn Up a Node”. • Updated “NTP-G207 Create, Edit and Delete Optical Sides” in the chapter, “Turn Up a Node”. • Added a note in the “NTP-G114 Inspect, Clean, and Replace the Air Filter” section of the chapter, “Maintain the node”. • Updated “DLP-G314 Verify OSCM Transmit Power” in the chapter ,“Turn Up a Node”.lxxi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface November 2010 • Updated “DLP-G645 Create a Segment Using CTC” in the chapter, Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated step 21 in “NTP-G42 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test” • Updated step 22 in "NTP-G153 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test" • Updated step 21 in "NTP-G167 Perform the Terminal Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test" December 2010 Updated the section "NTP-G110 Off-Load the Diagnostics File" in the chapter "Maintain the Node". March 2011 • Updated the description of the rxTotalPkts variable in the chapter, Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards. • Updated the table “ADM-10G Gigabit Ethernet Thresholds” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Added a note in the sections “Set the 40-WXC-C OCHNC Parameters”, “Perform the Native Mesh Node Acceptance Test”, and “Perform the Node Upgrade Acceptance Test”. April 2011 • Updated the card mode options for the 40G-MXP-C card in the chapter, Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards. • Added DLP-G689 to the chapter, Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords. • Updated the section “NTP-G197 Provision the OTU2_XP Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated the purpose in "NTP-G151 Create, Delete, and Manage Optical Channel Client Connections" and added notes to "DLP-G346 Provision Optical Channel Client Connections" and "DLP-G105 Provision Optical Channel Network Connections" in the chapter, "Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords". May 2011 • Updated the note in “DLP-G266 Modify Backplane Port IP Settings in Security Mode” in the chapter, “Manage the Node” and “DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings” in the chapter, “Turn Up a Node”. • Updated step 5 in the procedure “Remove Permanently or Remove and Replace DWDM Cards” of the chapter, “Upgrade, Add, and Remove Cards and Nodes”. July 2011 • Added Framing and CRC Encap entries to table in “DLP-G469 Provision the ADM-10G Card Ethernet Settings”. • Updated “NTP-G54 Provision and Verify a DWDM Network” to generalize the steps. August 2011 • Updated the table “OTU2_XP Line Settings” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated “DLP-G629 Create a MEP Using CTC” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. Date Noteslxxii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface September 2011 • Updated a note in “NTP-G198 Create 1+1 Protection for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Cards” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated the “NTP-G78 View Side Power Monitoring” procedure. October 2011 • Updated the “DLP-G384 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE QinQ Settings”, “DLP-G470 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Class of Service (CoS) Settings”, “DLP-G380 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Ethernet Settings”, and “DLP-G460 Enable MAC Address Learning on SVLANs for GE_XPE or 10GE_XPE Cards” procedures in the chapter "Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards". • Updated the MPLS Inner Label and MPLS Outer Label range values in the table "GE_XPE Card PDH Ethernet Settings " in the chapter "Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards". • Updated the “DLP-G471 Create a SVLAN or CVLAN Profile” in the chapter "Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards". • Updated information related to IB_5G in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated the section “DLP-G281 Configure the Node for RADIUS Authentication” in the chapter “Manage the Node”. November 2011 • Updated the section “DLP-G645 Create a Segment Using CTC” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. December 2011 • Updated the procedure “DLP-G76 Provision DCC/GCC Terminations” in the chapter “Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords”. • Updated the following procedures in the chapter “Manage the Node”: – NTP-G85 Modify or Delete OSC Terminations, DCC/GCC Terminations, and Provisionable Patchcords – DLP-G184 Change a DCC/GCC Termination – DLP-G185 Delete a DCC/GCC Termination February 2012 • Updated the procedure “DLP-G379 Change the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Mode” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated the Mode parameter in the table “ADM-10G Card Ethernet Settings” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated the procedure “DLP-G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. March 2012 • Updated the bandwidth parameter in the procedure, “DLP-G383 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Quality of Service Settings”. • Updated the procedure, “NTP-G129 Add a DWDM Node”, in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Added a note in the procedure “NTP-G242 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually” in the chapter “Turn Up a Node”. Date Noteslxxiii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Document Objectives This document explains installation, turn up, provisioning, and maintenance for Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS M2, and Cisco ONS M6 systems. Use this document in conjunction with the appropriate publications listed in the Related Documentation section. Audience To use this publication, you should be familiar with Cisco or equivalent optical transmission hardware and cabling, telecommunications hardware and cabling, electronic circuitry and wiring practices, and preferably have experience as a telecommunications technician Document Organization April 2012 • Added a note in the procedure “DLP-G368 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Added a new procedure "DLP-G713 Provision Administrative VLAN for Ports in a REP Segment Using CTC" and updated "DLP-G384 Provision the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE QinQ Settings" in the chapter, "Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards". May 2012 • Added a note in the procedure “DLP-G507 Enable a Different GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE Card as the Master Card” in the chapter “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”. • Updated the “Set Up SNMP” procedure in the chapter “Turn Up a Node”. July 2012 Document Part Number revisioned to 78-19286-02 and a full length book-PDF was generated. Date Notes Table 1 Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide Chapters Title Summary Chapter 1, “Install the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 Shelf” Explains how to install the Cisco ONS 15454 ETSI, Cisco ONS 15454 ANSI, Cisco ONS 15454 M2, and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 shelf assemblies. Chapter 2, “Install the Control Cards” Explains how to install the control cards needed for the Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 15454 M2, and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 shelf assemblies. Chapter 3, “Connect the PC and Log into the GUI” Explains how to connect Windows PCs and Solaris workstations to the Cisco ONS 15454 and how to log into Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) software.lxxiv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Explains how to provision a single Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) node and turn it up for service. Chapter 5, “Perform Node Acceptance Tests” Provides test procedures to verify that installed cards are operating correctly in a Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) node. Chapter 6, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards” Explains how to provision transponder (TXP), muxponder (MXP), Xponder (GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE and 10GE_XPE), and ADM-10G cards. Chapter 7, “Turn Up a Network” Explains how to turn up and test a Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) network. Chapter 8, “Create Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords” Explains how to create Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical channel client connections (OCHCCs), optical channel network connections (OCHNCs), and optical trail circuits. Chapter 9, “Monitor Performance” Explains how to enable and view performance monitoring (PM) statistics for the Cisco ONS 15454. Chapter 10, “Manage Alarms” Contains the procedures for viewing and managing the alarms and conditions on a Cisco ONS 15454. Chapter 11, “Manage the Node” Explains how to modify node provisioning for the Cisco ONS 15454 and perform common management tasks such as monitoring the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) automatic power control (APC) and span loss values. Chapter 12, “Change DWDM Card Settings” Explains how to change line, performance monitoring (PM), and threshold settings on Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM cards. Chapter 13, “Upgrade, Add, and Remove Cards and Nodes” Provides procedures for adding and removing dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) cards and nodes. Chapter 14, “Maintain the Node” Provides procedures for maintaining the Cisco ONS 15454, including database backup and restoration, removing and replacing cards, viewing the ONS 15454 audit trail, and hardware maintenance procedures. Table 1 Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide Chapters (continued) Title Summarylxxv Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Related Documentation Use the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide in conjunction with the following referenced Release 9.2 publications: • Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual • Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide • Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide • Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Reference Guide • Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Quick Reference Guide • Cisco ONS 15454 SDH TL1 Command Guide • Cisco ONS 15454 SDH TL1 Reference Guide • Cisco ONS 15454 SDH TL1Command Quick Reference Guide • Cisco Transport Planner DWDM Operations Guide • Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 DWDM, Release 9.2 • Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15454 SONET and SDH, Release 9.2 For an update on End-of-Life and End-of-Sale notices, refer to Document Conventions This publication uses the following conventions: Appendix A, “CTC Information and Shortcuts” Describes the Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) views, menus options, tool options, shortcuts, and table display options. Appendix B, “Configuring GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI” Describes how to provision GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE cards using Pseudo Command Line Interface (PCLI). Table 1 Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide Chapters (continued) Title Summary Convention Application boldface Commands and keywords in body text. italic Command input that is supplied by the user. [ ] Keywords or arguments that appear within square brackets are optional.lxxvi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the document. Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, the user might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data. { x | x | x } A choice of keywords (represented by x) appears in braces separated by vertical bars. The user must select one. Ctrl The control key. For example, where Ctrl + D is written, hold down the Control key while pressing the D key. screen font Examples of information displayed on the screen. boldface screen font Examples of information that the user must enter. < > Command parameters that must be replaced by module-specific codes. Warning IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided at the end of each warning to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that accompanied this device. Statement 1071 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Waarschuwing BELANGRIJKE VEILIGHEIDSINSTRUCTIES Dit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van de standaard praktijken om ongelukken te voorkomen. Gebruik het nummer van de verklaring onderaan de waarschuwing als u een vertaling van de waarschuwing die bij het apparaat wordt geleverd, wilt raadplegen. BEWAAR DEZE INSTRUCTIES Convention Applicationlxxvii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Varoitus TÄRKEITÄ TURVALLISUUSOHJEITA Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Tilanne voi aiheuttaa ruumiillisia vammoja. Ennen kuin käsittelet laitteistoa, huomioi sähköpiirien käsittelemiseen liittyvät riskit ja tutustu onnettomuuksien yleisiin ehkäisytapoihin. Turvallisuusvaroitusten käännökset löytyvät laitteen mukana toimitettujen käännettyjen turvallisuusvaroitusten joukosta varoitusten lopussa näkyvien lausuntonumeroiden avulla. SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ OHJEET Attention IMPORTANTES INFORMATIONS DE SÉCURITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement, soyez conscient des dangers liés aux circuits électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents. Pour prendre connaissance des traductions des avertissements figurant dans les consignes de sécurité traduites qui accompagnent cet appareil, référez-vous au numéro de l'instruction situé à la fin de chaque avertissement. CONSERVEZ CES INFORMATIONS Warnung WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSHINWEISE Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu Verletzungen führen kann. Machen Sie sich vor der Arbeit mit Geräten mit den Gefahren elektrischer Schaltungen und den üblichen Verfahren zur Vorbeugung vor Unfällen vertraut. Suchen Sie mit der am Ende jeder Warnung angegebenen Anweisungsnummer nach der jeweiligen Übersetzung in den übersetzten Sicherheitshinweisen, die zusammen mit diesem Gerät ausgeliefert wurden. BEWAHREN SIE DIESE HINWEISE GUT AUF. Avvertenza IMPORTANTI ISTRUZIONI SULLA SICUREZZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle persone. Prima di intervenire su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre essere al corrente dei pericoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici e conoscere le procedure standard per la prevenzione di incidenti. Utilizzare il numero di istruzione presente alla fine di ciascuna avvertenza per individuare le traduzioni delle avvertenze riportate in questo documento. CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONI Advarsel VIKTIGE SIKKERHETSINSTRUKSJONER Dette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person. Før du begynner å arbeide med noe av utstyret, må du være oppmerksom på farene forbundet med elektriske kretser, og kjenne til standardprosedyrer for å forhindre ulykker. Bruk nummeret i slutten av hver advarsel for å finne oversettelsen i de oversatte sikkerhetsadvarslene som fulgte med denne enheten. TA VARE PÅ DISSE INSTRUKSJONENElxxviii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Aviso INSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você está em uma situação que poderá ser causadora de lesões corporais. Antes de iniciar a utilização de qualquer equipamento, tenha conhecimento dos perigos envolvidos no manuseio de circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas habituais de prevenção de acidentes. Utilize o número da instrução fornecido ao final de cada aviso para localizar sua tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham este dispositivo. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES ¡Advertencia! INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDAD Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular cualquier equipo, considere los riesgos de la corriente eléctrica y familiarícese con los procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes. Al final de cada advertencia encontrará el número que le ayudará a encontrar el texto traducido en el apartado de traducciones que acompaña a este dispositivo. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES Varning! VIKTIGA SÄKERHETSANVISNINGAR Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada. Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och känna till vanliga förfaranden för att förebygga olyckor. Använd det nummer som finns i slutet av varje varning för att hitta dess översättning i de översatta säkerhetsvarningar som medföljer denna anordning. SPARA DESSA ANVISNINGARlxxix Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Aviso INSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais. Antes de trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, esteja ciente dos riscos que envolvem os circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas padrão de prevenção de acidentes. Use o número da declaração fornecido ao final de cada aviso para localizar sua tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham o dispositivo. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES Advarsel VIGTIGE SIKKERHEDSANVISNINGER Dette advarselssymbol betyder fare. Du befinder dig i en situation med risiko for legemesbeskadigelse. Før du begynder arbejde på udstyr, skal du være opmærksom på de involverede risici, der er ved elektriske kredsløb, og du skal sætte dig ind i standardprocedurer til undgåelse af ulykker. Brug erklæringsnummeret efter hver advarsel for at finde oversættelsen i de oversatte advarsler, der fulgte med denne enhed. GEM DISSE ANVISNINGERlxxx Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Prefacelxxxi Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Obtaining Optical Networking Information This section contains information that is specific to optical networking products. For information that pertains to all of Cisco, refer to the Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines section. Where to Find Safety and Warning Information For safety and warning information, refer to the Cisco Optical Transport Products Safety and Compliance Information document that accompanied the product. This publication describes the international agency compliance and safety information for the Cisco ONS 15454 system. It also includes translations of the safety warnings that appear in the ONS 15454 system documentation. Cisco Optical Networking Product Documentation CD-ROM Optical networking-related documentation, including Cisco ONS 15xxx product documentation, is available in a CD-ROM package that ships with your product. The Optical Networking Product Documentation CD-ROM is updated periodically and may be more current than printed documentation.lxxxii Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Preface Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at: Subscribe to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.CHAPTER 1-1 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 1 Install the CiscoONS15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 Shelf For information on installing the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 shelf, refer: Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide.1-2 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 1 Install the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 ShelfCHAPTER 2-1 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 2 Install the Control Cards This chapter explains how to install the control cards needed for the Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 15454 M2, and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms. Note The procedures and tasks described in this chapter for the Cisco ONS 15454 platform is applicable to the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms, unless noted otherwise. Note Unless otherwise specified, “ONS 15454” refers to both ANSI and ETSI shelf assemblies. This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs). 1. NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards, page 2-1—Complete this procedure to install the contol cards needed for the ONS 15454 platform. 2. NTP-G313 Install and Configure the TNC or TSC Card, page 2-8—Complete this procedure to install the control cards needed for the ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6 platforms. NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards Purpose This procedure describes how to install the control cards needed for the ONS 15454 platform. Tools/Equipment Redundant TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards on ONS 15454 shelf (required) AIC-I card (optional) MS-ISC-100T (optional; for multishelf node configurations) Prerequisite Procedures “NTP-G7 Install the Power and Ground” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide “NTP-G14 Install DWDM Equipment” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher2-2 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Warning During this procedure, wear grounding wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the card. Do not directly touch the backplane with your hand or any metal tool, or you could shock yourself. Statement 94 Caution Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with a powered ONS 15454. For detailed instructions on how to wear the ESD wristband, refer to the Cisco ONS Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Grounding Guide. Note If protective clips are installed on the backplane connectors of the cards, remove the clips before installing the cards. Note If you install a card incorrectly, the FAIL LED flashes continuously. Step 1 (ONS 15454 only) Complete the “DLP-G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card” task on page 2-2. Note If you install the wrong card in a slot, see the “NTP-G107 Remove Permanently or Remove and Replace DWDM Cards” procedure in the “Upgrade, Add and Remove Cards and Nodes” chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide. Step 2 (ONS 15454 only) Complete the “DLP-G34 Install the AIC-I Card” task on page 2-6, if necessary. Step 3 (ONS 15454 only) Complete the “DLP-G309 Install the MS-ISC-100T Card” task on page 2-7, if necessary. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card Caution Do not remove a TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card during the software transfer process, which is indicated by alternate flashing FAIL and ACT/STBY LEDs. Removing a TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 during the software transfer process will corrupt the system memory. Purpose This task installs redundant TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards. The first card you install in the ONS 15454 must be a TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card, and it must initialize before you install any cross-connect or traffic cards. Cross-connect cards are only required in hybrid nodes. Tools/Equipment Two TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None2-3 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Note Allow each card to boot completely before installing the next card. Step 1 Open the latches/ejectors of the first TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card that you will install. Step 2 Use the latches/ejectors to firmly slide the card along the guide rails until the card plugs into the receptacle at the back of the slot (Slot 7 or 11). Note In Step 4, you will be instructed to watch the LED activity (sequence) on the front of the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card. This activity begins immediately after you close the latches in Step 3. Step 3 Verify that the card is inserted correctly and close the latches/ejectors on the card. Note It is possible to close the latches/ejectors when the card is not completely plugged into the back panel of the shelf. Ensure that you cannot insert the card any farther. If you insert a card into a slot provisioned for a different card, all LEDs turn off. Step 4 As needed, go to Step a to verify the LED activity on the TCC2 card. For the TCC2P go to Step b. For the TCC3 card go to Step c. a. For the TCC2 card: • All LEDs turn on briefly. The red FAIL LED and the yellow ACT/STBY LED turn on for about 15 seconds. (For TCC3 card it takes around 20 to 25 seconds) • The red FAIL LED and the green ACT/STBY LED turn on for about 40 seconds. • The red FAIL LED blinks for about 15 seconds. • The red FAIL LED turns on for about 15 seconds. All LEDs turn on for about 3 seconds before turning off for about 3 seconds. • Both green PWR LEDs turn on for 10 seconds. The PWR LEDs then turn red for 2 to 3 minutes before going to steady green. • While the PWR LEDs are red for two to three minutes, the ACT/STBY turn on. • The boot-up process is complete when the PWR LEDs turn green and the ACT/STBY remains on. (The ACT/STBY LED will be green if this is the first TCC2 card installed, and amber if this is the second TCC2 card installed.) Note It might take up to four minutes for the A and B power alarms to clear. Note Alarm LEDs might be on; disregard alarm LEDs until you are logged into CTC and can view the Alarms tab. Note If you are logged into CTC, the SFTWDOWN alarm might appear as many as two times while the TCC2 card initializes. The alarm should clear after the card completely boots.2-4 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Note If the FAIL LED is on continuously, see the tip in Step 8 about the TCC2 card automatic upload. b. For the TCC2P card: • All LEDs turn on briefly. The red FAIL LED, the yellow ACT/STBY LED, the green SYNC LED, and the green ACO LED turn on for about 15 seconds. • The red FAIL LED and the green ACT/STBY LED turn on for about 30 seconds. • The red FAIL LED blinks for about 3 seconds. • The red FAIL LED turns on for about 15 seconds. • The red FAIL LED blinks for about 10 seconds and then becomes solid. • All LEDs (including the CRIT, MAJ, MIN, REM, SYNC, and ACO LEDs) blink once and turn off for about 5 seconds. • Both green PWR LEDs turn on for 10 seconds. The PWR LEDs then turn red for 2 to 3 minutes before going to steady green. During this time, the ACT/STBY, MJ, and MN LEDs might turn on, followed by the SNYC LED briefly. • The boot-up process is complete when the PWR LEDs turn green and the yellow ACT/STBY remains on. (The ACT/STBY LED will be green if this is the first TCC2P card installed, and yellow if this is the second TCC2P card installed.) Note It might take up to three minutes for the A and B power alarms to clear. Note Alarm LEDs might be on; disregard alarm LEDs until you are logged into CTC and can view the Alarms tab. Note If you are logged into CTC, the SFTWDOWN alarm might appear as many as two times while the TCC2P card initializes. The alarm should clear after the card completely boots. Note If the FAIL LED is on continuously, see the tip in Step 8 about the TCC2P card automatic upload. c. For the TCC3 card: • All LEDs turn on briefly. The red FAIL LED, the yellow ACT/STBY LED, the green SYNC LED, and the green ACO LED turn on for about 25 seconds. • The red FAIL LED and the green ACT/STBY LED turn on for about 15 seconds. • The red FAIL LED blinks for about 3 seconds. • The red FAIL LED turns on for about 60 seconds. • The red FAIL LED blinks for about 15 seconds and then becomes solid (the LED is turned on for about 20 seconds). • All LEDs (including the CRIT, MAJ, MIN, REM, SYNC, and ACO LEDs) blink once and turn off for about 5 seconds.2-5 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards • Both green PWR LEDs turn on for 10 seconds. The PWR LEDs then turn red for 2 to 3 minutes before going to steady green. During this time, the ACT/STBY, MJ, and MN LEDs might turn on, followed by the SNYC LED briefly. • The boot-up process is complete when the PWR LEDs turn green and the yellow ACT/STBY remains on. (The ACT/STBY LED will be green if this is the first TCC3 card installed, and yellow if this is the second TCC3 card installed.) Note It might take up to three minutes for the A and B power alarms to clear. Note Alarm LEDs might be on; disregard alarm LEDs until you are logged into CTC and can view the Alarms tab. Note If you are logged into CTC, the SFTWDOWN alarm might appear as many as two times while the TCC3 card initializes. The alarm should clear after the card completely boots. Note If the FAIL LED is on continuously, see the tip in Step 8 about the TCC3 card automatic upload. Step 5 Verify that the ACT/STBY LED is green if this is the first powered-up TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card installed, or yellow for standby if this is the second powered-up TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3. The IP address, temperature of the node, and time of day appear on the LCD. The default time and date is 12:00 AM, January 1, 1970. Step 6 The LCD cycles through the IP address (the default is, node name, and software version. Verify that the correct software version is shown on the LCD. The software text string indicates the node type (SDH or SONET) and software release. (For example: SDH 09.20-05L-20.10 indicates it is an SDH software load, Release 9.2. The numbers following the release number do not have any significance.) Step 7 If the LCD shows the correct software version, continue with Step 8. If the LCD does not show the correct software version, refer to your next level of technical support, upgrade the software, or remove the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card and install a replacement card. Refer to the release-specific software upgrade document to replace the software. To replace the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide. Step 8 Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for the redundant TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card. If both TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards are already installed, proceed to Step 9. Tip If you install a standby TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card that has a different software version than the active TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card, the newly installed standby TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card automatically copies the software version from the active TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card. You do not need to do anything in this situation. However, the loading TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card does not boot up in the normal manner. When the standby card is first inserted, the LEDs follow most of the normal boot-up sequence. However, after the red FAIL LED turns on for about 5 seconds, the FAIL LED and the ACT/STBY LED begin to flash alternately for up to 30 minutes while the new software loads onto the active TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card. After loading the new software, the upgraded TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card’s LEDs repeat the appropriate bootup sequence, and the amber ACT/STBY LED turns on.2-6 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Note If you insert a card into a slot provisioned for a different card, all LEDs turn off. Note Alarm LEDs might be on; disregard alarm LEDs until you are logged into CTC and can view the Alarms tab. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G34 Install the AIC-I Card Note When installing cards, allow each card to boot completely before installing the next card. Step 1 Open the latches/ejectors on the card. Step 2 Use the latches/ejectors to firmly slide the card along the guide rails in Slot 9 until the card plugs into the receptacle at the back of the slot. Step 3 Verify that the card is inserted correctly and close the latches/ejectors on the card. Note It is possible to close the latches/ejectors when the card is not completely plugged into the backplane. Ensure that you cannot insert the card any further. Step 4 Verify the following: • The red FAIL LED blinks for up to 10 seconds. Note If the red FAIL LED does not turn on, check the power. • The PWR A and PWR B LEDs become red, the two INPUT/OUTPUT LEDs become amber, and the ACT LED turns green for approximately 5 seconds. • The PWR A and PWR B LEDs turn green, the INPUT/OUTPUT LEDs turn off, and the green ACT LED remains on. Note It might take up to 3 minutes for the PWR A and PWR B LEDs to update. Purpose This task installs the AIC-I card. The AIC-I card provides connections for external alarms and controls (environmental alarms). Tools/Equipment AIC-I card Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card, page 2-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None2-7 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Note If you insert a card into a slot provisioned for a different card, no LEDs turn on. Note If the red FAIL LED is on continuously or the LEDs act erratically, the card is not installed properly. Remove the card and repeat Steps 1 to 4. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G309 Install the MS-ISC-100T Card Note When installing cards, allow each card to boot completely before installing the next card. Note The MS-ISC-100T is not supported in a subtended shelf. Step 1 Open the latches/ejectors on the card. Step 2 Use the latches/ejectors to firmly slide the card along the guide rails into the appropriate slot in the node controller shelf until the card plugs into the receptacle at the back of the slot. The card can be installed in any slot from Slot 1 to 6 or 12 to 17. Cisco recommends that you install the MS-ISC-100T cards in Slot 6 and Slot 12. Step 3 Verify that the card is inserted correctly and close the latches/ejectors on the card. Note It is possible to close the latches/ejectors when the card is not completely plugged into the backplane. Ensure that you cannot insert the card any further. Step 4 Verify the LED activity: • The red FAIL LED blinks for 35 to 45 seconds. • The red FAIL LED turns on for 15 to 20 seconds. Purpose This task installs redundant MS-ISC-100T cards. The MS-ISC-100T card is required for a multishelf node configuration. It provides LAN redundancy on the node controller shelf. An alternative to using the MS-ISC-100T card is the Cisco Catalyst 2950, although Cisco recommends using the MS-ISC-100T. For more information on the Catalyst 2950 installation, refer to the Catalyst 2950 product documentation. Tools/Equipment MS-ISC-100T card (2) Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card, page 2-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None2-8 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards • The red FAIL LED blinks for approximately 3 minutes. • The red FAIL LED turns on for approximately 6 minutes. • The green ACT or ACT/STBY LED turns on. The SF LED can persist until all card ports connect to their far end counterparts and a signal is present. Note If the red FAIL LED does not turn on, check the power. Note If you insert a card into a slot provisioned for a different card, all LEDs turn off. Step 5 Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the redundant MS-ISC-100T card. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G313 Install and Configure the TNC or TSC Card Warning During this procedure, wear grounding wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the card. Do not directly touch the backplane with your hand or any metal tool, or you could shock yourself. Statement 94 Caution Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with a powered ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6 shelf assemblies. For detailed instructions on how to wear the ESD wristband, refer to the Cisco ONS Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Grounding Guide. Note If you install a card incorrectly, the FAIL LED flashes continuously. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G604 Install the TNC or TSC Card” task on page 2-9. Purpose This procedure describes how to install and configure the TNC or TSC card. TNC and TSC cards are the control cards needed for the ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6 platforms. Tools/Equipment Redundant TNC/TSC cards on ONS 15454 M6 shelf (required) Stand-alone TNC/TSC card on ONS 15454 M2 shelf (required) Prerequisite Procedures “NTP-G271 Install the Power and Ground to the ONS 15454 M2 Shelf” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide “NTP-G14 Install DWDM Equipment” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher2-9 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Note If you install the wrong card in a slot, see the “NTP-G107 Remove Permanently or Remove and Replace DWDM Cards” task on page 13-2. Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G605 Provision PPM and Port for the TNC Card” task on page 2-12. Step 3 Complete the “DLP-G606 Configure UDC and VoIP for the TNC Card” task on page 2-12. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G604 Install the TNC or TSC Card Caution Do not remove the TNC/TSC cards during the software installation process, which is indicated by alternate flashing FAIL and ACT/STBY LEDs. Removing the TNC/TSC cards during the software installation process will corrupt the system memory. Note Allow each TNC/TSC card to boot completely before installing the redundant TNC/TSC card. Note On the ONS 15454 M6 shelf, install the TNC/TSC cards in slots 1 and 8 for redundancy. On the ONS 15454 M2 shelf, install the stand-alone TNC/TSC card in slot 1. For more information, see the “Card Slot Requirements” section in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Note You cannot insert the TNC/TSC cards in other slots due to mechanical constraints. To identify the card slot, match the symbol placed on the lower side of the card front panel with the symbol in the shelf. Caution To achieve redundancy, two TNC cards or two TSC cards must be installed in the ONS 15454 M6 shelf. Do not install one TNC card and a redundant TSC card in the same shelf. Purpose (ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6 only) This task installs redundant TNC/TSC cards on the ONS 15454 M6 shelf and a stand-alone TNC/TSC card on the ONS 15454 M2 shelf. Install and initialize the TNC/TSC card before installing any other line cards into the shelf assemblies. On the ONS 15454 M6 shelf, install the TNC/TSC cards in slots 1 and 8 for redundancy. On the ONS 15454 M2 shelf, install the stand-alone TNC/TSC card in slot 1. Tools/Equipment Two TNC/TSC cards for the ONS 15454 M6 shelf and one TNC/TSC card for the ONS 15454 M2 shelf Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None2-10 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Step 1 Open the latches/ejectors of the first TNC/TSC card that you will install. Step 2 Use the latches/ejectors to firmly slide the card horizontally along the guide rails until the card plugs into the receptacle at the back of the slot (slot 1 or 8 in the ONS 15454 M6 shelf and slot 1 in the ONS 15454 M2 shelf). Step 3 Verify that the card is inserted correctly, and close the latches/ejectors on the card. If you insert a card into a slot assigned for a different card, all LEDs turn off. Step 4 As needed, verify the LED activity on the TNC/TSC card. • The red FAIL LED, PWR LED turn on briefly. • The red FAIL LED turns on for about 10 seconds. • The red FAIL LED and the amber ACT/STBY LED turn on for about 30 seconds. • The red FAIL LED blinks for about 10 seconds. • The red FAIL LED turns on for about 15 seconds. • All the LEDs including the CRIT, MAJ, MIN, REM, SYNC, and ACO LEDs blink once and turn off for about 10 seconds. • ACT/STBY LED blinks for about 1 second. • All the LEDs including the CRIT, MAJ, MIN, REM, SYNC, and ACO LEDs turn off for about 10 seconds. • The ACT/STBY, ACO, and PWR LEDs turn on. • The boot-up process is complete when the PWR LEDs turn green and the amber ACT/STBY remains on. The ACT/STBY LED turns green if this is the first TNC/TSC card installed, and amber if this is the second TNC/TSC card installed. Note It might take up to four minutes for the power alarms to clear. Note Alarm LEDs might be on. After completing the TNC/TSC card installation, log in to CTC and click the Alarms tab to display the alarms raised on the card. For procedure to clear the alarm, see the Cisco ONS DWDM Troubleshooting Guide. Note During the TNC/TSC card initialization, the SFTWDOWN alarm appears twice. The alarm clears after the TNC/TSC card boots completely. Note If the FAIL LED is on continuously, see the tip in Step 8 about the TNC/TSC card automatic upload. Figure 2-1 illustrates the installation of TNC card on ONS 15454 M6 shelf.2-11 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Figure 2-1 Installing TNC Card on ONS 15454 M6 Shelf Step 5 Verify that the ACT/STBY LED is green if this is the first powered-up TNC/TSC card installed or amber if this is the second powered-up TNC/TSC. The IP address, temperature of the node, and time of day appear on the LCD. The default time and date is 12:00 AM, January 1, 1970. Step 6 The LCD cycles through the IP address (the default is, node name, and software version. Verify that the correct software version is shown on the LCD. The software text string indicates the node type (SDH or SONET) and software release. (For example: SDH 09.20-05L-20.10 indicates it is an SDH software load, Release 9.2. The numbers following the release number do not have any significance.) Step 7 If the LCD shows the correct software version, continue with Step 8. If the LCD does not show the correct software version, refer to your next level of technical support, upgrade the software, or remove the TNC/TSC card and install a replacement card. Refer to the release-specific software upgrade document to replace the software. Step 8 (ONS 15454 M6 shelf only) Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for the redundant TNC/TSC card. Tip If you install a standby TNC/TSC card that has a different software version than the active TNC/TSC card, the standby TNC/TSC card copies the software version from the active TNC/TSC card. When the standby card is first inserted, the LEDs follow the normal boot-up sequence. However, after the red FAIL LED turns on for about 5 seconds, the FAIL LED and the ACT/STBY LED begin to flash alternately for up to 30 minutes. After loading the new software, the upgraded TNC/TSC cards LEDs repeat the appropriate bootup sequence, and the amber ACT/STBY LED turns on. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 279119 1 2 TNC card Guide rail2-12 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards DLP-G605 Provision PPM and Port for the TNC Card Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TNC card where you want to provision PPM and port settings. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tabs. Step 3 In the Pluggable Port Modules area, click Create. The Create PPM dialog box appears. Step 4 In the Create PPM dialog box, complete the following: • PPM—Choose 1 or 2 from the PPM drop-down list. • PPM Type—Displays the PPM associated with the chosen PPM in the above step. Step 5 Click OK. The newly created PPM appears in the Pluggable Port Modules area. The row in the Pluggable Port Modules area becomes white when the PPM is inserted and the Actual Equipment Type column lists the name of PPM. Step 6 In the Pluggable Ports area, click Create. The Create Port dialog box appears. Step 7 In the Create Ports dialog box, complete the following: • Port—Choose the port you want to configure from the Port drop-down list. • Port Type—Choose the port type, such as OC-3, FE, or ONE-GE from the Port Type drop-down list. Note OC-3 can be configured only on PPM port 1. FE and ONE-GE can be configured on both the ports. Step 8 Click OK. The newly created port appears in the Pluggable Ports area. The port type you provisioned is listed in the Rate column. Step 9 Repeat Steps 3 through 8 to provision another PPM and port on the TNC card. Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G606 Configure UDC and VoIP for the TNC Card Purpose (ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6 only) This task provisions a PPM and port on a TNC card. PPMs are created to support the OSC function. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None Purpose (ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6 only) This task configures UDC and VoIP traffic for the TNC card. Tools/Equipment None2-13 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control Cards Note Each TNC card supports UDC/VoIP configuration. You can configure UDC or VoIP on the two SFP ports present on the TNC card. The TNC card supports the UDC/VoIP configuration only when OSC is provisioned on the SFP ports. Note If two nodes are connected through the fiber and if the TNC card in one node has UDC configuration, the TNC card in the other node must also have UDC configuration. The same rule applies to VoIP configuration. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TNC card where you want to configure UDC and VoIP. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > UDC / VOIP tabs. Step 3 From the Service Type drop-drop list, choose UDC or VOIP. Note You can configure UDC or VoIP on only one SFP port at a time per TNC card. If you want to configure UDC or VoIP on the second SFP port, choose NONE from the Service Type drop-down list for the first port and then choose UDC or VoIP for the second port. Step 4 Click Apply. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations, page 4-126 DLP-G605 Provision PPM and Port for the TNC Card, page 2-12 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None2-14 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 2 Install the Control CardsCHAPTER 3-1 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI This chapter explains how to connect Windows PCs and Solaris workstations to the Cisco ONS 15454 and how to log into Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) software, which is the ONS 15454 Operation, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) user interface. Procedures for connecting to the ONS 15454 ANSI using TL1 are provided in the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide. Procedures for connecting to the ONS 15454 ETSI using TL1 are provided in the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH and Cisco ONS 15600 SDH TL1 Command Guide. Note The procedures and tasks described in this chapter for the Cisco ONS 15454 platform is applicable to the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms, unless noted otherwise. Note Unless otherwise specified, “ONS 15454” refers to both ANSI and ETSI shelf assemblies. Before You Begin This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs). 1. NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2—Complete this procedure if your Windows PC or Solaris workstation has never been connected to an ONS 15454. 2. NTP-G18 Set Up CTC Computer for Local Craft Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-9—Complete this procedure to set up your computer for an onsite craft connection to the ONS 15454. 3. NTP-G19 Set Up a CTC Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-25—Complete this procedure to set up your computer to connect to the ONS 15454 using a corporate LAN. 4. NTP-G21 Log into the GUI, page 3-28—Complete this procedure to log into CTC. 5. NTP-G190 Use the CTC Launcher Application to Manage Multiple ONS Nodes, page 3-38—Complete this procedure to use the CTC launcher application. Note Autonegotiation is enabled on the EMS, craft terminal, and TNC/TSC LAN ports by default. The Layer 2 switch (Cisco or third party equipment) ports where the LAN cables are connected, are also configured with the autonegotiation enabled.3-2 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin For an ONS 15454 M6 shelf, we recommend the use of RJ-45 port (craft terminal port or the EMS port) on the ECU to establish LAN connectivity. The advantages of using the RJ-45 ports on the ECU include: • CAT-5 Ethernet cable connections can be managed better by routing the cable through the ECU ejector. • If the TNC or TSC card fails, the LAN connection is not lost during the TNC or TSC card switch over. If the ECU is absent, you can connect a CAT-5 Ethernet cable to the LAN port on the TNC/TSC card to create an external LAN connection. NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC Note JRE 1.6 is required to log into nodes running Software Release 9.2. JRE 1.6 is provided on the Software R9.2 software CD. Complete the “DLP-G52 Change the JRE Version” task on page 3-9 as needed. Step 1 If your computer does not have an appropriate browser installed, complete one of the following: • To install Internet Explorer 6.x, 7.x, or 8.x on a Windows PC, download the browser from • To install Mozilla 1.7 on a Solaris workstation, download the browser from • To install Safari on a MacOS-X PC, download the browser Note Internet Explorer 8.x is supported on Windows 7, and Safari is supported on MacOS-X. Step 2 (Windows PC only) Complete the “DLP-G331 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap Size (Windows)” task on page 3-29 to increase the size of the JVM heap to improve CTC performance. Step 3 Complete one of the following: • If your computer is a Windows PC, complete the “DLP-G37 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Windows PCs” task on page 3-3. • If your computer is a Solaris workstation, complete the “DLP-G38 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Solaris Workstations” task on page 3-6. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure configures your Windows PC or Solaris workstation to run CTC. Tools/Equipment Cisco ONS 15454 Release 9.2 software CD Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 1, “Install the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 Shelf” Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-3 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G37 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Windows PCs Note If you will log into nodes running CTC software earlier than Release 4.6, install JRE 1.3.1. To run CTC software R9.2, install JRE 1.6. Step 1 Verify that your computer has the following: • Processor—Pentium III, 700 Mhz or faster • RAM—384 MB recommended, 512 MB optimum Note Processor and RAM requirements are guidelines. CTC performance is faster if your computer has a faster processor and more RAM. • Hard drive—20 GB hard drive recommended with at least 50 MB of space available • Operating system—Windows 98 (1st and 2nd editions), Windows NT 4.0 (with Service Pack 6a), Windows 2000 (with Service Pack 3), Windows XP (with Service Pack 1), Windows Vista, or Windows 7. If your operating system is Windows NT 4.0, go to Step 2. If your operating system is Windows Vista or Windows 7, go to Step 3. For all others, go to Step 4. Step 2 Verify that Service Pack 6a or later is installed. From Windows Start menu, choose Programs > Administrative Tools > Windows NT Diagnostics and check the service pack on the Version tab of the Windows NT Diagnostics dialog box. If Service Pack 6a or later is not installed, do not continue. Install Service Pack 6a following the computer upgrade procedures for your site. Go to Step 4. Step 3 Complete DLP-G450 Configuring Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Support CTC, page 3-46 and go toStep 4. Step 4 Insert the Cisco ONS 15454 Release 9.2 software CD into your computer CD drive. The installation program begins running automatically. If it does not start, navigate to the CD directory and double-click setup.exe. The Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard displays the components that will be installed on your computer: • JRE 1.6 • Acrobat Reader 8.1.2 • Online User Manuals Purpose This task installs CTC online user manuals, Acrobat Reader 8.1.2, JRE 1.6, and CTC JAR files on Windows PCs. Tools/Equipment Cisco ONS 15454 Release 9.2 software CD Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed This task is required if you will use a Windows computer to run CTC and if any one of the following is true: • JRE 1.6 is not installed. • CTC online user manuals are not installed and are needed. • CTC JAR files are not installed and are needed. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-4 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin • CTC JAR files Note JRE 1.6 is required to run Release 9.2. Preinstalling the CTC JAR files saves time at initial login. If the JAR files are not installed, they are downloaded from the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards the first time you log in. Step 5 Click Next. Step 6 Complete one of the following: • Click Typical to install the JRE, CTC JAR files, online user manuals, and Acrobat Reader. If you already have JRE 1.6 installed on your computer, choose Custom. • Click Custom if you want to choose the components that you want to install. By default, Acrobat Reader and the online user manuals are selected. Step 7 Click Next. Step 8 Complete the following, as applicable: • If you selected Typical in Step 6, skip this step and continue with Step 9. • If you selected Custom in Step 6, check the CTC component that you want to install and click Next. – If you selected Online User Manuals, continue with Step 9. – If you did not select Online User Manuals, continue with Step 11. Step 9 The directory where the installation wizard will install the CTC online user manuals appears. The default is C:\Program Files\Cisco\CTC\Documentation. • If you want to change the CTC online user manuals directory, type the new directory path in the Directory Name field, or click Browse to navigate to the directory. • If you do not want to change the directory, continue with Step 10. Step 10 Click Next. Step 11 Review the components that will be installed. If you want to change the components, complete one of the following. If not, proceed to Step 12. • If you selected Typical in Step 6, click Back twice to return to the installation setup type page. Choose Custom and repeat Steps 7 through 10. • If you selected Custom in Step 6, click Back once or twice (depending on the components selected) until the component selection page appears. Repeat Steps 7 through 10. Step 12 Click Next. It might take a few minutes for the JRE installation wizard to appear. If you selected Custom in Step 6 and you don’t need to install a JRE, continue with Step 14. Step 13 To install the JRE, complete the following: a. In the Java 2 Runtime Environment License Agreement dialog box, view the license agreement and choose one of the following: • I accept the terms of the license agreement—Accepts the license agreement. Continue with Step b. • I do not accept the terms of the license agreement—Disables the Next button on the Java 2 Runtime Environment License Agreement dialog box. Click Cancel to return to the CTC installation wizard. CTC will not install the JRE. Continue with Step 14.3-5 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Note If JRE 1.6 is already installed on your computer, the Java 2 Runtime Environment License Agreement dialog box does not appear. You must click Next and then choose Modify to change the JRE installation, or Remove to uninstall the JRE. If you choose Modify and click Next, continue with Step e. If you choose Remove and click Next, continue with Step i. b. Click Next. c. Choose one of the following: • Click Typical to install all JRE features. If you select Typical, the JRE version installed will automatically become the default JRE version for your browsers. • Click Custom if you want to select the components to install and select the browsers that will use the JRE version. d. Click Next. e. If you selected Typical, continue with Step i. If you selected Custom, click the drop-down list for each program feature that you want to install and choose the desired setting. The program features include: • Java 2 Runtime Environment—(Default) Installs JRE 1.6 with support for European languages. • Support for Additional Languages—Adds support for non-European languages. • Additional Font and Media Support—Adds Lucida fonts, Java Sound, and color management capabilities. The drop-down list options for each program feature include: • This feature will be installed on the local hard drive—Installs the selected feature. • This feature and all subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive—Installs the selected feature and all subfeatures. • Don’t install this feature now—Does not install the feature (not an option for Java 2 Runtime Environment). To modify the directory where the JRE version is installed, click Change, navigate to the desired directory, and click OK. f. Click Next. g. In the Browser Registration dialog box, check the browsers that you want to register with the Java Plug-In. The JRE version will be the default for the selected browsers. It is acceptable to leave both browser check boxes unchecked. Note Setting the JRE as the default for these browsers might cause problems with these browsers. h. Click Next. i. Click Finish. Note If you are uninstalling the JRE, click Remove. Step 14 In the Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard, click Next. The online user manuals and/or Adobe Acrobat Reader are installed.3-6 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 15 Click Finish. Step 16 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G38 Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Solaris Workstations Note If you will log into nodes running CTC software earlier than Release 4.6, install JRE 1.3.1. To run CTC software R9.2, install JRE 1.6. Step 1 Verify that your computer has the following: • RAM—384 MB recommended, 512 MB optimum • Hard drive—20 GB hard drive recommended with at least 50 MB of space available • Operating system—Solaris 9 or 10 Note These requirements are guidelines. CTC performance is faster if your computer has a faster processor and more RAM. Step 2 Change the directory. Type: cd /cdrom/cdrom0/ Step 3 From the techdoc454 CD directory, type: ./setup.bat The Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard displays the components that will be installed on your computer: • JRE 1.6 • Acrobat Reader 8.1.2 • Online User Manuals • CTC JAR files Step 4 Click Next. Step 5 Complete one of the following: Purpose This task installs the CTC online user manuals, Acrobat 8.1.2, and JRE 1.6 on Solaris workstations, as necessary. Tools/Equipment Cisco ONS 15454 Release 9.2 software CD Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed This task is required if you will use a Solaris workstation to run CTC, and any of the following is true: • JRE 1.6 is not installed. • CTC online user manuals are not installed and are needed. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-7 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin • Click Typical to install both the JRE and the online user manuals. If you already have JRE 1.6 installed on your computer, choose Custom. • Click Custom if you want to install either the JRE or the online user manuals. Step 6 Click Next. Step 7 Complete the following, as applicable: • If you selected Typical in Step 5, continue with Step 8. • If you selected Custom in Step 5, check the CTC component that you want to install and click Next. – If you selected Online User Manuals, continue with Step 8. – If you did not select Online User Manuals, continue with Step 10. Step 8 The directory where the installation wizard will install the CTC online user manuals appears. The default is /usr/doc/ctc. • If you want to change the CTC online user manuals directory, type the new directory path in the Directory Name field, or click Browse to navigate to the directory. • If you do not want to change the CTC online user manuals directory, skip this step. Step 9 Click Next. Step 10 Review the components that will be installed. • If you selected Typical in Step 5, click Back twice to return to the installation setup type page. Choose Custom and repeat Steps 6 through 9. • If you selected Custom in Step 5, click Back once or twice (depending on the components selected) until you reach the component selection page and check the desired components. Repeat Steps 7 through 9. Step 11 Click Next. It might take a few minutes for the JRE installation wizard to appear. If you selected Custom in Step 6 and need to install the JRE, continue with Step 13. Step 12 To install the JRE, complete the following: a. In the Java 2 Runtime Environment License Agreement dialog box, view the license agreement and choose one of the following: • I accept the terms of the license agreement—Accepts the license agreement. Continue with Step b. • I do not accept the terms of the license agreement—Disables the Next button on the Java 2 Runtime Environment License Agreement dialog box. Click Cancel to return to the CTC installation wizard. CTC will not install the JRE. Continue with Step 13. Note If JRE 1.6 is already installed on your computer, the Java 2 Runtime Environment License Agreement dialog box does not appear. You must click Next and then choose Modify to change the JRE installation or Remove to uninstall the JRE. If you choose Modify and click Next, continue with Step e. If you choose Remove and click Next, continue with Step i. b. Click Next. c. Choose one of the following: • Click Typical to install all JRE features. If you select Typical, the JRE version installed will automatically become the default JRE version for your browsers. 3-8 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin • Click Custom if you want to select the components to install and select the browsers that will use the JRE version. d. Click Next. e. If you selected Typical, continue with Step i. If you selected Custom, click the drop-down list for each program feature that you want to install and choose the desired setting. The program features include: • Java 2 Runtime Environment—(Default) Installs JRE 1.6 with support for European languages. • Support for Additional Languages—Adds support for non-European languages. • Additional Font and Media Support—Adds Lucida fonts, Java Sound, and color management capabilities. The drop-down list options for each program feature include: • This feature will be installed on the local hard drive—Installs the selected feature. • This feature and all subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive—Installs the selected feature and all subfeatures. • Don’t install this feature now—Does not install the feature (not an option for Java 2 Runtime Environment). To modify the directory where the JRE version is installed, click Change, navigate to the desired directory, and click OK. f. Click Next. g. In the Browser Registration dialog box, check the browsers that you want to register with the Java Plug-In. The JRE version will be the default for the selected browsers. It is acceptable to leave both browser check boxes unchecked. Note Setting the JRE version as the default for these browsers might cause problems with these browsers. h. Click Next. i. Click Finish. Note If you are uninstalling the JRE, click Remove. Step 13 In the Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard, click Next. The online user manuals are installed. Step 14 Click Finish. Note Be sure to record the names of the directories you choose for JRE and the online user manuals. Step 15 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).3-9 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G52 Change the JRE Version Step 1 From the Edit menu, choose Preferences. Step 2 Click the JRE tab. The JRE tab shows the current JRE version and the recommended and supported versions. Step 3 Click the Browse button and navigate to the JRE directory on your computer. Step 4 Choose the JRE version. Step 5 Click Open, then click OK. Step 6 From the File menu, choose Exit. Step 7 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes. Step 8 Log out of the ONS node. Step 9 In the web browser that you used to log into the node, click Delete CTC Cache. Step 10 Click Yes on the confirmation dialog then close the browser window. Step 11 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30. Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G18 Set Up CTC Computer for Local Craft Connection to the ONS15454 Purpose This task changes the JRE version, which is useful if you would like to upgrade to a later JRE version from an earlier one without using the software CD. This does not affect the browser default version. After selecting the desired JRE version, you must exit CTC. The next time you log into a node, the new JRE version will be used. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This procedure explains how to set up a PC running Windows or a Solaris workstation for an onsite local craft connection to the ONS 15454. Tools/Equipment Network interface card (NIC), also referred to as an Ethernet card Straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cable Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-10 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 1 Complete one of the CTC computer setup tasks shown in Table 3-1 based on your CTC connection environment. For initial setup, use Option 1 or 3 if you are setting up a Windows PC. Use Option 4 if you are setting up a Solaris workstation. Table 3-1 CTC Computer Setup for Local Craft Connections to the ONS 15454 Option CTC Connection Environment CTC Computer Setup Task 1 • You are connecting from a Windows PC. • You will connect to one ONS 15454, or ONS 15454 M2, or ONS 15454 M6. • You need to access non-ONS 15454 applications such as ping and tracert (trace route). DLP-G39 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 on the Same Subnet Using Static IP Addresses, page 3-12 2 • You are connecting from a Windows PC. • Your network uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for assignment of host IP addresses. • The CTC computer is provisioned for DHCP. • The ONS 15454 has DHCP forwarding enabled. • The ONS 15454 is connected to a DHCP server. Note The ONS 15454 does not provide IP addresses. If DHCP is enabled, it passes DCHP requests to an external DHCP server. DLP-G40 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, page 3-15 Note Do not use this task for initial node turn-up. Use the task only if DHCP forwarding is enabled on the ONS 15454. By default, DHCP is not enabled. To enable it, see the “NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access” procedure on page 4-18.3-11 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 2 Connect a straight-through CAT-5 LAN cable from the Windows PC or Solaris workstation NIC to one of the following: • The RJ-45 (LAN) port on the active or standby TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card. Use this method for the initial shelf turn-up. • The RJ-45 (LAN) port on a hub or switch to which the ONS 15454 is physically connected. • For multishelf mode, the DCN RJ-45 (LAN) port on the Ethernet Adapter Panel (EAP) or Port 23 or 24 of the Catalyst 2950 or the Catalyst 3560. • If you are using an ONS 15454 M2 shelf assembly, you will connect to the TNC/TSC ethernet port or the EMS port on the power module either directly or through a hub. • If you are using an ONS 15454 M6 shelf assembly, you will connect to the TNC/TSC ethernet port, or the EMS port or the craft terminal port on the ECU either directly or through a hub. 3 • You are connecting from a Windows PC. • You will connect to ONS 15454s at different locations and times and do not wish to reconfigure your PC’s IP settings each time. • You will not access or use non-ONS 15454 applications such as ping and tracert (trace route). • If you are using an ANSI shelf, you will connect to the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 Ethernet port or backplane LAN pins either directly or through a hub. • If you are using an ETSI shelf, you will connect to the ONS 15454 Ethernet port or the RJ-45 jack on the MIC-C/T/P FMEC either directly or through a hub. • If you are using an ANSI or ETSI multishelf node, you will connect to the patch panel DCN port or the Catalyst 2950 or the Catalyst 3560 using a straight-through (CAT 5) LAN cable. • If you are using an ONS 15454 M6 shelf assembly, you will connect to the TNC/TSC ethernet port, or the EMS port or the craft terminal port on the ECU either directly or through a hub. • If you are using an ONS 15454 M2 shelf assembly, you will connect to the TNC/TSC ethernet port or the EMS port on the power module either directly or through a hub. • If you are using an ONS 15454 M6 multishelf node, you will connect to the patch panel DCN port or the Catalyst 2950 or Catalyst 3560 using a straight-through (CAT 5) LAN cable. DLP-G41 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 Using Automatic Host Detection, page 3-19 4 • You are connecting from a Solaris workstation. • You will connect to one ONS 15454. • You need to access non-ONS 15454 applications such as ping and tracert (trace route). DLP-G42 Set Up a Solaris Workstation for a Craft Connection to an ONS 15454, page 3-23 Table 3-1 CTC Computer Setup for Local Craft Connections to the ONS 15454 (continued) Option CTC Connection Environment CTC Computer Setup Task (continued)3-12 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Note For instructions on crimping your own straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cables, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide. Step 3 After setting up your CTC computer, continue with the “NTP-G21 Log into the GUI” procedure on page 3-28 as needed. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G39 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS15454 on the Same Subnet Using Static IP Addresses Step 1 Verify the operating system that is installed on your computer: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. b. In the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon. c. On the General tab of the System Settings window, verify that the Windows operating system is one of the following: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. Step 2 According to the Windows operating system installed on your computer, perform one of the following steps: • For Windows 98, complete Step 3. • For Windows NT 4.0, complete Step 4. • For Windows 2000, complete Step 5. • For Windows XP, complete Step 6. • For Windows Vista, complete Step 7. • For Windows 7, complete Step 8. Purpose This task sets up your computer for a local craft connection to the ONS 15454 when: • You will connect to one ONS 15454; if you will connect to multiple ONS 15454s, you might need to reconfigure your computer’s IP settings each time you connect to an ONS 15454. • You need to use non-ONS 15454 applications such as ping and tracert (trace route). Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None3-13 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 3 If you have Windows 98 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. b. In the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon. c. In the Network dialog box, choose TCP/IP for your NIC card, then click Properties. d. In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the DNS Configuration tab and choose Disable DNS. e. Click the WINS Configuration tab and choose Disable WINS Resolution. f. Click the IP Address tab. g. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address. h. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 IP address except for the last octet. The last octet must be 1 or 3 through 254. This IP address appears on the LCD unless its display is suppressed during node provisioning. i. In the Subnet Mask field, type the same subnet mask as the ONS 15454. The default is (24 bit). j. Click OK. k. In the TCP/IP dialog box, click the Gateway tab. l. In the New Gateway field, type the ONS 15454 IP address. Click Add. m. Verify that the IP address appears in the Installed Gateways field, then click OK. n. When the prompt to restart your PC appears, click Yes. o. Proceed to Step 9. Step 4 If you have Windows NT 4.0 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. b. In the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon. c. In the Network dialog box, click the Protocols tab, choose TCP/IP Protocol, then click Properties. d. Click the IP Address tab. e. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address. f. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 IP address shown on the ONS 15454 LCD except for the last octet. The last octet must be 1 or 3 through 254. g. In the Subnet Mask field, type h. Click Advanced. i. In the Gateways List, click Add. The TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog box appears. j. Type the ONS 15454 IP address in the Gateway Address field. k. Click Add. l. Click OK. m. Click Apply. n. In some cases, Windows NT 4.0 prompts you to reboot your PC. If you receive this prompt, click Yes. o. Proceed to Step 9.3-14 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 5 If you have Windows 2000 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Network and Dial-up Connections > Local Area Connection. b. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, choose the local area connection connected to the PC port connected to the ONS 15454. c. Click Properties. d. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties. e. Click Use the following IP address. f. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 IP address shown on the ONS 15454 LCD except for the last octet. The last octet must be 1 or 3 through 254. g. In the Subnet Mask field, type h. In the Default Gateway field, type the ONS 15454 IP address. i. Click OK. j. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. k. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close. l. Proceed to Step 9. Step 6 If you have Windows XP installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel > Network Connections. Note If the Network Connections menu is not available, right-click the Windows screen and choose Properties from the popup menu. Click the Appearance tab, then under Scheme, choose Classic View. b. From the Network Connections dialog box, click the Local Area Connection icon. c. On the General tab of the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties. d. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 IP address shown on the ONS 15454 LCD except for the last octet. The last octet must be 1 or 3 through 254. e. In the Subnet Mask field, type f. In the Default Gateway field, type the ONS 15454 IP address. g. Click OK. h. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. i. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close. j. Proceed to Step 9. Step 7 If you have Windows Vista installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections. The Manage network connections window appears.3-15 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin b. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon, then click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears. c. Click the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties. The Networking dialog box appears. d. Click Use the following IP address and in the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 IP address shown on the ONS 15454 LCD except for the last octet. The last octet must be 1 or 3 through 254. e. In the Subnet Mask field, type f. In the Default Gateway field, type the ONS 15454 IP address. g. Click OK. h. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. i. Proceed to Step 9. Step 8 If you have Windows 7 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel. b. In the search box, type adapter. c. Under Network and Sharing Center, click View Network Connections. The Network Connections dialog box appears. d. In the Network Connections dialog box, right-click the Local Area Connection icon, then click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears. e. Click the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties. The Networking dialog box appears. f. Click Use the following IP address and in the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 IP address shown on the ONS 15454 LCD except for the last octet. The last octet must be 1 or 3 through 254. g. In the Subnet Mask field, type h. In the Default Gateway field, type the ONS 15454 IP address. i. Click OK. j. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G40 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS15454 Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Purpose This task sets up your computer for craft connection to the ONS 15454 using DHCP. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access, page 4-183-16 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Note Do not use this task for initial node turn-up. Use the task only if DHCP forwarding is enabled on the ONS 15454. By default, DHCP is not enabled. To enable it, see the “NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access” procedure on page 4-18. Note The ONS 15454 does not provide the IP addresses. If DHCP forwarding is enabled, it passes DCHP requests to an external DHCP server. Step 1 Verify the operating system that is installed on your computer: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. b. In the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon. c. On the General tab of the System Settings window, verify that the Windows operating system is one of the following: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. Step 2 According to the Windows operating system installed on your computer, perform one of the following steps: • For Windows 98, complete Step 3. • For Windows NT 4.0, complete Step 4. • For Windows 2000, complete Step 5. • For Windows XP, complete Step 6. • For Windows Vista, complete Step 7. • For Windows 7, complete Step 8. Step 3 If you have Windows 98 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. b. In the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon. c. In the Network dialog box, select TCP/IP for your NIC, then click Properties. d. In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the DNS Configuration tab and choose Disable DNS. e. Click the WINS Configuration tab and choose Disable WINS Resolution. f. Click the IP Address tab. g. In the IP Address window, click Obtain an IP address automatically. h. Click OK. i. When the prompt to restart your PC appears, click Yes. j. Proceed to Step 9. Step 4 If you have Windows NT 4.0 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None3-17 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin b. In the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon. c. In the Network dialog box, click the Protocols tab, choose TCP/IP Protocol, then click Properties. d. Click the IP Address tab. e. In the IP Address window, click Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. f. Click OK. g. Click Apply. h. If Windows prompts you to restart your PC, click Yes. i. Proceed to Step 9. Step 5 If you have Windows 2000 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Network and Dial-up Connections > Local Area Connection. b. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, choose the local area connection connected to the PC port connected to the ONS 15454. c. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Properties. d. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties. e. Click Obtain an IP address automatically. f. Click OK. g. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. h. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close. i. Proceed to Step 9. Step 6 If you have Windows XP installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel > Network Connections. Note If the Network Connections menu is not available, right-click the Windows screen and choose Properties from the popup menu. Click the Appearance tab, then under Scheme, choose Classic View. b. From the Network Connections dialog box, click the Local Area Connection icon. c. On the General tab of the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click Properties. d. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties. e. Click Obtain an IP address automatically. f. Click OK. g. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. h. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close. i. Proceed to Step 9.3-18 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 7 If you have Windows Vista installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections. The Manage network connections window appears. b. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon, then click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears. c. Click the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties. The Networking dialog box appears. d. Click Obtain an IP address automatically. e. Click OK. f. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. g. Proceed to Step 9. Step 8 If you have Windows 7 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel. b. In the search box, type adapter. c. Under Network and Sharing Center, click View Network Connections. The Network Connections dialog box appears. d. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon, then click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears. e. Click the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties. The Networking dialog box appears. f. Click Obtain an IP address automatically. g. Click OK. h. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).3-19 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G41 Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS15454 Using Automatic Host Detection Step 1 Verify the operating system that is installed on your computer: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel or, for Windows XP, Control Panel > System. b. In the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon. c. On the General tab of the System Settings window, verify that the Windows operating system is one of the following: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. Step 2 According to the Windows operating system installed on your computer, perform one of the following steps: • For Windows 98, complete Step 3. • For Windows NT 4.0, complete Step 4. • For Windows 2000, complete Step 5. • For Windows XP, complete Step 6. • For Windows Vista, complete Step 7. • For Windows 7, complete Step 8. Purpose This task sets up your computer for local craft connection to the ONS 15454 when: • You are using an ANSI shelf, you will connect to the ONS 15454 Ethernet port or backplane LAN pins either directly or through a hub. • You are using an ETSI shelf, you will connect to the ONS 15454 Ethernet port or the RJ-45 jack on the MIC-C/T/P FMEC either directly or through a hub. • You are using an ONS 15454 M6 shelf assembly, you will connect to the TNC/TSC ethernet port, or the EMS port or the craft terminal port on the ECU either directly or through a hub. • You are using an ONS 15454 M2 shelf assembly, you will connect to the TNC/TSC ethernet port or the EMS port on the power module either directly or through a hub. • You will connect to multiple ONS 15454s and do not want to reconfigure your IP address each time. • You do not need to access non-ONS 15454 applications such as ping and tracert (trace route). Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None3-20 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 3 If you have Windows 98 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. b. In the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon. c. In the Network dialog box, select TCP/IP for your NIC, then click Properties. d. In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the DNS Configuration tab and choose Disable DNS. e. Click the WINS Configuration tab and choose Disable WINS Resolution. f. Click the IP Address tab. g. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address. h. In the IP Address field, enter any legitimate IP address other than the node IP address as indicated on the LCD of the ONS 15454. The default IP address is Note You can suppress the LCD IP address display using CTC. For more information, see the “DLP-G162 Change IP Settings” task on page 11-24. i. In the Subnet Mask field, type the same subnet mask as the ONS 15454. The default is (24 bit). j. Click OK. k. In the TCP/IP dialog box, click the Gateway tab. l. In the New Gateway field, type the address entered in Step h. Click Add. m. Verify that the IP address appears in the Installed Gateways field, then click OK. n. When the prompt to restart your PC appears, click Yes. o. Proceed to Step 9. Step 4 If you have Windows NT 4.0 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel. b. In the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon. c. In the Network dialog box, click the Protocols tab, choose TCP/IP Protocol, then click Properties. d. Click the IP Address tab. e. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address. f. In the IP Address field, enter any legitimate IP address other than the node IP address as indicated on the LCD of the ONS 15454. The default IP address is Note You can suppress the LCD IP address display using CTC. For more information, see the “DLP-G162 Change IP Settings” task on page 11-24. g. In the Subnet Mask field, type the same subnet mask as the ONS 15454. The default is (24 bit). h. Click Advanced. i. In the Gateways List, click Add. The TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog box appears. j. Type the IP address entered in Step f in the Gateway Address field.3-21 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin k. Click Add. l. Click OK. m. Click Apply. n. Reboot your PC. o. Proceed to Step 9. Step 5 If you have Windows 2000 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Network and Dial-up Connections > Local Area Connection. b. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Properties. c. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties. d. Click Use the following IP address. e. In the IP Address field, enter any legitimate IP address other than the node IP address as indicated on the LCD of the ONS 15454. The default IP address is Note You can suppress the LCD IP address display using CTC. For more information, see the “DLP-G162 Change IP Settings” task on page 11-24. f. In the Subnet Mask field, type the same subnet mask as the ONS 15454. The default is (24 bit). g. Type the IP address entered in Step e in the Gateway Address field. h. Click OK. i. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. j. In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close. k. Proceed to Step 9. Step 6 If you have Windows XP installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel > Network Connections. Note If the Network Connections menu is not available, click Switch to Classic View. b. From the Network Connections dialog box, right-click the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties. c. Scroll to the bottom of the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to select it, then click Properties. d. In the IP Address field, enter any legitimate IP address other than the node IP address as indicated on the LCD of the ONS 15454. The default IP address is e. Select the Use the Following IP Address: radio button. Note You can suppress the LCD IP address display using CTC. For more information, see the “DLP-G162 Change IP Settings” task on page 11-24.3-22 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin f. In the Subnet Mask field, type the same subnet mask as the ONS 15454. The default is (24 bit). g. Type the IP address entered in Step d in the Gateway Address field. h. Click OK. i. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click Close. Step 7 If you have Windows Vista installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections. The Manage network connections window appears. b. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon, then click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears. c. Click the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties. The Networking dialog box appears. d. Click Use the following IP address and in the IP Address field, enter any legitimate IP address other than the node IP address indicated on the LCD of the ONS 15454. The default IP address is Note You can suppress the LCD IP address display using CTC. For more information, see the “DLP-G162 Change IP Settings” task on page 11-24. e. In the Subnet Mask field, type the same subnet mask as the ONS 15454. The default is (24 bit). f. Type the IP address entered in Step d in the Gateway Address field. g. Click OK. h. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click Close. Step 8 If you have Windows 7 installed on your PC, complete the following steps to change its TCP/IP configuration: a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel. b. In the search box, type adapter. c. Under Network and Sharing Center, click View Network Connections. The Network Connections dialog box appears. d. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon, then click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears. e. Click the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties. The Networking dialog box appears. f. Click Use the following IP address and in the IP Address field, enter any legitimate IP address other than the node IP address indicated on the LCD of the ONS 15454. The default IP address is Note You can suppress the LCD IP address display using CTC. For more information, see the “DLP-G162 Change IP Settings” task on page 11-24.3-23 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin g. In the Subnet Mask field, type the same subnet mask as the ONS 15454. The default is (24 bit). h. Type the IP address entered in Step f in the Gateway Address field. i. Click OK. j. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click Close. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G42 Set Up a Solaris Workstation for a Craft Connection to an ONS15454 Note This procedure does not apply to the ONS 15454 M6 and ONS 15454 M2 chassis, because they do not have a backplane TL1 craft port. Step 1 Log into the workstation as the root user. Step 2 Check to see if the interface is plumbed by typing: # ifconfig device For example: # ifconfig hme1 • If the interface is plumbed, a message similar to the following appears: hme1:flags=1000842mtu 1500 index 2 inet netmask 0 If a message similar to this one appears, go to Step 4. • If the interface is not plumbed, a message similar to the following appears: ifconfig: status: SIOCGLIFFLAGS: hme1: no such interface. If a message similar to this one appears, go to Step 3. Step 3 Plumb the interface by typing: # ifconfig device plumb For example: # ifconfig hme1 plumb Step 4 Configure the IP address on the interface by typing: # ifconfig interface ip-address netmask netmask up Purpose This task sets up a Solaris workstation for a craft connection to the ONS 15454. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None3-24 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin For example: # ifconfig hme0 netmask up Note Enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 IP address except for the last octet. The last octet must be 1 or 3 through 254. Step 5 In the Subnet Mask field, type Skip this step if you checked Craft Access Only on the Provisioning > Network > General > Gateway Settings tab. Step 6 Test the connection: a. Start Mozilla. b. Enter the ONS 15454 IP address in the web address (URL) field. If the connection is established, a Java Console window, CTC caching messages, and the Cisco Transport Controller Login dialog box appear. If this occurs, go to Step 2 of the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 to complete the login. If the Login dialog box does not appear, complete Steps c and d. c. At the prompt, type: ping ONS-15454-IP-address For example, to connect to an ONS 15454 with a default IP address of, type: ping If your workstation is connected to the ONS 15454, the following message appears: IP-address is alive Note Skip this step if you checked the Craft Access Only check box on the Provisioning > Network > General > Gateway Settings tab. d. If CTC is not responding, a “no answer from x.x.x.x” message appears. Verify the IP and subnet mask information. Check that the cables connecting the workstation to the ONS 15454 are securely attached. Check the link status by typing: # ndd -set /dev/device instance 0 # ndd -get /dev/device link_status For example: # ndd -set /dev/hme instance 0 # ndd -get /dev/hme link_status A result of “1” means the link is up. A result of “0” means the link is down. Note Check the man page for ndd. For example, type: # man ndd. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).3-25 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin NTP-G19 Set Up a CTC Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection to the ONS15454 Step 1 If your computer is already connected to the corporate LAN, go to Step 3. If you changed your computer’s network settings for craft access to the ONS 15454, change the settings back to the corporate LAN access settings. This generally means: • Set the IP Address on the TCP/IP dialog box back to Obtain an IP address automatically (Windows 2000 and XP) or Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (Windows NT 4.0). • If your LAN requires that Domain Name System (DNS) or Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) be enabled, change the setting on the DNS Configuration or WINS Configuration tab of the TCP/IP dialog box. Step 2 Connect the ONS 15454 and the computer to the corporate LAN: • Connect a straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cable from the PC or Solaris workstation NIC card to a corporate LAN port. • For a single ONS 15454 shelf node, connect a straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cable from the EMS or the craft terminal port to the corporate LAN port. For a single ONS 15454 M2 shelf, connect a straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cable from the EMS or the TNC/TSC Ethernet port to the corporate LAN port. For a single ONS 15454 M6 shelf, connect a straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cable from the EMS port, or the craft terminal port, or the TNC/TSC Ethernet port to the corporate LAN. • For an ONS 15454 M6 multishelf node, connect a straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cable from the EMS port, or the craft terminal port, or the TNC/TSC Ethernet port. For an ONS 15454, connect the DCN RJ-45 (LAN) port on the EAP or to Port 23 or 24 of the Catalyst 2950 or the Catalyst 3560 to corporate LAN port. Step 3 If your computer is connected to a proxy server, disable proxy service or add the ONS 15454 nodes as exceptions. To disable or bypass proxy service, complete one of the following tasks, depending on the web browser that you use: • DLP-G43 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows), page 3-26 • DLP-G44 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Mozilla (Solaris), page 3-27 Step 4 Continue with the “NTP-G21 Log into the GUI” procedure on page 3-28. Purpose This procedure sets up your computer to access the ONS 15454 through a corporate LAN. Tools/Equipment NIC, also referred to as an Ethernet card Straight-through (CAT-5) LAN cable Prerequisite Procedures • NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 • The ONS 15454 must be provisioned for LAN connectivity, including IP address, subnet mask, default gateway. • The ONS 15454 must be physically connected to the corporate LAN. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-26 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G43 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows) Note If you disable proxy on a TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC node that has secure mode enabled, the node’s communication with other secure mode nodes may be compromised. For more information about secure mode, refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Step 1 From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel. Note If your computer is running Windows XP, you can select Control Panel directly from the Start menu. Make sure that you are in Classic View before continuing with this procedure. To switch to Classic View, right-click the Windows screen and choose Properties from the popup menu. Click the Appearance tab, then under Scheme, choose Classic View. Step 2 In the Control Panel window, choose Internet Options. Step 3 In the Internet Properties dialog box, click Connections > LAN Settings. Step 4 In the LAN Settings dialog box, complete one of the following tasks: • Uncheck Use a proxy server to disable the service. • To bypass the service, leave Use a proxy server selected and click Advanced. In the Proxy Setting dialog box under Exceptions, enter the IP addresses of ONS 15454 nodes that you will access. Separate each address with a semicolon. You can insert an asterisk (*) for the host number to include all the ONS 15454s on your network. Click OK to close each open dialog box. Note For ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 nodes that have TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards installed with the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC secure mode option enabled, enter the backplane LAN port (or the EMS port) IP addresses. If the node is in secure mode and the configuration has been locked, you will not be able to change the IP address unless the lock is disabled by Cisco Technical Support. Refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for more information about secure mode. Purpose This task disables or bypasses proxy service for PCs running Internet Explorer. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed Required if your computer is connected to a network computer proxy server and your browser is Internet Explorer. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-27 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G44 Disable or Bypass Proxy Service Using Mozilla (Solaris) Note If you disable proxy on a TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC node that has secure mode enabled, the node’s communication with other secure mode nodes may be compromised. For more information about secure mode, refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Step 1 Open Mozilla (Solaris). Step 2 From the Edit menu, choose Tools. The Internet Options dialog box appears. Step 3 In the Network tab, click Settings. The Connection Settings dialog box appears. Step 4 In the Connection Settings dialog box, set one of the following options: • Click the No proxy option to disable the proxy server. • Click the Auto-detect proxy settings for this network option to automatically detect the proxy settings for the network. • Click the Manual proxy configuration option to add exceptions to the proxy server. In the No Proxy For field, enter the IP addresses of the ONS 15454 nodes that you will access. Separate each address with a comma. • Click OK to close the Connection Settings dialog box. • Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box. Note For ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, or ONS 15454 M6 nodes that have TCC2P, TCC3, TNC, or TSC cards installed with the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC secure mode option enabled, enter the backplane LAN port (or EMS port) IP addresses in the Manual proxy configuration option. If the node is in secure mode and the configuration has been locked, you will not be able to change the IP address unless the lock is disabled by Cisco Technical Support. Information on contacting Cisco Technical Support is provided in the Preface Chapter of this guide. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task disables or bypasses proxy service for Windows PCs running Mozilla (Solaris). Required if your computer is connected to a network computer proxy server and your browser is Mozilla (Solaris). Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-28 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin NTP-G21 Log into the GUI Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30. Note For information about navigating in CTC, see Appendix A, “CTC Information and Shortcuts.” During network topology discovery, CTC polls each node in the network to determine which one contains the most recent version of the CTC software. If CTC discovers a node in the network that has a more recent version of the CTC software than the version you are currently running, CTC generates a message stating that a later version of the CTC has been found in the network. If you have network discovery disabled, CTC will not seek more recent versions of the software. Unreachable nodes are not included in the upgrade discovery. Note Upgrading the CTC software will overwrite your existing software. You must restart CTC after the upgrade is complete. Step 2 As needed, complete the “DLP-G48 Create Login Node Groups” task on page 3-33. Login node groups allow you to view and manage nodes that have an IP connection but no data communications channel (DCC) connection to the login node. Step 3 As needed, complete the “DLP-G49 Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group” task on page 3-34. Step 4 As needed, complete the “DLP-G50 Delete a Node from the Current Session or Login Group” task on page 3-35. Step 5 As needed, complete the “DLP-G331 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap Size (Windows)” task on page 3-29. Step 6 As needed, complete the “DLP-G51 Delete a Node from a Specific Login Node Group” task on page 3-36. Step 7 As needed, complete the “DLP-G53 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for Automatic Popup” task on page 3-36. Purpose This procedure logs into CTC, the graphical user interface (GUI) software used to manage the ONS 15454. This procedure includes optional node login tasks. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 One of the following procedures: • NTP-G18 Set Up CTC Computer for Local Craft Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-9 • NTP-G19 Set Up a CTC Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-25 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Retrieve or higher3-29 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G331 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap Size (Windows) Note The task adjusts the physical memory allocation in the computer RAM so that more space is allocated for CTC. However, less physical memory will be available for other computer processes and programs. If you notice performance degradation of non-CTC programs after completing this task, reduce the JVM allotted to CTC. You may need to repeat the task a few times to find the right balance between JVM allotted to CTC and to other programs on your computer. Step 1 From the Windows PC, click Start > Settings > Control Panel. > System, or Start > Control Panel > System (Windows XP). The Windows Control Panel appears. The System Properties dialog box appears. Step 2 Click the Advanced tab. Step 3 Click Environmental Variables. The Environmental Variables dialog box appears. Step 4 In the User Variables area, check to see whether a CTC_HEAP variable was created. If yes, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 5. a. Check the CTC_HEAP value. If it is 512, continue with Step 12. If not, continue with Step b. b. Click the CTC_HEAP variable and click Edit. c. In the Edit User Variable dialog box, enter the new JVM heap size. This can be any number between 256 and 512 MB. d. Click OK, then continue with Step 9. Step 5 click New. The New User Variable dialog box appears. Step 6 Type “CTC_HEAP” in the Variable Name field. Step 7 Type “512” in the Variable Value field. Step 8 Click OK to close the New User Variable dialog box. Step 9 Click OK to close the Environmental Variables dialog box. Step 10 Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box. Step 11 Reboot your PC. Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task allows you to adjust the Java Virtual Memory (JVM) heap size of a Windows PC from the default 256 MB to the maximum of 512 MB in order to improve CTC performance. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite procedures None Required/As needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-30 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G46 Log into CTC Note For information about CTC views and navigation, see Appendix A, “CTC Information and Shortcuts.” Step 1 From the computer connected to the ONS 15454, start Internet Explorer (Windows PC) or Mozilla (Solaris workstation): • If you are using a Windows PC, launch Internet Explorer from the Windows Start menu or a shortcut icon. • If you are using a Solaris workstation, navigate to the directory where Mozilla was installed, then type: # mozilla -install Step 2 In Internet Explorer or Mozilla web address (URL) field, enter the ONS 15454 IPv4 or IPv6 address. For initial setup, this is the default IP address, Note The IP address appears on the LCD. You can suppress the LCD IP address display using CTC after you log in. For more information, see the “DLP-G162 Change IP Settings” task on page 11-24. Step 3 Press Enter. The browser displays a window with a Delete CTC Cache field and information about the Cisco Transport Controller Java and System environments. Note To log into CTC using an IPv6 address, you must first log into CTC using an IPv4 address and assign an IPv6 address to the node. Then, use the IPv6 address that you assigned to the node to log into CTC. For more information about configuring IPv6 address, see “DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings” task on page 4-19. Enter the IPv6 address in the address bar of the browser, enclosed in square brackets. Purpose This task logs into the graphical user interface (GUI) of CTC. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 One of the following procedures: • NTP-G18 Set Up CTC Computer for Local Craft Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-9 • NTP-G19 Set Up a CTC Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-25 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Retrieve or higher3-31 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Note The Delete CTC Cache field deletes the CTC JAR (Java Archive) files that are downloaded to your computer when you log into an ONS 15454. You perform this action if connectivity problems occur or you want to delete older CTC JAR file versions from your computer. For more information, refer to the “General Troubleshooting” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide and the “CTC Operations” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Note If you are logging into ONS 15454 nodes in an operation network that are running different releases of CTC software, log into the node running the most recent release. If you log into a node running an older release, you will receive an INCOMPATIBLE-SW alarm for each node in the network running a new release, and CTC will not be able to manage these nodes. To check the software version of a node, select About CTC from the CTC Help menu. This will display the ONS 15454 software version for each node visible on the network view. If the node is not visible, the software version can be read from the LCD display. To resolve an alarm, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide. Step 4 If a Java Plug-in Security Warning dialog box appears, complete the “DLP-G47 Install Public-Key Security Certificate” task on page 3-32 to install the public-key security certificate required by Software Release 4.1 and later. After you complete the security certificate dialog box (or if the certificate is already installed), a Java Console window displays the CTC file download status. The web browser displays information about your Java and system environments. If this is the first login, CTC caching messages appear while CTC files are downloaded to your computer. The first time you connect to an ONS 15454, this process can take several minutes. After the download, a warning message window appears. Step 5 Click OK. The CTC Login dialog box appears. Step 6 In the Login dialog box, type a user name and password (both are case sensitive). For initial setup, type the user name CISCO15 and the password otbu+1. Note The CISCO15 user is provided with every ONS 15454. CISCO15 has Superuser privileges, so you can create other users. You must create another Superuser before you can delete the CISCO15 user. CISCO15 is delivered with the otbu+1 password. To change the password for CISCO15, complete the “DLP-G191 Change User Password and Security Level on a Single Node” task on page 11-60 after you log in. Step 7 Each time you log into an ONS 15454, you can select the following login options: • Additional Nodes—Displays a list of current login node groups. To create a login node group or add additional groups, see the “DLP-G48 Create Login Node Groups” task on page 3-33. • Disable Network Discovery—Check this box to view only the ONS 15454 (and additional nodes within the login node group, if any) entered in the Node Name field. Nodes linked to this node through DCCs are not discovered and will not appear in CTC network view. Using this option can decrease the CTC startup time in networks with many DCC-connected nodes, and can reduce memory consumption. • Disable Circuit Management—Check this box to disable discovery of existing circuits. Using this option can decrease the CTC initialization time in networks with many existing circuits and reduce memory consumption. After you are logged in, you can enable circuit discovery at any time by choosing the Enable Circuit Discovery button on the Circuits tab. 3-32 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 8 If you keep Disable Network Discovery unchecked, CTC attempts to upgrade the CTC software by downloading more recent versions of the JAR files it finds during the network discovery. Click Yes to allow CTC to download the newer JAR files, or No to prevent CTC from downloading the JAR files. Note Upgrading the CTC software will overwrite your existing software. You must restart CTC after the upgrade is complete. Step 9 Click Login. If the login is successful, the CTC node view window (in single-shelf mode) or multishelf view window (in multishelf mode) appears. From here, you can navigate to other CTC views to provision and manage the ONS 15454. If you need to turn up the shelf for the first time, see Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node.” If login problems occur, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide. Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G47 Install Public-Key Security Certificate Step 1 If the Java Plug-in Security Warning dialog box appears, choose one of the following options: Note The Java Plug-in Security Warning dialog box options that appear depend on the JRE version you are using. If you installed JRE 1.6, you will see the following options: Yes, No, Always, and More Details. If you are using JRE 1.3.1_02, you will see the following options (shown in parentheses in the following list): Grant This Session, Deny, Grant Always, and View Certificate. • Yes (Grant This Session)—Installs the public-key certificate to your PC only for the current session. After the session is ended, the certificate is deleted. This dialog box will appear the next time you log into the ONS 15454. • No (Deny)—Denies permission to install the certificate. If you choose this option, you cannot log into the ONS 15454. • Always (Grant Always)—Installs the public-key certificate and does not delete it after the session is over. Cisco recommends this option. • More Details (View Certificate)—Allows you to view the public-key security certificate. Purpose This task installs the ITU Recommendation X.509 public-key security certificate. The public-key certificate is required to run Software Release 4.1 or later. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures This task is performed during the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30. You cannot perform it outside of this task. Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-33 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 2 Return to your originating procedure (NTP) or task (DLP). DLP-G48 Create Login Node Groups Step 1 From the Edit menu in node view, choose Preferences. Step 2 Click Login Node Group and Create Group. Step 3 Enter a name for the group in the Create Login Group Name dialog box. Click OK. Step 4 In the Members area, type the IP address (or node name) of a node you want to add to the group. Click Add. Repeat this step for each node that you want to add to the group. Note If the ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 that you want to add to the login node group has TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards installed and the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC secure mode option is enabled, enter the backplane LAN port (or EMS port) IP address. If the node is in secure mode and the configuration has been locked, you will not be able to change the IP address unless the lock is disabled by Cisco Technical Support. Refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for more information about secure mode. Step 5 Click OK. The next time you log into an ONS 15454, the login node group will be available in the Additional Nodes list of the Login dialog box. For example, in Figure 3-1, a login node group is created that contains the IP addresses for Nodes 1, 4, and 5. During login, if you choose this group from the Additional Nodes list and Disable Network Discovery is not selected, all nodes in the figure appear. If the login group and Disable Network Discovery are both selected, only Nodes 1, 4, and 5 appear. You can create as many login node groups as you need. The groups are stored in the CTC preferences file and are not visible to other users. Purpose This task creates a login node group to display ONS 15454s that have an IP connection but not a data channel connection (DCC) to the login node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-34 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Figure 3-1 Login Node Group Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G49 Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group Step 1 In any CTC view, from the CTC File menu, click Add Node. Step 2 In the Add Node dialog box, enter the node name (or IP address). If the ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 that you want to add has TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards installed and the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC secure mode option is enabled, enter the backplane LAN port (or the EMS port for the ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6) IP address. Purpose This task adds a node to the current CTC session or login node group. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher LAN/WAN (Ethernet) Three node ring Single Laptop PC Node 1 IP Address Node 4 IP Address Node 5 IP Address Node 6 IP Address Node 2 Node 3 IP Address 55029 Two node ring3-35 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Note If the node is in secure mode, the backplane IP address display might be disabled. A Superuser can reenable the IP display. If the node is in secure mode and the configuration has been locked, you will not be able to change the IP address unless the lock is disabled by Cisco Technical Support. Refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for more information about secure mode. Step 3 If you want to add the node to the current login node group, check Add to current login node group. Otherwise, leave it unchecked. Note This check box is active only if you selected a login group when you logged into CTC. Step 4 Click OK. After a few seconds, the new node appears on the network view map. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G50 Delete a Node from the Current Session or Login Group Step 1 From the CTC View menu, choose Go to Network View. Step 2 On the network map, single-click the node that you want to delete. Step 3 From the CTC File menu, click Delete Selected Node. After a few seconds, the node disappears from the network view map. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task removes a node from the current CTC session or login node group. To remove a node from a login node group that is not the current one, see “DLP-G51 Delete a Node from a Specific Login Node Group” task on page 3-36. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-36 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G51 Delete a Node from a Specific Login Node Group Step 1 In any CTC view, from the CTC Edit menu, choose Preferences. Step 2 In the Preferences dialog box, click the Login Node Groups tab. Step 3 Click the login node group tab containing the node you want to remove. Step 4 Click the node you want to remove, then click Remove. Step 5 Click OK. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G53 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for Automatic Popup Step 1 Click the CTC Alerts toolbar icon. (The icon is located on the far right of the CTC toolbar.) Step 2 In the CTC Alerts dialog box, choose one of the following: • All alerts—Sets the CTC Alerts dialog box to open automatically for all notifications. • Error alerts only—Sets the CTC Alerts dialog box to open automatically for circuit deletion errors only. • Never—Sets the CTC Alerts dialog box to never open automatically. Step 3 Click Close. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task removes a node from a specific login node group. To remove a node from the current login node group, see the “DLP-G50 Delete a Node from the Current Session or Login Group” task on page 3-35. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This task sets up the CTC Alerts dialog box to open for all alerts, for circuit deletion errors only, or never. The CTC Alerts dialog box displays network disconnection, Send-PDIP inconsistency, circuit deletion status, condition retrieval errors, and software download failure. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-37 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G448 Designate ONS 15454 SOCKS GNEs Note This task cannot be completed until the ONS 15454 network has been provisioned. It is intended only for users experiencing long login times, and especially users with Windows XP, Service Pack 2. Note To complete this task, you will need a list of ONS 15454s (IP addresses or node names) that are provisioned as GNEs. You must have connectivity to the GNEs. Step 1 Click the CTC Alerts toolbar icon. (The icon is located on the far right of the CTC toolbar.) Step 2 In the CTC Alerts dialog box, choose one of the following: • All alerts—Sets the CTC Alerts dialog box to open automatically for all notifications. • Error alerts only—Sets the CTC Alerts dialog box to open automatically for circuit deletion errors only. • Never—Sets the CTC Alerts dialog box to never open automatically. Step 3 Click Close. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task designates ONS 15454s GNEs that will serve as SOCKS servers to facilitate login performance in large networks. Tools None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-38 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin NTP-G190 Use the CTC Launcher Application to Manage Multiple ONS Nodes Note JRE 1.6 must be installed on the PC you are using with the CTC Launcher application. Step 1 As needed, complete one of the following tasks to install the CTC Launcher: • DLP-G440 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Software CD, page 3-39 • DLP-G441 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Node, page 3-39 Step 2 As needed, complete the “DLP-G442 Connect to ONS Nodes Using the CTC Launcher” task on page 3-40 to connect to an ONS network element with direct IP connectivity. Step 3 As needed, complete the “DLP-G449 Install or Reinstall the CTC JAR Files” task on page 3-46. Step 4 As needed, complete one of the following tasks to create a TL1 tunnel, which enables you to connect to an ONS network element residing behind OSI-based, third-party GNEs: • DLP-G443 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using the CTC Launcher, page 3-41 • DLP-G444 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC, page 3-42 Step 5 As needed, complete the “DLP-G445 View TL1 Tunnel Information” task on page 3-43. Step 6 As needed, complete the “DLP-G446 Edit a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC” task on page 3-44. Step 7 As needed, complete the “DLP-G447 Delete a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC” task on page 3-45. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure uses the CTC Launcher to start a CTC session with an ONS NE that has an IP connection to the CTC computer; create TL1 tunnels to connect to ONS NEs on the other side of third-party, OSI-based GNEs; and view, manage, and delete TL1 tunnels using CTC. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 One of the following procedures: • NTP-G18 Set Up CTC Computer for Local Craft Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-9 • NTP-G19 Set Up a CTC Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection to the ONS 15454, page 3-25 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-39 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G440 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Software CD Step 1 Insert the Cisco ONS 15454 or Cisco ONS 15454 SDH or Cisco ONS 15310-CL or Cisco ONS 15310-MA Software Release 9.2 CD into your CD drive. Step 2 Navigate to the CtcLauncher directory. Step 3 Save the StartCTC.exe file to a local hard drive. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G441 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Node Step 1 Using a web browser, go to the following address, where node-name is the DNS name of a node you are going to access: http://node-name/fs/StartCTC.exe The browser File Download dialog box appears. Step 2 Click Save. Step 3 Navigate to the location where you want to save the StartCTC.exe file on the local hard drive. Step 4 Click Save. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task installs the CTC Launcher from a Release 9.2 software CD. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None Purpose This task installs the CTC Launcher from an ONS 15454 node running Software R9.2. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-40 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin DLP-G442 Connect to ONS Nodes Using the CTC Launcher Step 1 Start the CTC Launcher: • Windows: navigate to the directory containing the StartCTC.exe file and double-click it. (You can also use the Windows Start menu Run command.) • Solaris: assuming the StartCTC.exe file is accessible from the current shell path, navigate to the directory containing the StartCTC.exe file and type: % java -jar StartCTC.exe Step 2 In the CTC Launcher dialog box, choose Use IP. Step 3 In the Login Node box, enter the ONS NE node name or IP address. (If the address was entered previously, you can choose it from the drop-down menu.) Step 4 Select the CTC version you want to launch from the following choices in the drop-down menu: • Same version as the login node: Select if you want to launch the same CTC version as the login node version, even if more recent versions of CTC are available in the cache. • Latest version available: Select if you want to launch the latest CTC version available. If the cache has a newer CTC version than the login node, that CTC version will be used. Otherwise the same CTC version as the login node will be used. • Version x.xx: Select if you want to launch a specific CTC version. Note Cisco recommends that you always use the “Same version as the login node” unless the use of newer CTC versions is needed (for example, when CTC must manage a network containing mixed version NEs). Step 5 Click Launch CTC. After the connection is made, the CTC Login dialog box appears. Step 6 Log into the ONS node. Note Because each CTC version requires particular JRE versions, the CTC Launcher will prompt the user for the location of a suitable JRE whenever a new CTC version is launched for the first time using a file chooser dialog (if a suitable JRE version is not known by the launcher yet). That JRE information is then saved in the user's preferences file. From the selection dialog, select any appropriate JRE directory. After the JRE version is selected, the CTC will be launched. The required jar files will be downloaded into the new cache if they are missing. The CTC Login window will appear after a few seconds. Purpose This task connects the CTC Launcher to ONS nodes. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-41 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G443 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using the CTC Launcher Step 1 Double-click the StartCTC.exe file. Step 2 Click Use TL1 Tunnel. Step 3 In the Open CTC TL1 Tunnel dialog box, enter the following: • Far End TID—Enter the TID of the ONS ENE at the far end of the tunnel. The TID is the name entered in the Node Name field on the node view Provisioning > General tab. • Host Name/IP Address—Enter the GNE DNS host name or IP address through which the tunnel will established. This is the third-party vendor GNE that is connected to an ONS node through an OSI DCC network. CTC uses TCP/IP over a DCN to reach the GNE. The GNE accepts TL1 connections from the network and can forward TL1 traffic to the ENEs. • Choose a port option: – Use Default TL1 Port—Choose this option if you want to use the default TL1 port 3081 and 3082. – Use Other TL1 Port—Choose this option if the GNE uses a different TL1 port. Enter the port number in the box next to the User Other TL1 Port radio button. • TL1 Encoding Mode—Choose the TL1 encoding: – LV + Binary Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by LV (length value) headers and TCP traffic is encapsulated in binary form. Cisco recommends this option because it is the most efficient encoding mode. However, you must verify that the GNE supports LV + Binary Payload encoding. – LV + Base64 Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by LV headers and TCP traffic is encapsulated using Base64 encoding. – Raw—TL1 messages are delimited by semi-columns only, and the TCP traffic is encapsulated using Base64 encoding. • GNE Login Required—Check this box if the GNE requires a a local TL1 ACT-USER login before forwarding TL1 traffic to ENEs. • TID—If the GNE Login Required box is checked, enter the GNE TID. Step 4 Click OK. Purpose This task creates a TL1 tunnel using the CTC Launcher, and the tunnel transports the TCP traffic to and from ONS ENEs through the OSI-based GNE. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-42 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 5 If the GNE Login Required box is checked, complete the following steps. If not, continue Step 6. a. In the Login to Gateway NE dialog box UID field, enter the TL1 user name. b. In the PID field, enter the TL1 user password. c. Click OK. Step 6 When the CTC Login dialog box appears, complete the CTC login. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G444 Create a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC Step 1 From the Tools menu, choose Manage TL1 Tunnels. Step 2 In the TL1 Tunnels window, click Create. Step 3 In the Create CTC TL1 Tunnel dialog box, enter the following: • Far End TID—Enter the TID of the ONS ENE at the far end of the tunnel. The ENE must be a Cisco ONS NE. The TID is the name entered in the Node Name field on the node view Provisioning > General tab. • Host Name/IP Address—Enter the GNE DNS host name or IP address through which the tunnel will established. This is the third-party vendor GNE that is connected to an ONS NE with an OSI DCC. CTC uses TCP/IP over a DCN to reach the GNE. The GNE accepts TL1 connections from the network and can forward TL1 traffic to the ENEs. • Choose a port option: – Use Default TL1 Port—Choose this option if you want to use the GNE default TL1 port. TL1 uses standard ports, such as 3081 and 3082, unless custom TL1 ports are defined. – Use Other TL1 Port—Choose this option if the GNE uses a different TL1 port. Enter the port number in the box next to the User Other TL1 Port radio button. • TL1 Encoding Mode—Choose the TL1 encoding: – LV + Binary Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by LV (length value) headers and TCP traffic is encapsulated in binary form. Cisco recommends this option because it is the most efficient. However, you must verify that the GNE supports LV + Binary Payload encoding. – LV + Base64 Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by LV headers and TCP traffic is encapsulated using Base64 encoding. – Raw—TL1 messages are delimited by semi-columns only, and the TCP traffic is encapsulated using Base64 encoding. Purpose This task creates a TL1 tunnel using CTC. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-43 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin • GNE Login Required—Check this box if the GNE requires a a local TL1 ACT-USER login before forwarding TL1 traffic to ENEs. • TID—If the GNE Login Required box is checked, enter the GNE TID. Step 4 Click OK. Step 5 If the GNE Login Required box is checked, complete the following steps. If not, continue Step 6. a. In the Login to Gateway NE dialog box UID field, enter the TL1 user name. b. In the PID field, enter the TL1 user password. c. Click OK. Step 6 After the CTC Login dialog box appears, log into CTC. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G445 View TL1 Tunnel Information Step 1 Log into CTC. Step 2 From the Tools menu, choose Manage TL1 Tunnels. Step 3 In the TL1 Tunnels window, view the information shown in Table 3-2. Purpose This task views a TL1 tunnel created using the CTC Launcher. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Retrieve or higher Table 3-2 TL1 Tunnels Window Item Description Far End TID The Target ID of the NE at the far end of the tunnel. This NE is an ONS NE. It is typically connected with an OSI DCC to a third-party vender GNE. CTC manages this NE. GNE Host The GNE host or IP address through which the tunnel is established. This is generally a third-party vendor GNE that is connected to an ONS NE with an OSI DCC. CTC uses TCP/IP over a DCN to reach the GNE. The GNE accepts TL1 connections from the network and can forward TL1 traffic to the ENEs. Port The TCP port number where the GNE accepts TL1 connections coming from the DCN. These port numbers are standard (such as 3081 and 3082) unless custom port numbers are provisioned on the GNE.3-44 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G446 Edit a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC TL1 Encoding Defines the TL1 encoding used for the tunnel: • LV + Binary Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by an LV (length value) header. TCP traffic is encapsulated in binary form. • LV + Base64 Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by an LV header. TCP traffic is encapsulated using the base 64 encoding. • Raw—TL1 messages are delimited by semi-columns only, and the TCP traffic is encapsulated using Base64 encoding. GNE TID The GNE TID is shown when the GNE requires a local TL1 ACT-USER login before forwarding TL1 traffic to ENEs. If present, CTC asks the user for the ACT-USER user ID and password when the tunnel is opened. State Indicates the tunnel state: OPEN—A tunnel is currently open and carrying TCP traffic. RETRY PENDING—The TL1 connection carrying the tunnel has been disconnected and a retry to reconnect it is pending. (CTC automatically attempts to reconnect the tunnel at regular intervals. During that time all ENEs behind the tunnel are unreachable.) (empty)—No tunnel is currently open. Far End IP The IP address of the ONS NE that is at the far end of the TL1 tunnel. This information is retrieved from the NE when the tunnel is established. Sockets The number of active TCP sockets that are multiplexed in the tunnel. This information is automatically updated in real time. Retries Indicates the number of times CTC tried to reopen a tunnel. If a network problem causes a tunnel to go down, CTC automatically tries to reopen it at regular intervals. This information is automatically updated in real time. Rx Bytes Shows the number of bytes of management traffic that were received over the tunnel. This information is automatically updated in real time. Tx Bytes Shows the number of bytes of management traffic that were transmitted over the tunnel. This information is automatically updated in real time. Purpose This task edits a TL1 tunnel using CTC. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Table 3-2 TL1 Tunnels Window (continued) Item Description3-45 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 1 From the Tools menu, choose Manage TL1 Tunnels. Step 2 In the TL1 Tunnels window, click the tunnel you want to edit. Step 3 Click Edit. Step 4 In the Edit CTC TL1 Tunnel dialog box, edit the following: • Use Default TL1 Port—Choose this option if you want to use the GNE default TL1 port. TL1 uses standard ports, such as 3081 and 3082, unless custom TL1 ports are defined. • Use Other TL1 Port—Choose this option if the GNE uses a different TL1 port. Enter the port number in the box next to the User Other TL1 Port radio button. • TL1 Encoding Mode—Choose the TL1 encoding: – LV + Binary Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by LV (length value) headers and TCP traffic is encapsulated in binary form. Cisco recommends this option because it is the most efficient. However, you must verify that the GNE supports LV + Binary Payload encoding. – LV + Base64 Payload— TL1 messages are delimited by LV headers and TCP traffic is encapsulated using Base64 encoding. – Raw—TL1 messages are delimited by semi-columns only, and the TCP traffic is encapsulated using Base64 encoding. • GNE Login Required—Check this box if the GNE requires a a local TL1 ACT-USER login before forwarding TL1 traffic to ENEs. • TID—If the GNE Login Required box is checked, enter the GNE TID. Step 5 Click OK. Step 6 If the GNE Login Required box is checked, complete login in the Login to Gateway NE dialog box. If not, continue Step 6. a. In the UID field, enter the TL1 user name. b. In the PID field, enter the TL1 user password. c. Click OK. Step 7 When the CTC Login dialog box appears, complete the CTC login. Refer to login procedures in the user documentation for the ONS ENE. Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G447 Delete a TL1 Tunnel Using CTC Step 1 From the Tools menu, choose Manage TL1 Tunnels. Purpose This task deletes a TL1 tunnel using CTC. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher3-46 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 2 In the TL1 Tunnels window, click the tunnel you want to delete. Step 3 Click Delete. Step 4 In the confirmation dialog box, click OK. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G449 Install or Reinstall the CTC JAR Files Step 1 Insert the Cisco ONS 15454 or Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Software Release 9.2 CD into your CD drive. Step 2 Navigate to the CacheInstall directory. Note The CTC cache installer is also available on If you are downloading the SetupCtc-version.exe (where version is the release version, for example, SetupCtc-085000.exe) file from, skip Step 1 and Step 2. Step 3 Copy the SetupCtc-version.exe file to your local hard drive. Use any location that is convenient for you to access, such as the Windows desktop. Ensure that you have enough disk space to copy and extract the SetupCtc-version.exe file. Step 4 Double-click the SetupCtc-version.exe file. This creates a directory named SetupCtc-version (at the same location), which contains the LDCACHE.exe file and other CTC files. Step 5 Double-click the LDCACHE.exe file to install or reinstall the new CTC JAR files into the CTC cache directory on your PC. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G450 Configuring Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Support CTC Purpose This task installs or reinstalls the CTC JAR files into the CTC cache directory on your PC. This is useful when you are using a new CTC version and want to install or reinstall the CTC JAR files without logging into a node or using the StartCTC application (StartCTC.exe). Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G17 Set Up Computer for CTC, page 3-2 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None Purpose This task describes the configurations that must be done in Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system prior to launching CTC. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None3-47 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You Begin Step 1 Complete the following steps to disable Internet Explorer 7 protected mode: Note Perform a full installation of the Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system on your computer. If Windows Vista or Windows 7 is installed through operating system upgrade, CTC will not work. Refer to the manufacturer’s user guide for instructions on how to install Windows Vista or Windows 7. Note This procedure is needed only if CTC is launched from the Internet Explorer browser. If you start CTC by downloading the CTC Launcher application from the node, perform the “DLP-G441 Install the CTC Launcher Application from a Release 9.2 Node” task on page 3-39. a. Open Internet Explorer, b. Click Tools > Internet Options. c. Click the Security tab. d. Select the zone that is appropriate. The available options are: Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites. e. Check the Disable Protect Mode check box. Step 2 Complete the following steps to Disable TCP Autotuning: a. From the Windows Start menu, click Search > Search for Files and Folders. The Search window appears. b. On the right side of the window in the Search box, type Command Prompt and press Enter. Windows will search for the Command Prompt application and list it in the search results. c. Right click cmd and select Run as administrator. d. Enter the administrator user ID and password and click OK. e. A Command prompt windows appears. At the command prompt enter the following text: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled Autotuning can be enabled if desired using the following command: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level None3-48 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 3 Connect the PC and Log into the GUI Before You BeginCHAPTER 4-1 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 4 Turn Up a Node This chapter explains how to provision a single Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) node and turn it up for service, including assigning the node name, date, and time; provisioning timing references; provisioning network attributes such as IP address and default router; setting up users and user security; installing cards; and creating DWDM connections. Note The procedures and tasks described in this chapter for the Cisco ONS 15454 platform is applicable to the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms, unless noted otherwise. Note Procedures in this chapter require that you have a network plan calculated for your DWDM network with Cisco TransportPlanner, Release 9.2. Cisco TransportPlanner is a DWDM planning tool that is available from your Cisco account representative. Cisco TransportPlanner prepares a shelf plan for each network node and calculates the power and attenuation levels for the DWDM cards installed in the node. For information about Cisco TransportPlanner, contact your Cisco account representative. For instructions on using Cisco TransportPlanner, refer to the Cisco TransportPlanner DWDM Operations Guide, Release 9.2. Note Unless otherwise specified, in this document “ONS 15454” refers to both ANSI (ONS 15454) and ETSI (ONS 15454 SDH) shelf assemblies. Note Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) views referenced in these procedures depend on the ONS 15454 mode. In single-shelf mode, the views are network, node, and card. In multishelf mode, the views are network, multishelf, shelf, and card. For more information about CTC views, refer to Appendix A, “CTC Information and Shortcuts.” Before You Begin This section lists the non-trouble procedures (NTPs) needed to turn up a DWDM node. Turn to an NTP for applicable detail-level procedures (DLPs), known as tasks. 1. NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3—Complete this procedure first. 2. NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7—Complete this procedure next.4-2 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin 3. NTP-G250 Verify Digital Image Signing (DIS) Information, page 4-8—Complete this procedure to retrieve the software signature information and version of the digitally signed software. You can also retrieve the public keys installed on the node using this procedure. 4. NTP-G144 Provision a Multishelf Node, page 4-10—Complete this procedure as needed. 5. NTP-G23 Create Users and Assign Security, page 4-12—Complete this procedure to create CTC users and assign their security levels. 6. NTP-G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information, page 4-15—Continue with this procedure to set the node name, date, time, location, and contact information. 7. NTP-G25 Set Battery Power Monitor Thresholds, page 4-17—Continue with this procedure to set the node battery power thresholds. 8. NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access, page 4-18—Continue with this procedure to provision the IP address, default router, subnet mask, and other network configuration settings. 9. NTP-G194 Set Up EMS Secure Access to the ONS 15454, page 4-33—Continue with this procedure to connect the CTC in secure mode. 10. NTP-G27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access, page 4-33—Continue with this procedure if the ONS 15454 will be accessed behind firewalls. 11. NTP-G28 Create FTP Host, page 4-34—Continue with this procedure if to create FTP host for ENE database backup. 12. NTP-G132 Provision OSI, page 4-37—Continue with this procedure if the ONS 15454 will be installed in networks with third-party, Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)-based network elements (NEs). 13. NTP-G29 Set Up SNMP, page 4-47—Complete this procedure if Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) will be used for network monitoring. 14. “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 4-49—Complete this procedure to preprovision the ONS 15454 slots and install the card and automatic node setup (ANS) parameters. 15. NTP-G328 Add and Delete ANS Parameters, page 4-61—Complete this procedure, as needed, to add or delete ANS parameters. 16. NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards, page 4-64—Complete this procedure to install the DWDM cards, including the OSCM, OSC-CSM, 32WSS, 32WSS-L, 40-WSS-C, 40-WSS-CE, 40-WXC-C, 80-WXC-C, 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, OPT-RAMP-CE, OPT-PRE, 32MUX-O, 40-MUX-C, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-L, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, 4MD-xx.x, AD-1C-xx.x, AD-2C-xx.x, AD-4C-xx.x, AD-1B-xx.x, AD-4B-xx.x, MMU, and PSM. 17. NTP-G31 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Units, page 4-67—Complete this procedure, as needed, to install a dispersion compensating unit (DCU). 18. NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69—Complete this procedure, as needed, to install transponder (TXP), muxponder (MXP), GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP cards. 19. NTP-G123 Install the Filler Cards, page 4-75—Complete this procedure, as needed, to install ONS 15454 filler cards. 20. NTP-G239 Add and Delete Passive Units, page 4-76—Complete this procedure, as needed, to add or delete passive units. 21. NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78—Complete this procedure, as needed, to install the fiber-optic cables on the DWDM cards.4-3 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin 22. NTP-G140 Install Fiber-Optic Cables Between Terminal, Hub, or ROADM Nodes, page 4-82—Complete this procedure, as needed, to connect TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP cards to DWDM cards in a terminal, hub, or reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) node through the patch panel. 23. NTP-G185 Install Fiber-Optic Cables between Mesh Nodes, page 4-101—Complete this procedure, as needed, to connect 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C cards in a mesh node to the 4-degree or 8-degree patch panel. 24. NTP-G141 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for Y-Cable Protection Modules, page 4-108—Complete this procedure, as needed, to connect fiber-optic cables to Y-cable modules from client TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE cards. 25. NTP-G152 Create and Verify Internal Patchcords, page 4-113—Complete this procedure to calculate the DWDM cable connections. 26. NTP-G209 Create, Edit, and Delete Optical Sides, page 4-123—Complete this procedure to create, edit, and delete an optical side. 27. NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations, page 4-126—Complete this procedure next. 28. NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup, page 4-127—Complete this procedure next. 29. NTP-G39 Verify OSCM Transmit Power, page 4-129—Complete this procedure next. 30. NTP-G163 Upgrade Nodes in Single-Shelf Mode to Multishelf Mode, page 4-131—Complete this procedure as needed. 31. NTP-G210 Provision Node for SNMPv3, page 4-133 —Complete this procedure if Simple Network Management Protocol version 3(SNMPv3) will be used for network monitoring. NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files Step 1 Verify that you have the Cisco TransportPlanner reports and files shown in Table 4-1 for the node that you will provision. The reports and files can be provided in one of the following ways: • If you have Cisco TransportPlanner, verify that you have the electronic network design plan from which you can generate the reports in Cisco TransportPlanner. For information about generating the reports, refer to the Cisco TransportPlanner DWDM Operations Guide. • If you do not have Cisco TransportPlanner, you must have printouts of all reports listed in Table 4-1 except the Assisted Configuration Setup file. Assisted Configuration Setup is an electronic file that will be imported into CTC. You must be able to access it from the CTC computer used to provision the node • If you not do not have all the reports and files listed in Table 4-1, do not continue. See your site planner or network planner for the required information and files. Purpose This procedure verifies that you have the Cisco TransportPlanner reports and files needed to turn up the node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 1, “Install the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 Shelf” Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Retrieve or higher4-4 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Table 4-1 Cisco TransportPlanner Node Setup Information and Files Source Format Description Shelf layout JPG file Cisco TransportPlanner provides a shelf layout showing the cards that should be installed in each ONS 15454 (Figure 4-1), ONS 15454 M2 (Figure 4-2), and ONS 15454 M6 (Figure 4-3) slot. Cisco TransportPlanner can export each of these cards as a JPG file with a user-defined name. Installation Parameters Table Provides the target reference values for the variable optical attenuators (VOAs), output power, optical thresholds, and amplifier configuration parameters. Internal Connections Table Identifies the patchcords that must be installed within the shelf. NE Update Configuration file XML file The Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update configuration file is an electronic file with an XML extension and a name assigned by the network designer for the network you are provisioning. The file is imported into CTC where it preprovisions internal patchcords, optical sides and card parameters for optical cards, transponders, and passive units (DCUs and patch panels). It configures the ANS parameters based on the network calculated by Cisco TransportPlanner. Traffic Matrix Table Shows the traffic flow within the node. During node turn-up, this report is used to identify the location of Y-cable protection groups. Cable list Table or list A list of cables needed to provision the node. The list can be derived from the Internal Connections Report or from the Bill of Materials report prepared by Cisco TransportPlanner.4-5 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-1 Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout - ONS 154544-6 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-2 Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout - ONS 5454 M2 Figure 4-3 Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout - ONS 15454 M6 Step 2 Print Table 4-1 for reference. You will need information from the reports during node turn-up. Stop. You have completed this procedure.4-7 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation Step 1 Verify the following: • TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards are installed in Slots 7 and 11 on the ONS 15454 shelf. • Two TNC/TSC cards are installed in Slots 1 and 8 on the ONS 15454 M6 shelf. • A stand-alone TNC/TSC card is installed in Slot 1 on the ONS 15454 M2 shelf. Step 2 Verify that the FAIL LED is off on both TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards. Step 3 Verify that the green ACT (active) LED is illuminated on one TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card and that the amber STBY (standby) LED is illuminated on the other TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card. Note If the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards are not installed, or if their LEDs are not operating as described, do not continue. Complete the “DLP-G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card” or “DLP-G604 Install the TNC or TSC Card” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide or refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide to resolve installation problems before proceeding to Step 4. Step 4 (On 15454-DWDM shelf) If the AIC-I card is installed, verify that it is installed in Slot 9 and that its ACT (active) LED displays a solid green light. Note If the AIC-I card is not installed and the card is required by the Cisco Transport Planner shelf layout, or if it is installed and its LEDs are not operating as described, do not continue. Complete the “DLP-G34 Install the AIC-I Card” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide or refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide to resolve installation problems before proceeding to Step 5. Step 5 Verify that the software release shown on the LCD matches the software release required for your network. On the LCD, the software release is shown under the platform (SONET or SDH) and date/temperature. If the release does not match, perform one of the following procedures: • Perform a software upgrade using a ONS 15454 software CD or ONS 15454 SDH software CD. Refer to the release-specific software upgrade document. • On ONS 15454, replace the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards with cards containing the correct release. • On ONS 15454 M6, replace the LCD and TNC/TSC cards with cards containing the correct release. Purpose This procedure verifies that the Cisco ONS 15454 shelf has two TCC2/ TCC2P/TCC3 cards installed. This procedure also verifies that the Cisco ONS 15454 M6 and the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 shelves have TNC/TSC cards installed. It also verifies the installation of the AIC-I and MS-ISC-100T cards, if they are installed. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 1, “Install the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 Shelf” Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Retrieve or higher4-8 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • On ONS 15454 M2, replace the power module and TNC/TSC cards with cards containing the correct release. Step 6 (On ONS 15454 shelf) If the node will be configured as a multishelf node, verify that redundant MS-ISC-100T cards are installed (Slots 6 and 12 are recommended) and that the green ACT (active) LED is illuminated on both cards. Note If the MS-ISC-100T card is not installed and the card is required by the Cisco Transport Planner shelf layout, or if the card’s LEDs are not operating as described, do not continue. Complete the “DLP-G309 Install the MS-ISC-100T Card” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide or refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide to resolve installation problems before proceeding to the next procedure. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G250 Verify Digital Image Signing (DIS) Information Note The DIS information is applicable for TNC/TSC cards in the ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 sM6 platforms. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to verify the DIS information. Step 2 Do the following as applicable: a. To retrieve the digitally signed software version, go to Step 3. b. To retrieve the software signature information, go to Step 4. c. To retrieve the public keys installed on the node, go to Step 5. Step 3 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click Maintenance > Software tab to retrieve the digitally signed software version. The following columns appear in the pane: • Node—Displays the node name or IP address. Purpose This procedure retrieves the following information on the ONS 15454 M2 and ONS 15454 M6 platforms: • Software signature information • Version of the digitally signed software • Public keys installed Note In a hybrid multi-shelf configuration involving ONS 15454 and ONS 15454 M6 shelf assemblies, DIS information is available for the ONS 15454 M6 shelf only. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures “NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation” task on page 4-7 Required/As Needed As Needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Retrieve user4-9 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Type—Displays the node type. • Node Status—Displays the node status, which is based on the highest alarm level at the node. • Working Version—Displays the working ONS node software version (the general software release number [n.n.n] followed by the specific software release identification number). For example, 9.2.0 (09.20-X10E-02.06). • Protect Version—Displays the protect ONS node software version (the general software release number [n.n.n] followed by the specific software release identification number). For example, 9.2.0 (09.20-X10E-02.06). • Download Status—Displays the status of any in-progress network software downloads. Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), click Maintenance > DIS > Info > Retrieve Signature Information tab to retrieve signature information. The following information is displayed in the pane: • Attribute—The following information is displayed: – Organization Name—Displays the owner of the software image. – Organization Unit—Displays the business unit within Cisco. – Serial Number—Displays the serial number of the certificate with the digital signature. – Common Name—Displays the name of the platform. – Hash Algorithm—Displays the hashing algorithm used. – Image Type—Shows the type of the image-Development or Production. – Key Version—Indicates the key version used to digitally sign the image. A key version is identified with an alphabetical character that ranges from A to Z. – Sign Algorithm—Refers to the RSA algorithm. • Working Software Information—Displays the signature information of the working software. • Protect Software Information—Displays the signature information of the protect software. Note To refresh the signature information, click Refresh Signature Information. Step 5 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click Maintenance > DIS > Available Keys > Retrieve All Keys tabsto retrieve public key information. The following information is displayed in the pane: • Key Type—Displays the public key available on the system for verification: – Release Key—Verifies release images. – Development Key—Verifies the development images. • Public Key Algorithm—Displays the name of the algorithm used for public key cryptography. • Exponent—Displays the exponent of the public key algorithm—release or development keys. • Key Version—Displays the key version used for verification. • Modulus—Displays the modulus of the public key algorithm with a size of 2048 bits. Note To refresh the public key information, click Refresh All Keys.4-10 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G144 Provision a Multishelf Node Caution An optical shelf in a multishelf configuration must be provisioned as the node controller shelf and not as a subtending shelf. Otherwise, traffic will be dropped. If there are no slots available on the optical shelf to install the MS-ISC-100T cards (needed for a node controller shelf), install and configure the Cisco Catalyst 2950 or Cisco Catalyst 3560. See the “NTP-G302 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to a Catalyst 2950” in theCisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide or “NTP-G295 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to a Catalyst 3560” in Purpose This procedure provisions a multishelf node from CTC. A multishelf node consists of a control node and subtending shelves that are configured to operate as a single node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures • NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 • “NTP-G301 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to an MS-ISC-100T Card” in theCisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “NTP-G302 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to a Catalyst 2950” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “NTP-G295 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to a Catalyst 3560” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “NTP-G296 Upgrade the ONS 15454 Multishelf with MS-ISC Card Configuration Using the Catalyst 3560” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “NTP-G297 Upgrade the ONS 15454 Multishelf with Catalyst 2950 Configuration Using the Catalyst 3560” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “NTP-G308 Connect the ONS 15454 M6 Multishelf Node and the ONS 15454 M6 Subtending Shelves” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “NTP-G309 Connect the ONS 15454 M6 and the ONS 15454 in a Mixed Multishelf Configuration” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • NTP-G310 Upgrade the ONS 15454 Multishelf Configuration using the ONS 15454 M6 in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-11 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin theCisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. If you are using an ONS 15454 M6, then refer to the applicable procedure for connecting the ONS 15454 M6 as the node controller in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node that you want to configure as a multishelf node. Step 2 If you want to set up the login node as the node controller, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 3. a. In node view (single-node mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > General > Multishelf Config tabs. b. Click Enable as Node Controller. c. From the LAN Config drop-down list, complete one of the following: • Choose Ethernet Switch if MS-ISC-100T cards or the Catalyst 2950 or the Catalyst 3560 switches are already installed and configured. Choose the public VLAN ID and private VLAN ID for the ONS 15454 multishelf node. In case of an ONS 15454 M6, the public VLAN ID and private VLAN ID are static (1 and 2 respectively). Note Public VLAN ID is used by the node controller to communicate with the external network. Private VLAN ID is used by the node controller to communicate with the subtending shelves. Note If the ONS 15454 M6 shelf is used as the node controller, then you can connect the subtending shelves directly to the MSM ports on the ECU. However, a Catalyst 3560 switch can also be used along with the ONS 15454 M6 node controller to extend the number of subtending shelves. • Choose Stand-Alone if MS-ISC-100T cards are not installed yet but will be included in the final layout. This option will allow a safe migration of the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card database when the multishelf configuration is complete. d. Click Apply. e. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to allow the node to reboot. The CTC view changes to network view and the node icon changes to gray. Wait for the reboot to finish. (This might take several minutes.) f. After the node reboots, double-click the node. The multishelf view appears. Note The shelf ID of the node controller is automatically assigned as 1. Step 3 If you want to add a node as a subtending shelf (either ONS 15454 or ONS 15454 M6) in the multishelf configuration, complete the following steps. If not, you have completed this procedure. a. In multishelf view, right-click the white space in the rack and choose Add Shelf from the shortcut menu. b. Select the type of subtending shelf (ONS 15454 or ONS 15454 M6). c. In the Shelf ID Selection dialog box, choose a shelf ID (from 2 to 30) from the drop-down list. d. Click OK. The shelf appears in multishelf view.4-12 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin e. Disconnect the cross-over (CAT-5) LAN cable from the RJ-45 LAN (TCP/IP) port of the ONS 15454 subtending shelf TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 11 or Slot 7, or from the MSM ports on the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf that correspond to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8. f. Connect your Windows PC or Solaris workstation network interface card (NIC) to the RJ-45 LAN (TCP/IP) port on the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 11 or Slot 7, or to the MSM ports on the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf that correspond to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8. g. Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the subtending shelf. h. Click the Provisioning > General > Multishelf Config tabs. i. Click Enable as Subtended Shelf. j. From the Shelf ID drop-down list, choose the shelf ID that you created in Step c. k. Click Apply. l. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to reboot the shelf. The CTC view changes to network view and the node icon changes to gray. Wait for the reboot to finish. (This might take several minutes.) m. Disconnect your Windows PC or Solaris workstation NIC from the RJ-45 LAN (TCP/IP) port of the ONS 15454 subtending shelf TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 11 or Slot 7, or from the MSM ports on the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf that correspond to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8. n. Reconnect the cross-over (CAT-5) LAN cable (disconnected in Step e) to the RJ-45 LAN (TCP/IP) port of the subtending shelf TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 11 or Slot 7, or to the MSM ports on the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf that correspond to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8. o. Repeat Steps a through n to set up additional subtending shelves. Note To connect the subtending shelves to the node controller, refer to the applicable procedures in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. Note Non-LAN connected Multishelf nodes are not manageable from CTC unless SOCKS Proxy is enabled on the node. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G23 Create Users and Assign Security Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you need to create users. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Purpose This procedure creates ONS 15454 users and assigns their security levels. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-13 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note You must log in as a Superuser to create additional users. The CISCO15 user provided with each ONS 15454 can be used to set up other ONS 15454 users. You can add up to 500 users to one ONS 15454. Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G54 Create a New User on a Single Node” task on page 4-13 or the “DLP-G55 Create a New User on Multiple Nodes” task on page 4-14 as needed. Note You must add the same user name and password to each node that a user will access. Step 3 If you want to modify the security policy settings, including password aging and idle user timeout policies, complete the “NTP-G88 Modify Users and Change Security” procedure on page 11-55. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G54 Create a New User on a Single Node Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Security > Users tabs. Step 2 In the Users window, click Create. Step 3 In the Create User dialog box, enter the following: • Name—Type the user name. The name must be a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. For Transaction Language One (TL1) compatibility, the user name must be 6 to 10 characters. • Password—Type the user password. The password length, by default, is set to a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 characters. You can configure the default values in node view using the Provisioning > NE Defaults > Node > security > passwordComplexity tabs. The minimum length can be set to eight, ten or twelve characters, and the maximum length to 80 characters. The password must be a combination of alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and special (+, #,%) characters, where at least two characters are not alphabetic and at least one character is a special character. For TL1 compatibility, the password must be six to ten characters. Note The password must not contain the user name. • Confirm Password—Type the password again to confirm it. Purpose This task creates a new user for one ONS 15454. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-14 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Security Level—Choose a security level for the user: RETRIEVE, MAINTENANCE, PROVISIONING, or SUPERUSER. Note Each security level has a different idle time. The idle time is the length of time that CTC can remain idle before the password must be reentered. The defaults are: Retrieve user = unlimited, Maintenance user = 60 minutes, Provisioning user = 30 minutes, and Superuser = 15 minutes. To change the idle times, see the “NTP-G88 Modify Users and Change Security” procedure on page 11-55. Step 4 Click OK. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G55 Create a New User on Multiple Nodes Note All nodes where you want to add users must be accessible in network view. Step 1 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Security > Users tabs. Step 3 In the Users window, click Create. Step 4 In the Create User dialog box, enter the following: • Name—Type the user name. The name must be a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. For TL1 compatibility, the user name must be 6 to 10 characters. • Password—Type the user password. The password length, by default, is set to a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 characters. You can configure the default values in node view through Provisioning > NE Defaults > Node > security > passwordComplexity. The minimum length can be set to eight, ten or twelve characters, and the maximum length to 80 characters. The password must be a combination of alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and special (+, #,%) characters, where at least two characters are not alphabetic and at least one character is a special character. For TL1 compatibility, the password must be six to ten characters. The password must not contain the user name. • Confirm Password—Type the password again to confirm it. • Security Level—Choose a security level for the user: RETRIEVE, MAINTENANCE, PROVISIONING, or SUPERUSER. Purpose This task adds a new user to multiple ONS 15454 nodes. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-15 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note Each security level has a different idle time. The idle time is the length of time that CTC can remain idle before it locks up and the password must be reentered. The defaults are: Retrieve user = unlimited, Maintenance user = 60 minutes, Provisioning user = 30 minutes, and Superuser = 15 minutes. To change the idle times, refer to the “NTP-G88 Modify Users and Change Security” procedure on page 11-55. Step 5 In the Select Applicable Nodes area, deselect any nodes where you do not want to add the user (all network nodes are selected by default). Step 6 Click OK. Step 7 In the User Creation Results dialog box, verify that the user was added to all the nodes chosen in Step 5. If not, click OK and repeat Steps 2 through 6. If the user was added to all nodes, click OK and continue with the next step. Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 for the node you will turn up. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > General > General tabs. Step 3 In the Node Name/TID field, type a name for the node. For TL1 compliance, names must begin with an alpha character and have no more than 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. Note To avoid errors when you import the Cisco TransportPlanner configuration file using the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 4-49, the CTC node name and the Cisco TransportPlanner site name should be the same (or at least easy to identify). Step 4 (Optional) In the Contact field, type the name of the node contact person and the phone number, up to 255 characters. Step 5 (Optional) In the Latitude field, enter the node latitude: N (north) or S (south), degrees, and minutes. Step 6 (Optional) In the Longitude field, enter the node longitude: E (east) or W (west), degrees, and minutes. Purpose This procedure provisions identification information for the node, including the node name, a contact name and phone number, the location of the node, and the date, time, and time zone. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-16 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note The latitude and longitude values only indicate the geographical position of the nodes in the actual network and not the CTC node position. Step 7 (Optional) In the Description field, type a description of the node. The description can be a maximum of 255 characters. Step 8 (Optional) Check the Use NTP/SNTP Server check box if you want CTC to use a Network Time Protocol (NTP) or Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server to set the date and time of the node. Using an NTP or SNTP server ensures that all ONS 15454 network nodes use the same date and time reference. The server synchronizes the node’s time after power outages or software upgrades. a. If you check the Use NTP/SNTP Server check box, complete the following fields: – Use NTP/SNTP Server—Type the IP address of the primary NTP/SNTP server connected to the ONS 15454 or of another ONS 15454/15600/15310-CL/15310-MA as GNE with NTP/SNTP enabled that is connected to the ONS 15454 ENE. – Backup NTP/SNTP Server—Type the IP address of the secondary NTP/SNTP server connected to the ONS 15454 or of another ONS 15454/15600/15310-CL/15310-MA as GNE with NTP/SNTP enabled that is connected to the ONS 15454 ENE. When the primary NTP/SNTP server fails or is not reachable, the node uses the secondary NTP/SNTP server to synchronize its date and time. If both the primary and secondary NTP/SNTP servers fail or are not reachable, an SNTP-FAIL alarm is raised. The node checks for the availability of the primary or secondary NTP/SNTP server at regular intervals until it can get the time from any one of the NTP/SNTP servers. After the node gets the time from any one server, it synchronizes its date and time with the server’s date and time and the SNTP-FAIL alarm is cleared. For each retry and resynchronization, the node checks the availability of the primary NTP/SNTP server first, followed by the secondary NTP/SNTP server. The node synchronizes its date and time every hour. Note You will not be able to identify which NTP/SNTP server is being used for synchronization. Note If you plan to check gateway network element (GNE) for the ONS 15454 SOCKS proxy server (see “DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings” task on page 4-19), external ONS 15454 nodes must reference the gateway ONS 15454 for NTP/SNTP timing. For more information about the ONS 15454 gateway settings, refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Caution If you reference another ONS 15454 for the NTP/SNTP server, make sure that the second ONS 15454 references an NTP/SNTP server and not the first ONS 15454 (that is, do not create an NTP/SNTP timing loop by having two ONS 15454 nodes reference each other). b. If you do not check Use SNTP/NTP Server, complete the Date and Time fields. The ONS 15454 will use these fields for alarm dates and times. By default, CTC displays all alarms in the CTC computer time zone for consistency. To change the display to the node time zone, complete the “DLP-G118 Display Alarms and Conditions Using Time Zone” task on page 10-11.4-17 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Date—Type the current date in the format m/d/yyyy, for example, September 24, 2002 is 9/24/2002. • Time—Type the current time in the format hh:mm:ss, for example, 11:24:58. The ONS 15454 uses a 24-hour clock, so 10:00 PM is entered as 22:00:00. Step 9 Click the Time Zone field and choose a city within your time zone from the drop-down list. The list displays the 80 World Time Zones from –11 through 0 (GMT) to +14. Continental United States time zones are GMT-05:00 (Eastern), GMT-06:00 (Central), GMT-07:00 (Mountain), and GMT-08:00 (Pacific). Step 10 Check the Use Daylight Savings Time check box if the time zone that you chose uses Daylight Savings Time. Note The Insert AIS-V on STS-1 SD-P and SD-P BER field are not used in DWDM networks. Step 11 Click Apply. Step 12 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes. Step 13 Review the node information. If you need to make corrections, repeat Steps 3 through 12 to enter the corrections. If the information is correct, continue with the “NTP-G25 Set Battery Power Monitor Thresholds” procedure on page 4-17. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G25 Set Battery Power Monitor Thresholds Caution The default battery power thresholds are normally not changed. Threshold changes should only be performed at the direction of your site administrator. Note When the thresholds are crossed, the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card generates warning alarms in CTC. For ONS 15454 power specifications, see the “Hardware Specifications” appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 for the node that you will set up. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Purpose This procedure provisions extreme high, low, and extreme low input battery power thresholds within a –48 VDC environment. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-18 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > General > Power Monitor tabs. Note In multishelf mode, power monitor thresholds must be provisioned separately for each shelf within the multishelf including the node controller and all subtending shelves. Step 3 To change the extreme low battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the ELWBATVGVdc drop-down list. Step 4 To change the low battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the LWBATVGVdc drop-down list. Step 5 To change the high battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the HIBATVGVdc drop-down list. Step 6 To change the extreme high battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the EHIBATVGVdc drop-down list. Step 7 Click Apply. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings” task on page 4-19 to provision the ONS 15454 IP address, subnet mask, default router, DHCP server, IIOP listener port, and SOCKS proxy server settings. Tip If you cannot log into the node, you can change its IP address, default router, and network mask by using the LCD on the ONS 15454 fan-tray assembly (unless LCD provisioning is suppressed). See the “DLP-G57 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD” task on page 4-24 for instructions. However, you cannot use the LCD to provision any other network settings. In an ONS 15454 M2 shelf assembly, the LCD is on the fan-tray assembly. In an ONS 15454 M6 shelf assembly, the LCD is a separate unit installed above the external connection unit (ECU). Purpose This procedure provisions network access for a node, including its subnet mask, default router, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) listener port, gateway settings, static routes, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol, Routing Information Protocol (RIP), and designated SOCKS servers. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-19 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note When accessing CTC from a machine running Windows XP operating system, CTC may sometimes fail to reconnect to a GNE when the GNE proxies for several ENE nodes (approximately 15 ENE nodes). This can happen when there is a side switch or when the LAN is enabled/disabled. This is due to the Windows XP operating system limiting the number of simultaneous TCP/IP connection attempts. As a workaround, close the existing CTC session and relaunch CTC on the GNE node. You can configure a designated socks server list on the CTC to mitigate the problem. Step 3 If TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards are installed and you want to turn on the ONS 15454 secure mode, which allows two IP addresses to be provisioned for the node, complete the “DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode” task on page 4-26. Secure mode is not available if TCC2 cards are installed. Step 4 If static routes are needed, complete the “DLP-G58 Create a Static Route” task on page 4-28. For more information about static routes, refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Step 5 If the ONS 15454 is connected to a LAN or WAN that uses OSPF and you want to share routing information between the LAN or WAN and the ONS network, complete the “DLP-G59 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol” task on page 4-29. Step 6 If the ONS 15454 is connected to a LAN or WAN that uses RIP, complete the “DLP-G60 Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol” task on page 4-32. Step 7 Complete the “DLP-G439 Provision the Designated SOCKS Servers” task on page 4-23 after the network is provisioned and one or more of the following conditions exist: • SOCKS proxy is enabled. • The ratio of ENEs to GNEs is greater than eight to one. • Most ENEs do not have LAN connectivity. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings Caution All network changes should be approved by your network (or LAN) administrator. Caution Verify that the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses assigned to the node are unique in the network. Duplicate IP addresses in the same network cause loss of visibility. Purpose This task provisions IP settings, which includes the IP address, IP address version, default router, DHCP access, firewall access, and SOCKS proxy server settings for an ONS 15454 node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-20 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network > General tabs. Step 2 Complete the following information in the fields listed: • IP Address—Type the IP address assigned to the ONS 15454 node. Note If TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards are installed, dual IP addressing is available using the secure mode. When secure mode is off (sometimes called repeater mode), the IP address entered in the IP Address field applies to the backplane LAN port (ONS 15454), EMS RJ-45 port or Craft port on the ECU (ONS 15454 M6), EMS RJ-45 port on the power module (ONS 15454 M2), and the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC TCP/IP (LAN) port. When secure mode is on, the IP Address field shows the address assigned to the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC TCP/IP (LAN) port and the Superuser can enable or disable display of the backplane IP address. See the “DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode” task on page 4-26 as needed. Refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for more information about secure mode. • Net/Subnet Mask Length—Type the subnet mask length (decimal number representing the subnet mask length in bits) or click the arrows to adjust the subnet mask length. The subnet mask length is the same for all ONS 15454 nodes in the same subnet. • MAC Address—(Display only) Displays the ONS 15454 IEEE 802 MAC address. Note In secure mode, the front and back TCP/IP (LAN) ports are assigned different MAC addresses, and the backplane information can be hidden or revealed by a Superuser. • Default Router—If the ONS 15454 is connected to a LAN, enter the IP address of the default router. The default router forwards packets to network devices that the ONS 15454 cannot directly access. This field is ignored if any of the following are true: – The ONS 15454 is not connected to a LAN. – The SOCKS proxy server is enabled and the ONS 15454 is provisioned as an end network element (ENE). – OSPF is enabled on both the ONS 15454 and the LAN where the ONS 15454 is connected. (OSPF is provisioned in the “DLP-G59 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol” task on page 4-29.) • LCD IP Setting—Choose one of the following: – Allow Configuration—Displays the node IP address on the LCD and allows users to change the IP settings using the LCD. This option enables the “DLP-G57 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD” task on page 4-24. – Display Only—Displays the node IP address on the LCD but does not allow users to change the IP settings using the LCD. – Suppress Display—Suppresses the node IP address display on the LCD. • Suppress CTC IP Display—Check this check box if you want to prevent the node IP address from appearing in CTC to users with Provisioning, Maintenance, or Retrieve security levels. (The IP address suppression is not applied to users with Superuser security level.)4-21 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note IP address suppression is not applied to users with Superuser security level. However, in secure mode the backplane IP address visibility can be restricted to only a locally connected Superuser viewing the routing table. In this case, the backplane IP address is not revealed to any user at any other NE, either on the routing table or in autonomous messages (such as the TL1 REPT DBCHG message, alarms, and performance monitoring [PM] reporting). • IPv6 Configuration—Allows provisioning of IPv6 addresses. After you provision an IPv6 address, you can access the device using the IPv6 address. Configure these settings only if you want to enable IPv6 on the node. IPv6 cannot be configured using the LCD push buttons. – Enable IPv6—Select this check box to assign an IPv6 address to the node. The IPv6 Address, Prefix Length, and IPv6 Default Router fields are enabled only if this check box is selected. The check box is disabled by default. Note Enable SOCKS Proxy on Port check box is enabled when you enable IPv6 and can be disabled only when IPv6 is disabled. Note By default, when IPv6 is enabled, the node processes both IPv4 and IPv6 packets on the LAN interface. If you want the node to process only IPv6 packets, you need to disable IPv4 on the node. For more information, see DLP-G317 Change Node Access and PM Clearing Privilege, page 11-58 – IPv6 Address—Enter the IPv6 address that you want to assign to the node. This IP address is the global unicast IPv6 address. This field is disabled if the Enable IPv6 check box is not selected. – Prefix Length—Enter the prefix length of the IPv6 address. This field is disabled if the Enable IPv6 check box is not selected. – IPv6 Default Router—Enter the IPv6 address of the default router of the IPv6 NE. This is optional. This field is disabled if the Enable IPv6 check box is not selected. Note The ONS 15454 DWDM uses NAT-PT internally to support native IPv6. NAT-PT uses the IPv4 address range to for packet translation. Do not use this address range when you enable IPv6 feature. Note You can provision IPv6 in secure or nonsecure mode. To enable secure mode, see “DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode” task on page 4-26. • Forward DHCP Request To—Check this check box to enable DHCP. Also, enter the DHCP server IP address in the Request To field. Unchecked is the default. If you will enable any of the gateway settings to implement the ONS 15454 SOCKS proxy server features, do not check this check box. Note If you enable DHCP, computers connected to an ONS 15454 node can obtain temporary IP addresses from an external DHCP server. The ONS 15454 only forwards DHCP requests; it does not act as a DHCP server.4-22 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Gateway Settings—Provisions the ONS 15454 SOCKS proxy server features. (SOCKS is a standard proxy protocol for IP-based applications.) Do not change these options until you review Scenario 7 “Provisioning the ONS 15454 Proxy Server” in the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. In SOCKS proxy server networks, the ONS 15454 is either an ENE, a GNE, or a proxy-only server. Provisioning must be consistent for each NE type. • Enable SOCKS proxy server on port—If checked, the ONS 15454 serves as a proxy for connections between CTC clients and ONS 15454 nodes that are connected by data communications channels (DCCs) to the proxy ONS 15454. The CTC client establishes connections to DCC-connected nodes through the proxy node. The CTC client does not require IP connectivity to the DCC-connected nodes; it only requires IP connectivity to the proxy ONS 15454. If the Enable SOCKS proxy server on port check box is unchecked, the node does not proxy for any CTC clients. When this box is checked, you can provision one of the following options: – External Network Element (ENE)—Choose this option when the ONS 15454 is not connected to a LAN but has DCC connections to other ONS nodes. A CTC computer connected to the ENE through the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card TCP/IP (craft) port can manage nodes that have DCC connections to the ENE. However, the CTC computer does not have direct IP connectivity to these nodes or to any LAN or WAN that those nodes might be connected to. – Gateway Network Element (GNE)—Choose this option when the ONS 15454 is connected to a LAN and has DCC connections to other nodes. A CTC computer connected to the LAN can manage all nodes that have DCC connections to the GNE, but the CTC computer does not have direct IP connectivity to them. The GNE option isolates the LAN from the DCC network so that IP traffic originating from the DCC-connected nodes and any CTC computers connected to them is prevented from reaching the LAN. – SOCKS proxy only—Choose this option when the ONS 15454 is connected to a LAN and the LAN is separated from the node by a firewall. The SOCKS proxy only option is the same as the GNE option, except that the SOCKS proxy only option does not isolate the DCC network from the LAN. Note If a node is provisioned in secure mode, it is automatically provisioned as a GNE with SOCKS proxy enabled. However, this provisioning can be overridden, and the secure node can be changed to an ENE. In secure mode, SOCKS cannot be disabled. For information about provisioning, including GNE and ENE status, see the “DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode” task on page 4-26. Step 3 Click Apply. Step 4 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. The TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards reboot one at a time if changes were made to the IP address, subnet mask, or gateway settings. During this time (approximately 5 to 6 minutes), the active and standby TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card LEDs will blink, turn on, and turn off at different intervals. Eventually, a “Lost node connection, switching to network view” message appears. Step 5 Click OK. The network view appears. The node icon appears in gray, during which time you cannot access the node. Step 6 Double-click the node icon when it becomes green. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 4-23 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G439 Provision the Designated SOCKS Servers Note To complete this task, you must have either the IP addresses or DNS names of all ONS 15454s in the network with LAN access that have SOCKS proxy enabled. Note SOCKS proxy servers can be any accessible ONS network nodes that have LAN access, including the ONS 15310-MA, ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15454, ONS 15454 SDH, ONS 15600, and ONS 15600 SDH nodes. Note You must repeat this task any time that changes to SOCKS proxy server nodes occur, for example, whenever LAN connectivity is added to or removed from a node, or when nodes are added or removed from the network. Note If you cannot log into a network node, complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 choosing the Disable Network Discovery option. Complete this task, then login again with network discovery enabled. Step 1 From the CTC Edit menu, choose Preferences. Step 2 In the Preferences dialog box, click the SOCKS tab. Step 3 In the Designated SOCKS Server field, type the IP address or DNS node name of the first ONS 15454 SOCKS server. The ONS 15454 that you enter must have SOCKS proxy server enabled, and it must have LAN access. Step 4 Click Add. The node is added to the SOCKS server list. If you need to remove a node on the list, click Remove. Step 5 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to add all qualified ONS 15454s within the network. Add all ONS nodes that have SOCKS proxy enabled and are connected to the LAN. Purpose This task identifies the ONS 15454 SOCKS servers in SOCKS-proxy-enabled networks. Identifying the SOCKS servers reduces the amount of time required to log into a node and have all NEs appear in network view (NE discovery time). The task is recommended when the combined CTC login and NE discovery time is greater than five minutes in networks with SOCKS proxy enabled. Long (or failed) login and NE discovery times can occur in networks that have a high ENE-to-GNE ratio and a low number of ENEs with LAN connectivity. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-24 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 6 Click Check All Servers. CTC verifies that all nodes can perform as SOCKS servers. Once verified, a check is placed next to the node IP address or node name in the SOCKS server list. An X placed next to the node indicates one or more of the following: • The entry does not correspond to a valid DNS name. • The numeric IP address is invalid. • The node cannot be reached. • The node can be reached, but the SOCKS port cannot be accessed, for example, a firewall problem might exist. Step 7 Click Apply. The list of ONS 15454 nodes, including ones that received an X in Step 6, are added as SOCKS servers. Step 8 Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G57 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD Note You cannot perform this task if the LCD IP Display field on the node view Provisioning > Network tab is set to Display Only or Suppress Display. See the “DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings” task on page 4-19 to view or change the LCD IP Display field. If the node is locked in secure mode with the LCD display disabled, you will not be able to change this provisioning unless the lock is disabled by Cisco Technical Support. Refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for more information about secure mode. Note The LCD reverts to normal display mode after 5 seconds of button inactivity. Step 1 On the ONS 15454 front panel, repeatedly press the Slot button until SHELF appears on the first line of the LCD. You are in the Shelf menu. Purpose This task changes the ONS 15454 IP address, default router, and network mask using the LCD on the fan-tray assembly. Use this task if you cannot log into CTC. In an ONS 15454 M2 shelf assembly, the LCD is on the fan-tray assembly. In an ONS 15454 M6 shelf assembly, the LCD is a separate unit installed above the external connection unit (ECU). Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-25 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note In an ONS 15454 M2 shelf assembly, the LCD panel and the Slot, Port, and Status buttons are present on the fan-tray assembly. In an ONS 15454 M6 shelf assembly, the LCD is a separate unit installed above the external connection unit (ECU); the Slot, Port, and Status buttons are present on the LCD unit. Step 2 Repeatedly press the Port button until the following information appears: • To change the node IP address, Node Status=IpAddress (Figure 4-4) • To change the node network mask, Node Status=Net Mask • To change the default router IP address, Node Status=Default Rtr Figure 4-4 Selecting the IP Address Option—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly Step 3 Press the Status button to display the node IP address (Figure 4-5), the node subnet mask length, or the default router IP address. Figure 4-5 Changing the IP Address—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly Step 4 Push the Slot button to move to the digit of the IP address, subnet mask, or default router that you want to change. The selected digit flashes. Tip The Slot, Status, and Port button positions correspond to the positions of the commands shown on the LCD. For example, in Figure 4-5, you press the Slot button to invoke the Next command and the Status button to invoke the Done command. Step 5 Press the Port button to cycle the IP address, subnet mask, or default router to the correct digit. Step 6 When the change is complete, press the Status button to return to the relevant Node Status menu. Step 7 Repeatedly press the Port button until the Shelf Save Configuration option appears (Figure 4-6). FAN FAIL Slot Node Status=IpAddress 151562 CRIT MAJ MIN Status Port FAN FAIL Slot 44090 CRIT MAJ MIN Status Port4-26 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-6 Selecting the Save Configuration Option—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly Step 8 Press the Status button to choose the Save Configuration option. A Save and REBOOT message appears (Figure 4-7). Figure 4-7 Saving and Rebooting the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3—ONS 15454 Shelf Assembly Step 9 Press the Slot button to apply the new IP address, subnet mask, or default router configuration or press Port to cancel the configuration. Note The IP address and default router must be on the same subnet. If not, you cannot apply the configuration. Step 10 Saving the new configuration causes the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards to reboot. During the reboot, a “TCC may Reset” message appears on the LCD. The LCD returns to the normal alternating display after both TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards finish rebooting. Step 11 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode FAN FAIL Slot Shelf Status=Save Cfg. 151563 CRIT MAJ MIN Status Port FAN FAIL Slot Save and REBOOT? 44092 CRIT MAJ MIN Status Port Purpose This task enables the security mode. When security mode is enabled, two IP addresses are assigned to the node. One address is assigned to the backplane LAN port (ONS 15454) or to the EMS port (ONS 15454 M2 and M6). The other address is assigned to the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC RJ-45 TCP/IP (LAN) port. The TCC2 card does not support security mode. Tools/Equipment TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards must be installed. Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G103 Back Up the Database, page 14-2 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-27 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note This task requires TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards. The security mode options described in this task will not appear in CTC if TCC2 cards are installed. Caution The IP address assigned to the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC TCP/IP (LAN) port must reside on a different subnet from the backplane LAN port (ONS 15454) and the EMS port (ONS 15454 M2 and M6). Verify that the new TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC IP address meets this requirement. Note The node will reboot after you complete this task, causing a temporary disconnection between the CTC computer and the node. Note If an OTS-to-OTS PPC is created between nodes, it will no longer function if the node Security Mode is enabled (see DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode, page 4-26). The reason for this is that if the Secure mode is enabled, it is no longer possible for the DCN extension feature to use the LAN interface to extend the internal network (due to the network isolation in this configuration mode). The result is that the topology discovery on the OTS-to-OTS PPC no longer operates. Step 1 Click the Provisioning > Security > Data Comm tabs. Step 2 Click Change Mode. Step 3 Review the information on the Change Secure Mode page, then click Next. Step 4 On the TCC Ethernet Port page, enter the IP address and subnet mask for the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC TCP/IP (LAN) port. The IP address cannot reside on the same subnet as the backplane LAN port (ONS 15454) and the EMS port (ONS 15454 M2 and M6). Step 5 Click Next. Step 6 If needed, on the Backplane Ethernet Port page, modify the backplane IP address, subnet mask, and default router. (You normally do not modify these fields if no network changes have occurred.) Step 7 Click Next. Step 8 On the SOCKS Proxy Server Settings page, choose one of the following options: • External Network Element (ENE)—If selected, the CTC computer is only visible to the ONS 15454 where the CTC computer is connected. The CTC computer is not visible to the nodes connected to the DCC. In addition, firewall is enabled, which means that the node prevents IP traffic from being routed between the DCC and the LAN port. • Gateway Network Element (GNE)—If selected, the CTC computer is visible to other DCC-connected nodes. The node prevents IP traffic from being routed between the DCC and the LAN port. Note The SOCKS proxy server is automatically enabled when you enable secure mode. Step 9 Click Finish.4-28 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Within the next 30 to 40 seconds, the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards reboot. CTC switches to network view, and the CTC Alerts dialog box appears. In network view, the node changes to gray and a DISCONNECTED condition appears in the Alarms tab. Step 10 In the CTC Alerts dialog box, click Close. Wait for the reboot to finish. (This might take several minutes.) Step 11 After the DISCONNECTED condition clears, complete the following steps to suppress the backplane IP address from appearing in CTC and the LCD. If you do not want to suppress the backplane IP address display, continue with Step 12. a. Display the node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). b. Click the Provisioning > Security > Data Comm tabs. c. In the LCD IP Setting field, choose Suppress Display. The IP address will not appear on the ONS 15454 LCD. d. Check the Suppress CTC IP Address check box. The IP address will not appear in the CTC information area or the Provisioning > Security > Data Comm tabs. e. Click Apply. Note After you turn on secure mode, the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC IP address becomes the node IP address. Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G58 Create a Static Route Purpose This task creates a static route to establish CTC connectivity to a computer on another network. This task is performed when one of the following conditions exists: • CTC computers on one subnet need to connect to ONS 15454 nodes that are connected by a router to ONS 15454 nodes residing on another subnet. • OSPF is not enabled (the OSPF Active on LAN check box is not checked on the Provisioning > Network > OSPF tab) and the External Network Element (ENE) gateway setting is not checked. • You need to enable multiple CTC sessions among ONS 15454 nodes residing on the same subnet and the External Network Element (ENE) gateway setting is not checked. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-29 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network tabs. Step 2 Click the Static Routing tab. Click Create. Step 3 In the Create Static Route dialog box, enter the following: • Destination—Enter the IP address of the computer running CTC. To limit access to one computer, enter the full IP address and a subnet mask of To allow access to all computers on the subnet, enter and a subnet mask of You can enter a destination of to allow access to all CTC computers that connect to the router. • Mask—Enter a subnet mask. If the destination is a host route (that is, one CTC computer), enter a 32-bit subnet mask ( If the destination is a subnet, adjust the subnet mask accordingly, for example, If the destination is, CTC automatically enters a subnet mask of to provide access to all CTC computers. You cannot change this value. • Next Hop—Enter the IP address of the router port or the node IP address if the CTC computer is connected to the node directly. • Cost—Enter the number of hops between the ONS 15454 and the computer. Step 4 Click OK. Verify that the static route appears in the Static Route window. Note Static route networking examples are provided in the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G59 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network > OSPF tabs. Step 2 On the top left side of the OSPF area, complete the following: • DCC/GCC OSPF Area ID Table—In dotted decimal format, enter the number that identifies the ONS 15454 nodes as a unique OSPF area ID. The Area ID can be any number between and, but must be unique to the LAN OSPF area. Purpose This task enables the OSPF routing protocol on the ONS 15454. Perform this task if you want to include the ONS 15454 in OSPF-enabled networks. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 You will need the OSPF Area ID, Hello and Dead intervals, and authentication key (if OSPF authentication is enabled) provisioned on the router to which the ONS 15454 is connected. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-30 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin ANSI Nodes • SDCC Metric—This value is normally unchanged. It sets a cost for sending packets across the Section DCC, which is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. This value should always be higher than the LAN metric. The default SDCC metric is 100. • LDCC Metric—Sets a cost for sending packets across the Line DCC. This value should always be lower than the SDCC metric. The default LDCC metric is 33. It is usually not changed. ETSI Nodes • RS-DCC Metric—This value is normally unchanged. It sets a cost for sending packets across the regenerator section DCC (RS-DCC), which is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. This value should always be higher than the LAN metric. The default RS-DCC metric is 100. • MS-DCC Metric—Sets a cost for sending packets across the multiplex section DCC (MS-DCC). This value should always be lower than the SDCC metric. The default MS-DCC metric is 33. It is usually not changed. Step 3 In the OSPF on LAN area, complete the following: • OSPF active on LAN—When checked, enables the ONS 15454 OSPF topology to be advertised to OSPF routers on the LAN. Enable this field on ONS 15454 nodes that directly connect to OSPF routers. • LAN Port Area ID—Enter the OSPF area ID (dotted decimal format) for the router port where the ONS 15454 is connected. (This number is different from the DCC/GCC OSPF Area ID.) Step 4 By default, OSPF is set to No Authentication. If the OSPF router requires authentication, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 5. a. Click the No Authentication button. b. In the Edit Authentication Key dialog box, complete the following: • Type—Choose Simple Password. • Enter Authentication Key—Enter the password. • Confirm Authentication Key—Enter the same password to confirm it. c. Click OK. The authentication button label changes to Simple Password. Step 5 Provision the OSPF priority and interval settings. The OSPF priority and interval defaults are the defaults most commonly used by OSPF routers. Verify that these defaults match the ones used by the OSPF router where the ONS 15454 is connected. • Router Priority—Provision the router priority, which determines the designated router for a subnet. • Hello Interval (sec)—Provision the number of seconds between OSPF hello packet advertisements sent by OSPF routers. Ten seconds is the default. • Dead Interval—Provision the number of seconds that will pass while an OSPF router’s packets are not visible before its neighbors declare the router down. Forty seconds is the default. • Transit Delay (sec)—Provision the service speed. One second is the default. • Retransmit Interval (sec)—Provision the number of seconds that will elapse before a packet is resent. Five seconds is the default. • LAN Metric—Provision the cost for sending packets across the LAN. This value should always be lower than the SDCC or RS-DCC metric. Ten is the default. Step 6 Under OSPF Area Range Table, create an area range table if one is needed:4-31 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note Area range tables consolidate the information that is outside an OSPF area border. One ONS 15454 in the ONS 15454 OSPF area is connected to the OSPF router. An area range table on this node points the router to the other nodes that reside within the ONS 15454 OSPF area. a. Click Create. b. In the Create Area Range dialog box, enter the following: • Range Address—Enter the area IP address for the ONS 15454 nodes that reside within the OSPF area. For example, if the ONS 15454 OSPF area includes nodes with IP addresses,,, and, the range address would be • Range Area ID—Enter the OSPF area ID for the ONS 15454 nodes. This is either the ID in the DCC OSPF Area ID field or the ID in the Area ID for LAN Port field. • Mask Length—Enter the subnet mask length. In the Range Address example, this is 16. • Advertise—Check this box if you want to advertise the OSPF range table. c. Click OK. Step 7 All OSPF areas must be connected to Area 0. If the ONS 15454 OSPF area is not physically connected to Area 0, use the following steps to create a virtual link table that will provide the disconnected area with a logical path to Area 0: a. Under the OSPF Virtual Link Table, click Create. b. In the Create Virtual Link dialog box, complete the following fields. OSPF settings must match OSPF settings for the ONS 15454 OSPF area: • Neighbor—Enter the router ID of the Area 0 router. • Transit Delay (sec)—Enter the service speed. One second is the default. • Hello Int (sec)—Provision the number of seconds between OSPF hello packet advertisements sent by OSPF routers. Ten seconds is the default. • Auth Type—If the router where the ONS 15454 is connected uses authentication, choose Simple Password. Otherwise, choose No Authentication. • Retransmit Int (sec)—Provision the time that will elapse, in seconds, before a packet is resent. Five seconds is the default. • Dead Int (sec)—Provision the number of seconds that will pass while an OSPF router’s packets are not visible before its neighbors declare the router down. Forty seconds is the default. c. Click OK. Step 8 After entering the ONS 15454 OSPF area data, click Apply. If you changed the Area ID, the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards reset, one at a time. The reset takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).4-32 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G60 Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network > RIP tabs. Step 2 Check the RIP Active check box if you are activating RIP. Step 3 Choose either RIP Version 1 or RIP Version 2 from the drop-down list, depending on which version is supported in your network. Step 4 Set the RIP metric. The RIP metric can be set to a number between 1 and 15 and represents the number of hops. Step 5 By default, RIP is set to No Authentication. If the router that the ONS 15454 is connected to requires authentication, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 6. a. Click the No Authentication button. b. In the Edit Authentication Key dialog box, complete the following: • Type—Choose Simple Password. • Enter Authentication Key—Enter the password. • Confirm Authentication Key—Enter the same password to confirm it. c. Click OK. The authentication button label changes to Simple Password. Step 6 If you want to complete an address summary, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 7. Complete the address summary only if the ONS 15454 is a gateway NE with multiple external ONS 15454 NEs attached with IP addresses in different subnets. a. In the RIP Address Summary area, click Create. b. In the Create Address Summary dialog box, complete the following: • Summary Address—Enter the summary IP address. • Mask Length—Enter the subnet mask length using the up and down arrows. • Hops—Enter the number of hops. The smaller the number of hops, the higher the priority. c. Click OK. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task enables RIP on the ONS 15454. Perform this task if you want to include the ONS 15454 in RIP-enabled networks. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 You need to create a static route to the router adjacent to the ONS 15454 for the ONS 15454 to communicate its routing information to non-DCC-connected nodes. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-33 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G194 Set Up EMS Secure Access to the ONS 15454 Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > Security > Access pane. Step 2 Under the EMS Access area, change the Access State to Secure. Step 3 Click Apply. The CTC disconnects and reconnects through a secure socket connection. Step 4 To create a secure connection, enter https://node-address. Note After setting up a CTC connection in secure mode, http requests are automatically redirected to https mode. Step 5 A first time connection is authenticated by the Website Certification is Not Known dialog box. Accept the certificate and click OK. The Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch dialog box appears. Click OK to continue. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G27 Set Up the ONS15454 for Firewall Access Step 1 Log into a node that is behind the firewall. See the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 for instructions. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 If the ONS 15454 node is in a protected network and the CTC computer is in an external network, complete the “DLP-G61 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15454” task on page 4-35. Figure 4-8 shows ONS 15454 nodes in a protected network and the CTC computer in an external network. For the computer to access the ONS 15454 nodes, you must provision the IIOP listener port specified by your firewall administrator on the ONS 15454. Purpose This procedure provisions ONS 15454s and CTC computers for secure access. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access, page 4-18 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser Purpose This procedure provisions ONS 15454 nodes and CTC computers for access through firewalls. Tools/Equipment IIOP listener port number provided by your LAN or firewall administrator Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-34 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-8 Nodes Behind a Firewall Step 3 If the CTC computer resides behind a firewall, complete the “DLP-G62 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer” task on page 4-36. Figure 4-9 shows a CTC computer and ONS 15454 behind firewalls. For the computer to access the ONS 15454, you must provision the IIOP port on the CTC computer and on the ONS 15454. Figure 4-9 CTC Computer and ONS 15454 Nodes Residing Behind Firewalls Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G28 Create FTP Host 55351 CTC computer External network Protected network ONS 15454 Unprotected network Private network IIOP port IIOP port Firewall Port filtering ONS 15454 55350 CTC computer Firewall Port filtering Protected network External network Protected network ONS 15454 Private network Unprotected network Private network IIOP port IIOP port IIOP port Firewall Port filtering ONS 15454 Purpose This procedure provisions an FTP Host that you can use to perform database backup and restore or software download to an End Network Element (ENE) when proxy or firewall is enabled. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access, page 4-18 NTP-G27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access, page 4-33 Required/As Needed As needed4-35 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 If you want to turn on the ONS 15454 secure mode, which allows two IPv4 addresses to be provisioned for the node if TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards are installed, complete the “DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode” task on page 4-26. Refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Reference Manual for information about secure mode. Step 3 In Node view, click the Provisioning > Network > FTP Hosts tabs. Step 4 Click Create. Step 5 Enter a valid IP address in the FTP Host Address field. A maximum of 12 host can be entered. Note In ONS 15454 Software Release 9.1 and later, you can configure an IPv6 address for an FTP server, in addition to an IPv4 address. Step 6 The Mask is automatically set according to the Net/Subnet Mask length specified in “DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings” section on page 4-19. To change the Mask, click the Up/Down arrows on the Length menu. Step 7 Check the FTP Relay Enable radio button to allow FTP commands at the GNE relay. If you will enable the relay at a later time, go to Step 9. Certain TL1 commands executed on an ENE require FTP access into the Data Communication Network (DCN), the FTP relay on the GNE provides this access. The FTP hosts that you have configured in CTC can be used with the TL1 COPY-RFILE (for database backup and restore or software download) or COPY-IOSCFG (for Cisco IOS Configuration File backup and restore) commands. Step 8 Enter the time, in minutes, that FTP Relay will be enabled. A valid entry is a number between 0 and 60. The number 0 disallows FTP command relay. After the specified time has elapsed the FTP Relay Enable flag is unset and FTP command relay is disallowed. Step 9 Click OK. Step 10 Repeat Step 4 through Step 9 to provision additional FTP Hosts. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G61 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS15454 Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser Purpose This task sets the IIOP listener port on the ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 which enables you to access nodes that reside behind a firewall. Tools/Equipment IIOP listener port number provided by your LAN or firewall administrator Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-36 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note If the Enable SOCKS proxy on port 1080 check box is checked, CTC will use Port 1080 and ignore the configured IIOP port setting. If the check box is later unchecked, the configured IIOP listener port will be used. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Security > Access tabs. Step 2 In the TCC CORBA (IIOP) Listener Port area, choose a listener port option: • Default - TCC Fixed—Uses Port 57790 to connect to ONS 15454 nodes on the same side of the firewall or if no firewall is used (default). This option can be used for access through a firewall if Port 57790 is available. • Standard Constant—Uses Port 683, the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) default port number. • Other Constant—If Port 683 is not used, type the IIOP port specified by your firewall administrator. Step 3 Click Apply. Step 4 When the Change Network Configuration message appears, click Yes. The TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards reboot, one at a time. The reboot takes approximately 15 minutes. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G62 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer Step 1 From the Edit menu, choose Preferences. Step 2 In the Preferences dialog box, click the Firewall tab. Step 3 In the CTC CORBA (IIOP) Listener Port area, choose a listener port option: • Default - Variable—Use to connect to ONS 15454 nodes from within a firewall or if no firewall is used (default). • Standard Constant—Use Port 683, the CORBA default port number. • Other Constant—If Port 683 is not used, enter the IIOP port defined by your administrator. Step 4 Click Apply. A warning appears telling you that the port change will apply during the next CTC login. Purpose This task selects the IIOP listener port for CTC and must be completed if the computer running CTC resides behind a firewall. Tools/Equipment IIOP listener port number from LAN or firewall administrator Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-37 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 5 Click OK. Step 6 In the Preferences dialog box, click OK. Step 7 To access the ONS 15454 using the IIOP port, log out of CTC then log back in. (To log out, choose Exit from the File menu). Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G132 Provision OSI Caution This procedure requires an understanding of OSI protocols, parameters, and functions. Before you begin, review the OSI reference sections in the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual and ensure that you know the role of the ONS 15454 within the OSI and IP network. Note This procedure requires provisioning of non-ONS equipment including routers and third party NEs. Do not begin until you have the capability to complete that provisioning. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to provision the OSI. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 As needed, complete the following tasks: • DLP-G283 Provision OSI Routing Mode, page 4-38—Complete this task first. • DLP-G284 Provision the TARP Operating Parameters, page 4-39—Complete this task second. • DLP-G285 Add a Static TID-to-NSAP Entry to the TARP Data Cache, page 4-41—Complete this task as needed. • DLP-G287 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry, page 4-42—Complete this task as needed. • DLP-G288 Provision OSI Routers, page 4-43—Complete this task as needed. • DLP-G289 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses, page 4-44—Complete this task as needed. • DLP-G290 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN Interface, page 4-44—Complete this task as needed. Purpose This procedure provisions the ONS 15454 so it can be installed in networks with other vendor NEs that use the OSI protocol stack for data communications network (DCN) communications. This procedure provisions the Target Identifier Address Resolution Protocol (TARP), OSI routers, manual area addresses, subnetwork points of attachment, and IP-over-Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) tunnels. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures “NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-38 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • DLP-G291 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel, page 4-45—Complete this task as needed. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G283 Provision OSI Routing Mode Caution Do not complete this task until you confirm the role of the node within the network. It will be either an End System, Intermediate System Level 1, or IS Level 1/Level 2. This decision must be carefully considered. For additional information about OSI provisioning, refer to the “Management Network Connectivity” chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Caution Link State Protocol (LSP) buffers must be the same at all NEs within the network, or loss of visibility might occur. Do not modify the LSP buffers unless you confirm that all NEs within the OSI have the same buffer size. Caution LSP buffer sizes cannot be greater than the LAP-D maximum transmission unit (MTU) size within the OSI area. Note For ONS 15454 nodes, three virtual routers can be provisioned. The node primary Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address is also the Router 1 primary manual area address. To edit the primary NSAP, you must edit the Router 1 primary manual area address. After you enable Router 1 on the Routers subtab, the Change Primary Area Address button is available to edit the address. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI tabs. Step 2 Choose a routing mode: • End System—The ONS 15454 performs OSI end system (ES) functions and relies upon an intermediate system (IS) for communication with nodes that reside within its OSI area. Purpose This task provisions the OSI routing mode. Complete this task when the ONS 15454 is connected to networks with third party NEs that use the OSI protocol stack for DCN communication. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures “NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-39 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note The End System routing mode is not available if more than one virtual router is enabled. • Intermediate System Level 1—The ONS 15454 performs OSI IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It depends upon an IS L1/L2 node to communicate with IS and ES nodes that reside outside its OSI area. • Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2—The ONS 15454 performs IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It also communicates with IS L1/L2 nodes that reside in other OSI areas. Before choosing this option, verify the following: – The node is connected to another IS Level 1/Level 2 node that resides in a different OSI area. – The node is connected to all nodes within its area that are provisioned as IS L1/L2. Step 3 If needed, change the LSP data buffers: • L1 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 1 link state protocol data unit (PDU) buffer size. The default is 512. It should not be changed. • L2 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 2 link state PDU buffer size. The default is 512. It should not be changed. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G284 Provision the TARP Operating Parameters Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > Config tabs. Step 2 Provision the following parameters, as needed: • TARP PDUs L1 Propagation—If checked (default), TARP Type 1 PDUs that are received by the node and are not excluded by the LDB are propagated to other NEs within the Level 1 OSI area. (Type 1 PDUs request a protocol address that matches a target identifier [TID] within a Level 1 routing area.) The propagation does not occur if the NE is the target of the Type 1 PDU, and PDUs are not propagated to the NE from which the PDU was received. Note The TARP PDUs L1 Propagation parameter is not used when the Node Routing Area (on the Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup tab) is set to End System. Purpose This task provisions the TARP operating parameters including TARP PDU propagation, timers, and loop detection buffer (LDB). Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-40 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • TARP PDUs L2 Propagation—If checked (default), TARP Type 2 PDUs that are received by the node and are not excluded by the LDB are propagated to other NEs within the Level 2 OSI areas. (Type 2 PDUs request a protocol address that matches a TID within a Level 2 routing area.) The propagation occurs if the NE is not the target of the Type 2 PDU, and PDUs are not propagated to the NE from which the PDU was received. Note The TARP PDUs L2 Propagation parameter is only used when the Node Routing Area is provisioned to Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2. • TARP PDUs Origination—If checked (default), the node performs all TARP origination functions including: – TID-to-NSAP resolution requests (originate TARP Type 1 and Type 2 PDUs) – NSAP-to-TID requests (originate Type 5 PDUs) – TARP address changes (originate Type 4 PDUs) Note TARP Echo and NSAP to TID are not supported. • TARP Data Cache—If checked (default), the node maintains a TARP data cache (TDC). The TDC is a database of TID-to-NSAP pairs created from TARP Type 3 PDUs received by the node and modified by TARP Type 4 PDUs (TID-to-NSAP updates or corrections). TARP 3 PDUs are responses to Type 1 and Type 2 PDUs. The TDC can also be populated with static entries entered on the TARP > Static TDC tab. Note TARP Data Cache is only used when the TARP PDUs Origination parameter is enabled. • L2 TARP Data Cache—If checked (default), the TIDs and NSAPs of NEs originating Type 2 requests are added to the TDC before the node propagates the requests to other NEs. Note The L2 TARP Data Cache parameter is designed for Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2 nodes that are connected to other Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2 nodes. Enabling the parameter for Intermediate System Level 1 nodes is not recommended. • LDB—If checked (default), enables the TARP loop detection buffer. The LDB prevents TARP PDUs from being sent more than once on the same subnet. Note The LDB parameter is not used if the Node Routing Mode is provisioned to End System or if the TARP PDUs L1 Propagation parameter is not enabled. • LAN TARP Storm Suppression—If checked (default), enables TARP storm suppression. This function prevents redundant TARP PDUs from being unnecessarily propagated across the LAN network. • Send Type 4 PDU on Startup—If checked, a TARP Type 4 PDU is originated during the initial ONS 15454 startup. Type 4 PDUs indicate that a TID or NSAP change has occurred at the NE. (The default setting is not enabled.) • Type 4 PDU Delay—Sets the amount of time that will pass before the Type 4 PDU is generated when Send Type 4 PDU on Startup is enabled. 60 seconds is the default. The range is 0 to 255 seconds.4-41 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note The Send Type 4 PDU on Startup and Type 4 PDU Delay parameters are not used if TARP PDUs Origination is not enabled. • LDB Entry—Sets the TARP loop detection buffer timer. The loop detection buffer time is assigned to each LDB entry for which the TARP sequence number (tar-seq) is zero. The default is 5 minutes. The range is 1 to 10 minutes. • LDB Flush—Sets the frequency period for flushing the LDB. The default is 5 minutes. The range is 0 to 1440 minutes. • T1—Sets the amount of time to wait for a response to a Type 1 PDU. Type 1 PDUs seek a specific NE TID within an OSI Level 1 area. The default is 15 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. • T2—Sets the amount of time to wait for a response to a Type 2 PDU. TARP Type 2 PDUs seek a specific NE TID value within OSI Level 1 and Level 2 areas. The default is 25 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. • T3—Sets the amount of time to wait for an address resolution request. The default is 40 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. • T4—Sets the amount of time to wait for an error recovery. This timer begins after the T2 timer expires without finding the requested NE TID. The default is 20 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. Note The T1, T2, and T4 timers are not used if the TARP PDUs Origination check box is not checked. Step 3 Click Apply. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G285 Add a Static TID-to-NSAP Entry to the TARP Data Cache Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > Static TDC tabs. Step 2 Click Add Static Entry. Step 3 In the Add Static Entry dialog box, enter the following: Purpose This task adds a static TID-to-NSAP entry to the TDC. The static entries are required for NEs that do not support TARP and are similar to static routes. For a specific TID, you must force a specific NSAP. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioner or higher4-42 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • TID—Enter the TID of the NE. (For ONS nodes, the TID is the Node Name parameter on the node or multishelf view Provisioning > General tab.) • NSAP—Enter the OSI NSAP address in the NSAP field or, if preferred, click Use Mask and enter the address in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box. Step 4 Click OK to close the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box, if used, and then click OK to close the Add Static Entry dialog box. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G287 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > MAT tabs. Step 2 Click Add. Step 3 In the Add TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry dialog box, enter the following: • Level—Sets the TARP Type Code that will be sent: – Level 1—Indicates that the adjacency is within the same area as the current node. The entry generates Type 1 PDUs. – Level 2—Indicates that the adjacency is in a different area than the current node. The entry generates Type 2 PDUs. • NSAP—Enter the OSI NSAP address in the NSAP field or, if preferred, click Use Mask and enter the address in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box. Step 4 Click OK to close the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box, if used, and then click OK to close the Add Static Entry dialog box. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task adds an entry to the TARP manual adjacency table (MAT). Entries are added to the MAT when the ONS 15454 must communicate across routers or NEs that lack TARP capability. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-43 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G288 Provision OSI Routers Note Router 1 must be enabled before you can enable and edit the primary manual area addresses for Routers 2 and 3. Note The Router 1 manual area address, System ID, and Selector “00” create the node NSAP address. Changing the Router 1 manual area address changes the node NSAP address. Note The System ID for Router 1 is the node MAC address. The System IDs for Routers 2 and 3 are created by adding 1 and 2 respectively to the Router 1 System ID. You cannot edit the System IDs. Step 1 Click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Setup tabs. Step 2 Chose the router you want provision and click Edit. The OSI Router Editor dialog box appears. Step 3 In the OSI Router Editor dialog box: a. Check Enable Router to enable the router and make its primary area address available for editing. b. Click the manual area address, then click Edit. c. In the Edit Manual Area Address dialog box, edit the primary area address in the Area Address field. If you prefer, click Use Mask and enter the edits in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box. The address (hexadecimal format) can be 8 to 24 alphanumeric characters (0–9, a–f) in length. d. Click OK successively to close the following dialog boxes: Masked NSAP Entry (if used), Edit Manual Area Address, and OSI Router Editor. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task enables an OSI router and edits its primary manual area address. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-44 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G289 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses Step 1 Click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Setup tabs. Step 2 Chose the router where you want provision an additional manual area address and click Edit. The OSI Router Editor dialog box appears. Step 3 In the OSI Router Editor dialog box: a. Check Enable Router to enable the router and make its primary area address available for editing. b. Click the manual area address, then click Add. c. In the Add Manual Area Address dialog box, enter the primary area address in the Area Address field. If you prefer, click Use Mask and enter the address in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box. The address (hexadecimal format) can be 2 to 24 alphanumeric characters (0–9, a–f) in length. d. Click OK successively to close the following dialog boxes: Masked NSAP Entry (if used), Add Manual Area Address, and OSI Router Editor. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G290 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN Interface Note When you create communication channels (optical service channel [OSC] or generic communications channel [GCC]), OSI subnetwork points of attachment are enabled on the communication channels. See the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126 and the “DLP-G76 Provision DCC/GCC Terminations” task on page 8-61. Purpose This task provisions the OSI manual area addresses. One primary area and two additional manual areas can be created for each virtual router. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 DLP-G288 Provision OSI Routers, page 4-43 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This task enables the OSI subnetwork point of attachment on the LAN interface. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-45 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note The OSI subnetwork point of attachment cannot be enabled for the LAN interface if the OSI routing mode is set to ES. Note If secure mode is on, the OSI subnet is enabled on the backplane LAN port, not the front TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC TCP/IP (LAN) port. Step 1 Click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Subnet tabs. Step 2 Click Enable LAN Subnet. Step 3 In the Enable LAN Subnet dialog box, complete the following fields: • ESH—Sets the End System Hello (ESH) propagation frequency. An ES NE transmits ESHs to inform other ESs and ISs about the NSAPs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds. • ISH—Sets the Intermediate System Hello (ISH) PDU propagation frequency. An intermediate system NE sends ISHs to other ESs and ISs to inform them about the IS NEs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds. • IIH—Sets the Intermediate System to Intermediate System Hello (IIH) PDU propagation frequency. The IS-IS Hello PDUs establish and maintain adjacencies between ISs. The default is 3 seconds. The range is 1 to 600 seconds. • IS-IS Cost—Sets the cost for sending packets on the LAN subnet. The IS-IS protocol uses the cost to calculate the shortest routing path. The default IS-IS cost for LAN subnets is 20. It normally should not be changed. • DIS Priority—Sets the designated intermediate system (DIS) priority. In IS-IS networks, one router is elected to serve as the DIS (LAN subnets only). Cisco router DIS priority is 64. For the ONS 15454 LAN subnet, the default DIS priority is 63. It normally should not be changed. Step 4 Click OK. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G291 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel Purpose This task creates an IP-over-CLNS tunnel to allow ONS 15454 nodes to communicate across equipment and networks that use the OSI protocol stack. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-46 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Caution IP-over-CLNS tunnels require two endpoints. You will create one point on an ONS 15454. The other endpoint is generally provisioned on non-ONS equipment including routers and other vendor NEs. Before you begin, verify that you have the capability to create an OSI-over-CLNS tunnel on the other equipment location. Step 1 Click the Provisioning > OSI > Tunnels tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 In the Create IP Over CLNS Tunnel dialog box, complete the following fields: • Tunnel Type—Choose a tunnel type: – Cisco—Creates the proprietary Cisco IP tunnel. Cisco IP tunnels add the CLNS header to the IP packets. – GRE—Creates a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel. GRE tunnels add the CLNS header and a GRE header to the IP packets. The Cisco proprietary tunnel is slightly more efficient than the GRE tunnel because it does not add the GRE header to each IP packet. The two tunnel types are not compatible. Most Cisco routers support the Cisco IP tunnel, while only a few support both GRE and Cisco IP tunnels. You generally should create Cisco IP tunnels if you are tunneling between two Cisco routers or between a Cisco router and an ONS node. Caution Always verify that the IP-over-CLNS tunnel type that you choose is supported by the equipment at the other end of the tunnel. • IP Address—Enter the IP address of the IP-over-CLNS tunnel destination. • IP Mask—Enter the IP address subnet mask of the IP-over-CLNS destination. • OSPF Metric—Enter the OSPF metric for sending packets across the IP-over-CLNS tunnel. The OSPF metric, or cost, is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. The default is 110. Normally, it is not be changed unless you are creating multiple tunnel routes and want to prioritize routing by assigning different metrics. • NSAP Address—Enter the destination NE or OSI router NSAP address. Step 4 Click OK. Step 5 Provision the other tunnel endpoint using the documentation provided by the manufacturer of the third party vendor NE. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).4-47 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G29 Set Up SNMP Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to set up SNMP. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > SNMP tabs. Step 3 In the Trap Destinations area, click Create. Step 4 Complete the following in the Create SNMP Trap Destination dialog box (Figure 4-10): • Destination IP Address—Type the IP address of your network management system (NMS). If the node you are logged into is an ENE, set the destination address to the GNE. Note In ONS 15454 Software Release 9.1 and later, you can configure IPv6 addresses for SNMPv2/v3 trap destinations and SNMPv3 proxy targets, in addition to IPv4 addresses. • Community—Type the SNMP community name. For a description of SNMP community names, refer to the “SNMP” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Note The community name is a form of authentication and access control. The community name assigned to the ONS 15454 is case-sensitive and must match the community name of the NMS. • UDP Port—The default User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port for SNMP is 162. • Trap version—Choose either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2. Refer to your NMS documentation to determine which version to use. Figure 4-10 Creating an SNMP Trap Purpose This procedure provisions the SNMP parameters so that you can use SNMP management software with the ONS 15454. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required if SNMP is used at your site. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-48 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 5 Click OK. The node IP address of the node where you provisioned the new trap destination appears in the Trap Destinations area. Step 6 Click the node IP address in the Trap Destinations area. Verify the SNMP information that appears in the Selected Destination list. Step 7 If you want the SNMP agent to accept SNMP SET requests on certain MIBs, click the Allow SNMP Sets check box. If this box is not checked, SET requests are rejected. Step 8 If you want to set up the SNMP proxy feature to allow network management, message reporting, and performance statistic retrieval across ONS firewalls, click the Allow SNMP Proxy check box located on the SNMP tab. Note The Use Generic MIB check box is normally not checked for MSTP. It is checked only when the ONS 15454 resides in networks with multiple ONS products, and the network management system requires MIBs with the same name to have the same object IDs. By default, the ONS 15454 uses the CERENT-454-MIBs. Other ONS products, such as the ONS 15600, the ONS 15327, and ONS 15310-CL, use the CERENT-GENERIC-MIBs. If Use Generic MIB is checked, the ONS 15454 will use the CERENT-GENERIC-MIBs so the object IDs will be the same for all products. Note Using the ONS firewall proxy feature effectively breaches the ONS firewall to exchange management information. For more information about the SNMP proxy feature, refer to the “SNMP” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Step 9 Click Apply. Step 10 If you are setting up SNMP proxies, you can set up to three relays that send SNMP trap error counts back to the NE for each trap destination address: a. Click the first trap destination IP address. The address and its community name appear in the Destination fields. b. Enter up to three SNMP Proxy relay addresses and community names in the fields for Relay A, Relay B, and Relay C. Note The community names specified for each relay node must match one of the provisioned SNMP community names in the NE. Note The SNMP proxy directs SNMP traps from this node through Relay A to Relay B to Relay C to the trap destination. Ensure that you enter the IP addresses in the correct order so that this sequence runs correctly. Step 11 Click Apply. Stop. You have completed this procedure.4-49 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File Caution Verify that you have the correct Cisco TransportPlanner network file before you begin this procedure. The file will have an XML extension and a name assigned by your network planner. Check with your network planner or administrator if you have any questions. Note The Cisco TransportPlanner configuration file contains parameters for the node, shelf, card type, port (including the card’s wavelength), pluggable port module (PPM), as well as OTN and FEC parameters. Only the values present in XML format appear in the configuration file parameters; if the values are not in XML format, a column appears blank. The XML file values are independently reported and do not affect any configuration changes that you apply. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to import the Cisco TransportPlanner configuration file. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 If you choose the Provision Node Layout option to preprovision the cards in the shelf, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 3. a. Display the node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). b. Verify that the common control cards (TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC, AIC-I and MSC-ISC) cards are the only cards installed. If in single or multishelf mode, verify that each shelf in the multishelf has two TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC cards. • If common control cards are the only cards installed, continue with Step 3. • If other cards appear, continue with Step c. c. If a physical card other than the common control cards is installed, remove it from the shelf. d. If preprovisioned DWDM cards are present, delete them using the “DLP-G351 Delete a Card in CTC” task on page 4-53, then repeat Steps a and b. Purpose This procedure imports the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update configuration file and creates a log file. The configuration file, which is provided in XML format, provisions internal patchcords, optical sides and card parameters for optical units, transponders, and passive units (DCUs and patch panels). Finally, the NE Update file installs the ANS parameters calculated by Cisco TransportPlanner. The log file, which is a text document records the results of the NE update. Tools/Equipment A Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update file for the network where the node is installed must be accessible to the CTC computer. Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-50 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 3 If you have not created a log file to record the results of the NE update, complete the following steps. If a log file has been created, continue with Step 4. a. Open a text editor or word processing application. b. Create a new text (TXT) document with a file name of your choosing. c. Save the text document in a directory that is easy to navigate to from CTC. Step 4 In CTC node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Node Setup tabs. Step 5 Choose Load latest installation file from node to reload the latest XML file that was applied and stored in the node. Continue with Step 8. Step 6 Choose Load installation file from network repository and navigate to the Cisco TransportPlanner node setup file containing the parameters for the network where the node resides. This option downloads the XML file from the remote server. Continue with Step 8. Step 7 In the field under Select XML file, type the path to the Cisco TransportPlanner node setup file containing the parameters for the network where your node resides, or click Browse and navigate to the file on your computer. Click the file, then click Open. The file will have an XML extension. Continue with Step 8. Step 8 In the field under Select Log file, type the path to the text file that you created in Step 3, or click Browse and navigate to the file on your computer or a network server where you want the node setup results recorded. Note The log file records the parameters that were updated successfully and provides an explanation of why an update could not be completed. Each node setup session overwrites the log file contents. If you want to save the results from a previous NE update, save the log file with new name. Step 9 Click Apply. Step 10 When Load installation file from network repository option is chosen, the FTP Remote Installation File Node-Name page appears. a. When the node is configured as a Gateway Network Element (GNE) node, enter the parameters (host name, port, user name, password, remote directory, and XML file name of the remote server) and click Next. b. When the node is configured as a Elementary Network Element (ENE) node, an additional parameter called GNE Selector appear. From the GNE Selector drop-down list, select the appropriate GNE in the network. The FTP relay must be configured on the selected GNE to the remote server where the XML file is stored. See “NTP-G28 Create FTP Host” procedure on page 4-34 to configure the FTP relay on the selected GNE. Step 11 When the Node Setup Selection for Node-Name page appears, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 12. a. Choose the node profile that you want to apply to the node. The Cisco TransportPlanner XML file contains profiles for all nodes in the network. Choose the profile that applies to the node you are provisioning. b. Click Next. Step 12 On the Node Setup for node name page, choose one or more of the following: • Node Layout—Preprovisions the slots in each shelf in CTC for the cards defined in the network plan. Choose this option when no DWDM cards are installed. (Errors will occur if cards are installed or the slots are preprovisioned.) Preprovisioning the slots before the physical cards are installed 4-51 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin ensures that card installers place the cards in the correct slots. Preprovisioning the slots is also useful if you want to set up the network prior to card installation. The node layout also preprovisions the chassis and passive units. • Card Parameters—If checked, provisions the following parameters, if the cards are installed. – TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP cards—Provisions the OTN and FEC parameters. – OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE cards—Provisions the card mode. • Pluggable Port Modules— If checked, allows the provisioning of PPMs on TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP cards, including PPM payloads. • Internal Patchcords—If checked, allows creation of internal patchcords among cards provisioned in the node. • Optical Sides—If checked, allows the provisioning of optical sides. • ANS Parameters—If checked, installs the ANS parameters. ANS parameters provision the values required for the node to function within the specified network design. ANS parameters include span losses, optical power, optics thresholds, amplifier working mode, gain, tilt, and many others. Refer to the “Node Reference” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for a list of ONS 15454 ANS parameters. Note If you are importing the Cisco TransportPlanner configuration file for the first time, you normally choose all available options. • Skip Interactive Mode—If checked, CTC provisions all the chosen setup components automatically without allowing you to view the results after each one. • Save Installation Files (XML and log) On Node—If checked, CTC saves the XML and log files on the node. Step 13 Click Next. If you chose Skip Interactive Mode, continue with Step 14. If not, the wizard page that appears depends on the options chosen in Step 12: Complete the steps shown in Table 4-2 for each option.4-52 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Table 4-2 NE Update Wizard Options NE Update Function Node/Shelves Layout View the cards and slots on the left side of the page and verify that they are the same as the layout in the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout (see Table 4-1 on page 4-4). If the cards and slots match, click Apply. If not, click Cancel. and contact your next level of support to verify that you have the correct node setup file. If the site has a multishelf configuration, click Next and repeat this step for each shelf at the site. CTC preprovisions the slots. (This might take a few seconds.) The results appear in the Log window. Slots that are successfully provisioned display an “Applied” status. A “Slot not empty” status appears if slots cannot be provisioned because a card is physically installed or the slot is already provisioned. If this occurs, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue with the next NE Update function. 1. Click Cancel, then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. The slot preprovisioning does not revert when you click Cancel. 2. If a physical card is installed, remove it from the shelf. 3. Perform one of the following steps: – Delete all the preprovisioned slots using the “DLP-G351 Delete a Card in CTC” task on page 4-53, then repeat Steps 2 through Step 13. – Delete the slot where the Slot Not Empty error occurred using the “DLP-G351 Delete a Card in CTC” task on page 4-53. Complete the “DLP-G353 Preprovision a Slot” task on page 4-55 to provision the slot manually, then repeat Steps 2 through 13 making sure to uncheck the Provision Node Layout option in Step 12. Note When you preprovision a slot, the card is purple in the CTC shelf graphic and “NP” (not present) appears on the card. After the physical card is installed, the card changes to white and “NP” is removed from the CTC shelf graphic. Passive Units Layout 1. Review the passive unit settings. 2. Click Apply. 3. Click Next. Pluggable Port Modules 1. Review the PPM settings for each TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, and OTU2_XP card. 2. Click Apply. 3. Click Next. Card Parameters 1. Review the OTN, FEC, and card mode settings for each TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, and OTU2_XP card. 2. Click Apply. 3. Click Next. Internal Patchcords 1. Review the internal patchcords. 2. Click Apply. 3. Click Next.4-53 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 14 Click Finish, then click OK in the Wizard Complete confirmation dialog box. The confirmation box indicates whether the xml import process was completed successfully. Note Common control cards are not provisioned by Cisco TransportPlanner. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G351 Delete a Card in CTC Step 1 Verify that the following conditions are not present. (During node turn-up, these conditions are normally not present): • The card is a TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card. • The card is part of a protection group. • The card has optical channels or overhead circuits provisioned. • The card is being used for timing. • The card has an OSC/GCC termination. Optical Sides 1. Review the optical side assignments. 2. Click Apply. 3. Click Next. ANS Parameters 1. Review the ANS parameters on the left half of the page. c. Click Apply. The log file displays the results. At the end, a Done status will appear. If a parameter could not be applied, a Setting Refused status appears. If this occurs, contact your next level of support. Select All 1. If checked, selects all the options. Skip Interactive Mode If checked, CTC provisions all the chosen setup components automatically without allowing you to view the results after each one. Save Installation Files (XML and log) On Node If checked, CTC saves the XML and log files on the node. Table 4-2 NE Update Wizard Options NE Update Function Purpose This task deletes a card from an ONS 15454 slot that is provisioned in CTC. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-54 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • A port on the card is being used for a Link Management Protocol (LMP) channel or link. • The card is part of an optical side. • The card is assigned to DWDM patchcords. • If a port on the card is in service. • If a port on the card is part of a circuit. If any of these conditions exist, do not continue. You will not be able to delete the card until the card is removed from protection groups; circuits, DCC, and GCCs are deleted; a different timing source is provisioned, and the LMP link or channel is deleted. • To replace a TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide. • To delete a protection group, see the “NTP-G83 Modify or Delete Card Protection Settings” procedure on page 11-40. • To delete optical channels see the “DLP-G347 Delete Optical Channel Client Connections” task on page 8-11 and the “DLP-G106 Delete Optical Channel Network Connections” task on page 8-26; to delete overhead circuits, see the “DLP-G112 Delete Overhead Circuits” task on page 8-68. • To remove the card as a timing source, see the “NTP-G87 Change Node Timing Parameters” procedure on page 11-53. • To remove OSC or GCC terminations, see the “NTP-G85 Modify or Delete OSC Terminations, DCC/GCC Terminations, and Provisionable Patchcords” procedure on page 11-48. • To delete LMP channels or links, see “NTP-G164 Configure Link Management Protocol” procedure on page 7-35. • To remove a DWDM patchcord, see the “DLP-G355 Delete an Internal Patchcord” procedure on page 4-123. • To remove an optical side, see the “DLP-G480 Delete an Optical Side” procedure on page 4-125. Step 2 On the shelf graphic in CTC, right-click the card that you want to remove and choose Delete Card. Note A deleted card no longer reboots and reappears in CTC after R5.0. Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 4-55 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G353 Preprovision a Slot Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), right-click an empty slot where you will install a card. Step 2 From the Add Card shortcut menu, choose the card type that will be installed based on the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout (see Table 4-1 on page 4-4). Only cards that can be installed in the slot appear in the Add Card shortcut menu. Table 4-3 shows the Add Card shortcut menu items and submenu items, and the card groups and menu options/cards that they reference. Purpose This task preprovisions a ONS 15454 slot in CTC. Preprovisioning of all the slots in the shelf is normally performed when you complete the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 4-49. Use this task if you need to manually preprovision a slot. All slot preprovisioning must be based upon the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout prepared for your site. Tools/Equipment Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout table or JPG file. Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-56 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Table 4-3 CTC Add Card Shortcut Menu for DWDM Cards Menu Item Submenu Category Card Group Submenu Item 1 Submenu Item 2 Cards DWDM nXP Transponder and Muxponder — 10GE_XP 10GE_XP — 10GE_XPE 10GE_XPE — OTU2_XP OTU2_XP — ADM-10G ADM-10G — GE_XP GE_XP — GE_XPE GE_XPE — MXPP_MR_2.5G MXPP_MR_2.5G — MXP_2.5G_10E MXP_2.5G_10E MXP_2.5G_10E_C MXP_2.5G_10E_L MXP_2.5G_10EX_C — MXP_2.5G_10G MXP_2.5G_10G — MXP_MR_10DME MXP_MR_10DME_C MXP_MR_10DME_L MXP_MR_10DMEX_C — MXP_MR_2.5G MXP_MR_2.5G — TXPP_MR_2.5G TXPP_MR_2.5G — TXP_MR_10E TXP_MR_10E TXP_MR_10E_C TXP_MR_10E_L TXP_MR_10EX_C — TXP_MR_10G TXP_MR_10G — TXP_MR_2.5G TXP_MR_2.5G — 40G-MXP-C 40G-MXP-C4-57 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DWDM MD Multiplexer and Demultiplexer C Band 32 DMXO 32DMX-O 40 WSS 40-WSS-C or 40-WSS-CE 32 MUXO 32MUX-O 32 WSS 32WSS 4MD 4MD-xx.x 32 DMX 32DMX 40-MUX-C 40-MUX-C 32 MUXO 32MUX-O 40-DMX-C, or 40-DMX-CE 40-DMX-C, or 40-DMX-CE L Band 32 WSS L 32WSS-L 32 DMXL 32DMX-L MESH — C Band 40 WXC 40-WXC-C 80 WXC 80-WXC-C 40 SMR1 C 40-SMR1-C 40 SMR2 C 40-SMR2-C OSC Optical Service Channel — MMU MMU — OSC-CSM OSC-CSM OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer — AD-1B AD-1B-xx.x — AD-1C AD-1C-xx.x — AD-2C AD-2C-xx.x — AD-4B AD-4B-xx.x — AD-4C AD-4C-xx.x Ampli Optical Amplifier C Band OPT-BST E OPT-BST-E OPT-AMP-17 OPT-AMP-17-C OPT-RAMP-C OPT-RAMP-C OPT-RAMP-CE OPT-RAMP-CE OPT-AMP C OPT-AMP-C OPT-BST OPT-BST OPT-PRE OPT-PRE L Band OPT-BST L OPT-BST-L OPT-AMP L OPT-AMP-L OTHER — — PSM PSM Ethernet — — — MS-ISC-100T MS-ISC-100T G1000 G1000 Table 4-3 CTC Add Card Shortcut Menu for DWDM Cards (continued) Menu Item Submenu Category Card Group Submenu Item 1 Submenu Item 2 Cards4-58 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note When you preprovision a slot, the card appears purple in the CTC shelf graphic (the card appears as white when a card is installed in the slot). NP on the card graphic indicates that the card is not physically installed. Step 3 Repeat Step 2 until all the cards shown in the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout are provisioned in CTC. Stop. You have completed this procedure. OSCM — — — — OSCM (Slots 8 and 10 only) TNC TSC — Control Cards — — TNC and TSC Table 4-3 CTC Add Card Shortcut Menu for DWDM Cards (continued) Menu Item Submenu Category Card Group Submenu Item 1 Submenu Item 2 Cards4-59 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G320 Configure the Node as a Non-DWDM Network Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 2 From the Selector area, select Network Type. Step 3 Choose Not-DWDM, from the Value drop-down list. Click Apply. Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Step 5 Click the Launch ANS button. The relevant ports in the node will be in IS state. Step 6 Click OK. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G693 Configure the Amplifier Step 1 Display the amplifier card in card view. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs. Step 3 Select the working mode from the Card Working Mode drop-down list. Step 4 Change to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), then click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 5 From the Selector area, select the amplifier slot. If the default parameters are present, continue with Step 6. If not, click Add to add the Channel LOS Threshold, Amplifier Tilt, Power, and Amplifier Working Mode parameters. To add the ANS parameters, see the “DLP-G541 Add an ANS Parameter” task on page 4-62 for instructions. Purpose This tasks configures a node as a Non-DWDM network. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This task configures the optical parameters and threshold values of the amplifier card. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-60 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 6 Click the value of the ANS parameter that you want to modify and enter the new value specified in Table 4-4. Step 7 Click Apply. Step 8 Click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Step 9 Click Launch ANS. Step 10 In the Apply Launch ANS dialog box, click Yes. Step 11 In the Launch ANS confirmation dialog box, click OK. Step 12 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 13 Verify the following in the Results column: • Success - Changed —The parameter has been successfully changed with the ports in IS. Step 14 Verify that the Set By column displays t he value “ANS” or “APC” as the application that sets the ANS parameter. Step 15 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G694 Configure the PSM Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 2 From the Selector area, select the PSM slot. If the default parameters are present, continue with Step 3. If not, click Add to add the Channel LOS Threshold and VOA Attenuation parameters. To add the ANS parameters, see the “DLP-G541 Add an ANS Parameter” task on page 4-62 for instructions. Table 4-4 Values for the ANS Parameters (amplifier) Port ANS Parameter Value Slot 16 (OPT-AMP C).Port COM-RX Channel LOS Threshold 35.0 dBm Slot 16 (OPT-AMP C).Port LINE-TX Amplifier Working Mode Control Gain Slot 16 (OPT-AMP C).Port LINE-TX Amplifier Tilt 0.0 dB Slot 16 (OPT-AMP C).Port LINE-TX Power 1.0 dBm Purpose This tasks configures the PSM behavior. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-61 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 3 Click the value of the ANS parameter that you want to modify and enter the new value specified in Table 4-4. Step 4 Click Apply. Step 5 Click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Step 6 Click Launch ANS. Step 7 In the Apply Launch ANS dialog box, click Yes. Step 8 In the Launch ANS confirmation dialog box, click OK. Step 9 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 10 Verify the following in the Results column: • Success - Changed —The parameter has been successfully changed with the ports in IS. Step 11 Verify that the Set By column displays t he value “ANS” or “APC” as the application that sets the ANS parameter. Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G328 Add and Delete ANS Parameters Note It is recommended that you use the Cisco TransportPlanner XML configuration file to provision the ANS parameters instead of manually adding all the parameters in CTC. ANS provisioning parameters must be manually changed only by Cisco qualified personnel. Setting wrong ANS provisioning (either as preamplifier or booster input power thresholds) may impact traffic. Table 4-5 Values for the ANS Parameters (PSM) Port ANS Parameter Value Slot 14(PSM).Port W-RX VOA Attenuation 3.0 dB Slot 14(PSM).Port W-RX Channel LOS Threshold 15.0 dB Slot 14(PSM).Port P-RX VOA Attenuation 10.0 dB Slot 14(PSM).Port P-RX Channel LOS Threshold 20.0 dB Purpose This procedure allows you to add or delete ANS parameters for a DWDM node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher 4-62 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to add or delete ANS parameters. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 As needed, complete the following tasks: • Complete the “DLP-G541 Add an ANS Parameter” task on page 4-62. • Complete the “DLP-G542 Delete an ANS Parameter” task on page 4-63. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G541 Add an ANS Parameter Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 2 Click Add. The Add ANS Parameter dialog box appears. Step 3 Select the ANS parameter from the Parameter drop-down list. Step 4 In the Port Selection area, complete the following fields: • Type—Displays the card type. • Shelf—Choose the shelf from the drop-down list. • Slot— Choose the card from the Slot drop-down list. The drop-down list lists all the cards that support the ANS parameter selected in Step 3. • Port—Choose the port from the Port drop-down list. The drop-down list lists all the ports for the card selected in Step 4 that support the ANS parameter selected in Step 3. Step 5 Type or choose the value for the ANS parameter in the Value field. Step 6 Click OK. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This tasks adds an ANS parameter. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-63 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G542 Delete an ANS Parameter Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 2 Click the ANS parameter you want to remove. Note Only threshold related ANS parameters can be removed if the port is in service state. Step 3 Click Remove, and then Yes. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This tasks removes an ANS parameter. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher 4-64 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards Warning This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. To see translations of the warnings that appear in this publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document for the appropriate Cisco chassis. Statement 274 Warning During this procedure, wear grounding wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the card. Do not directly touch the backplane with your hand or any metal tool, or you could shock yourself. Statement 94 Warning Class I (CDRH) and Class 1M (IEC) laser products. Statement 1055 Purpose This procedure describes how to install the DWDM multiplexer, demultiplexer, wavelength selective switch, wavelength cross-connect, OADM, OSC, PSM, and optical amplifier cards. Tools/Equipment • Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout • The following C-band or L-band cards, as required by your site plan: – C-band: OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, 32MUX-O, 40-MUX-C, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, 32WSS, 40-WSS-C, 40-WSS-CE, 40-WXC-C, 80-WXC-C, TDC-CC, TDC-FC, 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, OPT-RAMP-CE, MMU, 4MD-xx.x, AD-1C-xx.x, AD-2C-xx.x, AD-4C-xx.x, AD-1B-xx.x, AD-4B-xx.x, OSCM, OSC-CSM, and PSM cards (as applicable) – L-band: 32WSS-L, 32DMX-L, OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L, and PSM cards (as applicable) • The ONS 15454 NE defaults file if the node uses custom NE defaults Prerequisite Procedures • “NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “NTP-G14 Install DWDM Equipment” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 • NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File, page 4-49 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-65 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Warning Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector. Do not view directly with optical instruments. Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard. Statement 1056 Warning High-performance devices on this card can get hot during operation. To remove the card, hold it by the faceplate and bottom edge. Allow the card to cool before touching any other part of it or before placing it in an antistatic bag. Statement 201 Caution Always use the supplied electrostatic discharge (ESD) wristband when working with a powered ONS 15454. For detailed instructions on how to wear the ESD wristband, refer to the Cisco ONS Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Grounding Guide. Note For United States installations, complies with the United States Federal Drug Administration Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Sections 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated July 26, 2001. Note If protective clips are installed on the backplane connectors of the cards, remove the clips before installing the cards. Note If you install a card incorrectly, the FAIL LED flashes continuously. Step 1 If the node requires a custom NE default settings to be installed on the node, complete the “NTP-G136 Import Network Element Defaults” procedure on page 14-51. If not, continue with Step 2. (For information about the ONS 15454 NE defaults, refer to the “Network Elements Defaults” appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual.) Caution If custom NE defaults are required, they must be installed before you install the DWDM cards. Step 2 Verify that you have one of the following guides for the DWDM card installation: • The slots that were preprovisioned when you completed the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 4-49. • The Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout report (see Table 4-1 on page 4-4). Step 3 If the slots are preprovisioned, continue with Step 4. If you are using the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout report, complete the “DLP-G348 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout Report” task on page 4-66. Step 4 Remove a DWDM card from its packaging, then remove the protective caps from the backplane connectors. (Safety caps are typically yellow.) Step 5 Open the card latches/ejectors. 4-66 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 6 Use the latches/ejectors to firmly slide the card along the slot guide rails until the card plugs into the receptacle at the back of the slot. The correct slot is designated by the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout. Step 7 Verify that the card is inserted correctly. Simultaneously close the latches/ejectors on the card. Note It is possible to close the latches/ejectors when the card is not completely plugged in. Ensure that you cannot insert the card any further. After installing the card, the following LED activity will occur: • The card’s LEDs will go through a sequence of activities (turn on, turn off, blinking.) This will take 2 to 3 minutes. • The ACT LED turns on. • The signal fail (SF) LED might persist until all card ports connect to their far-end counterparts and a signal is present. Step 8 If the card does not boot up properly, or the LED activity is not similar to the activity in Step 7, check the following: • When a physical card type does not match the type of card provisioned for that slot in CTC, the card might not boot. If a DWDM card does not boot, open CTC and ensure that the slot is not provisioned for a different card type before assuming that the card is faulty. • If the red FAIL LED does not turn on, check the power. • If you insert a card into a slot provisioned for a different card, all LEDs turn off and a minor equipment mismatch alarm appears on the CTC Alarms tab. • If the red FAIL LED is on continuously or the LEDs behave erratically, the card is not installed. If any of conditions are present, remove the card and repeat Steps 4 to 7. If the card does not boot up properly the second time, it might be defective. Contact your next level of support. Step 9 Repeat Steps 5 through 8 until all the DWDM cards are installed in the node. Step 10 If an OPT-PRE card (or the OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, or OPT-AMP-C card in OPT-PRE card mode) are installed, complete one of the following steps for each OPT-PRE card based on the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout. If an OPT-PRE is not installed, you have completed this procedure. • If the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout does not include DCUs, install a patchcord and 4-dB attenuator with a tolerance of +/–1 dB between the OPT-PRE or OPT-AMP-L DC TX and RX ports for each OPT-PRE or OPT-AMP-L card installed in the shelf. • If the shelf layout includes DCUs, complete the “NTP-G31 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Units” procedure on page 4-67 for each side of the shelf that requires a DCU. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G348 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout Report Purpose This task describes how to use the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout report to install cards in a DWDM node. Tools/Equipment None4-67 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 Display the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout report for your site. The report can be viewed in Cisco TransportPlanner. It can also be viewed as a JPEG graphic. Refer to the Cisco TransportPlanner DWDM Operations Guide for information about generating shelf layout reports. Step 2 Review the following installation information: • Rack—Indicates the rack in the node where the cards must be installed. • Shelf—Indicates the shelf in the rack where the cards must be installed. Shelf options include: – Flex Shelf—The ONS 15216 FlexLayer mechanical shelf houses Y-cable modules. Flex shelf positions are numbered 1 to 4 from left to right. – DCU Shelf—The Cisco ONS 15216 dispersion compensation shelf assembly houses DCUs. DCU positions are numbered 1 to 2 from left to right. – Shelf-ANSI-n or Shelf-ETSI-n—The ONS 15454 shelf assembly houses ONS 15454 common, DWDM, and client cards. Positions in this type of shelf are numbered 1 to 17 from left to right. Multiple shelves might appear. • Slot—Indicates the slot in the specific shelf where the cards must be installed: – Unit Name (Product ID)— Identifies the card by its Product ID. – Unit Description—Identifies the card by its name. • Unit Side—Identifies the side of the node that the specific card is serving: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H. • Unit Plug-in Modules—Identifies the type and number of PPMs that will be used with specific TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP cards. Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G31 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Units Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This procedure describes how to install the DCUs for DWDM shelves. Tools/Equipment DCUs Prerequisite Procedures “NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide “NTP-G14 Install DWDM Equipment” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards, page 4-64 NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-68 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Warning Class I (CDRH) and Class 1M (IEC) laser products. Statement 1055 Warning Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector. Do not view directly with optical instruments. Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard. Statement 1056 Caution Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with a powered ONS 15454. For detailed instructions on how to wear the ESD wristband, refer to the Cisco ONS Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Grounding Guide. Note For US installations, complies with the US Federal Drug Administration Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Sections 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated July 26, 2001. Step 1 Remove the DCU from its packaging, then remove the protective caps from the connectors. (Safety caps are typically yellow.) Step 2 Use both hands to push the DCU all the way into the chassis until the connector spring lock on the right side of the module clicks into place. Step 3 Open the cover with the laser warning on the connector adapter and then connect the cable connector. Note The Side A DCU is commonly installed on the left side and the Side B DCU is commonly installed on the right side. Note Double-check the placement of the DCU card(s) with your Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout. If you install the wrong DCU in a slot, remove the DCU and install the correct one. Stop. You have completed this procedure. 4-69 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards Warning During this procedure, wear grounding wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the card. Do not directly touch the backplane with your hand or any metal tool, or you could shock yourself. Statement 94 Warning Class 1 laser product. Statement 1008 Warning Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector. Do not view directly with optical instruments. Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard. Statement 1056 Warning Class I (CDRH) and Class 1M (IEC) laser products. Statement 1055 Caution Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with a powered ONS 15454. For detailed instructions on how to wear the ESD wristband, refer to the Cisco ONS Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Grounding Guide. Caution A fan-tray assembly (15454E-CC-FTA for the ETSI shelf or 15454-CC-FTA for the ANSI shelf) must be installed in a shelf where a GE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card is installed. Purpose This procedure describes how to install the ONS 15454 TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP cards. Tools/Equipment TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, TXP_MR_10E_L, TXP_MR_10EX_C, TXP_MR_2.5G, TXPP_MR_2.5G, MXP_2.5G_10G, MXPP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, MXP_2.5G_10E_L, MXP_2.5G_10EX_C, MXP_MR_2.5G, MXP_MR_10DME_C, MXP_MR_10DME_L, MXP_MR_10DMEX_C, 40G-MXP-C, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP cards (as applicable) Prerequisite Procedures “NTP-G15 Install the Common Control Cards” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide “NTP-G14 Install DWDM Equipment” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-70 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note For US installations, complies with the US Federal Drug Administration Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Sections 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated July 26, 2001. Note If protective clips are installed on the backplane connectors of the cards, remove the clips before installing the cards. Note If you install a card incorrectly, the FAIL LED flashes continuously. Step 1 Display the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout (see Table 4-1 on page 4-4) for the node where you will install the card. Step 2 Remove the card from its packaging, then remove the protective clips from the backplane connectors. Step 3 Open the card latches/ejectors. Step 4 Use the latches/ejectors to firmly slide the card along the guide rails until the card plugs into the receptacle at the back of the slot designated by the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout. Step 5 Verify that the card is inserted correctly and simultaneously close the latches/ejectors on the card. Note It is possible to close the latches and ejectors when the card is not completely plugged into the backplane. Ensure that you cannot insert the card any further. Note If you install the card in the wrong slot, CTC will raise a MEA (EQPT) alarm. To clear this alarm, open the latches, slide the card out, then insert it in the correct slot. After you install the card, the FAIL, ACT, and SF LEDs will go through a sequence of activities. They will turn on, turn off, and blink at different points. After approximately 2 to 3 minutes, the ACT or ACT/STBY LED turns on. The SF LED might persist until all card ports connect to their far-end counterparts and a signal is present. Note Until a card is provisioned, the card is in the standby condition and the ACT/STBY LED remains amber in color. Step 6 If the card does not boot up properly or the LEDs do not progress through the activities described in Step 5, check the following: • When a physical card type does not match the type of card provisioned for that slot in CTC, the card might not boot and CTC will show a MEA (EQPT) alarm. If the card does not boot, open CTC and ensure that the slot is not provisioned for a different card type before assuming that the card is faulty. • If the red FAIL LED does not turn on, check the power. • If you insert a card into a slot provisioned for a different card, all LEDs turn off. • If the red FAIL LED is on continuously or the LEDs behave erratically, the card is not installed properly.4-71 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin If any of these conditions are present, remove the card and repeat Steps 3 to 5. If the card does not boot up properly the second time, contact your next level of support. Step 7 If the card requires a Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP or XFP) connector, complete one of the following tasks: • DLP-G63 Install an SFP or XFP, page 4-71—Complete this task to install the physical SFP or XFP into the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card. • DLP-G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot, page 4-73—(Optional) Complete this task if you do not have the physical SFP or XFP and need to preprovision the SFP or XFP slot. Note SFPs/XFPs are hot-swappable input/output devices that plug into a TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, OTU2_XP, or line card port to link the port with the fiber-optic network. For more information about SFPs and XFPs, refer to For more information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual and the Installing GBIC, SFP, and XFP Optics Modules in ONS Platforms document. Note PPM provisioning determines how the SFPs and XFPs are used in CTC. PPM provisioning procedures are provided in Chapter 6, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards.” Step 8 If you need to remove an SFP or XFP, complete the “DLP-G64 Remove an SFP or XFP” task on page 4-74. Note You will provision the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP cards after you complete all node turn-up procedures. TXP and MXP provisioning procedures are provided in Chapter 6, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards.” Note Until a card is provisioned, the card is in the standby condition and the ACT/STBY LED remains amber in color. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G63 Install an SFP or XFP Purpose This task installs SFPs and XFPs into TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP cards. SFPs and XFPs provide a fiber interface to the card. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-72 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Warning The intrabuilding ports of the ONS 15454 are suitable for connection to intrabuilding or unexposed wiring or cabling only. The intrabuilding ports of the ONS 15454 must not be metallically connected to interfaces that connect to the OSP or its wiring. These interfaces are designed for use as intrabuilding interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports as described in GR-1089-CORE, Issue 4), and require isolation from the exposed OSP cabling. The addition of Primary Protectors is not sufficient protection while connecting these interfaces metallically to the OSP wiring. Warning The intrabuilding ports of the ONS 15454 are suitable for connection only to shielded intrabuilding cabling, grounded at both ends. Note In case of a full C-band tunable XFP, it is mandatory to use optical cables that are fully compliant with NEBS Telcordia GR-326-CORE, Issue 3 recommendation. The Cisco patchcord indicated by the Cisco Transport Planner (CTP) tool is fully compliant with NEBS Telcordia GR-326-CORE, Issue 3 recommendation. Note The CC-FTA fan tray assembly must be installed in a shelf where CWDM and DWDM SFPs or XFPs are used. Note SFPs and XFPs are hot-swappable input/output devices that plug into a TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP port to link the port with the fiber-optic network. For more information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual and the Installing GBIC, SFP, and XFP Optics Modules in ONS Platforms document. Note If you have installed a fan tray lower than CC-FTA on the MSTP unit, you must have the TXP_MR_10E transponder card (only if you have installed ONS-XC-10G-L2 XFP on the TXP_MR_10E card) installed in Slot 5, 6, 12, or 13. This limitation does not exist for fan-tray versions higher than CC-FTA. Note SFPs and XFPs are generically called PPMs in CTC. After installing multirate SFPs or XFPs, multirate PPMs must be provisioned in CTC. To complete the provisioning of the pluggable port, complete the “DLP-G277 Provision a Multirate PPM” task on page 6-11. Step 1 Verify that the SFP or XFP is correct for your network and TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card (see the “Transponder and Muxponder Cards” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for card and SFP/XFP compatibility information). Check that you are installing compatible SFPs or XFPs, for example, SX to SX or LX/LH to LX/LH. Step 2 Install the SFP or XFP: • For a mylar tab SFP or XFP: Slide the SFP or XFP into the slot. • For an actuator/button SFP or XFP: Slide the SFP or XFP all the way into the slot until you hear a click.4-73 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • For a bail clasp SFP or XFP: Latch (flip upwards) the bail clasp before inserting the SFP or XFP into the slot and then slide it into the slot. Note SFP and XFPs are keyed to prevent incorrect installation. Step 3 Do not remove the protective caps from the SFP or XFP until you are ready to attach the network fiber-optic cable. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot Note SFPs and XFPs are generically called PPMs in CTC. After installing multirate SFPs or XFPs, multirate PPMs must be provisioned in CTC. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card where you want to provision PPM settings. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tabs. Step 3 In the Pluggable Port Modules area, click Create. The Create PPM dialog box appears. Step 4 In the Create PPM dialog box, complete the following: • PPM—Choose the PPM slot number where the SFP or XFP is installed from the drop-down list. • PPM Type—Choose the number of ports supported by your SFP or XFP from the drop-down list. The drop-down list displays the number of PPMs that are available for provisioning. If only one port is supported, PPM (1 port) is the only option. Step 5 Click OK. The newly created port appears in the Pluggable Port Modules pane. The row in the Pluggable Port Modules pane turns light blue. The Actual Equipment Type column remains blank until the actual SFP or XFP is installed. After the SFP or XFP is installed, the row in the pane turns white and the Actual Equipment Type column shows the equipment name. Step 6 Verify that the PPM appears in the list in the Pluggable Port Modules pane. If it does not, repeat Steps 3 through 5. Step 7 Repeat the task to provision a second PPM, if needed. If not, continue with Step 8. Step 8 Click OK. Purpose This task preprovisions SFPs and XFPs, which connect fiber to TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP cards. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-74 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G64 Remove an SFP or XFP Note This task removes the SFP or XFP hardware. To delete the provisioning for an SFP or XFP, see the “DLP-G280 Delete a PPM” procedure on page 6-19. Step 1 If a fiber is connected, disconnect the network fiber cable from the SFP or XFP LC-type connector. Step 2 Release the SFP or XFP from the slot by performing one of the following actions (depending which latch is on the SFP or XFP): • For a mylar tab SFP or XFP: Pull out the mylar tab. • For an actuator/button SFP or XFP: Press the actuator/button. • For a bail clasp SFP or XFP: Unlatch the bail clasp and swing it downward. Step 3 Slide the SFP or XFP out of the slot. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Note Removing an SFP from the client ports of a Y-cable protection group card causes an IMPROPRMVL (PPM) alarm. The working port raises the - CR,IMPROPRMVL,SA alarm and the protected port raises the MN,IMPROPRMVL,NSA alarm. The severity on the client ports is changed according to the protection switch state. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This task removes SFPs and XFPs from TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP cards. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-75 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G123 Install the Filler Cards Warning Blank faceplates (filler panels) serve three important functions: they prevent exposure to hazardous voltages and currents inside the chassis; they contain electromagnetic interference (EMI) that might disrupt other equipment; and they direct the flow of cooling air through the chassis. Do not operate the system unless all cards and faceplates are in place. Statement 156 Caution Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with a powered ONS 15454. For detailed instructions on how to wear the ESD wristband, refer to the Cisco ONS Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Grounding Guide. Note In an ONS 15454 shelf assembly, a filler card (Cisco P/N 15454-FILLER) can be installed in any unused traffic or AIC-I card slots (Slots 1 through 6, 9, and 12 through 17). These cards are detected by CTC in Software Release 6.0 and later. Note In an ONS 15454 M6 shelf assembly, the line card fillers (15454-M-FILLER) can be installed in any unused line card slots (Slots 1 through 7), and a control card filler (15454-MT-FILLER) can be installed in any unused control card slot (Slot 1 or Slot 8). In an ONS 15454 M2 shelf assembly, the line card filler (15454-M-FILLER) can be installed in any unused line card slots (Slot 2 or Slot 3). CTC does not detect the filler card in Release 9.2; however, CTC may detect it in later software releases. Step 1 Open the card ejectors. Step 2 Slide the card along the guide rails into the correct slot. Step 3 Close the ejectors. Step 4 Repeat for any remaining unused card slots. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure explains how to install the filler cards (blank faceplates). The filler card aids in maintaining proper air flow and electro-magnetic interference (EMI) requirements. Tools/Equipment Filler cards Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards, page 4-64 NTP-G31 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Units, page 4-67 NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-76 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G239 Add and Delete Passive Units Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 to log in to an ONS 15454 node on the network. Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G543 Add Passive Units Manually” task on page 4-76 to manually preprovision a passive unit. Step 3 Complete the “DLP-G544 Delete a Passive Unit” task on page 4-77 to delete a passive unit. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G543 Add Passive Units Manually Step 1 In the node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Passive Cards tabs. Step 2 Click Create. The Create Passive Card dialog box appears. Step 3 Choose the passive unit from the Card Type drop-down list and click OK. The passive unit is installed in the first available slot in the rack. Purpose This procedure explains how to add or delete passive units on a DWDM node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This task preprovisions passive units (patch panels and DCUs) in CTC. Preprovisioning of the passive units is normally performed when you complete the“NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File” section on page 4-49. Use this task if you need to manually preprovision a passive unit. All slot preprovisioning must be based upon the Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout prepared for your site. Tools/Equipment Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout table or JPG file. Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-77 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note You can also add a passive unit in the multishelf view by right-clicking the slot inside the rack. Refer to “NTP-G146 Add a Rack, Passive Unit, or Shelf to a Multishelf Node” section on page 13-13. Note If you need to view the details of the passive units that have been installed on a node, click the Inventory tab. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G544 Delete a Passive Unit Step 1 In the node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Passive Cards tabs. Step 2 Click the passive unit you want to delete. Step 3 Click Delete, then click Yes. Note You can also delete a passive unit in the multi-shelf view. Refer to “NTP-G147 Delete a Passive Unit, Shelf, or Rack from a Multishelf Node” section on page 13-16. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task deletes a passive unit. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-78 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs Warning Class I (CDRH) and Class 1M (IEC) laser products. Statement 1055 Caution To comply with the Telcordia GR-1089 NEBS, Issue 5 standard, do not use optical fibers with exposed metallic ferrules. Exposed metallic ferrules may result in ESD damage to the system and can be service affecting. Note For US installations, complies with the US Federal Drug Administration Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Sections 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated July 26, 2001. Note In this procedure, you will generally connect fibers in an Side B-to-Side A or Side B-to-Side B pattern only. “Side A” refers to cards and ports in Slots 1 through 8. “Side B” refers to cards and ports installed in Slots 10 through 17. Note You will install fiber-optic cables on TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP cards later in the chapter during the “NTP-G140 Install Fiber-Optic Cables Between Terminal, Hub, or ROADM Nodes” procedure on page 4-82. Step 1 Refer to the “DLP-G349 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report” task on page 4-80 to install cables to the DWDM cards. Step 2 Verify that the appropriate fiber optic cables are available to complete the connections shown in the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections report: a. Count the number of connections listed in the Internal Connections and verify that you have the same number of cables. b. Measure the distance between Origination Position and Destination Position for each connection, then verify that the fiber lengths will fit each one. Purpose This procedure attaches fiber-optic cables on the DWDM cards and DCUs. Tools/Equipment Fiber-optic cables Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards, page 4-64 NTP-G31 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Units, page 4-67 (as applicable) NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-79 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 3 Complete the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 for all fiber connections, even new fiber. Dust particles can degrade performance. Put caps on any fiber connectors that are not used. Step 4 On the front of the fiber-storage tray (usually installed below the node you are fibering), push the tabs on the left and right sides inward to release the lock on the tray. Step 5 Pull the fiber-storage tray away from the shelf until it is fully opened. Step 6 Open the fold-down door that at the bottom of the shelf assembly to expose the cable-routing channel (Figure 4-11). Figure 4-11 Managing Cables on the Front Panel Step 7 Using the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report, connect one end of the fiber cable plug into the Origination Position. Step 8 Route the fiber cable on the card faceplate through the fiber clip on the faceplate, if provided. (Fiber clips are factory-attached to the faceplates of 32MUX-O, 32DMX, 32DMX-O, OSCM, OSC-CSM, OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-RAMP-C, and OPT-RAMP-CE cards.) Step 9 Route the fiber cable through the cable-routing channel and cutout on the appropriate side of the shelf assembly, as necessary. Step 10 As needed, route slack fiber-optic cable around the round cable retainers in the fiber-storage tray (Figure 4-12). FAN FAIL CRIT MAJ MIN 145262 Cable-routing channel posts Fold down front door4-80 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-12 Fiber-Storage Tray Caution When you close the fiber-storage tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the fiber-storage tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 11 Route the fiber cable out either side of the fiber-storage tray as necessary. Step 12 Plug the other end of the cable into the Destination position. Note Cards display an SF LED after the OSC terminations are created (see the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126) if transmit and receive fibers are not connected correctly. For example, an RX port is connected to another RX port or a TX port is connected to another TX port. Step 13 Repeat Steps 4 through 12 until you have connected the intra-shelf fibers according to the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections report. Step 14 To close the fiber-storage tray, push the tray back toward the rack until it locks into place. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G349 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report 134609 West entry/exit East entry/exit Purpose This task describes how to use the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections report to install cables on the DWDM cards. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-81 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 Display the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections report for the node that you are provisioning. The Internal Connections report is presented in two views, a patchcord installation view and a software provisioning view. The Patchcord installation view lists all the patchcord connections that the installer has to mechanically cable within the site between the different ports of the DWDM cards. The SW Provisioning view contains all the connections to be manually set or removed via CTC with respect to the default connections that are automatically generated by the system software running on the node. The tables identify the patchcords that you must cable by their endpoints. Starting from the left side of report, Position identifies the fiber origination point. The location shown in the next Position to right is the destination point for the fiber connection. The patchcord endpoints are identified by site, assembly shelf, slot, and port number. Information provided by the Internal Connections Software report includes: • Name—Displays the name of the site. On the SW provisioning view, this column indicates whether the connection was automatically set, or should be manually set or removed via CTC. • Position—The cable origination in the format is Rack.Shelf.Slot. For example, Rack#1.Shelf Assembly 1.Slot 2 refers to Slot 2 in shelf assembly 1(DWDM) shelf of Rack 1. Refer to the Cisco TransportPlanner Site Dialog box for rack and shelf names and locations. • Unit—The ONS 15454 DWDM card (unit) that is installed in the Position’s slot. This is where the patchcord originates. • Port Number—The port number where the patchcord connection originates. • Port ID—(Software provisioning view only) The port identifier shown in TL1 for the Position-1 connection. • Port Label—The name of the physical port printed on the DWDM card’s front panel and shown in CTC card view. • Attenuator—If attenuation is required, the product ID (PID) of the bulk fixed attenuator is shown. “Att-Lpbk-4dB” indicates that the DC TX and DC RX ports on an OPT-PRE (or OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, or OPT-AMP-C card provisioned in OPT-PRE card mode) card are to be connected with an attenuated loopback that is shipped with the OPT-PRE card. This parameter also indicates when an internal attenuator must be placed between the OPT-PRE DC-TX and DC-RX ports on the when a DCU is equipped. Note If the Attenuator field is blank, no attenuation is needed. • Position—The cable termination in the format is Rack.Shelf.Slot. • Unit—The ONS 15454 DWDM card that is installed in the Position’s slot. This is where the cabling terminates. • Port—The port number where the patchcord connection terminates. • Port ID—(Software provisioning view only) The port identifier shown in TL1 for the Position-2 connection. • Port Label—The name of the physical port printed on the DWDM card’s front panel and shown in CTC card view. • P/F—Indicates whether you must create the connection manually in CTC. A Yes appearing in this column means that you must create the connection manually. Caution Failure to create the required manual connections will prevent the node from turning up properly4-82 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 2 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G140 Install Fiber-Optic Cables Between Terminal, Hub, or ROADM Nodes Step 1 Determine which type of node you are fibering. The following node types require the listed equipment. The cards and patch panels should already be installed before you begin this procedure. • Terminal node: – One of 32DMX-O card and 32MUX-O card, and one standard or deep patch panel tray – One of 32WSS card and 32DMX or 32DMX-O card, and one standard or deep patch panel tray – One of 32WSS-L card and 32DMX-L card, and one standard or deep patch panel tray – One of 40-WSS-C or 40-WSS-CE card and 40-DMX-C or 40-DMX-CE card, and one standard or deep patch panel tray – One of 40-MUX-C card and 40-DMX-C or 40-DMX-CE card, and one standard or deep patch panel tray – One 40-SMR1-C card and one 15216-MD-40-ODD,15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD (ONS 15216 40 or 48-channel mux/demux) patch panel – One 40-SMR2-C card and one 15216-MD-40-ODD,15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD (ONS 15216 40 or 48-channel mux/demux) patch panel Purpose This procedure routes fiber-optic cables from the DWDM optical cards in a terminal, hub, or ROADM node to the patch panel, and from the patch panel to TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or ADM-10G cards. Tools/Equipment • See Step 1 for a list of equipment specific to each node type. • All node types require fiber-optic cables, terminated with a single LC-type connector on each end. • Cisco Transport Planner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures • “DLP-G28 Install the Fiber Patch-Panel Tray” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “DLP-G29 Install the Fiber-Storage Tray” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 • DLP-G348 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout Report, page 4-66 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-83 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin – One 80-WXC-C card, one 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD unit, and one 15216-MD-40-EVEN, 15216-EF-40-EVEN, or 15216-MD-48-EVEN unit, and one 15216-MD-ID-50 or 15216-MD-48-CM unit • Hub node: – Two of 32MUX-O cards and 32DMX-O or 32DMX cards, and two standard or deep patch panel trays – Two of 32WSS cards and 32DMX or 32DMX-O cards, and two standard or deep patch panel trays – Two of 32WSS-L cards and 32DMX-L cards, and two standard or deep patch panel trays – Two of 40-WSS-C or 40-WSS-CE cards and 40-DMX-C or 40DMX-CE cards, and two standard or deep patch panel trays – Two 40-SMR1-C cards and two 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD patch panels – Two 40-SMR2-C cards and two 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD patch panels • ROADM node: – Two 32WSS cards, optionally, two 32DMX or 32DMX-O cards, and two standard or deep patch panel trays – Two 32WSS-L cards, optionally, two 32DMX-L cards, and two standard or deep patch panel trays – Two 40-WSS-C or 40-WSS-CE cards, optionally, two 40-DMX-C or 40-DMX-CE cards, and two standard or deep patch panel trays – Two 40-SMR1-C cards and two 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD patch panels – Two 40-SMR2-C cards and two 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD patch panels – Two 80-WXC-C cards and two 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD units and 15216-MD-40-EVEN, 15216-EF-40-EVEN, or 15216-MD-48-EVEN units and two 15216-MD-ID-50 or 15216-MD-48-CM units • Expanded ROADM node: – Two of 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE cards and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE cards, and two 40-channel patch panel trays, preinstalled with MPO-LC cables Note If you are using standard patch panels, you will also need eight multifiber push-on (MPO) cables per standard patch panel. MPO cables are fiber-optic cables terminated on one end with one MPO connector and with eight LC-type connectors on the other end. Deep patch panel trays come preinstalled with MPO cables. Step 2 On the front of the patch panel tray, push the tabs on the left and right sides inward to release the lock on the tray. Step 3 Pull the patch panel tray away from the shelf until it is fully opened. Note The red latch inside the patch panel tray at the top left corner will automatically click and lock the tray in the open position when you have fully opened the tray.4-84 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 4 Depending on the type of patch panel tray you are using: • Standard patch panel tray: – Complete the “DLP-G315 Install Fiber-Optic Cables From the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-85. – Complete the “DLP-G316 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-89. • Deep patch panel tray: – Complete the “DLP-G356 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-90. – Complete the “DLP-G357 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray or 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-97. • 40-channel patch panel tray: – As needed, complete the “DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-93 to route the MPO cables out of the right side of the tray so they can be easily connected to cards installed on the right side of the shelf (Slots 12 through 17). – Complete the “DLP-G428 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE Cards in an Expanded ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-95. • 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD patch panel: – Complete the “DLP-G530 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, or 80-WXC-C Cards in a ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 15216-MD-40 or 15216-MD-48 Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-99 Step 5 To close the patch panel tray, unlock it by pressing the red latch in the top left corner, and then push the tray back toward the rack until it locks into place. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Stop. You have completed this procedure.4-85 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G315 Install Fiber-Optic Cables From the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray Note For a ROADM or hub node, two patch panels will be used, one for Side B side and one for Side A. The Side B 32WSS/32DMX card will connect to the Side B patch panel. The Side A 32WSS/32DMX card will connect to the Side A patch panel. Step 1 Choose either the Side B or Side A to cable the 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O cards (or the 32WSS and 32DMX cards for a ROADM node). Purpose This task describes how to route fiber-optic cables from 32MUX-O, 32WSS, 32DMX-O, and 32DMX cards in a terminal, hub, or ROADM node to the standard patch panel. Tools/Equipment The following node types require the following equipment. The cards and patch panels should already be installed before you begin this procedure. Terminal node: • One 32DMX-O card • One 32MUX-O card • One standard patch panel tray • Eight fiber-optic MPO cables: each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors Hub node: • Two 32DMX-O cards • Two 32MUX-O cards • Two standard patch panel trays • Sixteen fiber-optic MPO cables: each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors ROADM node: • Two 32WSS cards • Two 32DMX cards • Two standard patch panel trays • Sixteen fiber-optic MPO cables: each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-86 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 2 On the patch panel, pull up firmly on the two latches and use them to slide the patch panel up until it snaps in place above the tray (Figure 4-13). Figure 4-13 Using the Patch Panel Latches to Slide the Patch Panel Away from the Tray Step 3 At the 32WSS or 32MUX-O card in the node, plug the MPO connector of an MPO cable (Figure 4-14) into the top Add RX (30.3–36.6) port of the card. If you are connecting a subsequent MPO cable, plug the MPO connector into the first vacant Add RX card port below the last MPO cable that was installed. 134825 Patch-panel latches Patch-panel latches MXP/TXP-DWDM connections MPO fan-out connections and slack Patch-panel bar4-87 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-14 MPO Cable . Step 4 Route the MPO cable slack through the patch panel tray as necessary. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 5 While facing the front of the patch panel, at the rear side of the patch panel, plug the eight LC-connector fan-out cables on the MPO cable into their corresponding connectors on the bottom row of the patch panel. You should plug the fan-out cables from left to right (as you face the patch panel), following the numbers tagged (1 through 8) on the cables. Figure 4-15 shows the patch panel connectors from the rear of the patch panel tray. Figure 4-16 shows the assigned wavelengths for each port on the patch panel, as indicated at the top of the patch panel bar. The numbers on the patch panel bar correspond to a wavelength on the ITU grid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 134826 MPO connector To the Add/Drop port on a 32WSS, 40-WSS-C, or 32-MUX-O card LC-type connectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 84-88 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-15 Rear View of the Patch Panel . Figure 4-16 Top View of the Patch Panel Bar Step 6 As necessary, repeat Steps 3 through 5 for the remaining three Add RX ports on the 32WSS or 32MUX-O card, until all 32 LC connectors on the bottom row of the rear of the patch panel are connected. Step 7 At the adjacent 32DMX or 32DMX-O card in the same side of the shelf, plug the MPO connector of an MPO cable into the top Drop TX (30.3–36.6) port of the 32DMX or 32DMX-O card. If you are connecting a subsequent MPO cable, plug the MPO connector into the first vacant Drop TX card port below the last MPO cable that was installed. Step 8 Route the MPO cable slack through the patch panel tray as necessary. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 9 While facing the front of the patch panel, at the rear of the patch panel, plug the eight LC-connector fan-out cables on the MPO cable into their corresponding connectors on the top row of the patch panel. You should plug the fan-out cables from left to right (as you face the patch panel), following the numbers tagged (1 through 8) on the cables. Step 10 As necessary, repeat Steps 7 through 9 for the remaining three Drop TX ports on the 32DMX or DMX-O card, until all 32 LC connectors on the top row of the rear of the patch panel are connected. Step 11 For a hub or ROADM node, repeat Steps 2 through 10 to cable the other side of the shelf to the second patch panel. For a terminal node, go to Step 12. Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 134882 DEMUX connectors (TX port [drop] from the 32DMX or 32DMX-O cards) MUX connectors (RX port [add] to the 32WSS or 32MUX-O cards) 134824 CLIENT 30.3 31.1 31.9 32.6 34.2 35.0 35.8 36.6 CLIENT 38.1 38.9 39.7 40.5 42.1 42.9 43.7 44.5 CLIENT 46.1 46.9 47.7 48.5 50.1 50.9 51.7 52.6 CLIENT 54.1 54.9 55.7 56.5 58.1 58.9 59.7 60.64-89 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G316 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Standard Patch Panel Tray Step 1 At the appropriate TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card, plug one end of a fiber-optic cable into the TX port of the DWDM adapter. Step 2 As needed, route slack fiber-optic cable around the round cable retainers in the fiber-storage tray. Caution When you close the fiber-storage tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the fiber-storage tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 3 On the DWDM (front) side of the patch panel, plug the other end of the cable into the connector on the bottom row that corresponds to the wavelength to which the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP port is tuned. (See Figure 4-16 on page 4-88 for a view of the wavelengths assigned to the patch panel connectors). Figure 4-17 shows the patch panel connectors from the front of the patch panel tray. Figure 4-17 Front View of the Patch Panel . Step 4 Plug one end of a fiber-optic cable into the RX port of the DWDM adapter on the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card. Purpose This task describes how to route fiber-optic cables from the patch panel to TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP cards. Tools/Equipment TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card(s) Fiber-optic cable(s) Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None 134823 DEMUX connectors (to the RX ports on the TXP/MXP cards) MUX connectors (to the TX ports on the TXP/MXP cards)4-90 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 5 On the DWDM (front) side of the patch panel, plug the other end of the cable into the connector on the top row that corresponds to the wavelength to which the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card is tuned. Step 6 Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for all of the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP cards that you want to connect to this patch panel. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). . DLP-G356 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 32WSS/32DMX and 32MUX-O/32DMX-O Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray Purpose This task describes how to route fiber-optic cables from 32MUX-O, 32WSS, 32DMX-O, and 32DMX cards in a terminal, hub, or ROADM node to the deep patch panel tray. Tools/Equipment The following node types require the following equipment. The cards and patch panels should already be installed before you begin this procedure. For terminal nodes, one of the following card sets: • One 32MUX-O card and one 32DMX-O or 32DMX card • One 32WSS card and one 32DMX or 32DMX-O card • One 32WSS-L cards and one 32DMX-L card Plus one deep patch panel tray, preinstalled with MPO cables (each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors) For hub nodes, one of the following card sets: • Two 32MUX-O cards and two 32DMX-O or 32DMX cards • Two 32WSS cards and two 32DMX or 32DMX-O cards • Two 32WSS-L cards and two 32DMX-L cards Plus two deep patch panel trays, preinstalled with MPO cables (each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors) For ROADM nodes, one of the following card sets: • Two 32WSS cards and two 32DMX or 32DMX-O cards • Two 32WSS-L cards and two 32DMX-L cards Plus two deep patch panel trays, preinstalled with MPO cables (each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors) Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-91 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note For a ROADM or hub node, two patch panels will be used, one for Side A (Slots 1 through 6) and one for Side B (Slots 12 through 17). The Side B 32WSS/32DMX card will connect to the Side B patch panel. The Side A 32WSS/32DMX card will connect to the Side A patch panel. The MPO cables in the patch panel are preinstalled and routed out of the right side of the patch panel tray. Step 1 Choose either Side A or Side B of the shelf to cable the 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O cards (or the 32WSS and 32DMX cards for a ROADM node). Step 2 On the patch panel, locate the MPO connectors (Figure 4-14 on page 4-87). Step 3 Route the preinstalled MPO cables out of the tray to the right or left (Figure 4-18). Figure 4-18 Deep Patch Panel Tray Step 4 At the 32WSS or 32MUX-O card in the node, plug the MPO connector labeled 1 RX on an MPO cable (Figure 4-14 on page 4-87) into the top Add RX (30.3–36.6) port of the card. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 5 Plug the MPO connector labeled 2-RX into the Add RX (38.1–44.5) port on the card. Step 6 Plug the MPO connector labeled 3-RX into the Add RX (46.1–52.5) port on the card. Step 7 Plug the MPO connector labeled 4-RX into the Add RX (54.1–60.6) port on the card. Figure 4-19 shows the deep patch panel ports and corresponding wavelengths. 144679 LC-LC cables MPO-LC Cables4-92 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-19 Deep Patch Panel Port Wavelengths Step 8 At the adjacent 32DMX or 32DMX-O card in the same side of the shelf, plug the MPO connector labeled 1 TX on the MPO cable (Figure 4-14 on page 4-87) into the top Drop TX (30.3–36.6) port of the card (Figure 4-19). Step 9 Plug the MPO connector labeled 2-TX into the Drop TX (38.1–44.5) port on the card. Step 10 Plug the MPO connector labeled 3-TX into the Drop TX (46.1–52.5) port on the card. Step 11 Plug the MPO connector labeled 4-TX into the Drop TX (54.1–60.6) port on the card. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 12 For a hub or ROADM node, repeat Steps 2 through 11 to cable the other side of the shelf to the second patch panel. For a terminal node, go to Step 13. Step 13 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 1532.6nm RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX 1536.6nm 1531.8nm 1531.1nm 1530.3nm 1535.8nm 1535.0nm 1534.2nm RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX 1540.5nm 1544.5nm 1539.7nm 1538.9nm 1538.1nm 1543.7nm 1542.9nm 1542.1nm RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX 1548.5nm 1552.5nm 1547.7nm 1546.9nm 1546.1nm 1551.7nm 1550.9nm 1550.1nm RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX 1556.5nm 1560.6nm 1555.7nm 1554.9nm 1554.1nm 1559.7nm 1558.9nm 1558.1nm RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX 144676 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 84-93 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray Step 1 Carefully unwind all of the MPO cables in the patch panel tray and gently set the cables to the side of the tray, out of the way of the internal hardware. Figure 4-20 and Figure 4-21 show the 40-channel patch panel tray. Figure 4-20 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray, Side View Purpose This task reroutes the MPO cables that are preinstalled in the 40-channel patch panel tray. The cables exit to the left when shipped; this task reroutes the cables out of the right side of the tray. Use this task when you want to connect these MPO cables to cards installed on the right side of the shelf (Slots 12 through 17). Tools/Equipment #2 Phillips screwdriver Prerequisite Procedures None Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None 1598174-94 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-21 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray, Top View Step 2 Slide each of the ten LC-port adapter packs upward. Step 3 Unscrew the two screws in the bottom left bending limiter and remove the bending limiter. Step 4 Remove the single screw below the center of the patch panel to free the patch panel hardware. Step 5 Slide the patch panel to the left, and reinstall the screw below the center of the patch panel. Step 6 Install the bending limiter to the right of the patch panel by installing the two screws. Step 7 Carefully route all of the MPO cables around the bending limiter and out the exit on the right side of the patch panel tray. Step 8 Slide each of the ten LC-port adapter packs downward. Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 159816 Bending limiter4-95 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G428 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE Cards in an Expanded ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray Note For a ROADM node, two patch panels will be used, one for the Side A (Slots 1 through 6) and one for Side B (Slots 12 through 17). The Side B 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE card will connect to the Side B patch panel. The Side A 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE will connect to the Side A patch panel. The MPO cables in the patch panel are preinstalled and routed out of the left side of the patch panel tray. Step 1 Choose either the Side A or Side B side of the shelf to cable the 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE cards. Note If you are cabling cards on Side B of the shelf, you must first perform the “DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-93 to route the MPO cables out of the right side of the patch panel tray, or route the cables through a fiber storage panel. Purpose This task describes how to route fiber-optic cables from 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE cards in an expanded ROADM, terminal, or hub node to the 40-channel (80-port) patch panel tray (15454-PP-80). Tools/Equipment The following node types require the following equipment. The cards and patch panels should already be installed before you begin this procedure. Expanded terminal nodes: • One 40-WSS-C or 40-WSS-CE card • One 40-DMX-C or 40-DMX-CE card Plus one 40-channel patch panel tray, preinstalled with MPO cables (each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors) Expanded hub or ROADM nodes: • Two 40-WSS-C or 40-WSS-CE cards • Two 40-DMX-C or 40-DMX-CE cards Plus two 40-channel patch panel trays, preinstalled with MPO cables (each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors) Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray, page 4-93 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-96 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 2 On the patch panel, locate the MPO cables and connectors. Step 3 At the 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE card in the node, plug the MPO connector labeled 1 RX on an MPO cable (Figure 4-14 on page 4-87) into the top Add RX (30.3–35.8) port of the card. Step 4 Plug the MPO connector labeled 2-RX into the Add RX (36.6–42.1) port on the card. Step 5 Plug the MPO connector labeled 3-RX into the Add RX (42.9–48.5) port on the card. Step 6 Plug the MPO connector labeled 4-RX into the Add RX (49.3–54.9) port on the card. Step 7 Plug the MPO connector labeled 5-RX into the Add RX (55.7–61.4) port on the card. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Figure 4-22 shows the 40-channel patch panel ports and corresponding wavelengths. Figure 4-22 40-Channel (15454-PP-80) Patch Panel Port Wavelengths Step 8 At the adjacent 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE card in the same side of the shelf, plug the MPO connector labeled 1 TX on the MPO cable into the top Drop TX (30.3–35.8) port of the card. Step 9 Plug the MPO connector labeled 2-TX into the Drop TX (36.6–42.1) port on the card. Step 10 Plug the MPO connector labeled 3-TX into the Drop TX (42.9–48.5) port on the card. Step 11 Plug the MPO connector labeled 4-TX into the Drop TX (49.3–54.9) port on the card. Step 12 Plug the MPO connector labeled 5-TX into the Drop TX (55.7–61.4) port on the card. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 13 Repeat Steps 2 through 12 to cable the other side of the shelf to the second patch panel. 159712 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX 1557.3nm 1560.6nm 1558.1nm 1561.4nm 1555.7nm 1558.9nm 1556.5nm 1559.7nm 1546.1nm 1546.9nm 1547.7nm 1548.5nm 1542.9nm 1543.7nm 1544.5nm 1545.3nm 1539.7nm 1540.5nm 1541.3nm 1542.1nm 1536.6nm 1537.4nm 1538.1nm 1538.9nm 1533.4nm 1534.2nm 1535.0nm 1535.8nm 1530.3nm 1531.1nm 1531.8nm 1532.6nm 1549.3nm 1550.1nm 1550.9nm 1551.7nm 1552.5nm 1553.3nm 1554.1nm 1554.9nm4-97 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 14 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G357 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP Cards to the Deep Patch Panel Tray or 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray Step 1 Refer to the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report to connect the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card to the proper (Side A or Side B) patch panel. Cisco TransportPlanner designates Side A as Slots 1 to 6 and Side B as Slots 12 to 17. At the appropriate TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card, plug one end of a fiber-optic cable into the TX port of the DWDM adapter. Step 2 As needed, route slack fiber-optic cable around the round cable retainers in the fiber-storage tray. Caution When you close the fiber-storage tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the fiber-storage tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 3 Plug the other end of the cable into the RX connector on the patch panel that corresponds to the wavelength to which the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP port is tuned. (See Figure 4-19 on page 4-92 for a view of the wavelengths assigned to the deep patch panel connectors or Figure 4-22 on page 4-96 for a view of the wavelengths assigned to the 40-channel patch panel connectors). Step 4 On the patch panel tray, slide each of the ten LC-port adapter packs upward. Step 5 Plug one end of a fiber-optic cable into the RX port of the DWDM adapter on the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card. Step 6 Plug the other end of the cable into the TX connector on the patch panel that corresponds to the wavelength to which the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP port is tuned. Purpose This task describes how to route fiber-optic cables from the deep patch panel (32-channel) or 40-channel patch panel to TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP cards. Tools/Equipment TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card(s) Deep (32-channel) patch panel tray or 40-channel patch panel tray Fiber-optic cable(s) Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-98 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 7 Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for each TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, or OTU2_XP card that you want to connect to this patch panel. Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).4-99 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G530 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, or 80-WXC-C Cards in a ROADM, Terminal, or Hub Node to the 15216-MD-40 or 15216-MD-48 Patch Panel Tray Purpose This task describes how to route fiber-optic cables from the 40-SMR1-C1 , 40-SMR2-C1 , or 80-WXC-C2 cards in a ROADM, terminal, or hub node to the 15216-MD-40 or 15216-MD-48 patch panel tray.. 1. The 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C cards can be connected only to the odd patch panel (15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD). Tools/Equipment The following node types require the following equipment. The cards and patch panels should already be installed before you begin this procedure. Terminal nodes: • One 40-SMR1-C1 and one 15216 Odd patch panel3 • One 40-SMR2-C1 and one 15216 Odd patch panel3 • One 80-WXC-C2 card, one 15216 Odd patch panel3 , and one 15216 Even patch panel4 , and one 15216-MD-ID-50 or 15216-MD-48-CM unit Hub nodes: • Two 40-SMR1-C1 cards and two 15216 Odd patch panels3 • Two 40-SMR2-C1 cards and two 15216 Odd patch panels3 ROADM nodes: • Two 40-SMR1-C1 cards and two 15216 Odd patch panels3 • Two 40-SMR2-C1 cards and two 15216 Odd patch panels3 • Two 80-WXC-C2 cards, two 15216 Odd patch panels3 , and 15216 Even patch panels4 and 15216-MD-ID-50 or 15216-MD-48-CM units Prerequisite Procedures Install and route fiber-optic cables on the patch panel. For more information, see the required installation guide: • Installing the Cisco ONS 15216-MD-40-ODD and 15216-MD-40-EVEN Mux/Demux Patch Panels • Installing the Cisco ONS 15216-EF-40-ODD and 15216-EF-40-EVEN Mux/Demux Patch Panels • Installing the Cisco ONS 15216-MD-48-ODD and 15216-MD-48-EVEN Mux/Demux Patch Panels • Installing Cisco ONS 15216-MD-ID-50 Optical Interleaver and Deinterleaver Pluggable • Installing the Cisco ONS 15216-MD-48-CM Interleaver and Deinterleaver Pluggable Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-100 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note For optical interconnections between the odd patch panel, interleaver and deinterleaver module, and the even patch panel, see the “Installing Cisco ONS 15216-MD-ID-50 Optical Interleaver and Deinterleaver Pluggable” or “Installing the Cisco ONS 15216-MD-48-CM Interleaver and Deinterleaver Pluggable” guide. Note For a ROADM node, two patch panels will be used, one for the Side A (Slots 1 through 6) and one for Side B (Slots 12 through 17). The Side B 40-SMR1-C1 or 40-SMR2-C1 card will connect to the Side B patch panel. The Side A 40-SMR1-C1 or 40-SMR2-C1 will connect to the Side A patch panel. Step 1 Choose Side A or Side B of the shelf to route the cables from the 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, or 80-WXC-C card. Step 2 On the 15216 patch panel1,2, locate the COM TX port and insert one end of an LC-LC cable. Step 3 Route the LC-LC cable through the 15216 patch panel1,2 to the 40-SMR1-C1 card, 40-SMR2-C1 card, or 80-WXC-C2 card on Side A of the node. Step 4 Connect the other end of the LC-LC cable to the ADD RX port on the 40-SMR1-C or 40-SMR2-C cards or the AD port on the 80-WXC-C card. Step 5 On the 15216 patch panel1,2, locate the COM RX port and insert one end of an LC-LC cable. Step 6 Route the LC-LC cable through the 15216 patch panel1,2 to the 40-SMR1-C1 , 40-SMR2-C1 or 80-WXC-C2 card on Side A of the node. Step 7 Connect the other end of the LC-LC cable to the DROP TX port on the 40-SMR1-C1 , 40-SMR2-C1 , or 80-WXC-C2 card. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 8 For a hub or ROADM node, repeat Steps 2 through 7 to cable the other side of the shelf to the second patch panel. For a terminal node, go to Step 9. Note For a ROADM node using 40-SMR2-C1 cards, you must use a special reversed MPO cable (15454-MPO-XMPO-2=) to connect the EXP ports of the Side A 40-SMR2-C to the EXP ports of the Side B 40-SMR2-C1 . Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 2. The 80-WXC-C card can be connected to the odd patch panel (15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD) and the even patch panel (15216-MD-40-EVEN, 15216-EF-40-EVEN, or 15216-MD-48-EVEN ) in the presence of interleaver and deinterleaver pluggable (15216-MD-ID-50 or 15216-MD-48-CM). 3. 15216-MD-40-ODD, 15216-EF-40-ODD, or 15216-MD-48-ODD patch panel. 4. 15216-MD-40-EVEN, 15216-EF-40-EVEN, or 15216-MD-48-EVEN patch panel.4-101 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G185 Install Fiber-Optic Cables between Mesh Nodes Step 1 Open the patch panel tray: • 40-channel patch panel tray—On the front of the patch panel tray, push the tabs on the left and right sides inward to release the lock on the tray. Pull the patch panel tray away from the shelf until it is fully opened. • Mesh patch panel tray—On the front of the patch panel tray, push the tabs on the left and right sides inward to open the front door. Raise the plunger located to the right of the TEST ACCESS TX port and pull the tray away from the rack. Purpose This procedure describes how to install fiber-optic cables to create mesh nodes. You must route fiber-optic cables from: • 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C cards in a mesh node to the 40-channel (80-port) patch panel tray (15454-PP-80) • 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C cards in a mesh node to one of the mesh patch panel trays (four-degree or eight-degree) • 40-SMR2-C cards in a mesh node to the 15454-PP-4-SMR patch panel tray. Tools/Equipment Mesh nodes require the following equipment. The cards and patch panels should already be installed before you begin this procedure. • One 40-MUX-C card per side of the mesh node (up to 8 sides per node) • One 40-DMX-C card per side of the mesh node (up to 8 sides per node) • One 40-channel patch panel tray per side of the mesh node (up to 8 sides per node) • One 40-WXC-C card per side (up to 8 sides per node) • One 80-WXC-C card per side (up to 8 sides per node) • One 40-SMR2-C card per side (up to 4 sides per node) • One MPO-MPO fiber-optic cable per side (up to 8 sides per node) • One LC-LC fiber-optic cable per side (up to 8 sides per node) • One PP-MESH-4 (four-degree), PP-MESH-8 (eight-degree), or 15454-PP-4-SMR (four-degree) mesh patch panel tray depending on the type of mesh node you want to install Note Use the PP-MESH-4 or PP-MESH-8 mesh patch panel trays for the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C cards and the 15454-PP-4-SMR mesh patch panel tray for the 40-SMR2-C card. Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray, page 4-93 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-102 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G430 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards in a Mesh Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-102. Step 3 Complete the “DLP-G431 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WXC-C, or 40-SMR2-C Cards in a Mesh Node to a Mesh Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-104. Step 4 Close the patch panel tray: • 40-channel patch panel tray: Push the tray back toward the rack until it locks into place. • Mesh patch panel tray: Raise the plunger located on the right of the TEST ACCESS Tx port and push the tray until the plunger locks into the closed position. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G430 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards in a Mesh Node to the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray Step 1 Choose Side A of the shelf to cable the 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C cards. Purpose This task describes how to route fiber-optic cables from 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C cards in mesh node to the 40-channel (80-port) patch panel tray (15454-PP-80). In a mesh node, one 40-channel patch panel tray is required for each direction. The Side A 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C cards will connect to the Side A 40-channel patch panel. The Side B 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C cards will connect to the Side B 40-channel patch panel, and so forth, up to a maximum of an eight-degree mesh node (Sides A through H). Tools/Equipment The cards and patch panels should already be installed before you begin this procedure. • One 40-MUX-C card per side of the mesh node • One 40-DMX-C card per side of the mesh node • One 40-channel patch panel trays per side of the mesh node, preinstalled with MPO cables (each MPO cable is terminated on one end with one MPO connector and on the other end with eight LC-type connectors) Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray, page 4-93 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-103 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note If you are cabling any cards from the right side of the shelf (Slots 12 through 17), you must first perform the “DLP-G427 Reroute Fiber-Optic Cables in the 40-Channel Patch Panel Tray” task on page 4-93 to route the MPO cables out of the right side of the patch panel tray, or route the cables through a fiber storage panel. Step 2 On the patch panel, locate the MPO cables and connectors. Step 3 At the 40-MUX-C card in the node, plug the MPO connector labeled 1 RX on an MPO cable into the top Add RX (30.3–35.8) port of the card. Step 4 Plug the MPO connector labeled 2-RX into the Add RX (36.6–42.1) port on the card. Step 5 Plug the MPO connector labeled 3-RX into the Add RX (42.9–48.5) port on the card. Step 6 Plug the MPO connector labeled 4-RX into the Add RX (49.3–54.9) port on the card. Step 7 Plug the MPO connector labeled 5-RX into the Add RX (55.7–61.4) port on the card. Step 8 At the adjacent 40-DMX-C card in the same side of the shelf, plug the MPO connector labeled 1 TX on the MPO cable. Step 9 Plug the MPO connector labeled 2-TX into the Drop TX (36.6–42.1) port on the card. Step 10 Plug the MPO connector labeled 3-TX into the Drop TX (42.9–48.5) port on the card. Step 11 Plug the MPO connector labeled 4-TX into the Drop TX (49.3–54.9) port on the card. Step 12 Plug the MPO connector labeled 5-TX into the Drop TX (55.7–61.4) port on the card. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 13 Repeat Steps 2 through 12 for the remaining sides of the mesh node (Sides B through H, depending on the type of mesh node you want to cable). Step 14 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).4-104 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G431 Install Fiber-Optic Cables from the 40-WXC-C, or 40-SMR2-C Cards in a Mesh Node to a Mesh Patch Panel Tray Step 1 Choose Side A of the shelf to cable the 40-WXC-C, or 40-SMR2-C card to the mesh patch panel. Step 2 On the mesh patch panel, locate the EXP TX A port (for PP-MESH-4 and PP-MESH-8) or EXP-A port (for 15454-PP-4-SMR) and insert one end of an MPO-MPO cable. Step 3 Route the MPO cable through the mesh patch panel and out to the 40-WXC-C, or 40-SMR2-C card on Side A of the node. Step 4 Connect the other end of the MPO cable to the EXP RX port on the 40-WXC-C, or EXP port on the 40-SMR2-C card. Purpose This task connects fiber-optic cables from the 40-WXC-C or 40-SMR2-C cards in a mesh node to the 4-degree (PP-MESH-4 or 15454-PP-4-SMR) or 8-degree (PP-MESH-8) mesh patch panel. The four-degree patch panel allows up to 4 sides to be used per node, while the eight-degree patch panel allows up to 8 sides to be used per node. Tools/Equipment The cards and patch panel trays should already be installed before you begin this procedure. • One 40-WXC-C card per side (up to 8 sides per node) • One 40-SMR2-C card per side (up to 4 sides per node) • One MPO-MPO fiber-optic cable per side • One LC-LC fiber-optic cable per side • One PP-MESH-4 (four-degree), PP-MESH-8 (eight-degree), or 15454-PP-4-SMR (four-degree) mesh patch panel tray • Cisco Transport Planner Internal Connections Report Note Use the PP-MESH-4 or PP-MESH-8 mesh patch panel trays for the 40-WXC-C or 80-WXC-C cards and the 15454-PP-4-SMR mesh patch panel tray for the 40-SMR2-C card. Prerequisite Procedures • “DLP-G28 Install the Fiber Patch-Panel Tray” in theCisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • “DLP-G29 Install the Fiber-Storage Tray” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide • NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 • DLP-G348 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout Report, page 4-66 • Install and route fiber-optic cables on the 15454-PP-4-SMR mesh patch panel. For more information, see the Installing Cisco ONS 15454-PP-4-SMR Patch Panel. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-105 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Note If you are connecting a 40-SMR2-C card to the 15454-PP-4-SMR mesh patch panel, skip steps 5 through 7. Step 5 On the PP-MESH-4 or PP-MESH-8 mesh patch panel, locate the COM RX A port and insert one end of an LC-LC cable. Step 6 Route the LC cable through the mesh patch panel to the 40-WXC-C card on Side A of the node. Step 7 Connect the other end of the LC cable to the EXP TX port on the 40-WXC-C. Step 8 Repeat Steps 1 through 7 as necessary to cable Sides B through D for a 4-degree patch panel, and Sides B through H for an 8-degree patch panel. Caution When you close the patch panel tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the patch panel tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G191 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on Passthrough ROADM Nodes Step 1 Choose either the East or West side of the first shelf to cable the 32WSS card for the first ROADM node. Purpose This procedure routes fiber-optic cables from a 32WSS card in a ROADM node in one shelf to the corresponding 32WSS card in a ROADM node in another shelf. The purpose of this routing is to connect East and West intershelf ROADMs in a passthrough configuration. Tools/Equipment Each ROADM node requires the listed equipment. The cards and fiber-storage trays should already be installed before you begin this procedure. • One 32WSS card • One fiber-storage tray • Two 3-meter fiber-optic cables, each terminated with a single LC connector on each end. • Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G29 Install the Fiber-Storage Tray” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide DLP-G348 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Shelf Layout Report, page 4-66 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-106 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 2 Choose the corresponding West or East side of the second shelf to cable the 32WSS card for the second ROADM node. Step 3 On the front of the fiber-storage tray that will be used for routing the fiber-optic cable, push the tabs on the left and right sides inward to release the lock on the tray. Step 4 Pull the fiber-storage tray away from the shelf until it is fully opened. Step 5 Open the fold-down door located at the bottom of both shelf assemblies to expose the cable-routing channels for each (Figure 4-23). Figure 4-23 Managing Cables on the Front Panel Step 6 Plug one end of the first 3-meter fiber-optic cable into the EXP-TX connector on the first 32WSS card. Step 7 Route the fiber-optic cable through the shelf cable-routing channel and cutout on the appropriate side of the shelf assembly, as necessary. Step 8 Route the fiber-optic cable through the vertical fiber guide as needed to reach the entry to the fiber-storage tray. Step 9 Thread the cable into the fiber-storage tray at the appropriate side and around the first bend radius delimiter as shown (Figure 4-24). Step 10 As needed, route slack fiber-optic cable around the slack management cable retainers in the fiber-storage tray (Figure 4-24). FAN FAIL CRIT MAJ MIN 145262 Cable-routing channel posts Fold down front door4-107 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-24 Fiber-Storage Tray Caution When you close the fiber-storage tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the fiber-storage tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 11 Thread the fiber cable through the second bend delimiter and out the appropriate side of the fiber-storage tray as necessary. Step 12 Route the fiber-optic cable through the vertical fiber guide as needed to reach the second ROADM shelf where the second 32WSS is located. Step 13 Route the fiber-optic cable through the shelf cutout and through the shelf cable routing channel as needed. Step 14 Plug the end of the 3-meter fiber-optic cable into the EXP-RX port of the second 32WSS card. Step 15 Plug one end of the second 3-meter fiber-optic cable into the EXP-TX connector on the second 32WSS card. Step 16 Follow Step 7 through Step 14 to connect the EXP-TX connector of the second 32WSS card to the EXP-RX port of the first 32WSS card. Step 17 Close the fold-down doors located at the bottom of both shelf assemblies and slide the fiber-storage tray back into its normal locked position. Stop. You have completed this procedure. 240291 West entry/exit Bend radius delimiter Slack management cable retainers Bend radius delimiter East entry/exit4-108 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G141 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for Y-Cable Protection Modules Note Refer to the “Shelf Assembly Hardware” and “Transponder and Muxponder Cards” chapters in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual for more information about Y-cable protection. Note To use Y-cable protection for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE cards, the cards must be provisioned in 10GE MXP, 20GE MXP, or 10GE TXP mode. (See the “DLP-G379 Change the GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Card Mode” task on page 6-8.) Y-cable protection cannot be used for GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE cards that are provisioned in L2-over-DWDM mode. Step 1 As needed, complete the “DLP-G375 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the FlexLayer Shelf” task on page 4-109. Step 2 As needed, complete the “DLP-G376 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the Y-Cable Module Tray” task on page 4-110. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure installs and routes fiber-optic cables from the client signal to the Y-cable protection module (single mode or multimode), and from the Y-cable module to the transponder node. Using one Y-cable protection module, you can protect one client signal with two TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP cards, and two client signals with four TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP cards. You can use Y-cable protection modules that you have installed in a FleyLayer shelf, or Y-cable modules installed in a Y-cable module tray. Tools/Equipment Fiber-optic cables Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G32 Install the Y-Cable Protection Modules in the FlexLayer Shelf” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide “DLP-G377 Install the Y-Cable Protection Modules in the Y-Cable Module Tray” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-109 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G375 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the FlexLayer Shelf Step 1 Referring to the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report, install a fiber-optic cable between a TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card and a Y-cable module. If you want to protect one client signal, connect the fiber-optic cables according to either Table 4-6 or Table 4-7. To protect two client signals using a single Y-cable module, connect the cables according to both Table 4-6 and Table 4-7. Purpose This task installs fiber-optic cables from the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE cards to the Y-cable modules installed in the FlexLayer shelves, and from the Y-cable modules to the client devices. Tools/Equipment Fiber-optic cables Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G32 Install the Y-Cable Protection Modules in the FlexLayer Shelf” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None Table 4-6 Cable Connections for Y-Cable Protection of One Client Signal From To (Y-Cable Port Number) Client 1 TX port 10 Client 1 RX port 5 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE 1 TX port 1 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE 1 RX port 2 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE 2TX port 6 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE2RX port 7 Table 4-7 Cable Connections for Y-Cable Protection of a Second Client Signal From To (Y-Cable Port Number) Client 2 TX port 12 Client 2 RX port 11 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE3 TX port 3 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE 3 RX port 4 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE 4 TX port 8 TXP/MXP/GE_XP/GE_XPE/10GE_XP/10GE_XPE 4 RX port 94-110 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 2 As needed, route slack fiber-optic cable around the round cable retainers in the fiber-storage tray as you install cables between the Y-cable module and the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE cards (Figure 4-12 on page 4-80). Caution When you close the fiber-storage tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the fiber-storage tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 3 Install a fiber-optic cable between the client device and the Y-cable module where you just installed a fiber-optic cable to the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card. Step 4 Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for each Y-cable module you need to use for Y-cable protection. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G376 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on the Y-Cable Modules in the Y-Cable Module Tray Step 1 Open the drawer of the tray by pushing inward on the latches located at the left and right front of the tray. Step 2 On each Y-cable module you will connect, use the tab to slide the module up so that it is fully extended and easily accessible in the tray. Step 3 Referring to the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report, install a 4-meter (13.12-foot) fiber-optic cable (single-mode or multimode, as appropriate) between a TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card and the Y-cable module installed farthest to the left. Proceed according to the port label affixed to the front of the tray to identify the ports on each installed module (Figure 4-25). Purpose This task installs fiber-optic cables from the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE cards to the Y-cable modules installed in the Y-cable module tray, and from the Y-cable modules to the client devices. Tools/Equipment Fiber-optic cables (4-meter [13.12-foot]), single-mode or multimode as appropriate Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures “DLP-G32 Install the Y-Cable Protection Modules in the FlexLayer Shelf” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level None4-111 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-25 Y-Cable Protection Port Label Note You can use the label shown in Figure 4-25 to take notes as to which wavelength/port you are connecting to each Y-cable module. “W” denotes the indicated Working port on the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card. “P” denotes the indicated Protect port on the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card. Note Protective covers are installed over the third and fourth ports on the Y-cable modules because they are not used. As needed, route slack fiber-optic cable around the round cable retainers in theY-cable module tray as you install cables between the Y-cable module and the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card (Figure 4-26). Client TX Client RX TXP W TX TXP W RX TXP W RX TXP W RX TXP W RXTXP W RX TXP W RX TXP W RX TXP W RX TXP P RX TXP P TX TXP P TX TXP P TX TXP P TX TXP P TX TXP P TX TXP P TX TXP P TX TXP P RX TXP P RX TXP P RX TXP P RX TXP P RX TXP P RX TXP P RX TXP W TX TXP W TX TXP W TX TXP W TX TXP W TX TXP W TX TXP W TX Client RX Client RX Client RX Client RX Client RX Client RX Client RX Client TX Client TX Client TX Client TX Client TX Client TX Client TX #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 1446774-112 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Figure 4-26 Y-Cable Protection Module Tray Caution When you close the Y-cable module tray, the cables must not be pinched, and the cable bend radius must be equal to or greater than the minimum radius that is recommended in your site specifications. As you route each cable through the tray, make sure that adequate cable slack remains. Step 4 Referring to the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report, install a fiber-optic cable of adequate length (single-mode or multimode, as appropriate) between the Y-cable module and the client signal that you want to protect. Step 5 As needed, route slack fiber-optic cable around the round cable retainers in theY-cable module tray as you install cables between the Y-cable module and the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE card. Step 6 Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for each Y-cable module you need to use for Y-cable protection. Step 7 To close the tray, unlock the drawer from the open position by depressing the red lock at the back left of the tray and push the tray closed. Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). 144678 LC-LC cables Y cable modules4-113 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G152 Create and Verify Internal Patchcords Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to provision the DWDM cable connections. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Complete the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 4-49 to import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE update file. Step 3 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcords tabs. Note The Internal Patchcords tab does not show OPT-PRE DCU connections or span connections. Note The number of rows in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcords tab are created dynamically, as per the number of sides present in a node. Note On the 15454-M2 and the 15454-M6 shelves, you can create internal patchcords between the TNC card and the optical amplifier cards. Step 4 Verify that the connections in the Internal Patchcords tab match the connections in the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report for the DWDM cards (see the “DLP-G349 Use the Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report” task on page 4-80). The Internal Patchcords tab will not show OPT-PRE DCU connections or span connections. Step 5 Complete the “NTP-G242 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually” procedure on page 4-114 for any connections that require manual provisioning, for example, to create patchcords between TXP and MXP trunk ports and OCH filter ports. If you need to delete a connection, complete the “DLP-G355 Delete an Internal Patchcord” task on page 4-123. Note Connections related to optical bypass circuits must be manually provisioned. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure imports the internal patchcords using the CTP XML file. Internal patchcords can also be manually provisioned. Tools/Equipment • Cisco TransportPlanner shelf layout • Cisco TransportPlanner Internal Connections Report Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-114 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G242 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Note Use only one management interface to complete the creation of internal patchcords. For example, do not begin the internal patchcord creation using the TL1 interface or CTP XML file and end the internal patchcord creation using CTC. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcord tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 Choose one of the following link types for the internal patchcord: • Trunk to Trunk (L2)—Creates a bidirectional patchcord between the trunk ports of GE_XP and 10GE_XP cards. If you choose this option, complete “DLP-G354 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Trunk to Trunk (L2) Option” task on page 4-115. • OCH-Trunk to OCH-Filter—Creates an internal patchcord between an optical channel trunk port on a TXP/MXP stage card (which includes TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, OTU2_XP, or ITU-T line cards) and an optical channel filter port on an add/drop stage card (which includes 32MUX, 40-MUX-C, 32WSS, 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE, 32DMX, 32DMX-O, 40DMX, 40-SMR1-C, or 40-SMR2-C cards). You can use this option to also create an internal patchcord between an optical channel trunk port on a TXP/MXP stage card (which includes TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, OTU2_XP, or ITU-T line cards) and the COM port on a PSM card in channel protection configuration (where, PSM card is equipped between one TXP/MXP stage and two add/drop stages). In this case, the Internal Patchcord Creation wizard will prompt you to create patchcords between the working and protect ports on the PSM card and the ports on the two different add/drop stage cards (which includes 32MUX, 40-MUX-C, 32WSS, 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE, 32DMX, 32DMX-O, 40DMX, 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, or 80-WXC-C cards). If you choose this option, complete “DLP-G547 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Trunk to OCH-Filter Option” task on page 4-116. • OCH-Filter to OCH-Filter—Creates an unidirectional or bidirectional internal patchcord between a MUX input port and a DMX output port. If you choose this option, complete “DLP-G548 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Filter to OCH-Filter Option” task on page 4-118. • OTS to OTS—Creates a unidirectional or bidirectional internal patchcord between two optical transport section (OTS) ports, between two optical cards, between an optical card and a passive card, between two passive cards, or between the TNC card and an optical amplifier card. This option also includes OSC ports. If you choose this option, complete “DLP-G549 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OTS to OTS Option” task on page 4-120. Purpose This procedure creates an internal patchcord manually. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-115 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Optical Path—Creates an internal patchcord between two optical cards, or between an optical card and a passive card. If you choose this option, complete “DLP-G531 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Optical Path Option” task on page 4-122. Note Manual creation of OTS/OCH to OTS/OCH internal patchcords is not required for standard DWDM nodes. However, manual creation might be required for non-standard nodes, for example, a hub node that has wavelength selective switches installed. In such cases, manual creation is recommended by Cisco Transport Planner. Note To successfully create an internal patchcord between WSS/DMX channel port and TXP trunk port, choose the TXP as the source endpoint and WSS/DMX as the destination endpoint. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G354 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Trunk to Trunk (L2) Option Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcord tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 On the Internal Patchcord Type Selection page, choose the patchcord type as Trunk to Trunk (L2) and click Next. Step 4 On the Internal Patchcord Origination page, provision the internal patchcord origination parameters: • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. • Tx Port—Choose the TX port where the internal patchcord originates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 5 Click Next. Step 6 In the Internal Patchcord Termination page, provision the internal patchcord termination parameters: • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. • Port—Choose the RX port where the internal patchcord terminates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Purpose This task creates a bidirectional internal patchcord between the trunk ports of two GE_XP or 10GE_XP cards. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-116 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 7 Click Next. Step 8 Review the display-only information on the Internal Patchcord Origination Reverse page. This page shows the slot, and port that CTC will use for the opposite internal patchcord origination route. Step 9 Click Next. Step 10 Review the information displayed on the Internal Patchcord Termination Reverse page. This display-only page shows the slot, and port that CTC will use for the reverse internal patchcord termination route. Step 11 Click Finish. The new internal patchcord appears in the Internal Patchcord table. Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G547 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Trunk to OCH-Filter Option Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcord tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 On the Internal Patchcord Type Selection page, choose the patchcord type as OCH-Trunk to OCH-Filter option and click Next. Step 4 On the Internal PatchcordOCH Attributes page, provision the following parameters: • OCHNC Wavelength—Sets the OCHNC wavelength for the OCH trunk to OCH filter internal patchcord. Use the unnamed band selection box below to display C-band or L-band wavelengths in the OCHNC Wavelength field. Provision the OCHNC wavelength to the wavelength provisioned for the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, OTU2_XP, or ITU-T line card trunk port. • PSM Protection—Select this check box if you have provisioned a PSM card in channel protection configuration. • Colorless—Select this check box if you want to create a colorless patchcord. Step 5 Click Next. Step 6 On the Internal Patchcord Origination page, provision the internal patchcord origination parameters: • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. • Tx Port—Choose the TX port where the internal patchcord originates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Purpose This task creates a bidirectional internal patchcord between a TXP, MXP, or XP trunk and a DWDM add and drop channel port. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-117 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 7 In the Internal Patchcord Termination page, provision the internal patchcord termination parameters: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord terminates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. • Rx Port—Choose the RX port where the internal patchcord terminates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 8 Click Next. Step 9 In the Internal Patchcord Origination Reverse page, provision the internal patchcord parameters for the reverse internal patchcord origination route: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord originates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. Note Choose the same passive card that you chose in Step 7. • Tx Port—Choose the TX port where the internal patchcord originates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 10 Click Next. Step 11 In the internal Patchcord Termination Reverse page, provision the internal patchcord parameters for the reverse internal patchcord termination route: • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. • Rx Port—Choose the RX port where the internal patchcord originates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 12 Click Next. Step 13 Click Finish. The new internal patchcord appears in the Internal Patchcord table. Return to your originating procedure (NTP).4-118 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G548 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OCH-Filter to OCH-Filter Option Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcord tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 On the Internal Patchcord Type Selection page, choose the patchcord type as OCH-Filter to OCH-Filter option and click Next. Step 4 On the Internal Patchcord OCH Attributes page, provision the following parameters: • OCHNC Wavelength—Sets the OCHNC wavelength for the OCH trunk to OCH filter internal patchcord. Use the unnamed band selection box below to display C-band or L-band wavelengths in the OCHNC Wavelength field. Provision the OCHNC wavelength to the wavelength provisioned for the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, or 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, OTU2_XP, or ITU-T line card trunk port. • Bidirectional—If checked, creates a bidirectional internal patchcord. • PSM Protection—Select this check box if you have provisioned a PSM card in channel protection configuration. Step 5 Click Next. Step 6 On the Internal Patchcord Origination page, provision the internal patchcord origination parameters: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord terminates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. • Tx Port—Choose the TX port where the internal patchcord terminates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 7 In the Internal Patchcord Termination page, provision the internal patchcord termination parameters: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord terminates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. Purpose This task creates a unidirectional or bidirectional internal patchcord between two DWDM add and drop channel ports. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-119 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. • Rx Port—Choose the RX port where the internal patchcord terminates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 8 If you did not choose bidirectional in Step 4, continue with Step 13. Otherwise, continue with the next step. Step 9 Click Next. Step 10 In the Internal Patchcord Origination Reverse page, provision the internal patchcord parameters for the reverse internal patchcord origination route: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord originates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. Note Choose the same passive card that you chose in Step 7. • Tx Port—Choose the TX port where the internal patchcord originates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 11 Click Next. Step 12 In the internal Patchcord Termination Reverse page, provision the internal patchcord parameters for the reverse internal patchcord termination route: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord terminates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. Note Choose the same passive card that you chose in Step 6. • Rx Port—Choose the RX port where the internal patchcord terminates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 13 Click Finish. The new internal patchcord appears in the Internal Patchcord table. Return to your originating procedure (NTP).4-120 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G549 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the OTS to OTS Option Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcord tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 On the Internal Patchcord Type Selection page, choose the patchcord type as OTS to OTS and click Next. Step 4 On the Internal Patchcords OTS Attributes page, provision the following parameters: • Bidirectional—If checked, creates a bidirectional internal patchcord. • MPO Connection—Creates all the patchcords between two MPO connectors. If this option is checked, the bidirectional option is disabled. • Exclude Used Port—If checked, excludes the used ports for patchcord creation. If unchecked, more than one patchcord can be created starting from the same port. • Grid Filter—Select the grid option from the drop-down list. • Port Type—Select the port type from the drop-down list. The options are: – OSC only—Cards with OSC ports and OSCM cards are available for patchcord creation. The MPO Connection and Exclude Used Ports checkboxes are disabled and the Bidirectional option is checked. – DC only—Cards with DC ports and passive DCUs are available for patchcord creation. The MPO Connection and Exclude Used Ports checkboxes are disabled and the Bidirectional option is checked. Allows to create an internal patchcord between an optical card and a passive card. Step 5 Click Next. Step 6 On the Internal Patchcord Origination page, provision the internal patchcord origination parameters: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord originates. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. • Tx Port—Choose the TX port where the internal patchcord originates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. • MPO—Choose the port where the internal patchcord originates.CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. This field is visible only if you have chosen MPO connection in Step 4. Purpose This task creates a unidirectional or bidirectional internal patchcord between two optical transport section (OTS) ports. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-121 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 7 Click Next. Step 8 In the Internal Patchcord Termination page, provision the internal patchcord termination parameters: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord terminates. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. • Rx Port—Choose the RX port where the internal patchcord terminates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. • MPO—Choose the port where the internal patchcord originates.CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. This field is visible only if you have chosen MPO connection in Step 4. Step 9 If you did not choose bidirectional in Step 4, continue with Step 14. Otherwise, continue with the next step. Step 10 Click Next. Step 11 In the Internal Patchcord Origination Reverse page, provision the internal patchcord parameters for the reverse internal patchcord origination route: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord originates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord originates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. Note Choose the same passive card that you chose in Step 8. • Tx Port—Choose the TX port where the internal patchcord originates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 12 Click Next. Step 13 In the internal Patchcord Termination Reverse page, provision the internal patchcord parameters for the reverse internal patchcord termination route: • Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord terminates. • Side—Choose the side where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Optical Card. • Unit—Choose the passive card where the internal patchcord terminates. This field is visible only if you have chosen the type as Passive Card. Note Choose the same passive card that you chose in Step 6.4-122 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Rx Port—Choose the RX port where the internal patchcord terminates. CTC automatically displays the list of ports that are available depending on the link type you choose. Step 14 Click Finish. The new internal patchcord appears in the Internal Patchcord table. Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G531 Create an Internal Patchcord Manually Using the Optical Path Option Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcord tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 On the Internal Patchcord Type Selection page, choose the patchcord type as Optical Path and click Next. Step 4 On the Internal Patchcord Card List page, provision the following parameters: • Card From Selection area: – Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord originates. – Shelf—(Multishelf nodes only) Choose the shelf where the internal patchcord originates. – Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord originates. • Card To Selection area: – Type—Choose the type of card (optical or passive card) where the internal patchcord terminates. – Shelf—(Multishelf nodes only) Choose the shelf where the internal patchcord terminates. – Slot—Choose the slot containing the card where the internal patchcord terminates. • Choose the required patchcord from the list that CTC generates. Step 5 Click Next to continue creating internal patchcords between cards and repeat Step 4. In the Internal Patchcord Card List page that follows, CTC automatically populates the Card From Selection fields with the values you entered in the Card To Selection fields in the previous page. Step 6 After creating all the internal patchcords between cards, click Finish. The new internal patchcords appear on the Internal Patchcord table. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task creates an internal patchcord manually between two optical cards or between an optical card and a passive card. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-123 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G355 Delete an Internal Patchcord Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcord tabs. Step 2 Click the connection you want to delete. Step 3 Click Delete, then click Yes. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G209 Create, Edit, and Delete Optical Sides Note For any node type including mesh nodes, the association between the shelf, line card and side is reported in the left top window of CTC (Vital Status Pane) in the mode view. Note For mesh nodes, the association between sides and the 40-WXC-C cards can be found in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcords screen. For example: PP-MESH, LC (A): Shelf 1, Slot 3 (40 WXC), port EXP-TX PP-MESH, MPO (A): Shelf 1, Slot 3 (40 WXC), port EXP-RX The above rows indicate that the: WXC port located in Shelf 1, Slot 3 is connected to the LC connector A (Side A) on PP-MESH. WXC port located in Shelf 1, Slot 3 is connected to the MPO connector A (Side A) on PP-MESH. Purpose This task deletes an internal patchcord. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only Purpose This procedure allows you to create, edit, and delete optical sides on a DWDM node. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File, page 4-49 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-124 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to provision the optical side. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 As needed, complete the following tasks: • Complete the “DLP-G491 Create an Optical Side” task on page 4-124. • Complete the “DLP-G492 Edit an Optical Side” task on page 4-125. • Complete the “DLP-G480 Delete an Optical Side” task on page 4-125. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G491 Create an Optical Side Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Optical Sides tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 In the Create Side dialog box, enter the following: • Side ID—Choose a side ID (A, B,C, D, E, F, G, or H) from the drop-down list. • Line In—Choose an RX port from the drop-down list. • Line Out—Choose a TX port from the drop-down list. Note For a terminal node equipped with a PSM card in line or multiplex section protection configuration, you can only choose the W-RX and W-TX ports while creating an optical side. After you create the working (w) optical side, the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card automatically creates the protected (p) optical side involving the P-RX and P-TX ports of the PSM card. CTC refreshes the Optical Sides tab with both the working and protected optical sides. Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task creates an optical side. For more details on optical sides, refer to the “Node Reference” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-125 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G492 Edit an Optical Side Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Optical Sides tabs. Step 2 Click the optical side that you want to edit. Step 3 Click Edit. Step 4 In the Edit Side ID dialog box, choose a side ID (A, B,C, D, E, F, G, or H) from the drop-down list. Step 5 Click OK. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G480 Delete an Optical Side Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Optical Sides tabs. Step 2 Click the optical side that you want to delete. Step 3 Click Delete. Step 4 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to continue. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task edits the side ID of an optical side. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only Purpose This task deletes an optical side. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-126 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations Note This procedure automatically turns on any OPT-RAMP-C or OPT-RAMP-CE cards installed in the DWDM ring. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to provision the OSC terminations. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > OSC tabs. Step 3 In the OSC Terminations area, click Create. Step 4 In the Create OSC Terminations dialog box, choose the ports where you want to create the OSC termination. To select more than one port, press the Shift key (to select a range of ports) or the Ctrl key (to select multiple individual ports). Note The number of OSC terminations that you create depends on the node type defined by Cisco TransportPlanner. Terminal nodes require one OSC termination. Hub, OADM, and ROADM nodes require two OSC terminations. Step 5 In the Layer 3 area, check the OSI box if the following conditions are met: • The OSC termination is between the ONS 15454 and another ONS node. • Third party NEs that use the OSI protocol stack are on the same network. If you checked OSI, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 6. a. Click Next. b. Provision the following fields: • Router—Choose the OSI router. • ESH—Set the ESH propagation frequency. End system NEs transmit ESHs to inform other ESs and ISs about the NSAPs they serve. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds. • ISH—Sets the ISH PDU propagation frequency. Intermediate system NEs send ISHs to other ESs and ISs to inform them about the IS NETs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds. Purpose This procedure provisions the OSC terminations. The OSC provides a bidirectional channel that connects all nodes within a DWDM ring. The OSC carries a supervisory data channel and synchronizes clocking at network nodes. The OSC also carries a user data channel. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File, page 4-49 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-127 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • IIH—Sets the IIH PDU propagation frequency. The IS-IS Hello PDUs establish and maintain adjacencies between ISs. The default is 3 seconds. The range is 1 to 600 seconds. • Metric—Sets the cost for sending packets on the LAN subnet. The IS-IS protocol uses the cost to calculate the shortest routing path. The default metric cost for LAN subnets is 20. It normally should not be changed. Step 6 Click Finish. Ports are automatically placed in service. The following alarms might appear in the node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) Alarms tab Description field. They will remain until all the network OSC connections between the adjacent nodes are created: • SDCC Termination Failure (ANSI) or RS-DCC Termination Failure (ETSI) on the OSCM or OSC-CSM card • LOS on the OC-3 port (Port 1) on the OSCM, OSC-CSM, or OPT-BST card • OPWR-LFAIL on the OPT-BST or OSC-CSM card Note After the OSC termination is created, the line ports are placed in service and span power levels are checked. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup Note ANS provisioning parameters must be calculated by Cisco Transport Planner. ANS provisioning parameters must be manually changed only by Cisco qualified personnel. Setting wrong ANS provisioning (either as preamplifier or booster input power thresholds) may impact traffic. Purpose This procedure runs the Launch ANS function. Launch ANS applies the ANS parameters (calculated in the “NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File” procedure on page 4-49) to the node and to the ports for cards installed in the node. The applied ANS parameters include span loss values, threshold values, power references, and others. Launch ANS also sets the VOA references based on the calculated power references. Tools/Equipment The Cisco TransportPlanner Installation Parameters file Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G139 Verify Cisco TransportPlanner Reports and Files, page 4-3 NTP-G30 Install the DWDM Cards, page 4-64 NTP-G152 Create and Verify Internal Patchcords, page 4-113 NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File, page 4-49 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-128 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to run ANS. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Referring to the Cisco TransportPlanner Installation Parameters (see Table 4-1 on page 4-4), identify the parameters that have a Yes in the Manually Set column. If there are no parameters that have a Yes in the Manually Set column, continue with Step 6. Step 3 In CTC, display the card where the parameter is to be manually provisioned in card view. Step 4 Enter the specified Calibration parameter from the Cisco TransportPlanner Installation Parameters table. Click Apply. Step 5 Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for each parameter in the Cisco TransportPlanner Installation Parameters table that displays Yes in the Manually Set field. Step 6 Change to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 7 Click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Step 8 Click Launch ANS. Step 9 In the Apply Launch ANS dialog box, click Yes. Step 10 In the Launch ANS confirmation dialog box, click OK. Step 11 Verify that one of the following status appears in the Result column for all the ports: • Success - Changed—The parameter setpoint was recalculated successfully. • Success - Unchanged—The parameter setpoint did not need recalculation. • Not applicable—When ports are not in use. If one of the following statuses is shown, complete the provided instructions: • Fail - Out of Range—The calculated setpoint is outside the expected range. If this status appears, do not continue until you have investigated and cleared the cause. This status might appear because of an error in the Cisco TransportPlanner file. It could also appear because the insertion loss of the installed cards is greater than the estimated insertion loss calculated by Cisco TransportPlanner. If so, the Cisco TransportPlanner file will need to be recalculated. All of these possible causes should be investigated. Contact your next level of support if you are unable to clear this status. • Fail - Missing Input Parameter—The parameter could not be calculated because the required provisioning data is unknown or unavailable. If this status appears, check if the correct Cisco TransportPlanner file was imported. • Unchanged - Port in IS—The parameter could not be calculated because the port is in service. This status should normally not appear at this point in node turn-up. If it does, display the card in card view, change the port administrative state to OOS,DSLB (ANSI) or Locked,disabled (ETSI), and repeat Steps 6 through 11. Note If the ports that are in service carry circuits, you must delete the circuits before you can place the ports out of service. See the “DLP-G347 Delete Optical Channel Client Connections” task on page 8-11, the “DLP-G418 Delete an Optical Channel Trail” task on page 8-19, or the “DLP-G106 Delete Optical Channel Network Connections” task on page 8-26. Stop. You have completed this procedure.4-129 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G39 Verify OSCM Transmit Power Note Throughout this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 6, and Side B refers to Slots 12 through 17. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node where you want to verify the OSCM or OSC-CSM transmit power. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Disable automatic laser shutdown (ALS) on Side A or (for terminal nodes) the terminal side OSCM or OSC-CSM card: a. In the node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the Side A or terminal-side OSCM or OSC-CSM card. b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. c. From the ALS Mode drop-down list, choose Disable. d. Click Apply. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 3 If an OSC-CSM or OSCM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 4. a. In the node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the Side B OSCM or OSC-CSM card. b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. c. From the ALS Mode drop-down list, choose Disable. d. Click Apply. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 4 Complete the “DLP-G314 Verify OSCM Transmit Power” task on page 4-130. Step 5 Change ALS to Auto Restart on the Side A or (for terminal nodes) the terminal side OSCM or OSC-CSM card: a. In the node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the Side A or terminal-side OSCM or OSC-CSM card. b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. c. From the ALS Mode drop-down list, choose Auto Restart. d. Click Apply. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 6 If an OSC-CSM or OSCM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, you have completed this procedure. a. In the node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click Side B OSCM or OSC-CSM card. b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. Purpose This procedure verifies that the transmit power for the ONS 15454 OSCM and the OSC-CSM cards is correct. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup, page 4-127 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-130 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin c. From the ALS Mode drop-down list, choose Auto Restart. d. Click Apply. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G314 Verify OSCM Transmit Power Step 1 Display the OSCM card in card view. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Step 3 Record the Port 3 (OSC TX) Power value: _____. Step 4 Change to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), then click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. Step 5 Record the OSC Power value under the OSCM card in the tree view. Step 6 If the power value recorded in Step 3 is not within the range of +/– 0.5 dBm recorded in Step 5, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 7. a. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. Verify that the ALS Command is set to OSRI Off. If not, choose Off from the drop-down list. Click Apply, then click Yes. b. Clean the optical connections. See the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. c. Complete the following procedures: • Delete the two OSC channels using the “DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination” task on page 11-50. • Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. • Create the OSC channels using the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. d. Repeat Step 3 through 6. If the power level is still not within the specified range, contact your next level of support. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task verifies that the transmit power of the OSCM card is correct. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed Required Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only4-131 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G163 Upgrade Nodes in Single-Shelf Mode to Multishelf Mode Caution An optical shelf in a multishelf configuration must be provisioned as the node controller shelf and not a subtending shelf, otherwise traffic will be dropped. If no slots are available on an optical shelf to install the MS-ISC-100T cards needed for a node controller shelf, install and configure the Cisco Catalyst 2950. See the “NTP-G302 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to a Catalyst 2950” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node that you want to configure as a multishelf node. Step 2 If you want to configure a shelf as the node controller, continue with Step 3. If you want to configure a shelf as a subtending shelf, continue with Step 4. Step 3 To set up the login node as the node controller, complete the following steps: a. In node view (single-node mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > General > Multishelf Config tabs. b. Click Enable as Node Controller. c. From the LAN Config drop-down list, complete one of the following: Purpose This procedure upgrades nodes in single-shelf mode to multishelf mode. Tools/Equipment The node you plan to use as the node controller must be equipped with optical units and cannot have a cross-connect card installed. Any nodes that you plan to add to the multishelf configuration as subtending shelves can be equipped with transponder and muxponder units. For more information on multishelf configurations, see the “Node Reference” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 One of the following procedures: • “NTP-G301 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to an MS-ISC-100T Card” in theCisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide, or • “NTP-G302 Connect the ONS 15454 Multishelf Node and Subtending Shelves to a Catalyst 2950” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. • “NTP-G308 Connect the ONS 15454 M6 Multishelf Node and the ONS 15454 M6 Subtending Shelves” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. • “DLP-G682 Connect the ONS 15454 M6 as the Node Controller in a Mixed Multishelf Configuration” in the Cisco ONS 15454 Hardware Installation Guide. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only4-132 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Choose Ethernet Switch if MS-ISC-100T cards or the Catalyst 2950 switches are already installed and configured. • Choose Stand-Alone if MS-ISC-100T cards are not installed yet but will be in the final layout or if this is a line amplifier or an OSC-only site. This option will allow a safe migration of the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC database when the multishelf configuration is complete. d. Click Apply. e. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to allow the node to reboot. The CTC view changes to network view and the node icon changes to gray. Wait for the reboot to finish. (This might take several minutes.) f. After the node reboots, double-click the node. The multishelf view appears. Note The shelf ID of the node controller is automatically assigned as 1. Step 4 To add a node as a subtending shelf in the multishelf configuration, complete the following: a. In multishelf view, right-click in the white space in the rack and choose Add Shelf. b. Select the type of subtending shelf (ONS 15454 or ONS 15454 M6). c. In the Shelf ID Selection dialog box, choose a shelf ID (from 2 to 30) from the drop-down list. d. Click OK. The shelf appears in the multishelf view. e. Preprovision the new shelf so that it has the same provisioning as the actual shelf that you will add as the subtending shelf: Caution If the subtending shelf is not preprovisioned, traffic will be lost. • Cards, PPMs, administrative states, client and trunk port configuration—For more information on card and port settings, see Chapter 6, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards.” • Timing—For more information, see the “NTP-G53 Set Up Timing” procedure on page 7-22. • GCC—For more information, see the “DLP-G76 Provision DCC/GCC Terminations” task on page 8-61. f. Disconnect the cross-over (CAT-5) LAN cable from the RJ-45 (LAN) port of the ONS 15454 subtending shelf TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 7 or Slot 11, or from the MSM port that corresponds to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8 of the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf. g. Connect your Windows PC or Solaris workstation NIC to the RJ-45 (LAN) port on the ONS 15454 TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 7 or Slot 11, or to the MSM port that corresponds to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8 of the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf. h. Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the subtending shelf. i. Click the Provisioning > General > Multishelf Config tabs. j. Click Enable as Subtended Shelf. k. Select the appropriate subtending shelf (ONS 15454 or ONS 15454 M6). l. From the Shelf ID drop-down list, choose the shelf ID that you created in Step c. m. Click Apply. 4-133 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin n. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to reboot the shelf. The CTC view changes to network view and the node icon changes to gray. Wait for the reboot to finish. (This might take several minutes.) o. Disconnect your Windows PC or Solaris workstation network interface card (NIC) from the RJ-45 (LAN) port of the subtending shelf TTC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 7 or Slot 11, or from the MSM port that corresponds to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8 of the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf. p. Reconnect the cross-over (CAT-5) LAN cable (disconnected in Step f) to the RJ-45 (LAN) port of the subtending shelf TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Slot 7 or Slot 11, or to the MSM port that corresponds to the TNC/TSC card in Slot 1 or Slot 8 of the ONS 15454 M6 subtending shelf. Note The Ethernet cable must e connected to the subtended shelf TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card soon after this TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card completes its boot phase (when it becomes active and its peer TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card starts rebooting). Connecting it before the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TSC card completes its boot phase is a risk in the conversion process. Connecting it long time after completion of the boot phase might affect traffic due to missing provisioning. q. Repeat Steps a through p to set up additional subtending shelves. Note Cisco Transport Manager (CTM) users can use the CTM NE Explorer to monitor and configure single-shelf and multishelf nodes. When the upgrade is complete, the original individual subtending shelves will remain the CTM network view and must be manually deleted. For detailed information, refer to the Cisco Transport Manager User Guide, Appendix B, “NE Explorer Information.” Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G210 Provision Node for SNMPv3 Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 on the node on which you want to set up SNMPv3. If you are already logged in, go to Step 2. Step 2 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 tabs. Step 3 Complete the following tasks as required: • DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User, page 4-138 Purpose This procedure provisions the node to allow SNMPv3 access. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required if you want to implement SNMPv3 on your network. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-134 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • DLP-G498 Create Group Access, page 4-139 Note A group named default_group is defined in the initial configuration. The default group has read and notify access to the complete MIB tree. • DLP-G497 Create MIB Views, page 4-139 Note A view named full_view is defined in the initial configuration. It includes the complete MIB tree supported on the node. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G211 Provision Node to Send SNMPv3 Traps Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 on the node on which you want to set up SNMPv3. If you are already logged in, go to Step 2. Step 2 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 tabs. Step 3 Complete the following tasks as required: • DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User, page 4-138 • DLP-G498 Create Group Access, page 4-139 • DLP-G497 Create MIB Views, page 4-139 • DLP-G501 Create Notification Filters, page 4-142 • DLP-G499 Configure SNMPv3 Trap Destination, page 4-140. When you configure an SNMPv3 trap destination, use the IP address of the NMS, and the port number on which the NMS is listening for traps. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure provisions a node to send SNMP v3 traps. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required if you want to implement SNMPv3 on your network. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-135 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G212 Manually Provision a GNE/ENE to Manage an ENE using SNMPv3 Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 on the node on which you want to set up SNMPv3. If you are already logged in, go to Step 2. Step 2 Go to network view. Step 3 Double-click the ENE. Step 4 Click Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 > General and note the context engine ID. The is required in Step 8. Step 5 Double-click the GNE. Step 6 Complete the “DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User” task on page 4-138 to create an SNMPv3 user on the GNE. Step 7 Complete the following tasks as needed on the ENE: • DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User, page 4-138 • DLP-G498 Create Group Access, page 4-139 • DLP-G497 Create MIB Views, page 4-139 Step 8 Complete the “DLP-G502 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table” task on page 4-142. Use the from Step 4, the local user details created in Step 6, and the remote user created in Step 7. Stop. You have completed this procedure. Purpose This procedure describes how to manually configure a GNE/ENE to allow the NMS to manage an ENE using SNMPv3. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required if you want to implement SNMPv3 on your network. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-136 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin NTP-G213 Automatically Provision a GNE to Manage an ENE using SNMPv3 Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 on the node on which you want to set up SNMPv3. If you are already logged in, go to Step 2. Step 2 Go to network view. Step 3 Double-click the GNE. Step 4 Complete the “DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User” task on page 4-138 to create an SNMPv3 user on the GNE. Step 5 Complete the “DLP-G503 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table” task on page 4-143. Use the GNE user that you defined in Step 4 when you configure the Proxy Forwarder table. Note When you use the automatic procedure, CTC automatically creates an ons_proxy user on the ENE, provides ENE user details for the proxy configuration, and provides the of the ENE. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G214 Manually Provision a GNE/ENE to Send SNMPv3 Traps from an ENE using SNMPv3 Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 on the node on which you want to set up SNMPv3. If you are already logged in, go to Step 2. Step 2 Go to network view. Purpose This procedure describes how to automatically configure a GNE to allow an NMS to manage an ENE using SNMPv3. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required if you want to implement SNMPv3 on your network. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This procedure describes how to manually configure the GNE/ENE to allow an ENE to send SNMPv3 traps to the NMS. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required if you want to implement SNMPv3 on your network. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-137 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 3 Double-click the GNE. Step 4 Complete the “DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User” task on page 4-138 to create an SNMPv3 user on the GNE. Step 5 On the GNE, complete the “DLP-G499 Configure SNMPv3 Trap Destination” task on page 4-140. The target IP address must be the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the NMS. For the UDP Port number, use the port number on which the NMS is listening for traps. Use the user name configured in Step 4. Also, specify a target tag name. Step 6 Double-click the ENE. Step 7 Complete the “DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User” task on page 4-138 to create an SNMPv3 user on the ENE. Step 8 Complete the following tasks as required: • DLP-G498 Create Group Access, page 4-139 to create a group on the ENE • DLP-G497 Create MIB Views, page 4-139 to create a MIB view on the ENE • DLP-G501 Create Notification Filters, page 4-142 Step 9 On the ENE, complete the “DLP-G499 Configure SNMPv3 Trap Destination” task on page 4-140. The target IP address should be the IP address of the GNE. The UDP port number is 161. Use the user name configured in Step 7. Step 10 From the network view, click the Provisioning > SNMPv3 tabs. Step 11 Complete the “DLP-G504 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table” task on page 4-144. The source of the trap must be the IP address of the ENE. For the field, provide the of the ENE. Also, you need to specify the target tag defined in Step 5, and the incoming user details configured in Step 7. Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G215 Automatically Provision a GNE/ENE to Send SNMPv3 Traps from an ENE Using SNMPv3 Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 on the node on which you want to set up SNMPv3. If you are already logged in, go to Step 2. Step 2 Go to Network View. Step 3 Double-click the GNE. Purpose This procedure describes how to automatically configure the GNE/ENE to allow an ENE to send SNMPv3 traps to the NMS. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G22 Verify Common Card Installation, page 4-7 Required/As Needed Required if you want to implement SNMPv3 on your network. Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Provisioning or higher4-138 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 4 Complete the task “DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User” task on page 4-138 to create an SNMPv3 user on the GNE. Step 5 On the GNE, complete the following tasks: • DLP-G499 Configure SNMPv3 Trap Destination, page 4-140. The target IP address must be the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the NMS. For the UDP Port number, use the port number on which the NMS is listening for traps. Also, specify a target tag name. • DLP-G505 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table, page 4-145. Use the target tag configured in Step 4. Use the IP address of the ENE as the source of trap. The following details are created automatically: – A user named ons_trap_user on the ENE – Trap destination on the ENE with an IP address of the GNE as the target IP and 161 as the UDP port number – Remote user details of the ENE on the GNE Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G496 Create an SNMPv3 User Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 > User tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 In the Create User dialog box, enter the following information: • User Name—Specify the name of the user on the host that connects to the agent. The user name must be a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. For TL1 compatibility, the user name must be of 6 to 10 characters. • Group Name—Specify the group to which the user belongs. • Authentication – Protocol—Select the authentication algorithm that you want to use. The options are NONE, MD5, and SHA. – Password—Enter a password if you select MD5 or SHA. By default, the password length is set to a minimum of eight characters. • Privacy—Initiates a privacy authentication level setting session that enables the host to encrypt the contents of the message that is sent to the agent. – Protocol—Select NONE or DES as the privacy authentication algorithm. – Password—Enter a password if you select DES. Purpose This procedure creates an SNMPv3 user. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-139 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 4 Click OK to save the information. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G497 Create MIB Views Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 > MIB views tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 In the Create Views dialog box, enter the following information: • Name—Name of the view. • Subtree OID—The MIB subtree which, when combined with the mask, defines the family of subtrees. • Bit Mask—A family of view subtrees. Each bit in the bit mask corresponds to a sub-identifier of the subtree OID. • Type—Select the view type. Options are Include and Exclude. Type defines whether the family of subtrees that are defined by the subtree OID and the bit mask combination are included or excluded from the notification filter. Step 4 Click OK to save the information. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G498 Create Group Access Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 > Group Access tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Purpose This procedure creates an SNMPv3 MIB view. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This procedure creates a user group and configures the access parameters for the users in the group. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-140 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 3 In the Create Group Access dialog box, enter the following information: • Group Name—The name of the SNMP group, or collection of users, who share a common access policy. • Security Level—The security level for which the access parameters are defined. Select from the following options: – noAuthNoPriv—Uses a user name match for authentication. – AuthNoPriv—Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms. – AuthPriv—Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms. Provides DES 56-bit encryption based on the CBC-DES (DES-56) standard, in addition to authentication. If you select authNoPriv or authPriv for a group, the corresponding user must be configured with an authentication protocol and password, with privacy protocol and password, or both. • Views – Read View Name—Read view name for the group. – Notify View Name—Notify view name for the group. • Allow SNMP Sets—Select this check box if you want the SNMP agent to accept SNMP SET requests. If this check box is not selected, SET requests are rejected. Note SNMP SET request access is implemented for very few objects. Step 4 Click OK to save the information. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G499 Configure SNMPv3 Trap Destination Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 > Trap Destinations (V3) tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 In the Configure SNMPv3 Trap dialog box, enter the following information: • Target Address—Target to which the traps should be sent. Use an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. • UDP Port—UDP port number that the host uses. Default value is 162. • User Name—Specify the name of the user on the host that connects to the agent. • Security Level—Select one of the following options: Purpose This procedure provisions SNMPv3 trap destination. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-141 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin – noAuthNoPriv—Uses a user name match for authentication. – AuthNoPriv—Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms. – AuthPriv—Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms. Provides DES 56-bit encryption based on the CBC-DES (DES-56) standard, in addition to authentication. • Filter Profile—Select this check box and enter the filter profile name. Traps are sent only if you provide a filter profile name and create a notification filter. For more information, see “DLP-G501 Create Notification Filters” task on page 4-142. • Proxy Traps Only—If selected, forwards only proxy traps from the ENE. Traps from this node are not sent to the trap destination identified by this entry. • Proxy Tags—Specify a list of tags. The tag list is needed on a GNE only if an ENE needs to send traps to the trap destination identified by this entry, and wants to use the GNE as the proxy. Step 4 Click OK to save the information. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G500 Delete SNMPv3 Trap Destination Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP> SNMPv3 > Trap Destination tabs. Step 2 In the Trap Destinations area, select the trap you want to delete. Step 3 Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box appears. Step 4 Click Yes. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This procedure deletes an SNMPv3 trap destination. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-142 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin DLP-G501 Create Notification Filters Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > SNMP > SNMP V3 > Notification Filters tabs. Step 2 Click Create. Step 3 In the Create Notify dialog box, enter the following information: • Filter Profile Name—Specify a name for the filter. • Subtree OID—The MIB subtree which, when combined with the mask, defines the family of subtrees. • Bit Mask—A family of view subtrees. Each bit in the bit mask corresponds to a sub-identifier of the subtree OID. • View Type—Select the view type. Options are Include and Exclude. Type defines whether the family of subtrees that are defined by the subtree OID and the bit mask combination are included or excluded from the notification filter. Step 4 Click OK to save the information. Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G502 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table Step 1 In network view, click Provisioning > SNMPv3. Step 2 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Server area, complete the following: • Select the GNE to be used as the SNMPv3 proxy server from the drop-down list. • Select the Enable IPv6 Target/Trap check box if the nodes and the NMS stations are on an IPv6 network. Step 3 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table area, click Manual Create. Step 4 In the Manual Configuration of SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder dialog box, enter the following information: Purpose This procedure creates SNMPv3 notification filters. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher Purpose This procedure creates an entry in the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-143 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Target IP Address—Target to which the request should be forwarded. Use an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. • Context Engine ID—The context engine ID of the ENE to which the request is to be forwarded. The context engine ID should be the same as the context engine ID of the incoming request. • Proxy Type—Type of SNMP request that needs to be forwarded. The options are Read and Write. • Local User Details—The details of the local user who proxies on behalf of the ENE user. – User Name—Specify the name of the user on the host that connects to the agent. – Local Security Level—Select the security level of the incoming requests that are to be forwarded. The options are noAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, and AuthPriv. • Remote User Details—User to which the request is forwarded. – User Name—Specify the user name of the remote user. – Remote Security Level—Select the security level of the outgoing requests. The options are noAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, and AuthPriv. • Authentication – Protocol—Select the authentication algorithm you want to use. The options are NONE, MD5, and SHA. – Password—Enter the password if you select MD5 or SHA. • Privacy—Enables the host to encrypt the contents of the message that is sent to the agent. – Protocol—Select NONE or DES as the privacy authentication algorithm. – Password—Enter the password if you select DES. The password should not exceed 64 characters. Step 5 Click OK to save the information. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G503 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table Step 1 In network view, click Provisioning > SNMPv3 tabs. Step 2 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Server area, complete the following: • Select the GNE to be used as the SNMPv3 proxy server from the drop-down list. • Select the Enable IPv6 Target/Trap check box if the nodes and the NMS stations are on an IPv6 network. Step 3 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table area, click Auto Create. Purpose This procedure creates an entry in the SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-144 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin Step 4 In the Automatic Configuration of SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder dialog box, enter the following information: • Proxy Type—Select the type of proxies to be forwarded. The options are Read and Write. • Security Level—Select the security level for the incoming requests that are to be forwarded. The options are: – noAuthNoPriv—Uses a username match for authentication. – AuthNoPriv—Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms. – AuthPriv—Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms. Provides DES 56-bit encryption based on the CBC-DES (DES-56) standard, in addition to authentication. • Target Address List—Select the proxy destination. • Local User Name—Select the user name from the list of users. Note When you configure SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder Table automatically, the default_group is used on the ENE. The default_group does not have write access. To enable write access and allow SNMP sets, you need to edit the default_group on ENE. Step 5 Click OK to save the settings. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G504 Manually Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table Step 1 In network view, click Provisioning > SNMPv3 tabs. Step 2 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Server area, complete the following: • Select the GNE to be used as the SNMPv3 proxy server from the drop-down list. • Select the Enable IPv6 Target/Trap check box if the nodes and the NMS stations are on an IPv6 network. Step 3 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table area, click Manual Create. Step 4 In the Manual Configuration of SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder dialog box, enter the following information: • Remote Trap Source—Select the IP address from which the traps are sent. If the IP address is not listed, enter the IP address manually. Purpose This procedure creates an entry in the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-145 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Context Engine ID—Specify the context engine ID of the ENE from which traps need to be forwarded. This field is automatically populated if the source of trap is selected. If the source of trap is not specified, you need to manually enter the context engine ID. • Target Tag—Specify the tag name. The tag identifies the list of NMS that should receive the forwarded traps. Traps are forwarded to all GNE Trap destinations whose proxy tags list contains this tag. • Remote User Details – User Name—Specify the user name. – Security Level—Select the security level for the user. The options are noAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, and AuthPriv. • Authentication—Select the authentication algorithm. – Protocol—Select the authentication algorithm you want to use. The options are NONE, MD5, and SHA. Default is None. – Password—Enter the password if you select MD5 or SHA. • Privacy—Enables the host to encrypt the contents of the message that is sent to the agent. – Protocol—Select NONE or DES as the privacy authentication algorithm. Encryption is disabled if NONE is selected. – Password—Enter the password if you select DES. The password should not exceed 64 characters. Step 5 Click OK to save the information. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G505 Automatically Configure the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table Step 1 In network view, click Provisioning > SNMPv3 tabs. Step 2 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Server area, complete the following: • Select the GNE to be used as the SNMPv3 proxy server from the drop-down list. • Select the Enable IPv6 Target/Trap check box if the nodes and the NMS stations are on an IPv6 network. Step 3 In the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table area, click Auto Create. Step 4 In the Automatic Configuration of SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder dialog box, enter the following information: Purpose This procedure creates an entry in the SNMPv3 Proxy Trap Forwarder Table automatically. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher4-146 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 4 Turn Up a Node Before You Begin • Target Tag—Specify the tag name. The tag identifies the list of NMS that should receive the forwarded traps. All GNE Trap destinations that have this tag in their proxy tags list are chosen. • Source of Trap—The list of ENEs whose traps are forwarded to the SNMPv3 Trap destinations that are identified by the Target Tag. Step 5 Click OK to save the information. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).CHAPTER 5-1 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests This chapter provides test procedures to verify that installed cards are operating correctly in a Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) node. The procedures are optional. Note The procedures and tasks described in this chapter for the Cisco ONS 15454 platform is applicable to the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms, unless noted otherwise. Note Unless otherwise specified, “ONS 15454” refers to both ANSI (SONET) and ETSI (SDH) shelf assemblies. Note This chapter does not test the transponder (TXP), muxponder (MXP), GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE, or ADM-10G card installation. Installation and verification for those cards is performed in Chapter 6, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards.” Before You Begin This section lists the non-trouble procedures (NTPs) required to validate a DWDM node. Turn to a procedure for applicable detailed level procedures (DLPs). 1. NTP-G41 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-3—Complete this procedure to test terminal and hub nodes with 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O cards installed. 2. NTP-G168 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-9—Complete this procedure to test terminal and hub nodes with 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C cards installed. This procedure can also be performed for 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-CE cards. 3. NTP-G42 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-12—Complete this procedure to test terminal nodes with 32WSS and 32DMX cards installed. 4. NTP-G167 Perform the Terminal Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-17—Complete this procedure to test terminal nodes with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C cards installed. This procedure can also be performed to test terminal nodes for 40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-CE cards5-2 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin 5. NTP-G153 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-22—Complete this procedure to test terminal nodes with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L cards installed. 6. NTP-G43 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-29—Complete this procedure to test reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexing (ROADM) nodes with 32WSS and 32DMX cards installed. 7. NTP-G154 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-51—Complete this procedure to test ROADM nodes with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L cards installed. 8. NTP-G180 Perform the ROADM Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-74—Complete this procedure to test a ROADM node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C cards installed. This procedure can also be performed for 40-WSS-CE and 40-DMX-CE cards. 9. NTP-G276 Perform the 80-Channel n-degree ROADM Node Acceptance Tests, page 5-97—Complete this procedure to test a n- degree ROADM node with 80-WXC-C cards installed. 10. NTP-G44 Perform the Anti-ASE Hub Node Acceptance Test, page 5-101—Complete this procedure to test anti-amplified spontaneous emission (anti-ASE) hub nodes. 11. NTP-G45 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-104—Complete this procedure to test C-band line amplifier nodes with OSCM cards installed on both Side A and Side B of the shelf. 12. NTP-G155 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-108—Complete this procedure to test L-band line amplifier nodes with OSCM cards installed on both Side A and Side B of the shelf. 13. NTP-G46 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-111—Complete this procedure to test C-band line amplifier nodes with OSC-CSM cards installed on both Side A and Side B of the shelf. 14. NTP-G156 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-115—Complete this procedure to test L-band line amplifier nodes with OSC-CSM cards installed on both Side A and Side B of the shelf. 15. NTP-G47 Perform the C-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-120—Complete this procedure to test C-band line amplifier nodes with OSCM and OSC-CSM cards installed. 16. NTP-G157 Perform the L-Band Line Amplifier Node with OSCM and OSC-CSM Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-124—Complete this procedure to test L-band line amplifier nodes with OSCM and OSC-CSM cards installed. 17. NTP-G48 Perform the OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSCM Cards, page 5-128—Complete this procedure to test optical add/drop multiplexing (OADM) nodes with OSCM cards installed on both Side A and Side B of the shelf. 18. NTP-G49 Perform the Active OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSC-CSM Cards, page 5-140—Complete this procedure to test OADM nodes with OSC-CSM and OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards installed on both Side A and Side B of the shelf. 19. NTP-G50 Perform the Passive OADM Node Acceptance Test on a Symmetric Node with OSC-CSM Cards, page 5-146—Complete this procedure to test OADM nodes with OSC-CSM cards installed on both Side A and Side B of the shelf and no OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards installed. 20. NTP-G186 Perform the Four-Degree and Eight-Degree Mesh Patch Panel Acceptance Test, page 5-148—Complete this procedure to test four-degree or eight-degree mesh nodes.5-3 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin 21. NTP-G187 Perform the Multiring Site Acceptance Test, page 5-160—Complete this procedure to test multiring sites. 22. NTP-G188 Perform the Native Mesh Node Acceptance Test, page 5-168—Complete this procedure to test native mesh nodes. 23. NTP-G189 Perform the Node Upgrade Acceptance Test, page 5-173—Complete this procedure to test an upgraded node. The upgraded node connects an existing in-service ROADM node with two sides (each equipped with MMU cards) to a native mesh node with two sides. 24. NTP-G243 Perform the Two-Degree ROADM Node with 40-SMR-1-C and OPT-AMP-17-C Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-181—Complete this procedure to test ROADM nodes with 40-SMR-1-C and OPT-AMP-17-C cards installed. 25. NTP-G244 Perform the Four Degree ROADM Node with 40-SMR-2-C Cards Acceptance Test, page 5-185—Complete this procedure to test ROADM nodes with 40-SMR-2-C cards installed. NTP-G41 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O Cards Acceptance Test Note Throughout this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 6, and Side B refers to Slots 12 through 17. Note This procedure tests Side A of hub nodes first, then Side B. If you are testing a terminal node, apply instructions for Side A of the hub node to the terminal side (Side B or Side A) of the terminal node. Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the hub or terminal node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View. Purpose This procedure tests a DWDM terminal or hub node with 32MUX-O and 32DMX-O cards installed. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-4 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 3 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note If optical service channel (OSC) terminations are created, there will be two alarms, one for low power on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card and one for the OSC channel. Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are listed as Success - Changed or Success - Unchanged. If a different status appears, complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Step 5 Create a physical loopback on the Side A (or terminal) OSC-CSM, OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E amplifier by using a patchcord with 10-dB bulk attenuators to connect the LINE TX port to the LINE RX port. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 6 Wait approximately two minutes, then verify that the OSC link is active on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card by observing whether or not the LOS alarm on the OSCM or OSC-CSM (and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, if present) clears. (The OSC termination must already be provisioned. If not, complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126.) Note If the LOS alarm does not clear on the OSC-CSM card, verify that the opwrMin (dBm) Optic Thresholds setting for the OSC-RX port is not higher than the port's Optical Line power value. In the OSC-CSM card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optic Thresholds tabs and record the opwrMin (dBm) setting and compare it to the value found in the Power column for the OSC-RX port in the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Reduce the Optic Thresholds setting for the opwrMin (dBm) value temporarily until the loopback test has been completed to clear the LOS alarm. Reset the Optic Thresholds setting to its original value after clearing the physical loopback. Step 7 Set the tunable laser or the TXP_MR_10E_C card to the first wavelength of the 100-GHz ITU-T C-band grid (1530.33 nm). Refer to the tunable laser manufacturer’s documentation or the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5. Step 8 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the CHAN RX 01 port on the Side A (or terminal) 32MUX-O card using the available patch panel. Step 9 Display the Side A (or terminal) 32MUX-O card in card view. Step 10 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs. Step 11 Change the Port 1 administrative state to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). Step 12 Verify that the Port 1 power level reaches the provisioned VOA Power Ref set point. 5-5 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Note The tunable laser minimum optical output power (Pout) must be 6 dBm. If the output power is lower than the specified value, the 32MUX-O card might not reach the provisioned set point. Step 13 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L card is installed, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6 on the Side A (or terminal) OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. If an OSC-CSM card is installed, go to Step 15. Step 14 Complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7 on the Side A (or terminal) OPT-PRE card to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 15 Complete the “DLP-G78 Verify the 32MUX-O or 40-MUX-C Card Power” task on page 5-8 to verify that the 32MUX-O is powered correctly. Step 16 Complete the “DLP-G269 Verify the 32DMX-O or 40-DMX-C Card Power” task on page 5-8 to verify that the 32DMX-O card is powered correctly. Step 17 Restore the default IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) administrative state to the 32MUX-O card port that was changed to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) in Step 11. Step 18 Repeat Steps 7 through 17 for the remaining 31 wavelengths of the 100-GHz grid to verify the correct behavior of all variable optical attenuators (VOAs) inside the 32MUX-O card. Step 19 Remove the loopback created in Step 5. Step 20 If the node is a hub node, repeat Steps 5 through 19 for the Side B cards. Step 21 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127 to restore the original configuration. Step 22 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing Purpose This task provisions a TXP_MR_10E_C card for acceptance testing when a tunable laser is not available. Tools/Equipment TXP_MR_10E_C Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69 NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed5-6 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 1 If you have installed and verified the TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 2. If not, install the TXP card using the “NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards” procedure on page 4-69. Step 2 Display the TXP_MR_10E_C in card view. Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI) tabs. Step 4 Click the Admin State column for the trunk port and choose OOS,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked,disabled (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 5 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 6 Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs. Step 7 In the Wavelength field, choose the first wavelength required by the acceptance test. Step 8 Click Apply. Step 9 Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI) tabs. Step 10 Click the Admin State column for the trunk port and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 11 Click Apply. Step 12 Connect a power meter to the DWDM TX port. Verify that the output power falls within 4.5 dBm (+/–1 dBm). If it does not fall within this range, replace the card or contact your next level of support. Step 13 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L amplifier to display the card view. Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only Purpose This task verifies that the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L amplifier laser is on and provisioned to the correct power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only5-7 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 3 Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. If the value in the Currently Shutdown field is NO, continue with Step 4. If not, complete the following steps: a. Check the optical safety remote interlock (OSRI) setting. If it is set to On, change it to Off. If the OSRI setting is set to Off and the Currently Shutdown field is Yes, contact your next level of support. b. Click Apply, then click Yes. c. Check the Currently Shutdown field. If it changes to NO, continue with Step 4. If not, contact your next level of support. The amplifier might need to be replaced. Note The Currently Shutdown field will not change to NO until an active channel is flowing through the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L amplifier. Step 4 Click the Provisioning > Opt Ampli Line > Parameters tabs. Step 5 Click Reset. Step 6 Scroll to the right and locate the Signal Output Power parameter for Port 6 (LINE-TX). Verify that the Signal Output Power value is greater than or equal to the Channel Power Ref. If the Signal Output Power is not greater than or equal to 1.5 dBm, do not continue. Begin troubleshooting or contact your next level of support. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 In node view (single-shelf view) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the OPT-PRE amplifier to display the card view. Step 3 Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. Step 4 If the value shown in the Currently Shutdown field is NO, continue with Step 5. If not, complete the following steps: a. Check the OSRI setting. If it is set to ON, click the table cell and chose OFF from the drop-down list. If the OSRI setting is set to OFF and the Currently Shutdown field is Yes, contact your next level of support. b. Click Apply, then click Yes. Purpose This task verifies that the OPT-PRE amplifier laser is on and provisioned to the correct power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only5-8 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin c. Check the Currently Shutdown field. If it changes to NO, continue with Step 5. If not, contact your next level of support. The amplifier might need to be replaced. Step 5 Click the Provisioning > Opt Ampli Line > Parameters tabs. Step 6 Locate the Signal Output Power parameter for Port 2 (COM-TX). Verify that the Signal Output Power value is greater than or equal to the Channel Power Ref. If the Signal Output Power is greater than or equal to the Channel Power Ref, continue with Step 7. If the Signal Output Power is less than the Channel Power Ref, check your connections and clean the fibers using the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. If this does not change the power value, consult your next level of support. Step 7 Scroll to the right to locate the DCU Insertion Loss parameter. Verify that the DCU Insertion Loss value is less than or equal to 10 dB. If the DCU Insertion Loss is greater than 10 dB, do not continue. Begin troubleshooting or contact your next level of support. Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G78 Verify the 32MUX-O or 40-MUX-C Card Power Step 1 Display the 32MUX-O or 40-MUX-C card in card view. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs. Step 3 Change the administrative state of the corresponding port to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). Step 4 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 5 Check that the value in the Power column for the port reaches the value shown in the VOA Power Ref column. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G269 Verify the 32DMX-O or 40-DMX-C Card Power Purpose This task verifies 32MUX-O or 40-MUX-C card power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only Purpose This task verifies that the 32DMX-O or 40-DMX-C card is provisioned to the correct power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-305-9 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 1 Display the 32DMX-O or 40-DMX-C card in card view. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs. Step 3 Change the administrative state for the appropriate port to OOS,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked,disabled (ETSI). Step 4 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 5 Verify that the value in the Power table cell is the same as the VOA Power Ref table cell value for the port under test. Step 6 Connect a power meter to the CHAN TX 01 port through the patch panel. Verify that the physical optical power value coming from drop Port 1 on the Side A 32DMX-O card is consistent with the value read (the maximum allowed error is +/– 0.5 dBm). Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G168 Perform the Terminal or Hub Node with 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test Note Throughout this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 6, and Side B refers to Slots 12 through 17. Note This procedure tests Side A of hub nodes first, then Side B. If you are testing a terminal node, apply instructions for Side A of the hub node to the terminal side (Side B or Side A) of the terminal node. Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only Purpose This procedure tests a DWDM terminal or hub node with 40-MUX-C and 40-DMX-C cards installed. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-10 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the hub or terminal node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View. Step 3 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note If OSC terminations are created, there will be two alarms, one for low power on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, and the other an OSC channel alarm. Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are listed as Success - Changed or Success - Unchanged. If a different status appears, complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Step 5 Create a physical loopback on the Side A (or terminal) OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E amplifier by using a patchcord with 10-dB bulk attenuators to connect the LINE TX port to the LINE RX port. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 6 Verify that the OSC link becomes active on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card. (The OSC termination must already be provisioned. If not, complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126.) Step 7 Set the tunable laser or the TXP_MR_10E_C card to the first wavelength of the 100-GHz ITU-T C-band grid (1530.33 nm). Refer to the tunable laser manufacturer’s documentation or the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5. Step 8 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the CHAN RX 01 port on the Side A (or terminal) 40-MUX-C card using the available patch panel. Step 9 Display the Side A (or terminal) 40-MUX-C card in card view. Step 10 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs. Step 11 Change the Port 1 administrative state to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). Step 12 Verify that the Port 1 power level reaches the provisioned VOA Power Ref set point. Note The tunable laser minimum optical output power (Pout) must be 6 dBm. If the output power is lower than the specified value, the 40-MUX-C card might not reach the provisioned set point.5-11 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 13 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L card is installed, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6 on the Side A (or terminal) OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 14 Complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7 on the Side A (or terminal) OPT-PRE card to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 15 Complete the “DLP-G78 Verify the 32MUX-O or 40-MUX-C Card Power” task on page 5-8 to verify that the 40-MUX-C card is powered correctly. Step 16 Complete the “DLP-G269 Verify the 32DMX-O or 40-DMX-C Card Power” task on page 5-8 to verify that the 40-DMX-C card is powered correctly. Step 17 Restore the default IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) administrative state to the 40-MUX-C port that was changed to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) in Step 11. Step 18 Repeat Steps 7 through 17 for the remaining 31 wavelengths of the 100-GHz grid to verify the correct behavior of all variable optical attenuators (VOAs) inside the 40-MUX-C card. Step 19 Remove the loopback created in Step 5. Step 20 If the node is a hub node, repeat Steps 5 through 19 for the Side B cards. Step 21 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127 to restore the original configuration. Step 22 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Stop. You have completed this procedure.5-12 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin NTP-G42 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test Note Throughout this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 6, and Side B refers to Slots 12 through 17. Note This procedure creates an optical loopback on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E line. An optical signal is sent from the 32WSS input (add) to the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E common receive (RX) port and back out the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E transmit (TX) line. The OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E line receives the looped signal from the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E TX port. It then passes the signal to the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E common TX port and into the OPT-PRE common RX line. The OPT-PRE sends the signal to the 32DMX card. The optical signal from the tunable laser or TXP_MR_10E_C card must pass successfully through the 32WSS card and out the 32DMX card. Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the terminal node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Display the terminal node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 3 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. Purpose This acceptance test verifies that a terminal node with 32WSS and 32DMX cards installed is operating properly before you connect it to the network. The test verifies the operation of the amplifiers and also verifies that each 32WSS and 32DMX add/drop and pass-through port operates properly. The test also checks the power levels at each transmit and receive port to ensure that power loss in the cabling is within tolerance. If MMU cards are installed, the test verifies that the MMU insertion loss does not impact add, drop, or pass-through circuits. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer 1 bulk attenuator (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-13 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin b. Verify that no equipment alarms (indicated by EQPT in the Cond column) appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note If OSC terminations are created, an OSC channel alarm will appear. Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are listed as Success - Changed or Success - Unchanged. If a different status appears, or if errors (indicated in red) appear, delete the OSC channels and complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Provision the OSC channels when automatic node setup (ANS) is complete. Step 5 Create a physical loopback on the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card by using a patchcord with 10-dB bulk attenuators to connect the LINE TX port to the LINE RX port. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will appear due to the OSC signal loopback. This is observed as an alarm on Port 1 of the OSCM or OSC-CSM card. Step 6 Wait approximately two minutes, then verify that the OSC link is active on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card by observing whether or not the loss of signal (LOS) alarm on the OSCM or OSC-CSM (and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, if present) clears. (The OSC termination must already be provisioned. If not, complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126.) Note If the LOS alarm does not clear on the OSC-CSM card, verify that the opwrMin (dBm) Optic Thresholds setting for the OSC-RX port is not higher than the port's Optical Line power value. In the OSC-CSM card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optic Thresholds tabs and record the opwrMin (dBm) setting and compare it to the value found in the Power column for the OSC-RX port in the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Reduce the Optic Thresholds setting for the opwrMin (dBm) value temporarily until the loopback test has been completed to clear the LOS alarm. Reset the Optic Thresholds setting to its original value after clearing the physical loopback. Step 7 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following substeps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 8. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you will test, then continue with Step 9. Step 8 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 9 Using the available patch panel, connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the CHAN RX 01 port on the 32WSS card. Note The tunable laser minimum Pout must be –6 dBm. If the output power is lower than –6 dBm, the 32WSS card might not reach the provisioned set point. Step 10 Display the 32WSS card in card view.5-14 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 11 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 12 Click the Admin State table cell for the add (CHAN-RX) port carrying the tested wavelength, then choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 1 (CHAN-RX) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Step 13 Change the administrative state of the pass-through port corresponding to the port in Step 9 to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 33 (PASS-THROUGH) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 14 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 15 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 16 For Channel #1, change the Operating Mode to Add Drop. Step 17 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 18 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelength under test. Step 19 Verify that the actual power coming from the tunable laser or TXP_MR_10E_C card shown under the Power column is equal to the specified VOA Power Ref power (+/– 0.2 dB) shown in the same row. Step 20 Click the Optical Line tab. Step 21 Verify that the power value from Step 19 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS or 32DMX).Port COM-TX.Power set point +/– 1.0 dBm. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32WSS or 32DMX card. c. Expand the Port COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS or 32DMX).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 19 (+/– 0.5 dB), contact your next level of support. Step 22 If an OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6 on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 23 If an OSC-CSM is installed, continue with Step 25. If an OPT-BST is installed, verify the connection between Port 67 (COM-TX) on the 32WSS and Port 1 (COM-RX) on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards: a. Display the 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 83 (COM-TX). d. Display the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.5-15 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card and the 32WSS cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 24 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L card is installed on the Side A or terminal side, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6 to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 25 Complete the following steps to verify the connection between Port 67 (COM-TX) on the 32WSS and Port 2 (COM-RX) on the OSC-CSM card: a. Display the 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line tabs. c. Record the value in Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OSC-CSM and 32WSS cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 26 Complete the following steps to verify the connection between Port 2 (COM-TX) on the OPT-PRE card and Port 33 (COM-RX) on the 32DMX card: a. Display the OPT-PRE card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > OptAmpliLine > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in Power table cell for Port 2 (COM-TX). d. Display the 32DMX card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 33 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE and 32DMX cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 27 Complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7 on the OPT-PRE to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 28 Complete the “DLP-G270 Verify the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C Power” task on page 5-16 to verify that the 32DMX card is powered correctly. Step 29 Display the 32WSS in card view. Step 30 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 31 For the circuit (channel) under test, click the Operating Mode table cell and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list. Step 32 Click Apply, then Yes. Step 33 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelength under test. Step 34 Click the Admin State table cell. Choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list for all ports that were changed to OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance. Step 35 Click Apply, then Yes.5-16 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 36 Repeat Steps 7 through 35 for the remaining 31 wavelengths of the 100-Ghz grid to verify the correct behavior of all VOAs inside the 32WSS card. Step 37 Disconnect the TXP card or tunable laser from the 32WSS card. Step 38 Remove the loopback created in Step 5. Step 39 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127 to restore the original configuration. Step 40 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G270 Verify the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C Power Step 1 Display the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C card in card view. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Step 3 Change the administrative state for the COM TX (Port 33 for the 32DMX or Port 41 for the 40-DMX-C) to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) Step 4 Click Apply, then Yes. Step 5 Verify that the value shown in the power column is equal to the specified VOA Power Ref column (+/- 0.2dB). Step 6 (Optional) Connect a power meter to the CHAN TX 01 port through the patch panel. Verify that the physical optical power value coming from the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C drop Port 1 is consistent with the Power value on the Parameters tab, +/– 1.0 dBm. Step 7 Change the administrative state for the COM TX port to IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI). Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task verifies that the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C card is provisioned to the correct power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only5-17 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin NTP-G167 Perform the Terminal Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test Note Throughout this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 6, and Side B refers to Slots 12 through 17. Note This procedure creates an optical loopback on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E line. An optical signal is sent from the 40-WSS-C input (add) to the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E common receive (RX) port and back out the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E transmit (TX) line. The OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E line receives the looped signal from the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E TX port. It then passes the signal to the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E common TX port and into the OPT-PRE common RX line. The OPT-PRE sends the signal to the 40-DMX-C. The optical signal from the tunable laser or TXP_MR_10E_C must pass successfully through the 40-WSS-C and out the 40-DMX-C. Note If the shelf is equipped with an OSC-CSM, this procedure creates an optical loopback on the OSC-CSM line. An optical signal is sent from the 40-WSS-C input (add) to the OSC-CSM common receive (RX) port and back out the OSC-CSM transmit (TX) line. The OSC-CSM line receives the looped signal from the OSC-CSM-TX port. It then passes the signal to the OSC-CSM common TX port and sends the signal to the 40DMX-C. The optical signal from the tunable lase or TXP_MR_!)E_C must pass successfully through the 40-WSS-C and out the 40DMX-C. Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Purpose This acceptance test verifies that a terminal node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C cards installed is operating properly before you connect it to the network. The test verifies the operation of the amplifiers and also verifies that each 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C add/drop and pass-through port operates properly. The test also checks the power levels at each transmit and receive port to ensure that power loss in the cabling is within tolerance. If MMU cards are installed, the test verifies that the MMU insertion loss does not impact add, drop, or pass-through circuits. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer 1 bulk attenuator (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-18 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Warning The OSC-RX port opwrMin (dBm) Optic Thresholds setting provisioned by CTP can be set too high and generate LOS and Power Fail alarms for this port while performing an optical loopback on the OSC-CSM card. CTP provisions the opwrMin (dBm) Optic Thresholds value higher than the power received during the loopback test, because CTP calculates the thresholds based on the incoming amplified signal from an adjacent node instead of a loopbacked signal from the OSC-CSM card. To clear the alarms, reduce the Optic Thresholds setting for the opwrMin (dBm) value temporarily until the loopback test has been completed. Reset the Optic Thresholds setting to its original value after clearing the physical loopback. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the terminal node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Display the terminal node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 3 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms (indicated by EQPT in the Cond column) appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note The OSC terminations created during node turn-up will generate LOS alarms on the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-AMP-17-C cards, and on the OSC-CSM and OSCM cards. If OSCM cards are installed in ANSI shelves, EOC SDCC Termination Failure alarms will appear. Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are listed as Success - Changed or Success - Unchanged. If other statuses appear, or if errors (indicated in red) appear, delete the OSC channels and complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Provision the OSC channels when ANS is complete. Step 5 If no OSC terminations are present, complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. Step 6 Create a physical loopback on the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-AMP-17, or OSC-CSM card by connecting a fiber optic jumper between the LINE TX and RX ports. For OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards, connect a 10 dB bulk attenuator to each end of the jumper. The OSC-CSM card does not require attenuation. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC SDCC Termination Failure alarm will appear due to the OSC signal loopback. This is observed as an alarm on Port 1 of the OSCM or OSC-CSM card. Step 7 Provision OSC terminations. Complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. Step 8 Wait approximately two minutes, then verify that the OSC link is active on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card by observing whether or not the LOS alarm on the OSCM or OSC-CSM (and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, if present) clears. (The OSC termination must already be provisioned. If not, complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126.)5-19 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Note If the LOS alarm does not clear on the OSC-CSM card, verify that the opwrMin (dBm) Optic Thresholds setting for the OSC-RX port is not higher than the port's Optical Line power value. In the OSC-CSM card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optic Thresholds tabs and record the opwrMin (dBm) setting and compare it to the value found in the Power column for the OSC-RX port in the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Reduce the Optic Thresholds setting for the opwrMin (dBm) value temporarily until the loopback test has been completed to clear the LOS alarm. Reset the Optic Thresholds setting to its original value after clearing the physical loopback. Step 9 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following substeps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 10. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you will test, then continue with Step 11. Step 10 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 11 Using the available patch panel, connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the correct CHAN RX port on the 40-WSS-C card for the wavelength that you want to test. Refer to Table 4-1 on page 4-28, if needed. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), then connect the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the Optical Connector 1, CHAN RX 01 port on the 40-WSS-C card. Note The tunable laser minimum Pout must be –6 dBm. If the output power is lower than –6 dBm, the 40-WSS-C card might not reach the provisioned set point. Step 12 Display the 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 13 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 14 Click the Admin State table cell for the add (CHAN-RX) port carrying the tested wavelength, then choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 1 (CHAN-RX) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Step 15 Change the administrative state of the pass-through port corresponding to the port in Step 11 to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 41 (PASS-THROUGH) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 16 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 17 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 18 For Channel #1, change Operating Mode to Add Drop. Step 19 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 20 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelength under test. Step 21 Verify that the actual power coming from the tunable laser or TXP_MR_10E_C card shown under the Power column is equal to the specified VOA Power Ref power (+/– 0.2 dB) shown in the same row.5-20 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 22 Click the Optical Line tab. Step 23 Verify that the power value from Step 21 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (40-WSS-C or 40-DMX-C).Port COM-TX.Power set point +/– 1.0 dBm. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 40-WSS-C or 40-DMX-C card. c. Expand the Port COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (40-WSS-C or 40-DMX-C).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 21 (+/– 0.5 dB), contact your next level of support. Step 24 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L card is installed, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6 on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. If an OSC-CSM is installed, complete the “DLP-G84 Verify the OSC-CSM Incoming Power” task on page 5-137. Step 25 If an OSC-CSM is installed, continue with Step 27. If an OPT-BST is installed, verify the connection between Port 83 (COM-TX) on the 40-WSS-C and Port 1 (COM-RX) on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards: a. Display the 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line tabs. c. Record the value in the Power column for Port 83 (COM-TX). d. Display the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power column for Port 1 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card and the 40-WSS-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 26 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L card is installed on the Side A or terminal side, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6 to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Continue with Step 29. Step 27 Complete the following steps to verify the connection between Port 83 (COM-TX) on the 40-WSS-C and the Port 2 (COM-RX) on the OSC-CSM card: a. Display the 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line tabs. c. Record the value in Power table cell for Port 83 (COM-TX). d. Display the OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OSC-CSM and 40-WSS-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support.5-21 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 28 Complete the following steps to verify the connection between Port 2 (COM-TX) on the OPT-PRE card and Port 41 (COM-RX) on the 40-DMX-C card: a. Display the OPT-PRE card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > OptAmpliLine > Parameters tabs. c. Record the total output power in Power column for Port 2 (COM-TX). d. Display the 40-DMX-C card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power column for Port 41 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE and 40-DMX-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 29 If an OPT-PRE card is installed on the Side A or terminal side, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7 on the OPT-PRE card to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. If OSC-CSM cards are installed, complete the “DLP-G84 Verify the OSC-CSM Incoming Power” task on page 5-137. Step 30 Complete the “DLP-G270 Verify the 32DMX or 40-DMX-C Power” task on page 5-16 to verify that the 40-DMX-C card is powered correctly. Step 31 Display the 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 32 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 33 For the circuit (channel) under test, click the Operating Mode table cell and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list. Step 34 Click Apply, then Yes. Step 35 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelength under test. Step 36 Click the Admin State table cell. Choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list for all ports that were changed to OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance in Steps 13 and 14 of this procedure. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1430-33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Admin State field and choose IS,ANSI (ANSI) or Unlocked,AutomaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list for both Port 1 (CHAN-RX) and Port 41 (PASS-THROUGH). Step 37 Repeat Steps 9 through 36 for the remaining 39 wavelengths of the 100-Ghz grid to verify the correct behavior of all VOAs inside the 40-WSS-C card. Step 38 Disconnect the TXP card or tunable laser from the 40-WSS-C card. Step 39 Remove the loopback created in Step 6. Step 40 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127 to restore the original configuration. Step 41 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.5-22 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Stop. You have completed this procedure. NTP-G153 Perform the Terminal Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Note This procedure creates an optical loopback on the OPT-BST-L line. An optical signal is sent from the 32WSS-L input (add) to the OPT-BST-L common RX port and back out the OPT-BST-L TX line. The OPT-BST-L line receives the looped signal from the OPT-BST-L TX port. It then passes the signal to the OPT-BST-L common TX port and into the OPT-AMP-L (when provisioned in OPT-PRE mode) common RX port. The OPT-AMP-L card sends the signal to the 32DMX-L card. The optical signal from the tunable laser or TXP_MR_10E_L card must pass successfully through the 32WSS-L card and out the 32DMX-L card. Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the hub or terminal node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2. Step 2 Display the terminal node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 3 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. Purpose This acceptance test verifies that a terminal node provisioned for L-band wavelengths is operating properly before you connect it to the network. The test verifies the operation of the amplifiers and also verifies that each add/drop and pass-through port on the 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L cards operates properly. The test also checks the power levels at each transmit and receive port to ensure that power loss in the cabling is within tolerance. If MMU cards are installed, the test verifies that the MMU insertion loss does not impact add, drop, or pass-through circuits. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_L An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer 1 bulk attenuator (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-23 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note If OSC terminations are created, an OSC channel alarm will appear. Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are listed as Success - Changed, or Success - Unchanged. If a different status appears, or if errors (indicated in red) appear, delete the OSC channels and complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Provision the OSC channels when ANS is complete. Step 5 Create a physical loopback on the OPT-BST-L, OCSM, or OSC-CSM card by using a patchcord with 10-dB bulk attenuators to connect the LINE TX port to the LINE RX port. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will appear due to the OSC signal loopback. This is observed as an alarm on Port 1 of the OSCM or OSC-CSM card. Step 6 Wait approximately two minutes, then verify that the OSC link is active on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card by observing whether or not the LOS alarm on the OSCM or OSC-CSM card (and the OPT-BST-L card, if present) clears. (The OSC termination must already be provisioned. If not, complete the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126.) Step 7 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following substeps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, continue with Step 8. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you will test, then continue with Step 9. Step 8 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, complete the “DLP-G358 Provision TXP_MR_10E_L Card for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-26 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Step 9 Using the available patch panel, connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_L card DWDM TX port to the CHAN RX 01 port on the 32WSS-L card. Note The tunable laser minimum Pout must be –6 dBm. If the output power is lower than –6 dBm, the 32WSS-L card might not reach the provisioned set point. Step 10 Display the 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 11 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 12 Click the Admin State table cell for the add (CHAN-RX) port carrying the tested wavelength, then choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1577.86 nm (shown as 1577.8), you would click the Port 1 (CHAN-RX) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Step 13 Change the administrative state of the pass-through port corresponding to the port in Step 9 to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). For example, if the tested wavelength is 1577.86 nm (shown as 1577.86), you would click the Port 33 (PASS-THROUGH) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 14 Click Apply, then click Yes.5-24 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 15 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 16 For channel under test, change Operating Mode to Add Drop. Step 17 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 18 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters n tabs where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelength under test. Step 19 Verify that the actual power coming from the tunable laser or TXP_MR_10E_L card shown under the Power column is equal to the specified VOA Power Ref power (+/– 0.2 dB) shown in the same row. Step 20 Click the Optical Line tab. Step 21 Verify that the power value from Step 19 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS-L or 32DMX-L).Port COM-TX.Power set point +/– 1.0 dBm. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32WSS-L or 32DMX-L card. c. Expand the Port COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS-L or 32DMX-L).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 19 (+/– 0.5 dB), contact your next level of support. Step 22 If an OPT-BST-L card is installed, complete the “DLP-G359 Verify the OPT-BST-L or OPT-AMP-L (OPT-Line Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-27 on the OPT-BST-L card to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 23 If an OSC-CSM is installed, continue with Step 24. If an OPT-BST-L card is installed, verify the connection between Port 67 (COM-TX) on the 32WSS-L and Port 1 (COM-RX) on the OPT-BST-L cards: a. Display the 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the OPT-BST-L card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L and 32WSS-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 24 If an OPT-BST-L card is installed on the Side A or terminal side, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6 to ensure the amplifier is working properly. Step 25 Complete the following steps to verify the connection between Port 67 (COM-TX) on the 32WSS-L and the Port 2 (COM-RX) on the OSC-CSM card: a. Display the 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line tabs. c. Record the value in Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX).5-25 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin d. Display the OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OSC-CSM and 32WSS-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 26 Complete the following steps to verify the connection between Port 2 (COM-TX) on the OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode and Port 33 (COM-RX) on the 32DMX-L card: a. Display the OPT-AMP-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > OptAmpliLine > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in Power table cell for Port 2 (COM-TX). d. Display the 32DMX-L card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 33 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-AMP-L and 32DMX-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 27 Complete the “DLP-G360 Verify the OPT-AMP-L (OPT-PRE Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-27 on the OPT-PRE card to ensure that the amplifier is working properly. Step 28 Complete the “DLP-G361 Verify the 32DMX-L Power” task on page 5-28 to verify that the 32DMX card is powered correctly. Step 29 Display the 32WSS-L in card view. Step 30 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 31 For the circuit (channel) under test, click the Operating Mode table cell and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list. Step 32 Click Apply, then Yes. Step 33 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelength under test. Step 34 Click the Admin State table cell. Choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list for all ports that were changed to OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance. Step 35 Repeat Steps 7 through 34 for the remaining wavelengths of the 100-Ghz grid to verify the correct behavior of all VOAs inside the 32WSS-L card. Step 36 Disconnect the TXP card or tunable laser from the 32WSS-L card. Step 37 Remove the loopback created in Step 5. Step 38 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127 to restore the original configuration. Step 39 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.5-26 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G358 Provision TXP_MR_10E_L Card for Acceptance Testing Step 1 If you have installed and verified the TXP_MR_10E_L card, continue with Step 2. If you have not installed it, install the card using the “NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards” procedure on page 4-69. Step 2 In Cisco Transport Controller (CTC), display the TXP_MR_10E_L card in card view. Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Line > Service-Type tabs. Step 4 Click the Admin State table cell for the trunk port and choose OOS,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked,disabled (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 5 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 6 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs. Step 7 In the Wavelength field, choose the first wavelength required by the acceptance test. Step 8 Click Apply. Step 9 Click the Provisioning > Line > Service-Type tabs. Step 10 Click the Admin State table cell for the trunk port and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 11 Click Apply, then click Yes. Step 12 Connect a power meter to the DWDM TX port. Verify that the output power falls within –4.5 dBm and 1.0 dBm. If it does not fall within this range, replace the card or contact your next level of support. Step 13 Repeat Steps 3 through 12 for all the installed TXP cards. Step 14 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This procedure provisions a TXP_MR_10E_L card for acceptance testing when a tunable laser is not available. Tools/Equipment TXP_MR_10E_L Prerequisite Procedures NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards, page 4-69 NTP-G34 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards and DCUs, page 4-78 DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-27 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin DLP-G359 Verify the OPT-BST-L or OPT-AMP-L (OPT-Line Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the OPT-BST-L or OPT-AMP-L amplifier to display the card view. Step 2 Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. If the value in the Currently Shutdown field is NO, continue with Step 3. If not, complete the following steps: a. Check the OSRI setting. If it is set to On, change it to Off and click Apply. b. Check the Currently Shutdown field. If it changes to NO, continue with Step 3. If not, contact your next level of support. The amplifier might need to be replaced. Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Opt Ampli Line > Parameters tabs. Step 4 Click Reset. Step 5 Scroll to the right and locate the Signal Output Power parameter for Port 6. Verify that the Signal Output Power value is greater than or equal to 1.5 dBm. If the Signal Output Power is not greater than or equal to 1.5 dBm, do not continue. Begin troubleshooting or contact your next level of support. Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G360 Verify the OPT-AMP-L (OPT-PRE Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power Step 1 In node view (single-shelf view) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the OPT-AMP-L amplifier to display the card view. Step 2 Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. Purpose This task verifies that the OPT-BST-L or OPT-AMP-L (when provisioned in OPT-Line mode) amplifier laser is on and provisioned to the correct power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only Purpose This task verifies that the OPT-AMP-L (when provisioned in OPT-PRE mode) amplifier laser is on and provisioned to the correct power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only5-28 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 3 If the value shown in the Currently Shutdown field is NO, continue with Step 4. If not, complete the following steps: a. If the OSRI setting is set to ON, click the table cell and choose OFF from the drop-down list. b. Click Apply. c. Check the Currently Shutdown field. If it changes to NO, continue with Step 4. If not, contact your next level of support. Step 4 Click the Provisioning > Opt Ampli Line > Parameters tabs. Step 5 Locate the Signal Output Power parameter for Port 2. Verify that the Signal Output Power value is greater than or equal to 1.5 dBm. If the optical power is greater than or equal to 1.5 dBm, continue with Step 7. If the optical power is less than 1.5 dBm, check your connections and clean the fibers using the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. If this does not change the power value, consult your next level of support. Step 6 Scroll to the right to locate the DCU Insertion Loss parameter. Verify that the DCU Insertion Loss value is less than or equal to 10 dB. If the optical power is not greater than or equal to 10 dB, do not continue. Begin troubleshooting or contact your next level of support. Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G361 Verify the 32DMX-L Power Step 1 Display the 32DMX-L card in card view. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs. Step 3 Change the administrative state for Port 33 to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) Step 4 Verify that the VOA Power Ref reaches the provisioned set point. Step 5 Connect a power meter to the CHAN TX 01 port through the patch panel. Verify that the physical optical power value coming from drop Port 1 on the Side A 32DMX card is consistent with the value read (the maximum allowed error is +/– 1.0 dBm). Step 6 Change the administrative state for Port 1 to OOS,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked,disabled (ETSI). Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). Purpose This task verifies that the 32DMX-L card is provisioned to the correct power. Tools/Equipment None Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote Security Level Superuser only5-29 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin NTP-G43 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS and 32DMX Cards Acceptance Test Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Note Because the node is isolated and no line-side fibers are connected during the test, the power levels going into the line-side cards will not be the same as the levels after the node is connected to the network. Therefore, if the ROADM shelf does not contain either OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E amplifiers, and OPT-PRE amplifiers on both Side B and Side A, lower the OPT-PRE power thresholds so that it turns on properly. At the end of the test, you will run ANS to configure the node with the correct parameters for the network acceptance test. Note Throughout this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 Make a copy of Table 5-1 on page 5-30 and place it in a convenient location for reference throughout this procedure. The table shows the 32WSS ports and the wavelengths assigned to them. The 32 wavelengths are divided among four physical multifiber push on (MPO) connectors on the 32WSS card. Each MPO connector is assigned eight wavelengths. In CTC, the MPO connector appears in the card view Provisioning > Optical Connector tab. Each Optical Connector subtab represents an MPO connector. Ports 1 through 32 are the RX (add) ports; Ports 33 through 64 are the pass-through ports. Purpose This acceptance test verifies that a ROADM node provisioned for C-band wavelengths is operating properly before you connect it to the network. The test verifies the operation of the amplifiers and also verifies that each add/drop and pass-through port on the 32WSS and 32DMX cards operates properly. The test also checks the power levels at each transmit and receive port to ensure that power loss in the cabling is within tolerance. If MMU cards are installed, the test verifies that the MMU insertion loss does not impact add, drop, or pass through circuits. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-30 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the ROADM node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 3. Table 5-1 32WSS Ports and Wavelengths Test Checklist 32WSS Provisioning Subtab Port # Wavelength Tested: Pass-Through Tested: Add/Drop Side A Tested: Add/Drop Side B Optical Chn: Optical Connector 1 RX 1, PT 33 1530.33 RX 2, PT 34 1531.12 RX 3, PT 35 1531.90 RX 4, PT 36 1532.68 RX 5, PT 37 1534.25 RX 6, PT 38 1535.04 RX 7, PT 39 1535.82 RX 8, PT 40 1536.61 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 2 RX 9, PT 41 1538.19 RX 10, PT 42 1538.98 RX 11, PT 43 1539.77 RX 12, PT 44 1540.56 RX 13, PT 45 1542.14 RX 14, PT 46 1542.94 RX 15, PT 47 1543.73 RX 16, PT 48 1544.53 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 3 RX 17, PT 49 1546.12 RX 18, PT 50 1546.92 RX 19, PT 51 1547.72 RX 20, PT 52 1548.51 RX 21, PT 53 1550.12 RX 22, PT 54 1550.92 RX 23, PT 55 1551.72 RX 24, PT 56 1552.52 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 4 RX 25, PT 57 1554.13 RX 26, PT 58 1554.94 RX 27, PT 59 1555.75 RX 28, PT 60 1556.55 RX 29, PT 61 1558.17 RX 30, PT 62 1558.98 RX 31, PT 63 1559.79 RX 32, PT 64 1560.615-31 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 3 Display the ROADM node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 4 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note The OSC terminations created during node turn-up will generate two alarms for each side of the shelf: one an LOS alarm on the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, and the other an LOS alarm on the OSC-CSM or OSCM card. If OSCM cards are installed in ANSI shelves, EOC DCC Termination Failure alarms will appear. Step 5 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are either Success - Changed, or Success - Unchanged. If any are not, complete the following steps: a. Delete the two OSC channels using the “DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination” task on page 11-50. b. Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. c. Create the OSC channels using the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. Step 6 If MMU cards are installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 7. a. Display the Side B MMU in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. d. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. e. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. f. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. g. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 7 Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. Step 8 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connector n > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 9 Click the Admin State table cell for the add port carrying the tested wavelength, then choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 1 (CHAN-RX) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Step 10 Change the administrative state of the pass-through port corresponding to the port in Step 9 to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 33 (PASS-THROUGH) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 11 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. 5-32 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 12 Repeat Steps 8 through 11 for each wavelength that you will test. Step 13 Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. Step 14 Repeat Steps 8 through 12 for the Side A 32WSS card. Step 15 Display the Side B 32DMX card in card view and complete the following steps: a. Choose the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. b. For Port 33 (COM-RX), click the Admin State table cell and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. c. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 16 Repeat Step 15 for the Side A 32DMX card. Step 17 Complete the “DLP-G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels” task on page 5-33. Step 18 Complete the following tasks for channels that will be added or dropped on the node. • DLP-G311 Verify the Side B ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards, page 5-41 • DLP-G312 Verify the Side A ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards, page 5-46 Step 19 If MMU cards are installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Click Admin State for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. d. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. e. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. f. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. g. Click Admin State for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 20 Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. Step 21 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you tested. Step 22 Click the Admin State table cell then choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list for all ports that were changed to OOS,MT or Locked,Maintenance in Steps 9 and 10. Step 23 Click Apply. Step 24 Repeat Steps 21 through 23 for all the ports that are in OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance state on the Side B 32WSS card. Step 25 Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. Step 26 Repeat Steps 21 through 23 for all ports on the Side A 32WSS card. Step 27 Display the Side B 32DMX card in card view. Step 28 Choose the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Step 29 For Port 33, click the Admin State table cell and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 30 Click Apply. Step 31 Display the Side A 32DMX card in card view.5-33 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 32 Repeat Steps 28 through 30 for the Side A 32DMX card. Step 33 Delete both OSC channels using the “DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination” task on page 11-50. Step 34 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Step 35 Create the two OSC channels using the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. Step 36 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment failure alarms appear on the node. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 Create a physical loopback on the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Purpose This task verifies the signal flow through a ROADM node for C-band pass-through channels. Pass-through channels pass through both 32WSS cards. The channels pass through the first 32WSS from the COM-RX port to the EXP-TX port. In the second 32WSS, the channel goes from the EXP-RX port to the COM-TX port. The channel is not terminated inside the node. If MMU cards are installed, the channel passes through the MMU COM-RX and EXP-TX ports to the 32WSS COM-RX and EXP-TX ports on one side. On the other side, the channel goes from the 32WSS EXP-RX and COM-TX ports to the MMU EXP-RX and COM-TX ports. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations, page 4-126 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-34 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 2 If an OPT-PRE amplifier or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side A (where the physical loopback was created), perform the following steps. If not, continue with Step 3. a. Display the OPT-PRE card in card view, then click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optics Thresholds tabs. b. In the Types area, click Alarm, then click Refresh. The alarm thresholds for the OPT-PRE card will appear. c. Double-click the Power Failure Low table cell for Port 1 (COM-RX) and delete the current value. d. Type a new value of –30.0 and press the Enter key. e. In the CTC window, click Apply, then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 3 If an OPT-PRE or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 4. a. Display the Side B OPT-PRE card in card view, then click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optics Thresholds tabs. b. In the Types area, click Alarm, then click Refresh. The alarm thresholds for the OPT-PRE card will appear. c. Double-click the Power Failure Low table cell for Port 1 (COM-RX) and delete the current value. d. Type a new value of –30.0 and press the Enter key. e. In the CTC window, click Apply, then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 4 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side A. If the alarms do not clear, contact your next level of support. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC SDCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 5 Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. Step 6 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 7 Click the Operating Mode table cell for the wavelength under test and choose Pass Through from the drop-down list. Step 8 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 9 Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. Step 10 Repeat Steps 6 through 8 for the Side B 32WSS card. Step 11 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 12. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you will test, then continue with Step 13. Step 12 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test.5-35 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 13 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM LINE RX port. If a Side B OPT-PRE is installed, insert a 10-dB attenuator on the fiber coming from the TXP_MR_10E_C card. Note If using a pre-installed TXP_MR-10E_C card that is connected to the 32DMX, there is no need to connect the TXP_MR_10E_C DWDM TX port to the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM LINE RX port. Install an optical loopback between the LINE TX and RX ports on the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 14 If an OPT-PRE or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 15. a. Display the Side B OPT-PRE card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX) (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E) or Port 3 (COM-TX) (OSC-CSM). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 2.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side B OPT-PRE card, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7. Step 15 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps, then continue with Step 17. If an MMU card is not installed, continue with Step 16. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 3 (COM-RX) power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i.5-36 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX) of the Side B MMU card. m. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 17. Step 16 Verify the Side B 32WSS card to OPT-BST, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM card cable connection: a. Display the Side B 32WSS in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If an OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS card and the OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 17 Verify the EXPRESS cable connection between the two 32WSS cards: a. Display the Side B 32WSS in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 65 (EXP-TX) Power parameter. Record the value. a. Display the Side A 32WSS in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power value for EXPRESS Port 66 (EXP-RX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 18 Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view.5-37 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 19 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn> Parameters tabs, where n = the connector number containing the wavelength you are testing. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 20 Wait 60 to 70 seconds (or click Reset), then locate the Power and VOA Power Ref parameters for the tested PASS-THROUGH port. Verify that the Power value is equal to the VOA Power Ref value, +/– 1.5 dBm. If the Power value is not equal to the VOA Power Ref value +/–1.5 dBm, contact your next level of support. Step 21 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 22. a. Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 23. Step 22 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 23. a. Display the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards) or the Port 2 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OSC-CSM cards). Record the value. d. Display the Side A 32WSS in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 67 (COM-TX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the 32WSS card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6.5-38 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 23 If a OPT-PRE card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 24. a. Display the Side A OPT-PRE in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. Display the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX) (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E) or Port 3 (COM-TX) (OSC-CSM). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 2.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side A OPT-PRE, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7. Step 24 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps, then continue with Step 26. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 25. a. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 3 (COM-RX) power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side A OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX) of the Side A MMU card. m. Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS cards and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 26.5-39 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 25 Verify the Side A 32WSS card to OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM card cable connection: a. Display the Side A 32WSS in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side A OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS card and the OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 26 Verify the EXPRESS cable connection between the two 32WSS cards: a. Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 65 (EXP-TX) Power parameter. Record the value. a. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power value for Port 66 (EXP-RX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 27 Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. Step 28 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn> Parameters tabs, where n = the connector number containing the wavelength you are testing. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 29 Wait 60 to 70 seconds (or click Reset), then locate the Power and VOA Power Ref parameters for the tested PASS-THROUGH port. Verify that the Power value is equal to the VOA Power Ref value, +/– 1.5 dBm. If the Power value is not equal to the VOA Power Ref value +/– 1.5 dBm, consult your next level of support. Step 30 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 31. a. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.5-40 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 32. Step 31 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 32. a. Display the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards) or the Port 2 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OSC-CSM cards). Record the value. d. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 67 (COM-TX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the 32WSS cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6. Step 32 Complete Steps 18, 19, 27, and 28 for the additional wavelengths that you want to test. If you have tested all the wavelengths, continue with Step 33. Step 33 Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. Step 34 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 35 In the Operating Mode area, click the table cell and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 36 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 37 Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. Step 38 Repeat Steps 34 through 36 for the Side A 32WSS card. Step 39 If you used a tunable laser or installed a TXP_MR_10E_C card for this test, disconnect it from the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM line side RX ports. Step 40 Remove the loopback fiber from the line RX and TX in the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card.5-41 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 41 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G311 Verify the SideB ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), display the Alarms tab. Step 2 Create a physical loopback on the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 3 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side B OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side B. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 4 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 5. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you are testing, then continue with Step 7. Step 5 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Purpose This task verifies the signal flow through Side B of a ROADM node for C-band add/drop channels. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-42 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 6 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the following steps. If you are using a tunable laser continue with Step 7. a. Display the TXP_MR_10E_C in card view. b. Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. c. Locate the Port 2 (Trunk) table cell for the TX Optical Pwr parameter. Record the value. Step 7 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the Side B fiber patch panel MUX port that is connected to the Side B 32WSS card CHAN RX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_C card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 8 Connect the TXP_MR_10E_C DWDM RX port or the power meter RX port to Side B fiber patch panel DMX port that is connected with the Side B 32DMX card CHAN-TX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_C card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 9 Display the 32WSS card in card view. Step 10 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 11 For each wavelength that you will test, click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Add Drop from the drop-down list. Step 12 Click Apply and then Yes, to confirm. Step 13 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 14 Find the tested wavelength CHAN RX port, then scroll to the right until you see the Power Add parameter. Verify that the Power Add value for the tested port CHAN RX is equal to the output power level of the tunable laser or the TXP_MR_10E_C card measured in Step 6, +/– 1.0 dBm. Step 15 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX) for the wavelength under test. Step 16 Verify that the power value from Step 15 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS).Port COM-TX.Power set point +/– 1.0 dBm on Side B. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32WSS card on Side B. c. Expand the Port COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 15 (+/– 2.0 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 17 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 18. a. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.5-43 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 19. Step 18 Verify the connection between the 32WSS card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E or OSC-CSM cards: a. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. If a OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. f. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. g. Verify that the value in Step e or f matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If so, continue with Step 19. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the 32WSS cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 19 If an OPT-PRE card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side B OPT-PRE in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Port 2 (COM-TX) Power value (for OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards) or Port 3 (COM-TX) Power value (for OSC-CSM cards). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side B OPT-PRE card, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7.5-44 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 20 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 21. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If an OPT-PRE card is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs. Record the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display a Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX). m. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 22. Step 21 Verify the connection between the Side B 32WSS card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM card: a. Display the Side B 32WSS in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i.5-45 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS card and the OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, or OSC-CSM card. Step 22 Verify the Side B 32WSS and 32DMX connection: a. Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 69 (DROP-TX). c. Display the Side B 32DMX card in card view. d. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Record the value in the Port 33 (COM-RX) table cell. Verify that the value is equal to the value recorded in b, +/– 1.0 dBm. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and 32DMX cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 23 Display the Side B 32DMX card in card view. Step 24 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tab. Record the CHAN-TX port value under the Power parameter for the wavelength under test. Step 25 Verify that the power value from Step 24 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32DMX).Port CHAN-TX.Power set point +/– 2 dBm on Side B. To view this set point: a. Go to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) and click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32DMX card on Side B. c. Expand the Port CHAN-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32DMX).Port CHAN-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 24 (+/– 2 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 26 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, display it in card view. If not, read the values called for in Step 28 from the optical test set or tunable laser you are using. Step 27 Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. Step 28 In the Port 2 (Trunk) column, locate the RX Optical Power value. Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step 24, +/– 2 dBm. If the power values do not match (+/– 2 dBm), complete the following steps: a. Remove, clean, and replace the cable connecting the TXP_MR_10E_C RX port to the Side B fiber patch panel DMX port for the tested wavelength. See the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. b. Repeat this step. If the power values still do not match (+/– 2 dBm) contact your next level of support. Step 29 Repeat Steps 4 through 28 for the remaining wavelengths. Step 30 Display the Side B 32WSS card in card view. Step 31 Click the Maintenance tab.5-46 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 32 Click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 33 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 34 If you used a tunable laser or installed a TXP_MR_10E_C card for this test, disconnect it from the Side B patch panel. Step 35 Unplug the physical loopback fiber from the line TX and RX in the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Step 36 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G312 Verify the SideA ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 32WSS Cards Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), display the Alarms tab. Step 2 Create a physical loopback on the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 3 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side A. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Purpose This procedure verifies the signal flow through Side A of an ROADM node for C-band add/drop channels. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-47 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 4 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 5. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you are testing, then continue with Step 7. Step 5 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 6 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the following steps. If you are using a tunable laser continue with Step 7. a. Display the TXP_MR_10E_C in card view. b. Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. c. Locate the Port 2 (Trunk) table cell for the TX Optical Pwr parameter. Record the value. Step 7 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the Side A fiber patch panel MUX port that is connected to the Side A 32WSS card CHAN RX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_C card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 8 Connect the TXP_MR_10E_C DWDM RX port or the power meter RX port to the Side A fiber patch panel DMX port that is connected with the Side A 32DMX card CHAN-TX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_C card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 9 Display the 32WSS card in card view. Step 10 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 11 For each wavelength that you will test, click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Add Drop from the drop-down list. Step 12 Click Apply and then Yes, to confirm. Step 13 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 14 Find the tested wavelength CHAN RX port, then scroll to the right until you see the Power Add parameter. Verify that the Power Add value for the tested port CHAN RX is equal to the output power level of the tunable laser or the TXP_MR_10E_C card measured in Step 6, +/– 1.0 dBm. Step 15 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX) for the wavelength under test. Step 16 Verify that the power value from Step 15 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS).Port COM-TX.Power set point +/– 1.0 dBm on Side A. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32WSS card on Side A. c. Expand the Port COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 15 (+/– 2.0 dBm), contact your next level of support.5-48 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 17 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 18. a. Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 19. Step 18 Verify the connection between the 32WSS card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM cards: a. Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. If a OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed on Side A, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. f. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. g. Verify that the value in Step e or f matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If so, continue with Step 19. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the 32WSS cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 19 If an OPT-PRE card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side A OPT-PRE in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view.5-49 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Port 2 (COM-TX) Power value (for OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards) or Port 3 (COM-TX) Power value (for OSC-CSM cards). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side A OPT-PRE card, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7. Step 20 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 21. a. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If an OPT-PRE card is installed on Side A, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs. Record the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX). m. Display a Side A 32WSS card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 22. Step 21 Verify the connection between the Side A 32WSS card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM card: a. Display the Side A 32WSS in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value.5-50 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin d. If a Side A OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display a Side A OSC-CSM card in card view. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS card and the OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, or OSC-CSM card. Step 22 Verify the Side A 32WSS and 32DMX connection: a. Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 69 (DROP-TX). c. Display the Side A 32DMX card in card view. d. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Record the value in the Port 2 (COM-RX) table cell. Verify that the value is equal to the value recorded in Step b, +/– 1.0 dBm. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and 32DMX cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 23 Display the Side A 32DMX card in card view. Step 24 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tab. Record the CHAN-TX port value under the Power parameter for the wavelength under test. Step 25 Verify that the power value recorded in Step 24 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32DMX).Port CHAN-TX.Power set point +/– 2 dBm on Side A. To view this set point: a. Go to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) and click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand 32DMX card on Side A. c. Expand the CHAN-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32DMX).Port CHAN-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 24 (+/– 2 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 26 Display the TXP_MR_10E_C card in card view. Step 27 Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. Step 28 In the Port 2 (Trunk) column, locate the RX Optical Power value. Verify that the value matches the power in Step 24, +/– 2 dBm. If the power values do not match (+/– 2 dBm), complete the following steps: a. Remove, clean, and replace the cable connecting the TXP_MR_10E_C RX port to the Side A fiber patch panel DMX port for the tested wavelength. See the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. 5-51 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin b. Repeat this step. If the power values still do not match (+/– 2 dBm) contact your next level of support. Step 29 Repeat Steps 4 through 28 for the remaining wavelengths. Step 30 Display the Side A 32WSS card in card view. Step 31 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 32 Click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 33 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 34 Disconnect the TXP or tunable laser from the Side A patch panel. Step 35 Unplug the physical loopback fiber from the line TX and RX in the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Step 36 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G154 Perform the ROADM Node with 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L Cards Acceptance Test Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Purpose This acceptance test verifies that a ROADM node provisioned for L-band wavelengths is operating properly before you connect it to the network. The test verifies the operation of the amplifiers and also verifies that each add/drop and pass-through port on the 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L cards operates properly. The test also checks the power levels at each transmit and receive port to ensure that power loss in the cabling is within tolerance. If MMU cards are installed, the test verifies that the MMU insertion loss does not impact add, drop, or pass-through traffic. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_L An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-52 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Note Because the node is isolated and no line-side fibers are connected during the test, the power levels going into the line-side components will not be the same as they would be in a real network setup. Therefore, if the ROADM shelf does not contain OPT-BST-L and OPT-AMP-L (provisioned in OPT-PRE mode) amplifiers on both Side B and Side A, you must lower the OPT-AMP-L power thresholds so that it turns on properly. At the end of the test, you will run ANS to configure the node with the correct parameters for the network acceptance test. Step 1 Make a copy of Table 5-2 on page 5-53 and place it in a convenient location for reference throughout this procedure. The table shows the 32WSS-L ports and the wavelengths assigned to them. The 32 wavelengths are divided among four physical MPO connectors on the 32WSS-L card. Each MPO connector is assigned eight wavelengths. In CTC, the MPO connector appears in the card view Provisioning > Optical Connector tab. Each Optical Connector subtab represents an MPO connector. Ports 1 through 32 are the channel RX (add) ports; Ports 33 through 64 are the pass-through ports. 5-53 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the ROADM node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 3. Table 5-2 32WSS-L Ports and Wavelengths Test Checklist 32WSS-L Provisioning Subtab Port # Wavelength Tested: Pass-Through Tested: Add/Drop Side A Tested: Add/Drop Side B Optical Chn: Optical Connector 1 RX 1, PT 33 1577.86 RX 2, PT 34 1578.69 RX 3, PT 35 1579.52 RX 4, PT 36 1580.35 RX 5, PT 37 1581.18 RX 6, PT 38 1582.02 RX 7, PT 39 1582.85 RX 8, PT 40 1583.69 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 2 RX 9, PT 41 1584.53 RX 10, PT 42 1585.36 RX 11, PT 43 1586.20 RX 12, PT 44 1587.04 RX 13, PT 45 1587.88 RX 14, PT 46 1588.73 RX 15, PT 47 1589.57 RX 16, PT 48 1590.41 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 3 RX 17, PT 49 1591.26 RX 18, PT 50 1592.10 RX 19, PT 51 1592.95 RX 20, PT 52 1593.79 RX 21, PT 53 1594.64 RX 22, PT 54 1595.49 RX 23, PT 55 1596.34 RX 24, PT 56 1597.19 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 4 RX 25, PT 57 1598.04 RX 26, PT 58 1598.89 RX 27, PT 59 1599.75 RX 28, PT 60 1600.60 RX 29, PT 61 1601.46 RX 30, PT 62 1602.31 RX 31, PT 63 1603.17 RX 32, PT 64 1604.035-54 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 3 Display the ROADM node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 4 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note The OSC terminations created during node turn-up will generate two alarms for each side of the shelf, one for an LOS on the OPT-BST-L card, and the other for an LOS on the OSC-CSM or OSCM card. If OSCM cards are installed on ANSI shelves, EOC DCC Termination Failure alarms will appear. Step 5 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are listed as Success - Changed or Success - Unchanged. If any are not, complete the following steps: a. Delete the two OSC channels using the “DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination” task on page 11-50. b. Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. c. Create the OSC channels using the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. Step 6 If MMU cards are installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 7. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. d. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. e. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. f. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. g. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 7 Display the Side B 32WSS-L in card view. Step 8 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 9 Click the Admin State table cell for the add port carrying the tested wavelength, then choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 1 (CHAN-RX) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Step 10 Change the administrative state of the pass-through port corresponding to the port in Step 9 to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). For example, if the tested wavelength is 1577.86 nm (shown as 1577.8), you would click the Port 33 (PASS-THROUGH) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 11 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. 5-55 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 12 Repeat Steps 8 through 11 for all wavelengths that you will test. Step 13 Display the Side A 32WSS-L in card view. Step 14 Repeat Steps 8 through 12 for the Side A 32WSS-L card. Step 15 Display the Side B 32DMX-L in card view and complete the following steps: a. Choose the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. b. For Port 33 (COM-RX), click the Admin State table cell and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. c. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 16 Repeat Step 15 for the Side A 32DMX-L card. Step 17 Complete the “DLP-G362 Verify ROADM Node L-Band Pass-Through Channels” task on page 5-56. Step 18 Complete the following tasks for channels that will be added or dropped on the node. • DLP-G363 Verify the Side B ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels, page 5-64 • DLP-G364 Verify the Side A ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels, page 5-69 Step 19 If MMU cards are installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. d. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. e. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. f. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. g. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 20 Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 21 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you tested. Step 22 Click the Admin State table cell then choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list for all ports that were changed to OOS,MT or Locked,Maintenance. Step 23 Click Apply. Step 24 Repeat Steps 21 through 23 for all the ports that are OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance on the Side B 32WSS-L card. Step 25 Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 26 Repeat Steps 21 through 24 for all ports on the Side A 32WSS-L card. Step 27 Display the Side B 32DMX-L card in card view. Step 28 Choose the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Step 29 For Port 33, click the Admin State table cell and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 30 Click Apply. Step 31 Display the Side A 32DMX-L card in card view. Step 32 Repeat Steps 28 through 30 for the Side A 32DMX-L card.5-56 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 33 Delete both OSC channels using the “DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination” task on page 11-50. Step 34 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Step 35 Create the two OSC channels using the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. Step 36 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment failure alarms appear on the node. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G362 Verify ROADM Node L-Band Pass-Through Channels Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 Create a physical loopback on the Side A OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST-L cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Purpose This task verifies the signal flow through a ROADM node for L-band pass-through channels. Configuring a channel pass-through mode means that the channel passes through both 32WSS-L cards. The channel passes through the first 32WSS-L card from the COM RX port to the EXP TX port. In the second 32WSS-L card, the channel goes from the EXP RX port to the COM TX port. The channel is not terminated inside the node. If MMU cards are installed, the channel passes through the MMU COM RX and EXP TX ports to the 32WSS-L COM RX and EXP TX ports on one side. On the other side, the channel goes from the 32WSS-L EXP RX and 32WSS-L COM TX ports to the MMU EXP RX and COM TX. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_L An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-57 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 2 If an OPT-AMP-L amplifier (provisioned in OPT-PRE mode) is installed on Side A (where the physical loopback was created), perform the following steps. If not, continue with Step 3. a. Display the OPT-AMP-L card in card view, then click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optics Thresholds tabs. b. In the Types area, click Alarm, then click Refresh. The alarm thresholds for the OPT-AMP-L card will appear. c. Double-click the Power Failure Low table cell for Port 1 (1-Line-2-1 RX) and delete the current value. d. Type a new value of –30. Press the Enter key. e. In the CTC window, click Apply, then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 3 If an OPT-AMP-L amplifier (provisioned in OPT-PRE mode) is installed on Side B (where the physical loopback was created), perform the following steps. If not, continue with Step 4. a. Display the OPT-AMP-L card in card view, then click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optics Thresholds tabs. b. In the Types area, click Alarm, then click Refresh. The alarm thresholds for the OPT-AMP-L card will appear. c. Double-click the Power Failure Low table cell for Port 1 (1-Line-2-1 RX) and delete the current value. d. Type a new value of –30. Press the Enter key. e. In the CTC window, click Apply, then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 4 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST-L card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side A. If the alarms do not clear, contact your next level of support. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 5 Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 6 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 7 Click the Operating Mode table cell and choose Pass Through from the drop-down list. Step 8 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 9 Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 10 Repeat Steps 6 through 8 for the Side B 32WSS-L card. Step 11 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, continue with Step 12. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you will test, then continue with Step 13. Step 12 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, complete the “DLP-G358 Provision TXP_MR_10E_L Card for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-26 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Step 13 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_L card DWDM TX port to the Side B OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM LINE RX port. If a Side B OPT-AMP-L card is installed, insert a 10-dB attenuator on the fiber coming from the TXP_MR_10E_L card.5-58 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 14 If an OPT-AMP-L card configured as an OPT-PRE is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 15. a. Display the Side B OPT-AMP-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1. Record the value. d. Display the Side B OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 2 (if an OPT-BST-L card) or Port 3 (if an OSC-CSM card). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-AMP-L card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Complete the “DLP-G360 Verify the OPT-AMP-L (OPT-PRE Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-27. Step 15 If MMU cards are installed complete the following steps. If an MMU cards are not installed, continue with Step 16. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 3 (COM-RX) power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-AMP-L card provisioned as an OPT-PRE is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-AMP-L Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX) of the Side B MMU card. m. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.5-59 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 17. Step 16 Verify the Side B 32WSS-L to OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L, or OSC-CSM card cable connection: a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-AMP-L card provisioned as an OPT-PRE is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2, then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3, then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2, then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L card and the OPT-AMP-L, OPT-BST-L, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 17 Verify the EXPRESS cable connection between the two 32WSS-L cards: a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 65 (EXP-TX) Power parameter. Record the value. a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power value for Port 66 (EXP-RX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 18 Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 19 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn> Parameters tabs, where n = the connector number containing the wavelength you are testing. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 20 Wait 60 to 70 seconds, then locate the Power and VOA Power Ref parameters for the tested PASS-THROUGH port. Verify that the Power value is equal to the VOA Power Ref value, +/– 1.5 dBm. If the Power value is not equal to the VOA Power Ref value, +/– 1.5 dBm, contact your next level of support. Step 21 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 22. a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view.5-60 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If an OPT-BST-L card is installed on Side A, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card, and the MMU card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 23. Step 22 If an OPT-BST-L card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 23. a. Display the Side B OPT-BST-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 Power parameter. Record the value. d. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 67. Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L and 32WSS-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6. Step 23 If a Side A OPT-AMP-L card provisioned as an OPT-PRE is installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 24. a. Display the Side A OPT-AMP-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side A OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.5-61 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin f. Locate the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX) (OPT-BST-L) or Port 3 (COM-TX) (OSC-CSM). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 2.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-AMP-L card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side A OPT-AMP-L card provisioned as an OPT-PRE, complete the “DLP-G360 Verify the OPT-AMP-L (OPT-PRE Mode) Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-27. Step 24 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps, then continue with Step 26. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 25. a. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 3 (COM-RX) power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side A OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-AMP-L Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If an OPT-BST-L card is installed on Side A, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX) of the Side A MMU card. m. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS and cards and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 26. Step 25 Verify the Side A 32WSS-L card to OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L, or OSC-CSM card cable connection: a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side A OPT-AMP-L card is installed, display it in card view, and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. 5-62 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view, and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L card and the OPT-AMP-L, OPT-BST-L, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 26 Verify the EXPRESS cable connection between the two 32WSS-L cards: a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 65 (EXP-TX) Power parameter. Record the value. a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power value for Port 66 (EXP-RX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 27 Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 28 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn> Parameters tabs, where n = the connector number containing the wavelength you are testing. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 29 Wait 60 to 70 seconds (or click Reset), then locate the Power and VOA Power Ref parameters for the tested PASS-THROUGH port. Verify that the Power value is equal to the VOA Power Ref value, +/– 1.5 dBm. If the Power value is not equal to the VOA Power Ref value +/– 1.5 dBm, consult your next level of support. Step 30 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 31. a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side B OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j.5-63 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 32. Step 31 If an OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 32. a. Display the Side B OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OPT-BST-L card) or the Port 2 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OSC-CSM card). Record the value. d. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 67 (COM-TX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L card and the OSC-CSM or 32WSS-L card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6. Step 32 Repeat Steps 18 through 20 and 27 through 29 for the remaining wavelengths to be tested. If you have tested all the wavelengths, continue with Step 33. Step 33 Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 34 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 35 In the Operating Mode, click the table cell and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 36 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 37 Display the Side A 32WSS-L in card view. Step 38 Repeat Steps 34 through 36 for the Side A 32WSS-L card. Step 39 Remove the TXP or tunable laser from the Side B OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM line side TX and RX ports. Step 40 Remove the loopback fiber from the line RX and TX in the Side A OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card. Step 41 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).5-64 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin DLP-G363 Verify the SideB ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), display the Alarms tab. Step 2 Create a physical loopback on the Side B OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST-L cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 3 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side B OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST-L card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side B. Note For ANSI shelves, EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 4 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, continue with Step 5. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you are testing, then continue with Step 7. Step 5 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, complete the “DLP-G358 Provision TXP_MR_10E_L Card for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-26 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. See Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 6 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, complete the following steps. If you are using a tunable laser, continue with Step 7. a. Display the TXP_MR_10E_L in card view. b. Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. c. Locate the Port 2 (Trunk) table cell for the TX Optical Pwr parameter. Record the value. Purpose This procedure verifies the signal flow through Side B of a ROADM node for L-band add/drop channels. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_L An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-65 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 7 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_L card DWDM TX port to the Side B fiber patch panel MUX port that corresponds to the Side B 32WSS-L card port carrying the tested wavelength. Step 8 Connect the TXP_MR_10E_L DWDM RX port or the power meter RX port to the Side B fiber patch panel DMX port that is connected with the Side B 32DMX-L card CHAN-TX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_L card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 9 Display the 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 10 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 11 For each wavelength that you will test, click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Add Drop from the drop-down list. Step 12 Click Apply and then Yes, to confirm. Step 13 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 14 Find the tested wavelength CHAN RX port, then scroll to the right until you see the Power Add parameter. Verify that the Power Add value for the tested port CHAN RX is equal to the output power level of the tunable laser or the TXP_MR_10E_L card measured in Step 6, +/– 1.0 dBm. Step 15 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX) for the wavelength under test. Step 16 Verify that the power value from Step 15 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS-L).Port COM-TX.Power set +/– 1.0 dBm on Side B. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32WSS-L card on Side B. c. Expand the COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS-L).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 15 (+/– 2.0 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 17 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 18. a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side B OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j.5-66 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 19. Step 18 Verify the connection between the 32WSS-L card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM cards: a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. If a OPT-BST-L card is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. f. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. g. Verify that the value in Step e or f matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If so, continue with Step 19. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card and the 32WSS-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 19 If an OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side B OPT-AMP-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side B OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Port 2 (COM-TX) Power value (for OPT-BST-L cards) or Port 3 (COM-TX) Power value (for OSC-CSM cards). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-AMP-L card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side B OPT-AMP-L card, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7. Step 20 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 21. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value.5-67 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin d. If an OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs. Record the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX). m. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 22. Step 21 Verify the connection between the Side B 32WSS-L card and the OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L (in OPT-PRE mode), or OSC-CSM card: a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L card and the OPT-AMP-L, OPT-BST-L, or OSC-CSM card.5-68 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 22 Verify the Side B 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L connection: a. Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 69 (DROP-TX). c. Display the Side B 32DMX-L card in card view. d. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Record the value in the Port 2 (COM-RX) table cell. Verify that the value is equal to the value recorded in b, +/– 1.0 dBm. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 23 Display the Side B 32DMX-L card in card view. Step 24 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tab. Record the CHAN-TX port value under the Power parameter for the wavelength under test. Step 25 Verify that the power value from Step 24 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32DMX-L).Port CHAN-TX.Power set point +/– 2 dBm on Side B. To view this set point: a. Go to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) and click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32DMX-L card. c. Expand the CHAN-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Side B Shelf i Slot i (32DMX-L).Port CHAN-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 24 (+/– 2 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 26 Display the TXP_MR_10E_L card in card view. Step 27 Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. Step 28 In the Port 2 (Trunk) column, locate the RX Optical Power value. Verify that the value matches the power in Step 24, +/– 2 dBm. If the power values do not match (+/– 2 dBm), complete the following steps: a. Remove, clean, and replace the cable connecting the TXP_MR_10E_C RX port to the Side B fiber patch panel DMX port for the tested wavelength. See the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. b. Repeat this step. If the power values still do not match (+/– 2 dBm) contact your next level of support. Step 29 Repeat Steps 4 through 28 for the remaining wavelengths. Step 30 Display the Side B 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 31 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 32 Click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 33 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 34 Disconnect the TXP or tunable laser from the Side B patch panel. Step 35 Unplug the physical loopback fiber from the line TX and RX in the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card.5-69 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 36 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G364 Verify the SideA ROADM L-Band Add/Drop Channels Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), display the Alarms tab. Step 2 Create a physical loopback on the Side A OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST-L cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 3 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST-L card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side A. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 4 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, continue with Step 5. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you are testing, then continue with Step 7. Step 5 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, complete the “DLP-G358 Provision TXP_MR_10E_L Card for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-26 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Purpose This procedure verifies the signal flow through Side A of a ROADM node for L-band add/drop channels. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_L An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-70 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 6 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_L card, complete the following steps. If you are using a tunable laser, continue with Step 7. a. Display the TXP_MR_10E_L in card view. b. Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. c. Locate the Port 2 (Trunk) table cell for the TX Optical Pwr parameter. Record the value. Step 7 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_L card DWDM TX port to the Side A fiber patch panel MUX port that corresponds to the Side A 32WSS-L card port carrying the tested wavelength. Step 8 Connect the TXP_MR_10E_L DWDM RX port or the power meter RX port to the Side A fiber patch panel DMX port that is connected with the Side A 32DMX-L card CHAN-TX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_L card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 9 Display the 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 10 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 11 For each wavelength that you will test, click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Add Drop from the drop-down list. Step 12 Click Apply and then Yes, to confirm. Step 13 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-2 on page 5-53, if needed. Step 14 Find the tested wavelength CHAN RX port, then scroll to the right until you see the Power Add parameter. Verify that the Power Add value for the tested port CHAN RX is equal to the output power level of the tunable laser or the TXP_MR_10E_L card measured in Step 6, +/– 1.0 dBm. Step 15 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX) for the wavelength under test. Step 16 Verify that the power value from Step 15 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS-L).Port COM-TX.Power +/– 1.0 dBm on Side A. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32WSS-L card on Side A. c. Expand the Port COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the Shelf i Slot i (32WSS-L).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 15 (+/– 2.0 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 17 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 18. a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.5-71 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side A OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 19. Step 18 Verify the connection between the 32WSS-L card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM cards: a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. If a OPT-BST-L card is installed on Side A, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. f. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. g. Verify that the value in Step e or f matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If so, continue with Step 19. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card and the 32WSS-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 19 If an OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side A OPT-AMP-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side A OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Port 2 (COM-TX) Power value (for OPT-BST-L cards) or Port 3 (COM-TX) Power value (for OSC-CSM cards). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-AMP-L card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side A OPT-AMP-L card, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7.5-72 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 20 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 21. a. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If an OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode is installed on Side A, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs. Record the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX). m. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 22. Step 21 Verify the connection between the Side A 32WSS-L card and the OPT-BST-L, OPT-AMP-L (in OPT-PRE mode), or OSC-CSM card: a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side A OPT-AMP-L card provisioned in OPT-PRE mode is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST-L card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i.5-73 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L card and the OPT-AMP-L, OPT-BST-L, or OSC-CSM card. Step 22 Verify the Side A 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L connection: a. Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 69 (DROP-TX). c. Display the Side A 32DMX-L card in card view. d. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Record the value in the Port 2 (COM-RX) table cell. Verify that the value is equal to the value recorded in b, +/– 1.0 dBm. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 32WSS-L and 32DMX-L cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 23 Display the Side A 32DMX-L card in card view. Step 24 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tab. Record the CHAN-TX port value under the Power parameter for the wavelength under test. Step 25 Verify that the power value from Step 24 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (32DMX-L).Port CHAN-TX.Power set point +/– 2 dBm on Side A. To view this set point: a. Go to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) and click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 32DMX-L card on Side A. c. Expand the Port CHAN-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (32DMX-L).Port CHAN-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 24 (+/– 2 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 26 Display the TXP_MR_10E_L card in card view. Step 27 Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. Step 28 In the Port 2 (Trunk) column, locate the RX Optical Power value. Verify that the value matches the power in Step 24, +/– 2 dBm. If the power values do not match (+/– 2 dBm), complete the following steps: a. Remove, clean, and replace the cable connecting the TXP_MR_10E_L RX port to the Side A fiber patch panel DMX port for the tested wavelength. See the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. b. Repeat this step. If the power values still do not match (+/– 2 dBm) contact your next level of support. Step 29 Repeat Steps 4 through 28 for the remaining wavelengths. Step 30 Display the Side A 32WSS-L card in card view. Step 31 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 32 Click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 33 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm.5-74 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 34 Disconnect the TXP or tunable laser from the Side A patch panel. Step 35 Unplug the physical loopback fiber from the line TX and RX in the OPT-BST-L or OSC-CSM card. Step 36 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). NTP-G180 Perform the ROADM Node with 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C Cards Acceptance Test Note Optical power measurements require either a tunable laser or a multirate transponder to generate the proper optical wavelength. If multirate transponders were installed during completion of Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” they can be used for this procedure. No additional cabling changes are needed. Note Because the node is isolated and no line-side fibers are connected during the test, the power levels going into the line-side cards will not be the same as the levels after the node is connected to the network. Therefore, if the ROADM shelf does not contain either OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E amplifiers, and OPT-PRE amplifiers on both the Side B and Side A sides, lower the OPT-PRE power thresholds so that the ROADM shelf turns on properly. At the end of the test, you will run ANS to configure the node with the correct parameters for the network acceptance test. Note Throughout this procedure, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Purpose This acceptance test verifies that a ROADM node provisioned for C-band wavelengths is operating properly before you connect it to the network. The test verifies the operation of the amplifiers and also verifies that each add/drop and pass-through port on the 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C cards operates properly. The test also checks the power levels at each transmit and receive port to ensure that power loss in the cabling is within tolerance. If MMU cards are installed, the test verifies that the MMU insertion loss does not impact add, drop, or pass through circuits. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node” Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-75 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 1 Make a copy of Table 5-3 on page 5-76 and place it in a convenient location for reference throughout this procedure. The table shows the 40-WSS-C ports and the wavelengths assigned to them. The 40 wavelengths are divided among five physical multi-fiber push on (MPO) connectors on the 40-WSS-C card. Each MPO connector is assigned eight wavelengths. In Cisco Transport controller (CTC), the MPO connector appears in the card view Provisioning > Optical Chn:Optical Connector tab. Each Optical Connector subtab represents an MPO connector. Ports 1 through 40 are the channel (CHAN) RX (add) ports; Ports 41 through 80 are the pass-through ports. Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on page 3-30 at the ROADM node that you want to test. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 3. Step 3 Display the ROADM node in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode). Step 4 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment alarms appear indicating equipment failure or other hardware problems. (Equipment alarms are indicated by an EQPT in the Alarms tab Cond column.) If equipment failure alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Note The OSC terminations created during node turn-up will generate LOS alarms on the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-AMP-C cards, and on the OSC-CSM and OSCM cards. If OSCM cards are installed in ANSI shelves, EOC SDCC Termination Failure alarms will also appear. Step 5 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all statuses under Link Status are either Success - Changed or Success - Unchanged. If any are not, complete the following steps: a. Delete the two OSC channels using the “DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination” task on page 11-50. b. Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. c. Create the OSC channels using the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126. Note The OSC terminations created will generate LOS alarms on the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-AMP-C cards and on the OSC-CSM and OSCM cards. If OSCM cards are installed in ANSI shelves, EOC DCC Termination Failure alarms will also appear. Step 6 If MMU cards are installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 7. a. Display the Side B MMU in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. d. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. e. Display the Side A MMU in card view. f. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. 5-76 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin g. Click the Admin State table cell for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 7 Display the Side B 40-WSS-C in card view. Step 8 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connector n > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-3, if needed. Step 9 Click the Admin State table cell for the add port carrying the tested wavelength, then choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 1 (CHAN-RX) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Step 10 Change the administrative state of the pass-through port corresponding to the port in Step 9 to OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI). For example, if the tested wavelength is 1530.33 nm (shown as 1530.3), you would click the Port 33 (PASS-THROUGH) Admin State field and choose OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance from the drop-down list. Refer to Table 5-3, if needed. Table 5-3 40-WSS-C Ports and Wavelengths Test Checklist 40-WSS-C Provisioning Subtab Port # Wavelength Tested: Pass-Through Tested: Add/Drop Side A Tested: Add/Drop Side B Optical Chn: Optical Connector 1 RX 1, PT 41 1530.33 RX 2, PT 42 1531.12 RX 3, PT 43 1531.90 RX 4, PT 44 1532.68 RX 5, PT 45 1533.47 RX 6, PT 46 1533.47 RX 7, PT 47 1535.04 RX 8, PT 48 1535.82 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 2 RX 9, PT 49 1536.81 RX 10, PT 50 1537.40 RX 11, PT 51 1538.19 RX 12, PT 52 1538.98 RX 13, PT 53 1539.77 RX 14, PT 54 1540.56 RX 15, PT 55 1541.35 RX 16, PT 56 1542.145-77 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 11 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 12 Repeat Steps 8 through 11 for each wavelength that you will test. Step 13 Display the Side A 40-WSS-C in card view. Step 14 Repeat Steps 8 through 12 for the Side A 40-WSS-C card. Step 15 Display the Side B 40-DMX-C card in card view and complete the following steps: a. Choose the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. b. For Port 41 (COM-RX), click the Admin State table cell and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) from the drop-down list. c. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 16 Repeat Step 15 for the Side A 40-DMX-C card. Optical Chn: Optical Connector 3 RX 17, PT 57 1542.19 RX 18, PT 58 1543.73 RX 19, PT 59 1544.53 RX 20, PT 60 1545.32 RX 21, PT 61 1546.12 RX 22, PT 62 1546.92 RX 23, PT 63 1547.72 RX 24, PT 64 1548.51 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 4 RX 25, PT 65 1549.32 RX 26, PT 66 1550.12 RX 27, PT 67 1550.92 RX 28, PT 68 1551.72 RX 29, PT 69 1552.52 RX 30, PT 70 1553.33 RX 31, PT 71 1554.13 RX 32, PT 72 1554.94 Optical Chn: Optical Connector 5 RX 33, PT 73 1555.75 RX 34, PT 74 1556.55 RX 35, PT 75 1557.36 RX 36, PT 76 1558.17 RX 37, PT 77 1558.98 RX 38, PT 78 1559.71 RX 39, PT 79 1560.61 RX 40, PT 80 1561.42 Table 5-3 40-WSS-C Ports and Wavelengths Test Checklist (continued) 40-WSS-C Provisioning Subtab Port # Wavelength Tested: Pass-Through Tested: Add/Drop Side A Tested: Add/Drop Side B5-78 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 17 Complete the “DLP-G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards” task on page 5-79. Step 18 Complete the following tasks for channels that will be added or dropped on the node. • DLP-G311 Verify the Side B ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards, page 5-87 • DLP-G312 Verify the Side A ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards, page 5-92 Step 19 If MMU cards are installed, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side B MMU in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Click Admin State for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. d. Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. e. Display the Side A MMU in card view. f. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. g. Click Admin State for the COM RX, COM TX, EXP RX, and EXP TX ports and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 20 Display the Side B 40-WSS-C in card view. Step 21 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you tested. Step 22 Click the Admin State table cell then choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list for all ports that were changed to OOS,MT or Locked,Maintenance in Steps 9 and 10. Step 23 Click Apply. Step 24 Repeat Steps 21 through 23 for all the ports that are in OOS,MT or Locked,maintenance state on the Side B 40-WSS-C card. Step 25 Display the Side A 40-WSS-C in card view. Step 26 Repeat Steps 21 through 23 for all ports on the Side A 40-WSS-C card. Step 27 Display the Side B 40-DMX-C in card view. Step 28 Choose the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Step 29 For Port 33, click the Admin State table cell and choose IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) from the drop-down list. Step 30 Click Apply. Step 31 Display the Side A 40-DMX-C card in card view. Step 32 Repeat Steps 28 through 30 for the Side A 40-DMX-C card. Step 33 Delete both OSC channels using the “DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination” task on page 11-50. Step 34 Complete the “NTP-G37 Run Automatic Node Setup” procedure on page 4-127. Step 35 Create the two OSC channels using the “NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations” procedure on page 4-126.5-79 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 36 Click the Alarms tab. a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 10-26 as necessary. b. Verify that no equipment failure alarms appear on the node. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures. Stop. You have completed this procedure. DLP-G310 Verify ROADM Node C-Band Pass-Through Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 Create a physical loopback on the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Purpose This task verifies the signal flow through a ROADM node for C-band pass-through channels. Pass-through channels pass through both 40-WSS-C cards. The channels pass through the first 40-WSS-C from the COM-RX port to the EXP-TX port. In the second 40-WSS-C, the channel goes from the EXP-RX port to the COM-TX port. The channel is not terminated inside the node. If MMU cards are installed, the channel passes through the MMU COM-RX and EXP-TX ports to the 40-WSS-C COM-RX and EXP-TX ports on one side. On the other side, the channel goes from the 40-WSS-C EXP-RX and COM-TX ports to the MMU EXP-RX and COM-TX ports. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations, page 4-126 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-80 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 2 If an OPT-PRE amplifier is installed on Side A (where the physical loopback was created), perform the following steps. If not, continue with Step 3. a. Display the OPT-PRE card in card view, then click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optics Thresholds tabs. b. In the Types area, click Alarm, then click Refresh. The alarm thresholds for the OPT-PRE card will appear. c. Double-click the Power Failure Low table cell for Port 1 (COM-RX) and delete the current value. d. Type a new value of –30.0 and press the Enter key. e. In the CTC window, click Apply, then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 3 If an OPT-PRE or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 4. a. Display the Side B OPT-PRE card in card view, then click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Optics Thresholds tabs. b. In the Types area, click Alarm, then click Refresh. The alarm thresholds for the OPT-PRE card will appear. c. Double-click the Power Failure Low table cell for Port 1 (COM-RX) and delete the current value. d. Type a new value of –30.0 and press the Enter key. e. In the CTC window, click Apply, then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Step 4 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then in node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side A OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side A. If the alarms do not clear, contact your next level of support. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC SDCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 5 Display the Side A 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 6 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 7 Click the Operating Mode table cell for the wavelength under test and choose Pass Through from the drop-down list. Step 8 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 9 Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 10 Repeat Steps 6 through 8 for the Side B 40-WSS-C card. Step 11 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 12. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you will test, then continue with Step 13. Step 12 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Step 13 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM LINE RX port. If a Side B OPT-PRE is installed, insert a 10-dB attenuator on the fiber coming from the TXP_MR_10E_C card.5-81 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Note If using a pre-installed TXP_MR-10E_C card that is connected to the 40-DMX-C, there is no need to connect the TXP_MR_10E_C DWDM TX port to the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM LINE RX port. Install an optical loopback between the LINE TX and RX ports on the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 14 If an OPT-PRE or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 15. a. Display the Side B OPT-PRE in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX) (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E) or Port 3 (COM-TX) (OSC-CSM). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 2.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side B OPT-PRE card, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7. Step 15 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps, then continue with Step 17. If an MMU card is not installed, continue with Step 16. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 3 (COM-RX) power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.5-82 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX) of the Side B MMU card. m. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 17. Step 16 Verify the Side B 40-WSS-C card to OPT-BST, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM card cable connection: a. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 84 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If an OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C card and the OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 17 Verify the EXPRESS cable connection between the two 40-WSS-C cards: a. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 81 (EXP-TX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. Display the Side A 40-WSS-C in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for EXPRESS Port 82 (EXP-RX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 18 Display the Side A 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 19 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn> Parameters tabs, where n = the connector number containing the wavelength you are testing. Refer to Table 5-3 on page 5-76, if needed. Step 20 Wait 60 to 70 seconds (or click Reset), then locate the Power and VOA Power Ref parameters for the tested PASS-THROUGH port. Verify that the Power value is equal to the VOA Power Ref value, +/– 1.5 dBm. If the Power value is not equal to the VOA Power Ref value +/–1.5 dBm, contact your next level of support.5-83 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 21 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 22. a. Display the Side A 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 83 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX). h. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 23. Step 22 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 23. a. Display the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards) or the Port 2 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OSC-CSM cards). Record the value. d. Display the Side A 40-WSS-C in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 83 (COM-TX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the 40-WSS-C card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6. Step 23 If a OPT-PRE card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 24. a. Display the Side A OPT-PRE in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. Display the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view.5-84 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX) (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E) or Port 3 (COM-TX) (OSC-CSM). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 2.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side A OPT-PRE, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7. Step 24 If an MMU card is installed on Side A, complete the following steps, then continue with Step 26. If an MMU card is not installed on Side A, continue with Step 25. a. Display the Side A MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 3 (COM-RX) power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side A OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX) of the Side A MMU card. m. Display the Side A 40-WSS-C card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 84 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C and cards and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 26. Step 25 Verify the Side A 40-WSS-C card to OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM card cable connection: a. Display the Side A 40-WSS-C in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 84 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value.5-85 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin d. If a Side A OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side A OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side A OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C card and the OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 26 Verify the EXPRESS cable connection between the two 40-WSS-C cards: a. Display the Side A 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 81 (EXP-TX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 82 (EXP-RX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 27 Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 28 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn> Parameters tabs, where n = the connector number containing the wavelength you are testing. Refer to Table 5-3 on page 5-76, if needed. Step 29 Wait 60 to 70 seconds (or click Reset), then locate the Power and VOA Power Ref parameters for the tested PASS-THROUGH port. Verify that the Power value is equal to the VOA Power Ref value, +/– 1.5 dBm. If the Power value is not equal to the VOA Power Ref value +/– 1.5 dBm, consult your next level of support. Step 30 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 31. a. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 83 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX).5-86 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin h. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 32. Step 31 If an OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 32. a. Display the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 1 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards) or the Port 2 (COM-RX) Power parameter (OSC-CSM cards). Record the value. d. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Power value for Port 83 (COM-TX). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/–1 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the 40-WSS-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card, complete the “DLP-G79 Verify the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OPT-BST-L Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-6. Step 32 Complete Steps 18, 19, 27, and 28 for the additional wavelengths that you want to test. If you have tested all the wavelengths, continue with Step 33. Step 33 Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 34 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 35 In the Operating Mode column, click the table cell and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 36 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 37 Display the Side A 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 38 Repeat Steps 34 through 36 for the Side A 40-WSS-C card. Step 39 If you used a tunable laser or installed a TXP_MR_10E_C card for this test, disconnect it or the tunable laser from the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM line side RX ports. Step 40 Remove the loopback fiber from the line RX and TX in the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Step 41 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).5-87 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin DLP-G311 Verify the SideB ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), display the Alarms tab. Step 2 Create a physical loopback on the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card by connecting the LINE TX port to its LINE RX port. For OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards, connect a 10-dB bulk attenuator to the fiber. (OSC-CSM cards do not require attenuation.) Caution Failure to use proper attenuation might damage the equipment. Step 3 Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then click the Alarms tab. Verify that the LOS alarms on the Side B OSCM or OSC-CSM card and the OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card have cleared. The clearing of the LOS alarms indicates that the OSC link is active on Side B. Note For ANSI shelves, an EOC DCC Termination Failure alarm will continue to appear due to the OSC signal loopback. Step 4 If you are using a tunable laser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the following steps. If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, continue with Step 5. a. Set the output power to a nominal value, such as –3 dBm. b. Set the tuner to the wavelength you are testing, then continue with Step 7. Step 5 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the “DLP-G268 Provision TXP_MR_10E_C Cards for Acceptance Testing” task on page 5-5 for the TXP containing the wavelength you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 6 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, complete the following steps. If you are using a tunable laser continue with Step 7. a. Display the TXP_MR_10E_C in card view. b. Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. Purpose This task verifies the signal flow through Side B of a ROADM node for C-band add/drop channels. Tools/Equipment One of the following: • A tunable laser • TXP_MR_10E_C An optical power meter or optical spectrum analyzer Two bulk attenuators (10 dB) with LC connectors Prerequisite Procedures DLP-G46 Log into CTC, page 3-30 Required/As Needed As needed Onsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Superuser only5-88 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin c. Locate the Port 2 (Trunk) table cell for the TX Optical Pwr parameter. Record the value. Step 7 Connect the tunable laser transmitter or the TXP_MR_10E_C card DWDM TX port to the Side B fiber patch panel MUX port that is connected to the Side B 40-WSS-C card CHAN RX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_C card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 8 Connect the TXP_MR_10E_C DWDM RX port or the power meter RX port to the Side B fiber patch panel DMX port that is connected with the Side B 40-DMX-C card CHAN-TX port carrying the tested wavelength. (If the TXP_MR_10E_C card was installed during Chapter 4, “Turn Up a Node,” simply verify the cable connection.) Step 9 Display the 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 10 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 11 For each wavelength that you will test, click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Add Drop from the drop-down list. Step 12 Click Apply and then Yes, to confirm. Step 13 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn Optical Connectorn > Parameters tabs, where n = the optical connector number that carries the wavelengths you will test. Refer to Table 5-1 on page 5-30, if needed. Step 14 Find the tested wavelength CHAN RX port, then scroll to the right until you see the Power Add parameter. Verify that the Power Add value for the tested port CHAN RX is equal to the output power level of the tunable laser or the TXP_MR_10E_C card measured in Step 6, +/– 1.0 dBm. Step 15 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX) for the wavelength under test. Step 16 Verify that the power value from Step 15 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (40-WSS-C).Port COM-TX.Power set point +/– 1.0 dBm on Side B. To view this set point: a. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 40-WSS-C card on Side B. c. Expand the Port COM-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (40-WSS-C).Port COM-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 15 (+/– 2.0 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 17 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 18. a. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 1 (EXP-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 4 (COM-TX).5-89 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin h. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step i. If not, continue with Step j. i. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. j. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step k. k. Verify that the value in Step i or j matches the power recorded in Step g, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. l. Continue with Step 19. Step 18 Verify the connection between the 40-WSS-C card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E or OSC-CSM cards: a. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 67 (COM-TX). d. If a OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 1 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. f. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-RX), then continue with Step g. g. Verify that the value in Step e or f matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If so, continue with Step 19. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card and the 40-WSS-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 19 If an OPT-PRE card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 20. a. Display the Side B OPT-PRE in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Power parameter for Port 1 (COM-RX). Record the value. d. Display the Side B OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card in card view. e. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. f. Locate the Port 2 (COM-TX) Power value (for OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E cards) or Port 3 (COM-TX) Power value (for OSC-CSM cards). Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the OPT-PRE card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. g. For the Side B OPT-PRE card, complete the “DLP-G80 Verify the OPT-PRE Amplifier Laser and Power” task on page 5-7. Step 20 If an MMU card is installed on Side B, complete the following steps. If an MMU card is not installed on Side B, continue with Step 21. a. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value.5-90 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin d. If an OPT-PRE card is installed on Side B, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the OPT-PRE Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs. Record the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that value in the Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the MMU card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. j. Display the Side B MMU card in card view. k. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. l. Record the value in the Power table cell for Port 2 (EXP-TX). m. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. n. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. o. Verify that the value in the Power table cell for Port 68 (COM-RX) is equal to the value recorded in Step l, +/– 1.0 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C and MMU cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. p. Continue with Step 22. Step 21 Verify the connection between the Side B 40-WSS-C card and the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, OPT-PRE, or OSC-CSM card: a. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. c. Locate the Port 68 (COM-RX) Power parameter. Record the value. d. If a Side B OPT-PRE card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step e. If not, continue with Step f. e. Click the Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tabs and read the Total Output Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. f. If a Side B OPT-BST or OPT-BST-E card is installed, display it in card view and complete Step g. If not, continue with Step h. g. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 2 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. h. Display the Side B OSC-CSM card in card view. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and read the Power value for Port 3 (COM-TX), then continue with Step i. i. Verify that the value in Step e, g, or h matches the power recorded in Step c, +/– 1.5 dB. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C card and the OPT-PRE, OPT-BST, or OSC-CSM card.5-91 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 22 Verify the Side B 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C connection: a. Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and record the value in the Power table cell for Port 69 (DROP-TX). c. Display the Side B 40-DMX-C card in card view. d. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs. Record the value in the Port 33 (COM-RX) table cell. Verify that the value is equal to the value recorded in b, +/– 1.0 dBm. If not, use the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31 to clean the fiber connection between the 40-WSS-C and 40-DMX-C cards. Check the values again. If they still do not match, contact your next level of support. Step 23 Display the Side B 40-DMX-C card in card view. Step 24 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tab. Record the CHAN-TX port value under the Power parameter for the wavelength under test. Step 25 Verify that the power value from Step 24 reaches the Shelf i Slot i (40-DMX-C).Port CHAN-TX.Power set point +/– 2 dBm on Side B. To view this set point: a. Go to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) and click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs. b. In the Selector window on the left, expand the 40-DMX-C card on Side B. c. Expand the CHAN-TX category. d. Select Power. e. View the value of the Shelf i Slot i (40-DMX-C).Port CHAN-TX.Power parameter on the right pane. f. If the power value does not match the value recorded in Step 24 (+/– 2 dBm), contact your next level of support. Step 26 If you are using a TXP_MR_10E_C card, display it in card view. If not, read the values called for in Step 28 from the optical test set or tunable laser you are using. Step 27 Click the Performance > Optics PM > Current Values tabs. Step 28 In the Port 2 (Trunk) column, locate the RX Optical Power value. Verify that the value matches the power recorded in Step 24, +/– 2 dBm. If the power values do not match (+/– 2 dBm), complete the following steps: a. Remove, clean, and replace the cable connecting the TXP_MR_10E_C RX port to the Side B fiber patch panel DMX port for the tested wavelength. See the “NTP-G115 Clean Fiber Connectors” procedure on page 14-31. b. Repeat this step. If the power values still do not match (+/– 2 dBm) contact your next level of support. Step 29 Repeat Steps 4 through 28 for the remaining wavelengths. Step 30 Display the Side B 40-WSS-C card in card view. Step 31 Click the Maintenance tab. Step 32 Click the table cell in the Operating Mode column and choose Not Assigned from the drop-down list for all wavelengths. Step 33 Click Apply, then click Yes to confirm. Step 34 Disconnect the TXP or tunable laser from the Side B patch panel. Step 35 Unplug the physical loopback fiber from the line TX and RX in the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card.5-92 Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide, Release 9.2 78-19286-02 Chapter 5 Perform Node Acceptance Tests Before You Begin Step 36 Return to your originating procedure (NTP). DLP-G312 Verify the SideA ROADM C-Band Add/Drop Channels with 40-WSS-C Cards Note Throughout this task, Side A refers to Slots 1 through 8, and Side B refers to Slots 10 through 17. Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), display the Alarms tab. Step 2 Create a physical loopback on the Side A OPT-BST, OPT-BST-E, or OSC-CSM card